Revival Road

Chapter 110 Dealing 3

Chapter 110 Dealing with Three

Ma Guangming must stand up and speak for his subordinates.This is also a matter of principle.

In the morning, Tao Tang lost his temper in the No. 2 branch factory. Liao Junwei was frightened. At noon, he went to the secretary of the party committee and his immediate superior to intercede.Unexpectedly, this guy Qiu Lin proposed to be dismissed and demoted in order to please Tao Tang.Just now, Han Zhiyong had already lost the battle on the issue of the deputy director of the finance department, which means that he also lost the battle, but it was Tao Tang's insistence. feelings.In addition, the rumors of Zhao Qingmin and Ming Xiaoyue were also a factor. Unlike Han Zhiyong, Ma Guangming was still unwilling to offend Zhao Qingmin, especially on such issues.But Qiu Lin's proposal violated his bottom line. Liao Junwei is his man. If he doesn't make decisions for his subordinates in such major issues, it will be difficult to lead the team.

"Mr. Ma, this has nothing to do with diligence. You can't say that diligence can exempt you from responsibility. One size is one size. I didn't say that Liao Junwei didn't work hard or be diligent, but as the director of the branch factory, he is the first responsible person. " Qiu Lin said calmly.

"I don't agree with your point of view." Ma Guangming raised his voice, "If you have to take responsibility for everything, who would dare to be the top leader? Shouldn't Mr. Tao, Mr. Qi, and Mr. Feng be held accountable?"

If Jiang Shangyun or Li Luo proposed to dismiss Liao Junwei, Ma Guangming would not say so.State-owned enterprises, like the military, are very particular about qualifications, and Qiu Lin's qualifications are precisely the lowest in the team.When Ma Guangming was assistant to the general manager and head of production, Qiu Lin was still an ordinary deputy director, so Ma Guangming was not polite.

"Old Ma, you are wrong to say that," Li Luo said, "You are clear about the meaning of the main responsibility. The work-related accident in the 2 branch factory has nothing to do with Mr. Tao, because it is out of reach. It involves the headquarters The leader is even more irrational. I can clearly see the responsibility for this matter. It is mainly in the branch factory, and the human resources department should also bear a little responsibility for ineffective supervision. In my opinion, the technical security department is not actually responsible. Now it is time to grasp The scale of handling has changed, and there must be punishment. Isn't there still "three never let go"? But Mr. Qiu's handling opinions are a bit serious. I still suggest to stop at the deputy of the branch factory, which responsibility is in charge of production and safety The one that is bigger will be ignored, of course, the workshop director can’t get away.”

Tao Tang listened quietly to the speeches of his lieutenants.He noticed that in the team, except for Li Luo, Han Zhiyong, Ma Guangminghao and Qiu Lin, the rest rarely expressed their opinions.This is not normal.Therefore, Tao Tang called out his name and said, "A few leaders expressed their opinions just now, and the rest of the leaders also talked about it. It can't be said that the safety issue is Mr. Zhou's business, right? Now we are studying personnel issues. Mr. Liu, you Tell me?" Tao Tang clicked.

"Okay... First of all, I have to criticize myself. Recently, many problems in personnel management have been exposed. As the deputy general manager in charge of personnel, I am duty-bound...I am very guilty...I ask the company to punish me." Liu Xiuyun bowed her head. low voice.

Tao Tang smiled, "Research on the accountability of work-related accidents requires distinguishing between direct and indirect responsibilities. Yes, the accident was caused by out-of-control personnel management, but the branch factory is directly responsible. Why? The company handed over hundreds of people to Give it to them, and they have to take responsibility. If the company has 2 to [-] employees, the human resources department should manage them, even if their establishment is doubled, I don’t think it can handle it. Let’s talk about it first. [-] points The processing of the factory, and then talk about other things.”

Liu Xiuyun's heart skipped a beat. She thought Tao Tang would say a few words for her after she took the initiative to take responsibility, but Tao Tang's meaning was very clear. She was responsible, but not directly.Since Tao Tang took office, he has been extremely unhappy. It is said that Tao Tang deliberately suppressed and attacked him. There is no evidence, and he is always caught in the personnel management. The problem does exist, but are there other problems?what on earth is it?

"I agree with President Li's opinion." Liu Xiuyun said.

"Okay. Other comrades?"

Next, the leaders who did not express their opinions expressed their opinions one by one. Except Guo Tao, Han, Luo, Chang and others all agreed with Li Luo's opinion.The party committee members other than the company leaders did not speak, and Tao Tang did not insist.

Zhao Qingmin stopped Tao Tang, "Let me say a few words first, and finally Mr. Tao will make the decision." He emphasized the word "decision," and said, "Comrades, the handling of this matter is neither simple nor easy, because it is A benchmark. How to do it in the past is a matter of the past, but how to do it in the future must be linked to this matter. Because no one can guarantee that similar accidents will not happen again. Mr. Tao came to the factory not long ago. More serious safety accidents may not be clear, but we people are clear, we might as well look back. In 1995, a serious accident occurred in the factory area where a turnover vehicle hit and killed two people and seriously injured one. After driving, at that time there was no legal regulation of drinking and driving. The company gave the driver the sanction of expulsion from the factory and staying in the factory for probation, and gave the main party and government leaders of the 6th branch a demerit punishment, and the deputy factory director in charge of production was demoted and retained... 6 , A migrant worker fell to his death during the maintenance of the boiler dedusting tower of the power company, and the deputy manager in charge of safety of the power company was demoted to the department level... In 2001, a lathe worker in the 2003th branch factory got his arm involved in the lathe and became disabled, and the main leader of the branch factory was given a warning. , The deputy factory director in charge of safety was dismissed. That incident is somewhat similar to this accident, and it was also caused by the post, but the post was not an outsider, but a full-time employee of the factory... The most recent incident happened the year before last, everyone should not forget it? It was still a power company. The employees did not wear protective equipment and entered the airtight container to remove dirt. One person was poisoned and died. One person was seriously injured and one person was slightly injured during the rescue process. Song Yue and I did a written inspection and deducted 12% of our annual salary. Both the main party and government leaders of the power company were dismissed, and the relevant leaders were also punished... Everyone should pay attention to the results of the handling. It's getting stricter, it's the request of the superiors, and it embodies the people-oriented governance philosophy... Why I say this is to remind everyone that the present is different from the past. The group company has put forward the concept of 'zero tolerance' in safety management, what? Is it zero tolerance? I don’t need to explain carefully? What is the nature of this accident? It is clear that it is a liability accident. As I have already said, the characterization is not wrong. Therefore, I suggest to deal with it strictly! It is not to completely deny the 20 branch factory Instead, we should take this as a lesson to prevent similar problems from happening again! This is my attitude. Well, please Mr. Tao to make the closing statement.”

"Secretary Zhao's speech is very good, and I completely agree with it. The reason why we studied accountability on the night of the accident is not only because the responsibility for the accident is clear, but also shows that we attach great importance to safety work. Quality and safety are the key factors of enterprise managers. The red line that can never be touched, especially safety work, is related to the lives of workers and masses. At any time, no one can take it lightly. Think about the injured woman, she is disabled, her quality of life, her future life All of them have been seriously affected... Some people may say that she herself has to bear the main responsibility, who let her work without training? Comrades, we are a state-owned enterprise, not a black coal mine! The system, conscience, and respect for the country and the people of the state-owned enterprise Where is the responsibility? Secretary Zhao explained the core of the problem. The first is the difference in the situation, the progress of the ruling concept, and the second is the education of latecomers. As far as the nature of this accident is concerned, it is very bad, not only the management The question also involves deception, lie to me in person! You said that the woman has only been here for a few days, nonsense! The lie was exposed immediately, the woman has been working in the workshop for at least three months, and there is a salary payment form as evidence. What is this? Nature? Huh? They actually said they didn’t know?! I don’t have the safety of the masses in mind, and I don’t have the minimum organizational discipline. Is it not too much for me to say this?”

Ma Guangming was very frustrated, and secretly scolded Liao Junwei for being so foolish, how could he make such a low-level mistake?There is no top leader who does not hate those below who deceive him, especially the newly appointed top leader.It's better to admit your mistakes readily.

"So, let me make a specific suggestion. The workshop director and branch factory director will all be dismissed. The deputy factory director and branch secretary in charge of production and safety in the branch factory will be demoted and retained. All the labor and management personnel and technical safety personnel in the branch factory will be removed. Work as a worker, or be arranged by the human resources department. The human resources department took the secondary responsibility for this accident, and the cause of the accident was not unrelated to the company's serious off-duty. Therefore, Comrade Pan Chenggui was given a demerit. The head of the department in charge of attendance and personnel management in the Human Resources Department has been dismissed! As the department in charge of safety, the Technology and Security Department should also take responsibility, but it is not the main responsibility. Let Comrade Mu Qingyun report criticism. As for economic punishment, it is also necessary, and it should be done according to the usual practice. The dismissed personnel are exempted from financial penalties..."

Before Tao Tang could finish speaking, Ma Guangming couldn't bear it any longer, "Mr. Tao, I think the punishment is too severe. I have already explained the reason, and I hope you will consider it."

"President Ma voted against it, what about the other comrades? Let's vote with a show of hands." Tao Tang remained expressionless, "If you agree with me, please raise your hand." He raised his right hand first.

Except for Ma Guangming and Han Zhiyong, everyone raised their hands.

Ma Guangming was furious.A show of hands is a showdown, which is tantamount to pushing oneself to the opposite side of Tao Tang.Red Star Company rarely uses a show of hands to vote when discussing the company's major decisions, because of an ordinary industrial accident, as for it?

"Mr. Han, why do you object?" Tao Tang didn't stop there, but was aggressive and refused to budge.Contrary to the impression he left on the team members.

"President Tao, I am not against your opinion. I admit that what you said is reasonable," Han Zhiyong also raised his voice, "I am thinking about the company's future. It is true that Liao Junwei and others have made management mistakes, but they cannot be said Does he have the idea of ​​making mistakes subjectively? If more serious problems arise, if they are of a corrupt nature, how should we deal with them? I would like to ask comrades who agree with Mr. Tao’s opinion, you are really thinking about the company , responsible for Mr. Tao?"

Recently, everyone has had a premonition that a storm is brewing. 2 The work-related injury in the branch factory was caused by leaving the post. It has been found out that the problem of leaving the company is very serious. It is no longer an isolated case. Will the leaders of the responsible unit deal with it?In addition, checking out of posts will inevitably bring out the problem of small treasury, and the same is true for checking the secondary treasury.If Liao Junwei is dismissed due to a work-related injury, what about the above problems?
Han Zhiyong is equivalent to taking Tao Tang's army.The atmosphere of the meeting suddenly became tense.

"Mr. Han is a good question." Tao Tang stopped Zhao Qingmin who was about to speak, and said calmly, "What to do. This is my attitude. Of course, Comrade Liao Junwei's mistakes are not subjective, I admit He doesn't want to have an accident. That's why I still call him a comrade. His problem is not only his lack of organization and discipline in employing people, but also his concealment and deception of the organization! Why did he lie to me? It shows that he knows the problem of being a post Seriousness, this is not entirely a work-related injury issue. In other words, if the injured is a regular employee of the 2nd branch factory and holds a work permit, Comrade Liao Junwei’s responsibility is not so great, at least it will not rise to the level of dismissal To what is a pity that this is not the case. I do not allow our cadres to knowingly commit crimes, let alone deceive the organization! Matters are serious, but the nature is more important.

"Let's go back to Mr. Han's worries. Take the investigation of off-duty personnel that has not yet been completed as an example. I am determined to solve it completely. This problem must be solved! If it was solved earlier, perhaps this work-related injury would not have happened. Yes, the dismissal involves many units, and it needs to be resolved historically and realistically. It is impossible to remove all the heads of all responsible units. I am not that stupid. Because many of them were greeted by the superiors, including company leaders and local officials. The leaders of the headquarters, and the leaders of the headquarters. The focus this time is to leave the post, or come back to work, or resign and leave, or go through the formalities of suspension without pay. The specifics need to be studied. As long as the responsible unit truthfully reports the existing problems That’s fine. But you can’t hide it. Whoever dares to hide it will have a different nature, and you need to take organizational measures. Or some people ask, what if there is no accident in the 2nd branch factory? Something happened! There are a lot of questions behind this woman, should the company pay the bill? This is an economic loss, what about the impact? What about conscience? Is there a minimum sense of responsibility? That’s right, it’s just chasing after the past. no the same.

"If there is a problem with Ji Liqiang or Yang Wenhuan, the nature is different from this one. If the processing authority is in the company, it is not necessarily dismissal, because dismissal does not mean that it will never be used, but because of corruption and serious violations of law and discipline I don’t think there will be a bright future for those who are dismissed! As long as I’m still in this position, I’ll make a statement for everyone, and it can be recorded, no matter who they are, they will be treated equally. Comrades may think that I’m too black handed, Some people may think that I am using Liao Junwei to build my reputation. If you think so, you are wrong. Maybe what I said is a bit arbitrary, but I think so. The current predicament of Red Star Company has something to do with the style of the cadres. Directly related, the style of cadres is not only an aspect of honesty and integrity, it is too biased, inaction, and disorderly behavior are also more common and more harmful. I don’t believe that most of Red Star’s cadres have economic problems, but I think Red Star There are inaction and disorderly behavior in the two-level team! I don't believe that Liao Junwei and others don't know the necessity of holding a certificate to work, but they just turn a blind eye. What kind of problem is this? Isn't it disorderly? If the human resources department, The technical safety and environmental protection department and other business departments have noticed these problems. Will this accident happen? Is this inaction? The seriousness of the problem lies in what standards we people use to demand ourselves and our subordinates? Can diligence replace mistakes? If the old standards are used, can we get out of trouble and enter the track of a virtuous circle? Please ask yourself. If you think my hands are black, then think it is good. I have a clear conscience. I tell 2 The comrades who were punished in the branch factory did not have any grievances and grievances. Dealing with them is more to arouse everyone's thinking and vigilance. What kind of responsibility should the middle-level team take? Is it enough to just complete the production or work tasks? Please be serious Think about it. Okay, since the vast majority of comrades agree with my opinion, let’s do it this way. After Liao Junwei’s resignation, his position needs to be replaced. As the deputy director in charge of the production of the 2nd branch factory, I am familiar with the production of the 2nd branch factory. I agree with Guo Yan acting as the director of the 2nd branch factory. Please express your opinions.”

This candidate is appropriate.Many company leaders present here think that Guo Yan is not a suitable candidate for the branch secretary, but he is a suitable candidate for the main administrative leader.With Liao Junwei's resignation a foregone conclusion, even Ma Guangming could not object to Guo Yan's use.So, no objection.

"The other positions that are vacant will not be considered this time, including the human resources department. First, they will be represented internally. If they are suitable, they will be reported to the company for confirmation according to the procedures." Tao Tang said, "In short, follow the procedures. The relevant leaders are under the document. After sending out, we need to have a serious conversation with the parties involved. Liao Junwei and others in branch 2, Mr. Ma and I will have a talk together, please ask the Organization Department to arrange it. In addition, Mr. Zhou will instruct the Technical Safety Department to draw inferences from one instance, carefully investigate potential safety hazards, and not go through the motions. The results of the inspection should be made into a written report, which will be forwarded to each department for serious rectification.”

Everyone was thinking about their own thoughts, and they didn't pay attention to Zhao Qingmin's last few concluding remarks.The meeting lasted about two hours.Compared with the handling of Quan Jianhe due to leaks, the personnel handling brought about by the industrial accident this time shows Tao Tang's tough ruling style, and everyone can feel this.

Luo Chong did not show much at the meeting, he was the first to leave the meeting room.On the way home, Luo Chong was thinking about Tao Tang. At first he thought that Tao Tang would use Li Luo as a breakthrough point. Later, when the sewage treatment station happened, Tao Tang seemed to be eyeing him, because the equipment was He took care of it himself, and now it seems that he has dealt with Han Zhiyong again.The removal of Liao Junwei cannot be said to be against Ma Guangming, but the removal of Quan Jianhe and the promotion of Ming Xiaoyue must have slapped Han Zhiyong in the face... What's the matter with making enemies on all sides like this?You can't do this with the support of your superiors, right?Thinking of this, Luo Chong immediately relaxed.

(End of this chapter)

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