Revival Road

Chapter 12 Canteen

Chapter 12 Canteen
"You haven't changed, you are still as beautiful. No, you are a little fatter, and you are more beautiful than before."

"Nonsense..." Seeing Tao Tang staring at her, Lu Qi was a little embarrassed.

"How many years have we not seen each other? Oh, 25 years! How time flies. How are you doing these years? Hey, I'm too dumb," Tao Tang laughed. You live comfortably. Look at me, my hair is all one will regard us as classmates now, I remember that we are the same age, and now we look at least ten years older than you."

"You..." Lu Qi was very confused, looking at the man in front of her, she didn't know how to answer.

"I asked about you in Yanjing..."

"With whom?"

"Song Yue. Why, he didn't tell you?"


"Old Song... I saw your name and phone number on the list given to me by the organization department last night. I wanted to make a call, but I thought it was too late. Haha, I didn't expect to meet this morning."

"Will you be looking for me today?"

"No. But I will definitely look for you." Tao Tang said frankly, "I didn't expect that we would become colleagues, right?"

"Not a colleague. Now you are the leader, big leader."

"Haha... where's the child? Boy or girl? Are you in high school? Where's sir? How are your parents?" Tao Tang asked a series of questions without stopping.

"It's a boy, a freshman in high school this year. The one in my family is also your subordinate, in the quality control department. Both my parents are fine. Where's your wife? Why didn't you come with you? Where's the child?" Lu Qi calmed down.

"My daughter is only in the third grade. My wife...she passed away..."

"Passed away..." Lu Qi was taken aback.

"Don't mention it, it was a long time ago."

"What about the child? When you come back, who cares about the child? Are your parents? I know they are following you."

"Study in Binjiang, and my parents are in good health. I don't plan to transfer my child to another school. First, the transfer will have a great impact on the child, and second, I am afraid I don't have the energy to take care of her. By the way, Tang Yikun on Saturday night Please, let’s go together. I also want to meet my classmates, this is a good opportunity.”

"Okay." Lu Qi agreed without hesitation, "By the way, I have something to trouble you..."

"You said."

"There is a student named Li Suyi in our class, remember?"

"I don't remember... what's wrong?"

"Now it's your soldier. Something happened to her family..." Lu Qi briefly talked about the Huajin Road incident.

"Oh, what do you want me to do?"

"Can the factory provide legal assistance?"

"It should be ok... Someone died, and the relevant departments in the city must have been involved..." Tao Tang stood up and held out his hand to Lu Qi, "Sorry, I have something else to do, so I won't bother you."


After receiving Tao Tang's instructions, Li Zhibin did not dare to neglect, and immediately reported to Director Zhang Xingwu.

"Used bicycles? Mr. Tao really said that?"

"Yes. Mr. Tao made it very clear."

"Then follow Mr. Tao's instructions. In the future, you don't need to ask me for instructions when Mr. Tao tells you to do things. Go quickly and take Wang Fumin with you. Remember to get an invoice."

Tao Tang bought the bicycle for the workshop without doubt, which is a bit unusual.Even Mr. Ma, who is in charge of production, goes to the branch factory by car.By doing this, Mr. Tao has enlisted the other leaders... Zhang Xingwu thought about it, and then dialed the number of the security department, "Old Fan, I have something to tell you..." He told Tao Tang to ask the guard about the incident in the morning. Talk about management.

Fan Yong, the Minister of Security, suddenly became nervous, "I said buddy, what else did Boss Tao say?" He was very worried that the new leader would be the first one to burn himself.

"No. I wasn't there either."

"Thank you, thank you. I'll fix it right away."

"You'd better report directly to Mr. Tao, he took up Mr. Song's original office."

"Okay, okay."

As soon as he put down the phone, the ringtone rang. After checking the number, Zhang Xingwu jumped up and hurried to Tao Tang's office, "Boss Tao, are you looking for me?"

"That's it, say hello to Xiaozhao, don't cook my meals in the future, I'll go to the big cafeteria to eat. You ask someone to buy me some meal tickets and tableware." After finishing speaking, Tao Tang took out his wallet and fumbled. Handed out three red tickets to Zhang Xingwu, "By the way, have you arranged for the clothes?"

Zhang Xingwu seemed to have picked up the charcoal, "Mr. Tao, this is inappropriate. How can you eat in the big cafeteria? Besides, the clothes are made by Deputy Director Jia."

"Why can't you go? You can do it. Tell Xiao Jia to return the clothes." Tao Tang looked at the thick folders on the table and began to review the documents.

Zhang Xingwu returned to his office, pondering, obviously, this leader is a guy who doesn't play cards according to the rules, he is trying to gain fame!Maybe it should be like this at this time?

It has been foreseen that the new leader is not kind, but his orders must be carried out, which cannot be ambiguous.He called his secretary, Chen Yan, and asked her to go to the property to buy meal tickets for Tao Tang, and to buy tableware in the store.

"Choose the tableware carefully. By the way, you can buy a set for me too." Zhang Xingwu decided to accompany Tao Tang to eat in the canteen for a few days.

"Mr. Tao is going to experience life in the big cafeteria? It's great. We finally made it through." Chen Yan, who was eating in the cafeteria, was elated after listening to the director's explanation.

This girl is really not suitable to be a secretary!At the beginning, Boss Han recommended her to work in the factory, but it was not a hindrance to the face of the God of Wealth, but this girl with a beautiful appearance and a pungent personality seriously lacked the basic qualities of a secretary.

"Xiao Chen! How many times have I told you! You always turn a deaf ear to it! Doing more and talking less is the most basic requirement of our profession, so you shut your mouth tightly. Go do it, it's already eleven o'clock. "Zhang Xingwu regretted handing over this matter to Chen Yan.

Mr. Tao wanted to return his clothes... Zhang Xingwu picked up the phone and called Jia Jianxin.

After hearing Zhang Xingwu's words, Jia Jianxin became nervous, "Is it because Mr. Tao doesn't like it? Director Lu chose it."

"Lu Qi?"

"There is a second Director Lu in our factory? Secretary Zhao sent her to do it with me."

"Follow the instructions of the leader."

"I don't know if I can return it..."

"No more."

Zhang Xingwu drove away Jia Jianxin with a wave of his hand, and decided to talk to Lu Qi.He saw Mr. Tao actively greeting Lu Qi in the corridor just now. It seems that they have a good relationship.Maybe Lu Qi has a better idea for herself?

As soon as he left the office, he saw two people who looked like workers approaching. Zhang Xingwu was worried that he was here to find Tao Tang.

"You two, who are you looking for?" Jia Jianxin was the first to greet him.

"We want to see Mr. Tao."

"What's the matter with you?" Zhang Xingwu asked.Sure enough, it came.he thinks.

"You can't control the child's employment! We want to see Mr. Tao!" The leader, a tall, dark-faced middle-aged man, said angrily.

"For employment issues, go to the Human Resources Department (the customary name of the Human Resources Department). If you can't handle the labor, you will report to Vice President Liu. You can't go directly to President Tao for everything. President Tao has just arrived, and there are so many things to do that he doesn't have time. See you." Zhang Xingwu said.

"He is the leader, he has the final say. We will naturally look for him. Renlao and Mr. Liu have not solved the problem, so it's not that they haven't looked for it?" Another small worker who looked very old and had oil stains on his overalls said loudly.

"Speak softly! This is Building No. [-], not a vegetable market! If you don't want to find labor, you can go to the Letters and Calls Office to report the problem at the specified time. The Letters and Calls Office will compile your situation into a circular, and Tao will I see. Mr. Tao has just arrived, so I really don't have time." Zhang Xingwu lowered his voice, "Come to my office to talk first."

Tao Tang came out after hearing the sound, "Two masters, I am the new general manager Tao Tang. I heard what I said just now, and now I really don't have time... Xingwu, is the petition at night?"

"It's every Tuesday night."

"Let's make an exception. Make arrangements tonight, and I'll go to receive interviews." Tao Tang turned to the two workers who "broke into" the office building, "I'll wait for you at the Letters and Calls Office tonight, okay?"

"That's fine." The big worker looked at Tao Tang, "You won't lie to us, will you?"

"No." Tao Tang turned and went back to his office.

Zhang Xingwu followed in, "Mr. Tao, I'll criticize you..."

"Review what? The guards don't stop them? This is not the solution to the problem. What building is the Petition Office located? Notify the Petition Office to record it."

"It's next to the guard room on the first floor of Building No. [-]. The time is eight o'clock in the evening. Mr. Tao, I may be wrong. What they report is trivial. How can you have time to deal with it yourself? Would you like to ask Vice President Liu to go for you? "

"How is the petition system regulated?"

"The regulations are not very clear... Generally, the Letters and Calls Office records it and organizes it into a circulated document to be processed by the relevant department."

"It may be trivial to me, but it may be a big deal to them. You are right. I don't have the energy to deal with some things myself, and I don't know the company's specific regulations now. But today is an exception. I have to go to After speaking, Tao Tang sat down and continued to review the documents.

When the bell rang for leaving get off work, Li Zhibin rushed back, but he couldn’t find a flea market after looking around. The driver Wang Fumin found a half-new bicycle from his home, and Li Zhibin bought a lock for 15 yuan at the repair shop in the living area. , placed in the bicycle shed behind the office building.When I went upstairs, Mr. Tao came out carrying a barrel-shaped stainless steel lunch box, and Zhang Xingwu followed behind.

"Mr. Tao, I haven't bought the car. Your driver, Mr. Wang, has one idle at home. I put it in the carport. Here is the key."

"Master Wang doesn't need it?" Tao Tang strode downstairs.

"No, I'm idle." Li Zhibin ran a few steps and pushed the half-new old-fashioned bicycle in front of Tao Tang.

Tao Tang took the bicycle pushed by Li Zhibin, stepped on it and left, leaving Zhang Xingwu behind.

Zhang Xingwu secretly complained.There are three staff canteens of different sizes in the factory, and Tao Tang didn’t say which one he would like to go to. What should we do?He wanted to notify the property company in charge of the canteen just now, but he didn't have time to notify.No need to ask, the situation in the cafeteria will not satisfy Boss Tao.It was only the first day, and he felt that he couldn't keep up with Tao Tang.

"Director, where is Mr. Tao going?" Li Zhibin asked.

"I went to the staff canteen for dinner, so follow him quickly."

Li Zhibin agreed, and ran after him.

Zhang Xingwu went to the nearest No. [-] canteen, which was already full of workers.He turned around, didn't see Tao Tang, and hurriedly called Li Zhibin, but Li Zhibin didn't answer, until he dialed the third time, the call finally got through, "I'm sorry, Director, I didn't hear, we are in a cafeteria... "

Zhang Xingwu hurriedly chased after him, and saw Li Zhibin at the door of the cafeteria, "Where's Mr. Tao?"

"He's queuing up to buy food."

"What do you do? Huh?" Zhang Xingwu was a little dissatisfied.

"President Tao doesn't want me to follow..." Li Zhibin is also single, but he is used to eating in the third dining hall, where all the tableware is there.

"Where is he?"

"Over there..." Li Zhibin pointed.

"You go." Zhang Xingwu had already seen Tao Tang in the queue, he waved to Li Zhibin impatiently, and quickly got in line at the end of the queue where Tao Tang was.

Zhang Xingwu hadn't been to the cafeteria for a long time.While staring at Tao Tang, he looked at the environment. It was chaotic, the air was not good, the table was not neatly arranged, and it was dirty. The floor was greasy and stained with feet.He knew that the property company was in trouble.

Seeing Tao Tang buy food and walk towards the other side, Zhang Xingwu didn't know whether to follow him, after a little thought, he decided to buy food before going there.When he got to the window, the cook recognized him, "Oh, isn't this Director Zhang? What's the matter today? Experience life?"

"Just give me one..." Zhang Xingwu handed the lunch box in.


"Dish is whatever you want. The staple food is rice." Zhang Xingwu saw that the cook shoveled rice for him, and prepared three dishes in the vegetable box, which were full.

"how much is it?"

"Hey, what money do you want?"

Zhang Xingwu threw in a 20 yuan vegetable ticket from the window, and hurriedly chased after Tao Tang's table. Except for Tao Tang, that table was empty. He found a stool and sat down next to Tao Tang, looking at what was in Tao Tang's box. A serving of noodles, dishes are two, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, roasted eggplant.

Tao Tang glanced at Zhang Xingwu, didn't say a word, and continued to deal with his food.He ate very quickly, Zhang Xingwu had just eaten two mouthfuls, and he had already finished, so he got up and went to the sink in the corner to wash the dishes.Zhang Xingwu simply stopped eating, chased after him, and poured most of the remaining food into the swill bucket.

"President Tao, let me come."

"Waste is a great crime." Tao Tang quickly washed the tableware and walked towards the door.Zhang Xingwu hurriedly washed the tableware and chased after him.

"Generally speaking, to look at a company's management level, you only need to look at two places, one is the cafeteria, and the other is the toilet." Tao Tang stopped, "I used to come here to buy steamed buns when I was young. The hardware environment has improved, but The management level remains the same. Which department manages the canteen?"

"Property company."

"You tell the property management company that the leaders of the property management can eat in the cafeteria for three days."

"Yes. I'll notify you right away."

"You go home. I'm back to the office. Don't follow me. I grew up here. Although it has changed a lot over the years, the basic pattern has not changed much." Tao Tang turned around and looked at the cafeteria for a while, carrying The "rice bucket" headed towards the office building.

(End of this chapter)

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