Revival Road

Chapter 112

Chapter 112
When he was about to get off work in the afternoon, he had a toothache. This old problem made Tao Tang very annoying.I didn't want to eat dinner, so I went back to Xiaozhao and lay on the sofa, clutching my cheeks in a daze, hoping that the energy would pass as soon as possible.But the pain got worse, and while habitually pinching a throbbing nerve in the upper part of his temple, he found a proven painkiller he had brought and swallowed it.He knew that it would take at least half an hour to suppress the severe pain with medicine, so he turned on the TV, hoping to divert his attention.

His eyes stared at the news channel, but his mind was thinking about what happened today.

The removal of Liao Junwei brought some negative reactions.His status determines that it is difficult for him to hear different voices directly.The reactions were all indirect, Zhou Bing and Qiu Lin among the members of the team, and Peng Jie from the organization department all reported to him: some central cadres thought the punishment was too severe. In Branch 2, the workshop director and the dispatching section chief of the human resources department came second. The point is that the treatment of Liao Junwei may be a bit heavy...

Misleading?Am I easily misled?Tao Tang sneered in his heart.

But the atmosphere he felt when he went to the 2nd branch factory in the afternoon confirmed the reflections of Zhou Bing and Qiu Lin. 2 An old worker in the branch factory directly gave him an opinion. Because the stamping station could not keep people, he had to recruit temporary workers. Liao Tou is a good official. It is too much to avoid Liao Tou because of a work-related injury. The woman is in financial difficulties, but her good intentions have brought this result...

At that time, the branch secretary of the No. 2 branch factory who was demoted and retained was very nervous, but he calmly listened to the dissatisfaction of the old worker and explained it patiently.

He participated in the resignation talk with Liao Junwei. Lao Liao shed tears on the spot and admitted that he had made a mistake, so he obeyed the organization's decision, but he made a request. He didn't want to leave the 2nd branch factory. Can we arrange it on the spot?Peng Jie bluntly said no, if you stay in the No. 2 branch factory, Comrade Guo Yan may not be able to carry out his work.

The arrangement proposed by the organization department was to ask Lao Liao to work as a mechanical and electrical engineer in the 13th branch, but Lao Liao was unwilling to go.Tao Tang temporarily decided that Liao Junwei would take half a month of paid leave first, which was considered a consolation to Liao Junwei.Branch factory managers rarely have rest days, and his arrangement does not violate any regulations.

Judging from the attitude of the employees in the 2nd branch factory, it proves that Liao Junwei has prestige in the 2nd branch factory.But the decision has been made, the arrow has left the bowstring and cannot be retrieved.Moreover, Tao Tang didn't think his decision was wrong. Liao Junwei didn't deny the facts. At least it showed that he didn't have a good understanding of security and personnel management, and killing chickens and scaring monkeys was necessary.

Based on his experience, the core job of managing an organization is to manage people well, not all of them, but the backbone.In an enterprise, the core job is to manage the middle management, because they are the key.The current situation is that there are countless reasons to get rid of the current middle class, but the corresponding number of suitable people cannot be found.The problems he had encountered in Shengdong back then were now in front of him again. Finding suitable cadres was far more difficult than dismissing them.In his mind, a competent middle-level manager must have the following conditions: have a big picture, have strong executive power and necessary business knowledge, have prestige among the masses, and the last one is conscience. As the backbone of an enterprise, you must have a conscience.

Liao Junwei may have three of the four conditions he listed, what is lacking is the overall situation.Does this person have a conscience?From the way he took care of the unemployed woman at home, he has a conscience, but from the way he handled the accident, he overturned this judgment. At that time, he should have taken the injured to the hospital himself, not just called an ambulance. .Moreover, he lied, why did he lie, worrying about his black hat?In the end, his black hat was still taken off...

When he was at Shengdong Company, he dismissed 79 middle-level cadres to be precise, and it was also his proposal that three company-level leaders be dismissed.For this reason, he was nicknamed "The Butcher", and some people even linked his personal misfortune with it, implying that he was perverted.Shengdong Company does not have a department-level organization, and the middle-level staff that are eliminated are all so-called department-level.In that long list, 3 people were dismissed due to economic problems, and the rest were due to incompetence.Of course, the standard is in one's own hands, and it is also carried out according to the rules of the game. There must always be a reason, including the reason that people think it is too much to go out and not ask for leave.In the eyes of many people, he is a tyrant who "kills people" to establish his prestige, but he thinks he is not.

Every time a party-government joint meeting is held to discuss the appointment and removal of cadres, he has to ask himself at least three times, is he acting with conscience?If the answer is yes, then he goes on without flinching, even at the expense of the threat of verbal abuse in his face.He told himself that this was for the good of the business, only for fucking purposes and nothing else.At that time, the work style of Shengdong Company's cadres was extremely lax, and their execution was very poor.So he began to rectify with an iron fist, criticizing and admonishing him for being too weak, and the most effective thing was dismissal.So, if you don’t ask for leave when you go out, you won’t be exempted if you don’t ask for leave, if you work overtime, you won’t be exempted, if you get drunk at noon, you will be exempted, and if you fail to complete the task, you will be exempted. Served as the chairman and general manager of Shengdong for 3~6 months), which made Shengdong company talk about Tao's distaste, and he can be described as fearful and hating.

He once talked about conscience at the team meeting. Conscience is morality. Everyone has a conscience, but they are not the same.My conscience is to make Shengdong Company better. The company has a market, technology and product reserves, employees have work to do, wages are paid on time, and income can generally be raised every two years, gradually narrowing the gap with the local average salary.Therefore, I cannot tolerate any phenomenon that offends my conscience.

Have you encountered any ups and downs?Of course, that is unavoidable.What he did was out of line.His glass was smashed twice, he was blocked on the road and scolded at least three times, and he was even threatened by the underworld. He stood up and did not flinch.These are all nonsense, what makes him most anxious is the advice from his superiors, some are good intentions, some are serious warnings, thinking that he has done something wrong.Mr. Qi (he had not climbed to the position of general manager at that time) interviewed him when he went to Yanjing to report to work, and bluntly said that there was a big problem with his personnel management in Shengdong—you can’t dislike everyone, Don't take the blame easily.The organization sent you to Shengdong Company to engage in business operations, not to punish people.Now there are more and more letters of complaint about you, which at least reflect the sentiment of Shengdong Factory. We think it is necessary to talk to you. let me tell youYou have made the company go crazy, how can you complete the business indicators?

He explained his starting point to Qi Jianmin. When the stall you gave me was not superior in technology, products, etc., I had to find another way.Regarding the complaint letter, I welcome the organization to check it.

His attitude towards Qi Jianmin was not so good.There was not an iota of introspection in him throughout the conversation.He could see that Qi Jianmin was also very unhappy.

Headquarters actually checked.It broke his heart.Because that was not a routine audit, but a special investigation team aimed at him.Could it be that he got this for his almost selfless devotion in Shengdong?Even if he offended Shengdong's vested interests, the leaders at the headquarters really couldn't see his efforts?At that time, Feng Shizhao was the group's second-in-command. Based on his understanding of the group's operating system, if Feng Shizhao disagreed, even if An Daoyong insisted, the investigation team might not be able to be dispatched.

The investigation team entered the factory, but was unexpectedly obstructed. Several retired old guys stood up and publicly supported him. One of them was the retired old factory manager of Shengdong Company, who had a certain influence in the group.Then the workers also spoke up for him, and at least three groups of workers approached the investigation team to appeal for his grievances.

He didn't know the details of this matter, but he learned the details from Feng Shizhao later.Feng Shizhao said, as long as you are really doing it for the good of the company, someone will always see it.We must believe that justice will always exist, otherwise our environment will become a world full of ghosts and ghosts.

The investigation team left, but the situation improved unexpectedly.When the middle-level team has basically implemented orders and prohibitions, the enthusiasm of the employees has been mobilized, righteousness has overcome unhealthy trends, and various tasks have been promoted much more smoothly. For example, lean management, which everyone felt completely confused at first, has become Mr. Advertised model unit.

It is worth mentioning that about 40% of the middle-level cadres who were dismissed by him have returned to leadership positions. Among them, a branch factory director who was dismissed because he could not complete the assignment has also entered the leadership of the company. Served as the deputy general manager in charge of production.When he was transferred back to Beijing, that person sincerely said to him, without your severe punishment, I would not be where I am today...

When he left office, Shengdong's middle-level team was rectified by him to look like an army, even including dressing and walking.He did recommend the book "Learning from the People's Liberation Army" to them. When we are not leading in technology and equipment cost, then we should strive for leading in efficiency and style.This original intention seems to have been realized. The mayor of Binjiang City used Shengdong's style of work as an example to criticize his subordinates more than once. Go and see how Shengdong's cadres do it...

He didn't talk to anyone, and he was under a lot of pressure during the period, especially the pressure from the top, and the pressure to select a successor.During that time, he frantically searched for replacements, and wrote down their names in a small notebook that he carried with him.Someone has to take over, right?It can't be made into a neutron bomb. After the explosion, the building is safe and sound, but the people disappear without a trace...

Now I'm afraid I have to do it all over again.Shengdong's approach has also been affirmed by some leaders in the headquarters. At any time, there are always voices of affirmation while being criticized. Feng Shizhao said affirmatively: You have stirred up the stagnant water in Shengdong.

Now it seems that Liao Junwei can still be used. The mistakes he made were not based on principle. Cadres who are supported by the masses should be protected. Can they be sent to the steel pipe factory they just took over?The small factory has not been formally taken over yet, and the audit team sent has not returned yet, and the original team is entrusted to manage it, but it must be temporary, and those people know that they must send people there, at least the top leaders and financial management. Director over.He has been thinking about it for a while, and has a preliminary candidate, but he hasn't talked about it with anyone.

He is used to cadres crying because of dismissal, and he thinks he can distinguish the nature of his tears, whether he is wronged or angry?Or is it fearful?Liao Junwei was in tears during the conversation, and he could see the grievances in the heart of this old middle-level official who was nearly fifty years old, but he was unmoved.After the party-government joint meeting, Zhao Qingmin and Guo Tao talked about the issue of remuneration respectively, hoping to retain their remuneration.He didn't agree, so what's the deal with reservations?Let the staff say?From this point of view, Liao Junwei cannot be sent to the steel pipe factory, no!That will dilute the effect of rectification.

There was a knock on the door, he sat up straight and called in.

It was Ye Mei who came in, holding a lunch box, "Mr. Tao, you haven't eaten dinner, have you? I bought you a rice bowl..."

"How do you know I didn't have dinner?"

"You came back after get off work, and you haven't gone out since then."

"Thank you, I don't want to eat, you can take it away..." He thought, this girl who had been a "spy" still couldn't forget her old job, always monitoring her movements.

"How can I not eat? Eat less and eat while it's hot." Ye Mei put the lunch box in front of him, opened it, and then took the kettle to boil water like a family member.

He glanced at the hot eggplant rice bowl, and really didn't have any appetite.

"Okay. If someone comes to me, just say that I'm not feeling well and resting..." Tao Tang took out 20 yuan from his pocket and handed it to Xiaoye.

"Are you sick?" Ye Mei noticed that Tao Tang's complexion was not good.

"No, I just have a go, I want to rest."

"Shall I call the doctor?" Ye Mei pushed away the money Tao Tang handed over, "A bowl of rice, are you too serious?"

"No... how much money do you earn? Take it." Tao Tang handed the money to the girl.

"Ah, toothache is not a disease, it hurts like hell. Shall I go and buy you some medicine?"

"I've already taken the medicine, and I'll be fine after a good night's sleep. Go ahead and block visitors for me, but don't say I'm sick. I'm not sick at all, just a little uncomfortable..." Tao Tang frowned and squeezed Holding the chopsticks, he took a mouthful of food.

"Okay, call me if you need me, I'm in the duty room." Ye Mei poured him a glass of boiling water, turned off the air conditioner, and went out.

Tao Tang only took a few mouthfuls and stopped eating. The severe pain caused him to lose any appetite.He tried his best to get the business out of his mind, and made two private phone calls, one to Yanjing's mother-in-law and one to Binjiang's parents.

When he first arrived, he always called home at night, his parents, and his mother-in-law who lived alone in Yanjing.The parents are okay, but the mother-in-law needs more care.He could feel the loneliness of his mother-in-law since he left.After Fang Lan's death, he and his mother-in-law had a feeling of being dependent on each other, which may be described too much, but he could feel the loneliness of her mother-in-law.So he thought about bringing his parents back as soon as possible, and then letting his mother-in-law go to Binjiang to take care of Xiaohe. This is a relatively reasonable plan.

But now there are fewer and fewer calls to the two places. After getting into heavy administrative affairs, I always feel extremely tired after get off work every day, and there are always people coming to look for me every night. Several times I didn’t even bother to take a shower before going to bed.

Today's phone conversation was more pleasant.As always, his mother-in-law told him on the phone to pay attention to his body and not to be too tired.She always said a few words and nothing else.We could have talked about it, but he always tried his best to avoid this topic, and my mother-in-law was not reluctant, but today I still talked about it, saying that she went out and flew to Yunnan.

Mother asked about the progress of the renovation of the house, but he couldn't explain clearly. He hadn't seen Youdao recently, and he didn't have time to ask about such trivial matters.The mother said that Xiao He didn't study very hard and always surfed the Internet secretly.Yesterday, my father severely reprimanded Xiao He, made the child cry, and even threw away the computer.He told his mother that he would call Xiaohe to persuade her on Sunday, but it might be impossible to completely stop surfing the Internet, and it would be more appropriate to give her a fixed time to surf the Internet.Without a computer, wouldn't she use her mobile phone to surf the Internet?
He didn't care much about Xiao He's studies, it didn't matter whether she got into a key university or not. Of course, Xiao He had to go to college because that was an indispensable experience in her life.For girls, the most successful thing is not career success, but a perfect marriage.He hoped that Xiaohe could find a husband she really liked and could rely on in the future, so that he could explain to Jiuquanxia his dead wife.Thinking of this, he felt that he was ridiculous, Xiao He was still young, and these things he was thinking about would happen ten years later, so he couldn't help being too neurotic.

Thoughts can naturally turn to Fang Ke.Since we met on May [-]st, she has called twice, and the conversation time is not long each time, which is about ten minutes.She didn't talk about her relationship issues, other than asking about his body, she just "reported" her recent situation. She has returned to Yanjing from Binjiang, and is planning to go to Yunnan soon.She said that she recently met a man who was engaged in printmaking and had already asked her out for dinner.He said that was good, and she dropped the phone.

She is free and free to choose the life she likes, but he is not.It is estimated that he will not be free until he retires.So he is not the same person as her.The mother-in-law hopes to bring him and Fang Ke together, as do the parents.Last time on the phone, my mother was nagging Fang Ke, and told him about the situation when Fang Ke was in Binjiang a while ago. She lived at home, like a family.Mother talked about Fang Ke's diligence and understanding, and also told the story of Fang Ke and Xiao He. During this time, Fang Ke and Xiao He lived in the same room, whispering to each other for a long time every day.It seems that the two are very close.My mother said, no matter how you look at it, Xiao Ke is the most suitable, you have to catch it, if you lose it, you won’t find it.

But it would be inappropriate for him to make peace.This view has been reviewed countless times, and it has not changed so far.Parents and mother-in-law all considered issues from his and Xiao He's standpoint, but they didn't really think about Fang Ke, nor did they understand Fang Ke's true character.The most prominent factor in Fang Ke's character is rebellion, but they all turned a blind eye to it.A woman with this personality can pursue her love without hesitation, but it is difficult to stick to her marriage.And I am not young anymore, what I need is a relatively stable home, from this perspective, Fang Ke is obviously not a suitable candidate.

In fact, he envied Fang Ke very much, envied that she could freely choose the age of her life, and envied her free work.But I was firmly bound by invisible hands, doing roughly the same thing every day, every month, every year, again and again, without end.Red Star will not be his end point, just like Sheng Dong, it is just a stop on his life journey, he will never know where his end point is.

(End of this chapter)

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