Revival Road

Chapter 124 Xu Deyu's Predicament 1

Chapter 124 Xu Deyu's Predicament One
The cousin who made an appointment to come to the city for further inspection unexpectedly missed the appointment.Xu Deyu didn't see his cousin until almost noon, and his cousin's mobile phone couldn't get through. In desperation, he called his cousin's neighbor in the village (my cousin usually uses his mobile phone to contact his family without a landline), and talked a lot. Good thing, I finally called my cousin to answer the phone, she said that he didn't want to check it anymore, he had already gone to work, probably he didn't have the phone with him...

How can it not be checked?How could his body work?Xu Deyu became anxious when he heard it, "No, sister-in-law, I asked the doctor, and according to my brother's symptoms, it is likely to be liver cirrhosis, and the condition is more serious... Don't feel bad about money, I have a little on hand, probably enough for him For a course of treatment...sister-in-law, tell me where he is, and I'll go find him..."

The cousin gave me an address.Fortunately, my cousin is in the city.

The last time I went to Brownstone Village was to marry my sick cousin.Unexplained hematemesis frightened my cousin, so I asked Xu Deyu for help, Xu Deyu went there in a hurry, my cousin said it was healed, it might be stomach bleeding, his appetite has been poor for many years.But Xu Deyu was worried, she felt that her cousin's complexion was too bad.What is the situation, or to a regular hospital for examination, can not be taken for granted.So she made an appointment to accompany her cousin to see a doctor.

After Xu Deyu came back, he checked his cousin's symptoms on the Internet. Thinking of a former colleague of his, he suspected that his cousin had liver problems.She went to the Third Hospital of Beiyang City, which is a liver disease hospital in G Province. She registered an expert account and consulted an expert. The expert told her that liver cirrhosis may cause vomiting and blood in the stool, so she gave her a science education and told her Bring the patient as soon as possible.

But my cousin missed the appointment.Not only missed the appointment, but also went back to the logistics company to work regardless of his health.The more Xu Deyu thought about it, the more afraid he became, so he asked Cui Jian for leave, and found his cousin who was working according to the address given by his cousin.

In a large yard, under the scorching sun, my cousin was unloading the parcel that had just arrived.

"Cousin, are you dying?" Xu Deyu scolded.

"Xiaoyu, I can't help it either. Your sister-in-law is not in good health, and I don't work. What should I do at home?" My cousin pulled Xu Deyu to hide in the shade. You take good care of me, don't worry."

"No. You have to ask for leave and follow me to the hospital for a comprehensive check-up. If it's just a stomach problem, I won't stop you."

"Where can I look at a big hospital?" My cousin was a little sad, "Besides, I know my illness myself. We are born to suffer, and we can't be as delicate as the people in the city..."

My cousin’s words stung Xu Deyu, “Don’t worry about money. Let’s check first, take medicine or be hospitalized, you have to listen to the doctor. The burden on the family is heavy, and you must cherish your body. When your health collapses, what will happen to your sister-in-law and children? You must listen to me on this matter." Without any explanation, Xu Deyu found the manager of the logistics company and asked for two days off for his cousin. Of course, the wages for these two days (they are daily wages) must be gone.

Seeing that it was getting late, they found a small restaurant and each ate a bowl of noodles. The small restaurant only had an electric fan, and the two of them were sweating from eating.After paying 18 yuan for the meal, Xu Deyu dragged his cousin back to the factory.

"It's definitely not possible to go today. Let's go early tomorrow to catch the first bus." Xu Deyu said to his cousin.

"Why did you go to Beiyang? The hospital in Hiraizumi is scary enough..." My cousin was worried about the cost.

"Brother, you don't understand. I suspect that you have a liver problem. Beiyang Third Hospital specializes in liver disease, and the doctors there are the most experienced... Don't go anywhere in the afternoon, just stay at home. I'm going to work." Looking at the time, Xu Deyu left in a hurry.

Her aunt and uncle were very kind to her back then, and her father was also very concerned about her aunt before his death. Xu Deyu believed that she had the responsibility to help her cousin who was in trouble.But if it is really cirrhosis, even in the early stage, the cost of protecting the liver is very expensive.Xu Deyu contacted Director Wu, an expert from Beiyang Third Hospital again, and asked about the cost. Although Director Wu said that he would wait for the test results to determine the treatment plan, he still told her the approximate cost: According to what you said, liver cirrhosis If there is no ascites and no cancer, taking the method of infusion to protect the liver can effectively control the development of the disease... We have experience in the control of early liver cirrhosis. We are hospitalized twice a year, about one month each time, and every time The cost is about 2 yuan... Does your relative have medical insurance?

Xu Deyu said that his relatives are from the countryside, "Probably there is a new rural cooperative medical system..."

"That way the reimbursement rate will be lower..." Director Wu said, "You take the patient for an examination first, and then determine the treatment plan after the results come out."

It sounds like Director Wu is very nice... Xu Deyu called Director Wu on the way to work, and it took a long time for Director Wu to think about it, and told her that it would be fine tomorrow, any day except Sunday.

But Cui Jian might not approve of her fake, because she was in Xu Deyu's office at that time.The reason is that tomorrow the company will have a special meeting on lean management. Mr. Tao will attend the meeting and give important instructions. Deputy Secretary Chang asked the Propaganda Department to organize a special issue of lean management. Cui Jian asked Xu Deyu to write an important manuscript. It is a big deal I also have to let go.

"But I want to take relatives to Beiyang to see a doctor, and I have already made an appointment with the doctor... Can someone else record the audio and make a record, so I can digest and study when I come back?" Xu Deyu rarely asked for leave, and was very anxious when he was rejected for the first time.

"Even if you have to go, you have to pass tomorrow. You are the editor-in-chief, don't you know the value of first-hand information? Listening to the recording can replace the atmosphere of the scene?" Cui Jian rejected Xu Deyu's suggestion. He seemed to be in a hurry and left Xu Deyu left in a hurry.

Xu Deyu regretted not asking for leave first, which was tantamount to wasting his cousin's time for a day... But the cousin really should rest, and can no longer do physical work... But what if he doesn't work?A pair of sons and daughters, one in college and one in high school, when they are spending money... Even if it is not such a nasty disease, what about the future life?She is willing to help him, but her power is too limited.Her parents’ medical treatment almost cost the family’s small savings. Her monthly salary is less than 3000 yuan. Even if she doesn’t eat or drink, she can’t help much. Xiao Xuehe, who shares an office with her, transferred to the TV station Mao Dezhen was chatting about the new iPhone 5 and its new functions. Xiao Mao is a die-hard fruit fan. As long as the new model comes out, he will definitely buy it. A mobile phone costs 6000 yuan. It is like a toy to Mao Dezhen, which makes Xu Deyu feel uncomfortable. Lenovo When it comes to her cousin's situation, she can't do the work she wants.The fate of people is so different, some people's lives are beyond the dreams of others...

Thinking that she might not have time tomorrow, she decided to go to the branch office to withdraw some of the money on the salary card, because she was running out of cash.

She lowered her head and walked out, bumping into the person who was entering the door. She hurriedly said she was sorry, but when she looked up, she felt even more embarrassed...

"Huh? What's the rush? I was looking for you..." Tao Tang said with a smile, "Are you okay?"

"You looking for me?" Xu Deyu was incredulous.

"Yes, I have an idea and I want to talk to you. Do you have time now?"

"Have time……"

"Then let's chat for a while. No, you don't have to leave. Let's listen together. We are all comrades from the factory newspaper, right?" Tao Tang stopped them when he saw the two young people getting up to leave.

"It's like this... Director Jiang of the Production Management Department led a team to Shengdong Company to learn lean management and has returned. Tomorrow the company will hold a mobilization meeting to promote lean management. The scale is relatively large. I have always advocated that public opinion comes first, and the factory newspaper as the The company's main publicity mouthpiece will play an important and irreplaceable role this time... Hey, what are you thinking, Xiao Xu? I think you're a little distracted."

"No, I'm sorry Mr. Tao... Tell me, I'm listening..." Xu Deyu was really distracted and felt his face burning.Tao Tang seldom came to the Propaganda Department. She remembered that this was the second time. It seemed that she was looking for her to assign work, but she was distracted...

"You have something on your mind. Can you tell me?" Tao Tang asked gently.

"Mr. Tao, our editor-in-chief Xu and Minister Cui asked for leave just now," Xiao Xue said with some boyish impetuosity, "Minister Cui may be allowed to leave."

"Little Xue!" Xu Deyu was a little unhappy.

"Oh, no wonder. Go ahead and tell me that I'm on leave. Seeing a doctor is a big deal. We'll talk about it when you have time. Go ahead. If you encounter professional problems while writing a manuscript, you can come to me and I'll make up for you. , The purpose is to get better results and let the employees really devote themselves to it...Xiao Xue, right? You tell Minister Cui, Xiao Xu’s fake, I’m sure." After Tao Tang finished speaking, he got up and left.

"Oh, sister Xu, you're so proud of yourself." After Tao Tang left, Xiao Xue said enviously.

"What are you yelling about? How can I tell the minister?" Xu Deyu felt embarrassed.

"I know what Cuitou wants you to write! He just wants you to accurately grasp Mr. Tao's thinking. Now that Mr. Tao has promised to give you a small stove, are you afraid that you won't be able to do the job?"

Think about it too.Xu Deyu got up and went to the branch office to get the money.

After a quarter of an hour, she came back and received a call from Li Zhibin, "Editor Xu, right? I'm Xiao Li, the secretary of the factory office. I heard that you have something to go to Beiyang tomorrow? What time do you plan to leave?"

"How do you know I'm going to Beiyang?"

"Mr. Tao told me to contact me to give you a ride...tomorrow the Department of Regulations will have a meeting with the Provincial Economic and Information Commission. When will you leave? How many people?"

"Thank you, I'll go by bus, it's very convenient."

"They only go for two people, and there are two empty seats. If there are too many people, I can change a car for you..."

"I said no need..."

"It's just on the way. What time? How many people?" Li Zhibin's voice was very low, "Boss Tao has already made arrangements, so please understand my difficulties as a secretary... They leave at seven, do you want to make it?"

"Then, then... Who will go to the regulatory department?"

"You wait for me to implement it before suing you."

A few minutes later, Li Zhibin called, "It's Deputy Director Duan Hui. He's waiting for you at the east gate at seven o'clock. Do you have Director Duan's number?"

"No need. I'll be there on time..." Xu Deyu was thinking about how to explain to Cui Jian.

Xu Deyu took his cousin to Beiyang smoothly, and Duan Hui sent them to the gate of the hospital, and made an appointment to contact them after the meeting.Because they came early, they registered, and the numbers for receiving the color Doppler ultrasound were relatively high. The inspection, including the color Doppler ultrasound, was completed in the morning, which cost Xu Deyu more than 700 oceans.The results of the blood test have not yet come out, but the doctor in the ultrasound room clearly told Xu Deyu that the patient's symptoms of cirrhosis of the liver are obvious. These words made Xu Deyu's heart sink completely.Then he hung up Director Wu's expert account, and after seeing the results of the color Doppler ultrasound, Director Wu asked the patient to be hospitalized immediately.He avoided his cousin and said to Xu Deyu, "The patient's condition is relatively serious, and liver cirrhosis is certain. He had vomiting blood before. It was not a stomach problem, but a rupture of blood vessels caused by high portal vein pressure... You are too careless Now, this situation is very dangerous. Now I have to be hospitalized for treatment, otherwise the consequences will be very serious." Then, Director Wu comforted her again, telling her not to worry too much, as long as timely treatment, the condition can still be controlled, he has Many patients have been under control for a long time and have not deteriorated further. "It's time to rush. Now there are new drugs coming out every eight to ten years. It is possible to fight for 30 years."

At that time, she made the decision for her cousin, "Go to the hospital, Director Wu."

There happened to be a bed, and Director Wu immediately went through the hospitalization procedures for his cousin.

She went out and told the truth to her cousin, "You must be hospitalized. Think about your family, you are the pillar, if you don't take good care of your body, what will happen to your sister-in-law and two children? Don't think about the money, I will take the money for the hospitalization." , I'll go out."

My cousin got anxious when he heard it, "You have helped me enough these years, how can this work? Let's ask the doctor to prescribe some medicine and go back to make a call, right." The call is in the Hiraizumi dialect, which means maintenance and recuperation.

"Brother, your disease can't be cured by taking medicine. The level of a large hospital is high, and the doctor can adjust the medicine according to the situation. How can it be done at home? You can stay with me today, and the treatment will be better one day earlier. I Go buy some urgent daily necessities, and I will deliver the rest to you next Sunday."

At first, Director Wu thought they were husband and wife, but now he realized they were cousins, and said to cousin Xu Deyu, "Just listen to your sister, and don't disappoint his care for you."

She didn't know how to comfort her, leaving her at a loss cousin, Xu Deyu bought tableware and toiletries in the supermarket inside the hospital, including necessities such as socks and socks, and first paid a deposit of 1 yuan by swiping her card. I have less than 2000 yuan left.The deposit is only enough for half a month's expenses. These years, she has subsidized her cousin's son who is going to college with 1000 yuan a month. She really can't save much money.She must raise at least 1 yuan within half a month, otherwise her cousin will not be able to support this course of treatment.

After coming out of the small supermarket, Xu Deyu felt sad, and hid alone by the roadside and began to cry.She has had enough of the pain of relatives leaving one after another. The continuous blows have made her a pessimist. Director Wu's "grabbing time" comfort is just comfort to her. Anything that may be bad will almost inevitably happen. ...My cousin is only 45 years old, what should I do?Even if what Director Wu said is true, where does the cost of the twice-yearly treatment come from?What's more, there are nephews and nieces studying... It would be fine if it was on me. First, I have medical insurance, which can reimburse more than half of the expenses.Second, I am a superfluous person, and I will die when I die, and it is nothing special... Why did the illness find my cousin who is responsible for the family?
People passing by looked indifferently at Xu Deyu who was crying while holding the willow tree.No one paid attention to this woman who was clearly in serious trouble, and it was not surprising that people who came to this place were either patients or visiting patients...

In the afternoon Duan Hui contacted Xu Deyu and took her back to the factory.After getting in the car, Duan Hui asked her about the situation, and she answered vaguely, only saying that her cousin had been hospitalized.Seeing that Xu Deyu was in a bad mood, Duan Hui guessed that the situation was not good, so he didn't want to say much, and the atmosphere was very dull.

(End of this chapter)

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