Revival Road

Chapter 13 The Tao Family

Chapter 13 The Tao Family
Tao Jin, who works as a maintenance fitter in the [-]th branch factory, is going to invite his younger brother to dinner at night.

Tao Jin's mood is complicated.The second child unexpectedly "returned to his hometown" and immediately asked him to wear underpants for three or nine days - shaking.The boss of the unit immediately treated him with a more "submissive" attitude. In the afternoon, he bragged with a group of workers in the maintenance team, and the topic of course was the second child.Gou Ri's fellow factory manager came in and saw him smoking a cigarette, and left without saying a word.If he had passed, he would have been fined at least 50 yuan, not to mention a reprimand.

There was an endless stream of people who came to visit us last night, most of them brought gifts, and I took six packs of cigarettes alone, including a Lanfu, which is a high-end product at 60 yuan a box.Some people came to the door to make friends, and more people directly pointed out the reason, hoping that he would say a few words in front of the second child and do a little favor.Red Star is a small, relatively closed society, and the factory director (the workers are more accustomed to calling him that leader) is the local emperor.Red Star's internal affairs, whether it is personnel or other matters, are basically decided by the factory director with one word.In a word, the second child sits on that chair and has absolute power in this land.

Whether their requests or hopes were varied, Tao Jin took notes carefully.It's not a big deal, like the daughter of the neighbor's old Wan's family, it's not about being transferred or promoted, it's just about being transferred from the workshop and changing to any unit, isn't it just a matter of the second child's words?But people left one after another, and the family returned to tranquility, but Tao Jin felt a little guilty. Will the second child really give him face?
Tao Jin knew that ever since his father fell ill, a thick wall had been built between him and his second child.The best proof is that the second child didn't go to his door for two days after he came back.The older neighbors and friends knew the gap between him and his younger brother. At the time, his father had a cerebral infarction, and his widowed younger brother had just worked in Binjiang, and sent him a large sum of money to treat his father. I accepted it and tried my best to treat it.

Cerebral infarction is like that, and it will inevitably leave sequelae.My father's life was saved, but his left leg became weak, and his brain became much more sluggish.This brings up the problem of serving, because the mother's health is not very good, and the father cannot be left alone to take care of him.

He is the eldest son, and he should have the final say on such matters, so a family meeting was held and the second child was called back.He listened to his wife Bai Shuxian's opinion and insisted that the three brothers and sisters take turns to serve the second elder.This request stumped the second child. At that time, his wife had just passed away unexpectedly and he was very depressed.The second child said, can he contribute the money, and the brother and sister contribute?My sister and brother-in-law are willing, but my wife won't.Thinking of this incident, he hated Bai Shuxian very much.A woman's head is sometimes a paste, I really don't know what she thinks.In the end, they didn't agree, and the three brothers and sisters had a big quarrel. The second child took his parents to Binjiang in a fit of anger, and hired a nanny to take care of his parents with a lot of money.

Five years have passed in a flash, during which my sister and brother-in-law visited Binjiang twice, and when they came back, they said that my father's health has improved a lot. At least my father's mind has cleared up a lot, and he can walk much more easily. He can take care of himself no problem.But he and Bai Shuxian never went there once.When Youdao graduated from university, Bai Shuxian asked Youdao to work in Shengdong Company, and he agreed.In terms of the prosperity of the city, Binjiang is much better than Hiraizumi, and in terms of the benefits of the unit, Red Star is even worse than Shengdong.But the second child firmly disagreed.In the end, Youdao returned to Red Star.This incident aggravated Bai Shuxian's dissatisfaction with the second child, thinking that the second child took the opportunity to vent his anger, and if he has opinions on us, he can't make fun of Youdao's future!Youdao is the only root of the old Tao family.

Who knew that the second child would return to Red Star to become the leader in a blink of an eye?

On the night when the second child came back, it was Bai Shuxian who suggested to Xiaozhao to visit, hoping that the second child would live at home.He knew that the second child would not agree, and sure enough, the second child refused.Bai Shuxian regretted it now, and asked him if his second child hated her?Who knows?The second child has ideas since he was a child, and he hides his ideas in his heart without saying anything.After so many years in the officialdom, how can we guess his thoughts?It was a good thing, how good would it be if there were no such festivals?It is not an exaggeration to say that Youdao has a bright future under the protection of his second uncle.

I can only try my best to remedy it.The next day Tao Jin sent Youdao to invite the second child for breakfast, but the second child refused.Bai Shuxian changed it to the evening, so that Youdao must invite the second child.In the afternoon, Tao Jin asked for leave, and went to the vegetable market with his retired wife to buy a lot of ingredients, and invited his neighbor Lao Wan, who is a good cook, to help. The second uncle invited me.

At five o'clock, Tao Jin, who was restless, couldn't help calling his son, but for some reason, his son didn't answer.He cursed.The neighbors all know about tonight's dinner, if the second child is not invited, he will be ashamed and lose a lot of money.

Youdao is back.Hearing the sound of parking a bicycle, Tao Jin and Bai Shuxian rushed out at the same time. Before Bai Shuxian could speak, he pulled his son into the door and into the bedroom before asking, "Your second uncle agreed?"

"Agreed." Tao Youdao wiped his sweat, "It took a lot of effort to get through to the second uncle. The second uncle said that he would come by himself after get off work. By the way, the second uncle said that he would call my aunt's family."

"That's good, then, then you can call your aunt." Tao Jin had a smile on his face, and his heart finally fell into his stomach.

"What are you calling them for?" Bai Shuxian muttered.

"What do you know! The second child wants to call Mei Ling, so he has his reasons."

"Then I'll go to my aunt's house." Tao Youdao got up and left.

"Hey, tell me, do you want to tell the second child something righteous?" Bai Shuxian looked in the direction of the kitchen and asked her husband in a low voice.

"what's up?"

"There is a way to promote."

"Isn't it early? Youdao has only been in the factory for two years."

"What happened in two years? Didn't Yang Wenhuan's son come to the factory three years ago to be the chief of the section? Zhou Bing's son-in-law, Jiang Shangyun's son, and the children of the bosses in Hongxing, which one is not five of them? His second uncle is The number one leader! Much bigger than their officials! Besides, who knows how many years the second one will be able to work as an iron-clad official? Wasn’t he very popular in Shengdong back then? He was transferred away immediately.”

"That's too urgent. Don't mention this matter today, and talk about it later."

"Then you should at least change jobs for Youdao. For example, to be a secretary in the factory office. Look, how many times have you been raised as a secretary in the factory office in the past few years? What's the point of being a bad statistician in a branch factory?"

"We still have to be cautious." Tao Jin is just such a son, and of course he hopes to be honored by his younger brother. "I know that the second child is very concerned about Youdao, so it's best to let Youdao mention it himself."

"That's fine." Bai Shuxian said triumphantly, "That's it, who dares to bully us in the future? Hmph! You can't scare them to death."

"Do you want to mention what those few said last night to the second child?"

" would be great if Meiling and the others weren't here." Bai Shuxian hesitated.

"Don't talk about it, anyway, there are plenty of opportunities. By the way, you take the initiative to mention it, at least let the second child take the clothes back for washing."

"You don't need to tell me this, I know what to do."

"In the past... the second child had some opinions on us, you know that, can you explain it?"

"Explain what? Everyone has difficulties. He became an official and earns us decades a year, so he should work harder, isn't it right? If it were me, I wouldn't care about my compatriots."

"You are not allowed to say that!"

"Of course, I'm not a fool. Also, he said in a trick that day that your parents want to come back, what should we do?" Bai Shuxian talked about a practical problem.

"Anyway, I won't move." Tao Jin spread his hands, "At the beginning, the old couple also said that this house will be given to us. If they want to come back, they can only wait until the lease term of our house is up. Or just Let the second child figure out a way, anyway, he has plenty of ways."

The house Tao Jin lives in now belongs to his parents, and the area is bigger than theirs.After Tao Tang took his parents to Binjiang, Tao Jin's family rented out their old house, renovated their parents' house and moved in.Bai Shuxian has a little girl, and the building with an area of ​​only [-] square meters is going to be reserved for her son to get married.

"I'm relieved." Bai Shuxian nodded.

Tao Tang left the office at [-]:[-].

In the afternoon, he first checked last year's annual report and the comprehensive statistical report for the first quarter of this year, and had a preliminary understanding of the company's financial operations.At ten past three, Chief Engineer Jiang Shangyun came to his office and asked if he had time to listen to the report on the new product, and he immediately agreed.So, he listened to the new product briefing organized by Chief Engineer Jiang Shangyun in his office, which took two hours and ten minutes.Tao Tang, who has always hated long meetings, did not limit the reporting time, because he wanted to understand the company's new product reserves and R&D status as much as possible.The 55-year-old Jiang Shangyun is very familiar with the situation of the new product, which makes Tao Tang quite satisfied. The degree of mastery of the situation shows his work attitude, which shows that Jiang Shangyun still respects him as the new leader.Therefore, although Tao Tang was not very satisfied with the report of Li Meng, the assistant to the general manager and the director of the research institute, he only asked questions without any criticism.

There are not many old products left in the history of Red Star.In Tao Tang's memory, the main product of Red Star is the mining machine.When I was a child, I followed my father into the factory, and I was most impressed by the rows of shiny hydraulic props.Now, mining machinery products have retreated to a secondary position, and their output value only accounts for a little over one-fifth of the total output value.The leading products have been shifted to agricultural machinery—including agricultural three-wheels, tractor gearboxes and combine harvesters; auto parts—including mini-cars, car gearboxes, various pipe fittings, plastic parts, and instrument assemblies.Red Star's current product structure is actually three major sectors, auto parts, agricultural machinery and mining machinery.

The development of new products is also carried out around these three major sectors. There are always hundreds of types, but there is no focus and lack of rigorous market research data support.

It's not easy for Tao Tang to express his opinion now.Because he has not yet formed a complete train of thought.The entire Brilliant Group is facing industrial transformation and upgrading, which is easier said than done.It is even more difficult for old companies with backward equipment like Red Star.Therefore, after the report was over, Tao Tang did not give specific instructions, but only expressed his own principled views, that is, the key points must be clarified, and the focus should not be spread everywhere.

What's the point?He doesn't know yet.

Jiang Shangyun seemed to have something to say, but he answered the phone and said something happened at home, so he left in a hurry.

When Tao Tang was listening to the report, Li Zhibin's office outside had been waiting for two middle-level managers, and the first one had been waiting for two hours.After the new product briefing, Tao Tang met with two middle-level managers, one was Fan Yong, the Minister of Security, and the other was Wang Jingfu, the manager of the property company.Fan Yong was reporting to him on the management of the guards, while Wang Jingfu was "pleading guilty" on the management of the cafeteria.Regarding the former, Tao Tang only asked about the management regulations. Since the system clearly prohibits family members from entering the production area, it means that the Security Department is not strict in implementing the system. Strictly enforce the system."

Fan Yong was extremely uneasy.It is said that there are three fires for a new official to take office, and he accidentally lit the first fire.But Tao Tang's attitude reassured him a lot, saying that he would investigate and deal with it seriously, and promised that similar problems would not happen again in the future.Tao Tang let him go.

But for Wang Jingfu, Tao Tang was much more serious, "Manager Wang, how long has it been since you went to the cafeteria to eat?"

Wang Jingfu was almost sweating, he never went to the cafeteria to eat, not even a single meal.

"No? Then do you have children eating in the cafeteria? No? Tell me, if your son or your family eats in the cafeteria, you will manage it in the same way?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Tao, it's my negligence... There are so many things in the property, I can't take care of it..."

"That is to say, you are not competent?"

Wang Jingfu didn't dare to answer.

"Manager Wang, tell me first, is there any problem with the cafeteria?"

"Yes... I went to see it as soon as I got to work in the afternoon. The problem is very big, and it is being rectified..."

"Well, I'll give you a week." Tao Tang has a serious face, but his tone is calm, "Manager Wang, those who eat in the cafeteria are all single workers, and we should treat them as our own children and brothers. If They have a family in the factory, and they don’t eat in the cafeteria. But not necessarily. The canteen of Shengdong Company often receives family dinners, because they think the meals in the cafeteria are cheap and affordable, and the environment is also good. If you don’t believe me , you can go to Shengdong for an on-the-spot investigation. I allow you to go on business. However, I don’t think it’s necessary. Environmental sanitation and food quality are all management problems. I think you know where the problems are, or you can rectify them What? Isn't it?"

"Yes, you are right, our management is not in place."

"Okay, then I'll see the effect of your rectification." Tao Tang waved his hand, indicating that Wang Jingfu can leave.

The chief accountant, Han Zhiyong, came in with Quan Jianhe, the deputy director of the finance department, and reported to Tao Tang that the finance company's 5000 million inflow loan had been credited.According to the arrangement of the morning meeting, [-] million yuan has been prepared for supply, but the supply has not yet been submitted to the procurement plan.

Tao Tang nodded to show that he understood. He gestured to Han Zhiyong to sit down, "What is the maximum number of accounts receivable in the system?"

"4.3 billion."

"Mr. Han, go to Yanjing, at least 2 million yuan should be recovered. If the finance company doesn't do it, you can find Director Feng."

"Okay. With these 3 million, we can breathe a sigh of relief." Han Zhiyong relaxed.If the top leader is in place, the higher-ups will always give some benefits. A [-] million current loan is actually nothing. The salary and social security owed by Red Star also exceed this amount, but the cooperation funds can be recovered in advance, and the finances will be a lot easier.

"Huh? What else is there?" Tao Tang looked at Han Zhiyong and hesitated to speak.

"Mr. Tao," Han Zhiyong looked at Quan Jianhe, "do you want to make up the wages owed?"

"How much do you owe?"

"A total of 9830 million." Quan Jianhe reported.

"How much is our monthly salary, including social security contributions?"

"1.15 million. The underpayment mentioned just now is a real underpayment, not including social security."

"Well, wait, let me understand the situation before I talk."

Han Zhiyong said: "Mr. Tao, the unit that owes wages has a lot of opinions..."

"I know this even if you don't tell me. But all the money can't be used to repay wages." Tao Tang turned his eyes to the window and didn't move.This is a habit of his, and the cadres of Shengdong knew that they should leave when they saw his action.

"Then, so be it. I will go to Yanjing tomorrow." Han Zhiyong said.

"Tomorrow is Friday. Even if you fly there, it may not be done in the afternoon, and you will spend two days there in vain. Let's go next Monday. I will call the headquarters. By the way, internal assessment, I mean salary Which unit is in charge of the assessment?" Tao Tang stood up.

"Department of Regulations."


After Han Zhiyong and Quan Jianhe left, Tao Tang checked that the time was past 06:30, but he didn't pay attention to the ringing of the off-duty bell.He locked the documents on the desk into the safe, shredded the waste paper, checked the doors and windows, changed his overalls, and left the office.Li Zhibin was still waiting in his room. He wanted to clean up the house after Tao Tang left, but found that there was no other work to do except cleaning.

got windy.After leaving the office building, Tao Tang zipped up his jacket and saw his nephew Tao Youdao waiting outside.

"What are you doing here?"

"My mother called to pick up my second uncle..."

"Afraid that I don't know the way? Is your aunt here?"

"It's early."

"Has Xiaowei finished school? The last time I came back to pick up your grandparents, I haven't seen this girl, is she a big girl?"

Xiaowei is Tao Meiling's only daughter, who is in the first grade of junior high school.

"Yes, it's almost 1.7 meters tall..."

"Really. I'm afraid I won't recognize it." Tao Tang walked towards the family area with big strides, while looking at the surrounding environment. Compared with four years ago, the change is not great. There are more shops facing the street, which makes The road became more crowded and messy, "Youdao, has a new building been built in the factory in recent years?"

"Fourteen buildings were built in 2009, one of which is a large-scale apartment for leaders. Second Uncle, you should have one."

"How big is it? How much is the price?" Tao Tang recalled the house that Zhao Qingmin told him, and it probably was in this house.

"It's much cheaper than the commercial housing in the city, only 2250. The apartment size is big, 220 square meters, and there is an elevator." Mentioning the No. 96 building, which the employees privately called "corruption building", Tao Youdao said I am envious.He went to Mr. Jiang's house where he married his daughter-in-law with others, and it was so beautiful.

"Oh, what is the price of commercial housing in the city? Do you know?"

"It's roughly 3800~4500, depending on the location. The starting price of the newly opened Emerald Garden is 5200."

"What's the condition of the big house in the factory you mentioned?"

"The leader of the company, the deputy chief engineer, what other departments... It is said that there are still several vacant sets."

"Employees have no objections?"

"The price is the same, there is an extra elevator, and there is a free loft on the top floor. Why don't you have any objections? But, what if there are any objections?"

"Youdao, the second uncle is already the target of the employees. I will make a request for you, can you do it?" Tao Tang stopped and looked at his nephew.

"Second Uncle, tell me."

"Don't think about taking advantage of Second Uncle. Just pretend that Second Uncle doesn't exist, okay?"

"I understand what Second Uncle means, don't worry."

"That's good. Promising men conquer the world by themselves, and those who rely on their elders are worthless. Just remember."

"Yes, I remember."

"Oh, when was a big supermarket built here? Is it from the property company?"


"Personal? I remember this is the restaurant of the labor company? Last time I came back, I had dinner here."

"The restaurant was sold to an individual, and the supermarket was bulldozed."

"Oh." Tao Tang stopped and looked at the supermarket for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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