Revival Road

Chapter 123 Luo Chong

Chapter 123 Luo Chong
At nine o'clock in the evening, Kuang Zuyu, director of the infrastructure department, knocked on the heavy security door of Luo Chong's house.Although he has been under Luo Chong's for more than two years, this is the first time he has entered Luo Chong's house.

"It's Director Kuang... What a rare guest... Please come in..." Luo Chong's wife Xia Min opened the door, "Don't change your shoes, come in, Lao Luo, Director Kuang is here."

In life, many couples who have lived together for several years look alike.People say it's called husband and wife.But Kuang Zuyu has never seen anything more similar than Luo Chong and his wife.If they didn't know the basics, they would have thought they were brothers and sisters at first glance.The same short, bucket-like body, the same fleshy face, and even the bulging goldfish eyes are so similar.But they have no blood relationship at all. Xia Min is a true child of Red Star, the daughter of Deputy Secretary Xia who retired from Red Star. Luo Chong is an outsider.

"Good evening. Didn't bother you, it's a bit late..." Seeing that the slippers on the ground were obviously for guests, Kuang Zuyu changed his shoes anyway.

"He's a night owl, he doesn't sleep at all..." Xia Min looks rough, but speaks softly.

Through the carved screen of the European-style entrance, Kuang Zuyu saw Liu Xinjun, director of the Development and Regulations Department, standing up from the sofa.

"Assistant Liu is here..."

"I have a few things to report to Mr. Luo, and we've finished." Liu Xinjun nodded at Kuang Zuyu.He knew that Kuang Zuyu came here because the Ministry of Infrastructure changed its master, and he probably had something private to say to Luo Chong.

Luo Chong, who was wearing a round-neck white sweater, pointed at Kuang Zuyu with a smile, "Old Kuang, you are a rare visitor. It seems that you are here for the first time?"

"Mr. Luo, it's not only the first time to come to your house, but also the first time to enter Building 96."

"That's nonsense," Liu Xinjun smiled, "Didn't you build this building?"

"I built the building, but the user has never been here since it was delivered..."

This is bullshit.Luo Chong didn't believe that Kuang Zuyu hadn't been to Song Yue's house.Song Yue has a circle, and it is rumored that Kuang Zuyu and Liu Xinjun are both members of that small circle, "Are you talking nonsense? Have you ever played cards at Mr. Song's house?" Luo Chong said and looked at Liu Xinjun.

"I've never met Lao Kuang. He doesn't play cards."

"Haha, Lao Kuang is an elegant person...Lao Xia, please accompany Director Kuang on a tour. I will send off the new army." Luo Chong said to his wife.

"No secret?" Kuang Zuyu smiled.

"The secret of fart. It's too messy, you can't make jokes." Xia Min took Kuang Zuyu and began to visit her mansion.

Kuang Zuyu certainly knew the structure of the house.He is engaged in infrastructure construction, and he is familiar with house decoration, so he is not a layman.I have to admit that Luo Chong still has great taste. The European style is inherently tall, and the furniture and lamps are well matched, which is not insulting to this house with a very reasonable structure and a large area.

"Ah, is your son graduating soon?" Seeing the family portrait on the wall of the master bedroom, Kuang Zuyu asked Xia Min, "Should I come back or stay in Australia?"

"I don't know. The child is grown up and I can't control it anymore."

"Oh, Mr. Luo really reads a lot of books..." Standing at the door of Chaoyang's study, looking at the bookcases filled with books that occupy the entire wall, Kuang Zuyu admired sincerely, "After seeing this set of bookcases, even I want to do it. learned."

"That's all for show." Xia Min said with a smile.

"That's not true, Mr. Luo is knowledgeable, and everyone in our factory agrees on this point."

"What's unanimous, don't give me ecstasy soup. Sit down," Luo Chong dragged Kuang Zuyu back to the living room, "What kind of tea do you like? Red, green, or white?"

On the huge mahogany coffee table was a set of lacquer kung fu tea sets, and there were more than a dozen tea boxes beside it. Kuang Zuyu picked up one at random. It was Jin Junmei, "That's it."

"It's better to drink some green tea in summer. This is Mingqian Longjing tea given by a friend. It tastes really good." Luo Chong did not use Jin Junmei, but brewed Longjing tea, and then gave Kuang Zuyu a cigarette.

"Such a beautiful home, are you willing to smoke?"

"Bullshit, does it serve people or do people serve it?"

"Mr. Luo has a good opinion. It's such a rationale. I'm afraid my wife will have an opinion... Mr. Luo, okay, why are you handing over my stall?" Kuang Zuyu finally turned to the topic.

"You don't think it's my idea, do you? What's the discussion below?"

"Everyone is still willing to be under your leadership... What does Qiu Lin know?"

Willing to be under my leadership?Luo Chong took a deep puff on his cigarette, and squinted his eyes at Kuang Zuyu, who was a little fuzzy, "This is nonsense. At least Huo Wenhua doesn't want to work under me. Lao Kuang, you have to beware of this kid, he's not real."

"Don't worry, Mr. Luo, Huo Wenhua can't make any waves."

Luo Chong poured a cup of tea for Kuang Zuyu, "Lao Kuang, be careful. Our new boss... nothing else, Ren Dao's business must stop. Do you understand?"
"Good tea! I came here to tell you about it. He heard about it in the afternoon and came to my place to stay for two hours. This man, what should I say? The grade is too low."

"If you have a high grade, you can't make a fortune. What did you tell him?"

"I told him that Qiu Lin is a stick, and he doesn't know what's good or bad. Mr. Tao just came, and he's doing a lot of rectification, so he can keep the green hills so he can have firewood."

"Well, what did he say?"

"Complain. There is no end to people's hearts."

"The roof of the 11th branch was overhauled, didn't you give it to him?"

"No. Didn't you tell me?"

"It is necessary to stop his business. This man, I think something bad is going on." Luo Chong smothered the cigarette butt in the ashtray, "A few days ago, he even had an argument with the factory office. I think he really lost his head. Who does he think he is?"

"Run to building No. [-] to quarrel? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"Isn't it because of the food? Jia Jianxin is an idiot who can't afford it. In the end, he was persuaded by Zhang Xingwu. Zhang Xingwu will not keep it a secret for him. That matter has nothing to do with us. By the way, Guo Tao gave it to you Notice of rectification, have you rectified seriously?"

"The rectification is done, the report has been written. I don't think there is any major problem."

"That's not up to you. The higher-ups think that you have problems, and they will find out if there are no problems. The higher-ups think that you have no problems, and the big problems will disappear. You give me the rectification report tomorrow, don't leave it to Mr. Qiu .Note the date of the next report."

"Don't worry. As far as I know, the problem of the secondary warehouse of the grass-roots branch factory is much more serious than mine. Chairman Guo can't avoid the serious ones."

"It's called avoiding the important and taking the light? You don't think about it, why did you assign the Ministry of Infrastructure to Qiu Lin? I think you have been too pampered in recent years. Don't think that the Ministry of Infrastructure will be fine if it is outside the company's main business. You can guarantee that it will be fine." People staring? Dare?"

"I'm wondering, you said, what is Mr. Tao doing? Checking the secondary warehouse can also be understood as revitalizing inventory, relieving financial pressure, and cleaning up off-duty personnel. Isn't it a waste of money and food? That's all, what do you mean by keeping everyone's mouths under control? I heard that there was a bunch of bad things about waste recycling. Chen Jianping asked me the day before yesterday. How do I know what happened? What good is it for production and management? Is he here to catch the business or to handle the case? Tell me, Lao Liao is an honest person, what’s the big deal? If you say it’s waived, it’s really unreasonable.”

"Can you discuss what Mr. Tao is doing? It's fine for me to talk about this kind of thing here. Don't complain to Mr. Qiu. Let's be serious. Once it comes, the general situation dictates that the higher-ups will launch new ones every now and then. According to the regulations, the factory has to follow. The history of our country is like this. In the past 30 years in Hedong and in the past 30 years in Hexi, it was either over the left or over the right. Isn’t there a word called overcorrection? Anyway, you won’t walk in the middle of the road...Secondly, Well, when a new official takes office, there is always a lot of fire to be ignited, and you are not a newcomer, so you don’t understand this truth? At this time, please be cautious in your words and deeds.”

"Didn't I just say a few words in front of the old leader? Who else should I tell other than you? I have nothing else to do, what do you have to order? Mr. Luo, you know who I am, no matter you directly Regardless of us, you will always be my leader."

"Thank you... It's nothing else, just be careful in everything. Do everything according to the regulations and don't be afraid of trouble. In addition, you have to pay attention to this year's indicators. I'm worried that you won't be able to make profits."

This is one of the purposes of Kuang Zuyu's coming here, "Mr. Luo, if you didn't let me know at the beginning of the year, I wouldn't have signed it. 8000 million income, 2000 million profit, and no major projects worth mentioning in the factory. How can I complete the project?" Well. Mr. Qiu is not very talkative, you are in charge of the indicators, you can’t let me go. Otherwise, brothers, this year is useless.”

"It's not your family that can't meet the target. The Jian'an company is nominally owned by the Ministry of Infrastructure, and the accounting is independent accounting. In fact, it's nothing... By the way, just now you mentioned the liquidation and dismissal. I know there are some in your place, and the salary is ok. No interception? How did you deal with it?"

"There are only two people, how much can I keep? When the overtime pay is paid, the account is very clear, and I didn't ask for a penny. The discipline inspection committee can check it if it wants to."

Of course you kid doesn't like that little money.Luo Chong thought.

After Kuang Zuyu left, Xia Min took a shower and went to bed.Luo Chong went back to the study to finish his daily homework - keeping a diary.He has developed this habit since he was in college, and has kept more than [-] thick diaries in the past [-] years, almost one every year.Every day, he would write down the events of the day and his own mood.As for Tao Tang's deprivation of the Ministry of Infrastructure that he had been in charge of for several years, he needed to sort it out carefully to find out the real intention of the top leader.If the things in the mind can be written down smoothly, it means that the tearing is clear, otherwise, you need to continue tearing.

Obviously, Tao Tang didn't trust himself.According to the current situation, Tao Tang doesn't trust anyone, including Qiu Lin, who is very happy.But Tao Tang couldn't take over the entire team of Red Star, he couldn't do this, and the higher-ups wouldn't let him do it.I thought that Tao Tang was staring at Li Luo, and he was ready to watch a good show, but Song Yue actually fell into Li Luo's hands, seemingly full of flaws, but in fact he couldn't hold anything, this is Li Luo .But later it was discovered that Tao Tang was not planning to start a war with Li Luo, and seemed to be aiming at Han Zhiyong, which was not bad, Han Zhiyong was also a big man with enough weight.But now it seems that Tao Tang seems to be aiming at himself, which is troublesome... Liu Xiuyun and others are inadequacies, she can't get on the stage yet.

Luo Chong really couldn't understand Tao Tang.None of the several "modes" of top leaders he realized were "applicable" to Tao Tang.Compared with the top leaders of the red stars he knew, Tao Tang was a very different and unique one.

Luo Chong was assigned to Red Star after graduating from university, and it went smoothly. He entered the division level before he was 30 years old. They all said that he was honored by his father-in-law, but he never admitted it in his heart. It was the result of his hard work.Because of the early development, he was able to study the highest level of the Red Star at close range.The top leader of Red Star is the emperor in this circle, who dominates the power and does not allow others to touch him, such as Factory Director Zhao, who is so happy to use Red Star as a springboard to climb up, like Factory Director Qian, who is greedy for money and lustful, like Factory Director Sun, who is famous and dignified like Mr. Li ...Luo Chong thinks he understands their hearts. No matter what they say on stage or what they do off stage, the one thing that never changes is that they are all real people. Benefits are not substantially different.Therefore, Luo Chong was very sure that Tao Tang would replace Song Yue as Feng Shizhao's firefighting captain, unlike some leaders who were in constant panic and worried about being suppressed because of Song Yue.Those who do good things divide the current team members of Red Star into five categories of "life, old age, sickness, death and suffering", and put Luo and Zhao Qingmin and Guo Tao together into the "bitter" category. He just laughed.

Luo Chong once said to his most trusted cadres that those who oppose Song Yue may not be reused, and Song Yue's former cronies may not be suppressed, everything depends on the needs of the top leaders.As long as you cater to the needs of others, everything will be fine, so why panic? !The safest way is to stand still, wait and see what happens, and let him know what he likes first.

But more than two months of observation made Luo Chong deeply confused.

First, Tao Tang's way of controlling his subordinates puzzled him.The new leader will inevitably have conflicts with his deputy, let's call him Liwei.This is not uncommon, but there is no such thing as him who is so random and random.People support one faction and oppress the other, and they always unite the majority to suppress the minority in order to gain control of power.But Tao Tang came to the factory for less than three months, and successively made enemies with Li Luo, Han Zhiyong, Ma Guangming, Liu Xiuyun, and himself, leaving behind Liu Xiuyun, who climbed up by taking care of Song Yue's life, and the rest are all powerful figures in the Red Star Factory. These people teamed up to fight against him?Can he control Red Star by relying on Zhao Qingmin, who is weak, and Qiu Lin, who is inexperienced and lacks a city government?Do they not understand the operation of power or have other plans?

Second, there is a big problem with Tao Tang's view of political achievements.There is no top leader who does not want to make political achievements. If he is going to earn rising capital in Red Star, then he can't do lean management. Can lean management solve Red Star's current difficulties?Even if it works, how many years?If I were myself, I would naturally follow the local government's new city construction and implement relocation and reorganization. As long as the process is smooth and controllable, the results will come out. This process will take three years, which is just right for him to be promoted.As for the future, who would think so much?As for cleaning up the off-duty personnel, checking the secondary warehouse, and controlling the mouths of the middle-level cadres, it is even more trivial to catch these trivial matters?All things are essentially offending people and offending the real power class of Red Star. Doesn't he understand that these talents are the cornerstone of maintaining his power operation?

Third, Tao Tang's character is too vague.Luo Chong couldn't see what Tao Tang liked.He firmly believes that no one has hobbies. Tao Tang doesn't seem to love money, he wants fame.Isn't it just gaining a good reputation to push down the house given to him, eat in the big canteen with single workers, and even insist on riding a bicycle to the workshop?Indeed, the common people, including those retired old guys, praised him one after another.But what good is that?A good reputation is only effective if it spreads to the ears of those who can determine his fate. Even if the employees say 1 times you are good, it is not worth the key person saying you are bad once.Will Feng Shizhao listen to the voices of the common people?There are hundreds of companies in the group, how many times can Feng Shizhao come to Red Star?Even if he came, he could hear the people talking?
Over the years, Luo Chong has realized his own way of survival. This is also the mentality taught by his father-in-law. Never face the top leader as an enemy, but never let the top leader have no enemies.If there is no enemy, find a way to find an enemy for him. Only when their fighting blood flows into rivers can you be safe.Therefore, even though Tao Tang acted perversely, Luo Chong was not prepared to make him a direct enemy.

Li Luo had already dispelled Tao Tang's offensive, and it seemed that the two of them cooperated happily, and Li Luo worked hard on the payment and orders.However, Han Zhiyong showed dissatisfaction, as evidenced by the previous discussion on leaving his post.But what is strange is that Ma Guangming didn't seem to stand with Han Zhiyong, and expressed his opinion first, but he followed Han Zhiyong in the past.Although Han Zhiyong ranks behind Li Luo, Han Zhiyong, the chief accountant, is full of gold. The difference can be seen from the ratio of performance salary (Han Zhiyong and Li Luo are 10% higher than other vice presidents). It is also controlled by the headquarters, and there is a clear term of office, up to two consecutive terms, so the place must be changed.Han Zhiyong is already in the second class, which objectively made him less afraid of the top leader... But he has no background of Han Zhiyong, so he must stand by Tao Tang's side, but he can't be as explicit as Qiu Lin.

But Tao Tang quietly took the Ministry of Infrastructure from his plate.why?Luo Chong was deeply confused.

(End of this chapter)

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