Revival Road

Chapter 111 Sun Dunquan and Han Ruilin

Chapter 111 Sun Dunquan and Han Ruilin

Sun Dunquan sent Zhang Hongqin back and saw the familiar white K4 in front of Home Inn Express on Wutong Road. Slowed down and took a closer look, it was Han Ruilin's car.It's five o'clock in the afternoon, what is Lao Han doing here?Sun Dunquan immediately realized a possibility, turned his head in front, parked his Tucson across the road from the hotel, rolled down the window, lit a cigarette, stared at the hotel door, and recalled the "materials" that Zhang Hongqin told him. ".

This is his third date with Zhang Hongqin, and it was at a coffee shop.Zhang Hongqin seems to prefer places like teahouses and cafes, where two plates of dried fruit and a pot of fragrant tea can keep her talking for two hours.

After encountering Zhang Hongqin in the Cultural Palace, Sun Dunquan's interview plan did not go well.Zhang Hongqin seems to have regretted it, and doesn't want to talk about the East Lake she knows.After a lot of setbacks, after receiving Sun Dunquan’s gift (these are all comic books for Zhang Hongqin’s son, one of which is a set of old-fashioned Romance of the Three Kingdoms comics that are quite precious), Zhang Hongqin agreed to Sun Dunquan’s request, but A promise, before Sun Dunquan's new book goes online, it must go through her "approval" to ensure that it is not a documentary.

Sun Dunquan naturally agreed.

What Zhang Hongqin talked about in the previous two times, Sun Dunquan thought it was of little value.But it helped him to basically understand Tang Yikun's "circle", understand the main "ministers" of Tang Yikun's "East Lake Empire" (the word was uttered by Sun Dunquan), and have a clearer understanding of the territory of the "Empire", These things are helpful to Sun Dunquan's novel structure, but they are also technical help. Zhang Hongqin either knows or doesn't know where the "first pot of gold" in East Lake he desires most comes from.In this way, this story, which he thinks has a huge capacity, lacks a wonderful beginning.

Sun Dunquan, who has read a lot, believes that whether it is an outstanding figure in the political, military, and business circles, the most exciting chapters in his life are generally written at the beginning of his career, and that stage can best demonstrate his outstanding character. Failure is inevitable, but it is like a rising sun, and no force can stop it from rising. When it enters its heyday, it looks brilliant, but it is like climbing to the top of a mountain, looking around blankly, and it will be downhill no matter which way you go.In the first two interviews, Zhang Hongqin described a daunting East Lake empire with pride, but Sun Dunquan felt that the development of East Lake had reached its apex, and it was difficult to make a breakthrough. struggle.This confirmed Sun Dunquan's judgment, and reminded him of Tang Minghuang's nearly 50-year rule history. Did East Lake enter the Tianbao period from Kaiyuan?But he would not say this to Zhang Hongqin, who obviously had a sense of belonging to Donghu. What he wanted to know was the story of Donghu's first venture, but Zhang Hongqin couldn't tell.

Sun Dunquan could tell from Zhang Hongqin's attire and the mobile phone he used that Zhang Hongqin and his wife's income was not low, and they would never covet his little "heavy gifts", but had other plans.Sun Dunquan couldn't say exactly why.

This time, Zhang Hongqin told him about a "positive energy" Tang Yikun, who was thirsty for talents, treated the virtuous and corporal, donated righteousness and money, and had foresight. He was by no means the vulgar and greedy local tyrant in his imagination.Of course, there is also Tang Yikun's colorful emotional journey.It can be seen that Zhang Hongqin, who "joined" Donghu very early, has a deep admiration for Tang Yikun in her bones. Although she publicly said that Tang Yikun is a villain and a bastard, in the stories she told, Tang Yikun showed a talent that surprised Sun Dunquan.In particular, Tang Yikun's sleight of hand in the capital market is even more exciting than the most exciting web articles he has ever read.

"Don't you want to know where his funds come from? This is the answer. He is extremely good at transformation, and he can always find business opportunities, not small business opportunities, but big business opportunities. Some skills seem to be innate. Decisions are made by him himself, not by his assistants and consultants. Of course, there are many mistakes. For example, the Donghu Machinery I work for now, in fact, their mission is over after acquiring the land, so he should not What kind of reorganization is he going to do? Maybe he is reluctant to part with his own achievements. Now Donghu Machinery has become a burden. Look, it will become a rope around his neck in the future... If it were me, I would not even want Donghu Mining, and focus on the development of Donghu Real estate, this is the kingly way." Zhang Hongqin said.

Sun Dunquan doesn't care about the future of Donghu, he only cares about the past.But Zhang Hongqin did not explain how the first pot of gold in East Lake was obtained.

Zhang Hongqin is not simple.This female classmate, whom I haven't seen for many years, has the demeanor of a strong woman.

Take your time...Zhang Hongqin's narration inspired Sun Dunquan's creative passion. Just like what he once told Yin Yutao, Tang Yikun's story is extremely exciting, and there are many places to expand, including Tang Yikun's colorful private life, Much more interesting than the serious and monotonous Tao Tang.

The story can be unfolded in the way of flashback and interlude, instead of using the old-fashioned narrative method, which will enhance the readability of the novel, and of course it will lose some excitement... Sun Dunquan scanned the hotel while conceiving his novel.He had smoked two cigarettes in a row, but Han Ruilin hadn't been seen yet. Just as he was about to make a call, Han Ruilin showed his head. He came out of the hotel. Sure enough, there was a woman behind him, wearing sunglasses... Sun Dunquan Laughing silently, he decided to "blackmail" Han Ruilin for a while, so he started the car and followed Han Ruilin far away, until he reached the west gate of the Hongxing family area, K4 stopped in a place where no one was around, and the woman got off The car went to the family area.But Han Ruilin turned the car around, drove in a circle, and drove towards the east gate of the factory. Sun Dunquan followed suit. He didn't want to play any more. He took out his phone and dialed Han Ruilin, "In the factory? Follow behind you, stop the car, or I'll go directly to Shuijiao. See who she trusts."

K4 stopped, and Sun Dunquan leaned over.

"What should I do? Go to Seafood City and ask for a meal, no, one meal is not enough." Sun Dunquan said with a grin, "We will see how stubborn you are in the future."

As the saying goes, you don’t admit it when you lift your pants. Of course Han Ruilin wouldn’t admit it, “What nonsense are you talking about? I don’t understand.”

"Who was that woman who got out of the car just now?"

"I don't know it. I picked it up on the way. What's the matter?"

"Don't be stubborn. I know her. Shall I say her name?"

"That must be your misreading." Han Ruilin decided to hold on to the end.

"Misunderstood? Then why did you let her get off the car early? And you didn't go directly into the factory but went around the east gate instead?"

"I'm going back to work, it's near here, can't I?"

"Just use your strong words. Then let Shuijiao interrogate you."

"Old Sun, if you are willing to sacrifice your friendship, you can do so." Han Ruilin was a little anxious.

"Bah! You have the nerve to talk about friendship with me. If I sue Shuijiao, I won't tell you these things."

"Okay, okay, you have the final say. For the sake of our 20 years of friendship, please keep your mouth shut. I have enough troubles recently, can you let me be clean?"

"That depends on your attitude... Hey, why are you upset? How did I hear that you have been enjoying yourself recently?"

Han Ruilin looked at his watch, "Forget it, it's almost time to get off work, and there's nothing you can do when you go back. Why don't you find a place to sit?"

"It's almost there."

So the two found a teahouse outside the east gate. The two-story teahouse was antique, resembling the style of southern teahouses in movies in the 40s. They found a private seat by the window on the second floor and ordered a pot of Biluochun and two dishes of dried fruit. chatted.

"I heard from Liu Lin the other day that you've been very happy recently, aren't you? What's bothering you?" Sun Dunquan asked.

"Just led the team to check the secondary warehouse of the 11th branch. I saw Liu Lin. What else did he tell you?" He deliberately used "lead the team".

"He's just a broken worker, what can he say to me? Don't worry, don't be suspicious."

"You have a good relationship with Mr. Tao, I know, so it's okay to tell you." Han Ruilin kowtowed fried melon seeds, "Recently there was a work-related injury in the factory, have you heard about it?"

"No. Is it serious?" Sun Dunquan, who was writing a book behind closed doors recently, really hadn't heard of it.

"Abolish two fingers," Han Ruilin stretched out his left hand and made a horoscope, "The level of disability will not be low... This kind of thing is not news, there are many stamping factories, but this time Mr. Tao dealt with it more ruthlessly , several middle layers were removed, and the reaction from below was very strong..."

"What's wrong? Is someone dissatisfied?" Sun Dunquan became concerned about Tao Tang.

"It kind of means..."

"Has something to do with you?"

"Listen to me. To be honest, I also think it's a bit heavy. It is said that the opposition at the team meeting was very fierce. Because of a work-related injury, the director of the branch factory and the workshop director, including the deployment department of the human resources department, were dismissed. Is it long... cruel enough?"

"It's a bit black. So what's the matter?" Sun Dunquan said, "Our factory just lacks a black-handed factory manager, otherwise it wouldn't be the way it is now."

"Tell you that you don't understand either... I think Tao Tang's incident is a bit too much..."

"Old Han, it's not interesting. He kept talking about the friendship back then. I think it's better for you to tell me than anyone else, because I have nothing to do with Hongxing anymore."

"Old Sun, you really don't have anything to do with the factory anymore. So you can't hear the rumors. Some people say that he just scratched the surface and turned a blind eye to the real problem..."

"What's the real problem? Corruption? That's not the responsibility of the chairman. There are discipline inspection committees in the factory, and there are discipline inspection committees in the localities. You can report to whomever you should."

"It's a pity that you have been working in the factory for more than ten years. Red Star is like this. Everything is the top leader. If the results are the same, so are the problems. I don't know if I should tell him."

"Say it! Why don't you say it? If it were me, I would definitely say it. Lao Han, Tao Tang is in power, and there is no harm to you. You can clear this up for me."

"It's not this... I was ordered to inspect the secondary warehouse at the grassroots level recently. Some units have serious problems... Maybe it's an earthquake. I'm not sure."

"Then you should think about it carefully. Corruption definitely exists, including you kid. However, as a friend, I also want to remind you, don't play it off. The red flag at home can only talk about the colorful flags outside. Floating. I won’t talk to you anymore, lest you think I’m upset, I have to go back and cook for my wife. Now I’m a housewife, and I can’t compare to you.” Sun Dunquan got up and left.

"Wait, let's go together." Han Ruilin got up to pay the bill, and followed Sun Dunquan out of the teahouse.

Han Ruilin was still invited out by Mu Guihua today, but it was not a simple tryst.Mu Guihua told him that her younger brother Mu Jianhua was not arrested for taking drugs, but had another case.Yesterday, two plainclothes policemen came to her door and asked her if she knew someone nicknamed Shaoguo, and she said no.The plainclothes showed her a photo. She seemed to have seen the bald head in the photo, but she couldn't be sure.The police asked her to think carefully, when and where did she see this person, and who else was with this person?
She couldn't tell.The police left a phone number and asked her to report it in time if she remembered it, and said that this matter is very important. If the clues she provided are useful, the police will give her a reward, which is also good for Mu Jianhua. Don't worry about anything else. Tell us about it. It will be kept absolutely confidential.Now she remembered that she had seen that person at her younger brother's house, but she couldn't remember who else was there at that time.Jianhua always associates with a bunch of dubious people, and if he wants to see them, he can only see them at Jianhua's house.Now she is not sure whether to report to the police, for fear of harming her brother.Although Mu Jianhua broke the old man's heart when his parents were alive, and spent a lot of money on her after his parents passed away, he is her only younger brother after all.

This bitch is quite scheming, afraid that her mobile phone will be monitored by the police, so she insists on asking him out for a talk.

"Didn't Mu Jianhua be arrested? Why did the police ask you?" Han Ruilin heard Mu Guihua's words in the hotel, and felt that she was completely nonsense, and she was just looking for something to ask him out for flirting.

"Is that what I told the police? Jianhua has been sent to a drug rehabilitation center. It is true that he took drugs, but he has no guts to do other things? Why do I think he is involved in something serious?"

"It has nothing to do with you!" Han Ruilin didn't want to hear the name Mu Jianhua, "It's best for him to be locked up for the rest of his life."

"Why do you talk like that?" Mu Guihua was upset, "He is my only younger brother."

"You don't know the consequences of taking drugs? He has been in a rehabilitative center, but he still relapses when he comes out? He wants money but has no money, and he has no ability. Isn't it a disaster for you? Let me ask you, what good does it do you for him to come out? ?”

Mu Guihua was stunned for a moment, "I'm just afraid that someone will frame him. Jianhua has no other skills, just talking about loyalty, whether he did it, and blindly taking it on himself. The person the police showed me must have found Jianhua. I don't know if I should tell the police..."

Han Ruilin didn't give Mu Guihua a clear idea.He didn't pay much attention to it.From the bottom of his heart, he hoped that Mu Jianhua would never come out.But he couldn't persuade his mistress to hand over Mu Jianhua, so he said you can make up your mind, as long as you don't get yourself involved.

Now that he came out, of course Han Ruilin would not let go of the opportunity, and had a chat with his mistress Hu Tianhu, but Sun Dunquan bumped into him when he didn't want to.What a pity.However, Han Ruilin was not worried about Sun Dunquan. Sun Dunquan was no longer a child and would never make a fuss about it.In fact, he didn't tell Sun Dunquan the truth just now, and he got rid of Liao Junwei and others. There was indeed a great response in the factory. Shuijiao brought him a very bad news. It was the last time when Mu Jianhua blocked him at home. Shuijiao said, People are talking about you, and even Boss Tao has been reprimanded, saying that Boss Tao let you go because of the face of his classmates. In terms of nature, the scandal you did is much worse than Liao Junwei.

Shui Jiao's words hit him hard.But after thinking about it, he felt that it didn't matter. He had already told Tao Tang about An Zhongliang's request, and Tao Tang agreed to meet with An Zhongliang. Questions and secondary database issues, according to Tao Tang's style, an unprecedented storm is being set off, who will pay attention to his private affairs?
(End of this chapter)

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