Revival Road

Chapter 134 Team 1

Chapter 134 Team One
Tao Tang and Zhao Qingmin returned to the factory on the morning of the 19th, and after exchanging opinions with Guo Tao on the results of the investigation into the wage interception of off-duty workers, they convened a party-government joint meeting in the afternoon.At the meeting, Tao Tang first conveyed the spirit of Qi Jianmin’s Beiyang meeting. Because the members of the board of directors are full members of the joint party and government committee, Tao Tang no longer convened another board of directors, and performed a symbolic procedure at the meeting to form a board of directors. The resolution recommended Tao Tang to replace Luo Chong as the chairman of Anhong Company, entrusted the secretary of the board of directors Sheng Guangyun to draft the resolution of the board of directors of Hongxing Company and report it to the group, and arranged for Luo Chong and Sheng Guangyun to go to Anzhou to communicate with Anqi.

Zhao Qingmin noticed that Tao Tang did not mention the "jurisdiction" of Yang Kaihe's case when conveying the spirit of Qi Jianmin's instructions. It is impossible to talk about it in this scope, but Zhao Qingmin had a premonition that Tao Tang would not let go of this case.

Tao Tang said to Luo Chong, "Mr. Luo, I have read the information of Anhong Company, but I don't really know it very well. I have only been there once, and the situation is still very vague. To be honest, I don't want to take up this position concurrently. But the decision of the party group of the group must be implemented. Although you have stepped down as chairman, you are still a full member of the board of directors of Anhong Company, and you cannot let go of Anhong Company's affairs."

Luo Chong adjusted his glasses, "I've wanted to make this request for a long time. It was a mistake to let me be the chairman of An Hong."

Emotions are evident in the words.

Tao Tang did not "pacify" Luo Chong any further, "It can't be said that it was a mistake. One moment, another moment. The investment of several hundred million yuan has not been effective, and the group will naturally stare at it. The next step is how to Unravel this trick, but this is not the topic of today's meeting. We will study it in detail after we come down, but hurry up, because Mr. Qi gave us two months. So this time you and Lao Sheng go to Anzhou, you have to go further Clear up the situation so that the board of directors can make a decision. Now let’s talk about the marketing conference. Whether the target can be completed this year is not in production, but in sales. I consider using the two rest days tomorrow and the day after tomorrow to hold this meeting. I have made very detailed preparations. How about this, tomorrow morning will hold a summary analysis meeting for the first half of the year, and in the afternoon we will turn to the marketing topic. Let us finish this matter in a day and a half. Mr. Li, are you okay? "

Li Luo nodded, "No problem."

"President Luo, where are you?"

"no problem."

"Okay, except for the production units that work overtime, all the leaders above the department level will participate, and the employee representatives and deputy team leaders will also participate. The General Manager's Office will make arrangements. By the way, Xingwu," Tao Tang turned and asked Zhang Xingwu, "The agenda for the analysis summary meeting has been brought out? Who will make the main report?"

"This is the draft agenda." Zhang Xingwu handed over a piece of printing paper, "I haven't had time to ask for instructions yet."

Tao Tang glanced at the agenda, "Well, Mr. Luo should do the business analysis. What do you think? Mr. Luo?"

The original agenda was to be reported by Liu Xinjun, Director of the Regulations Department.

"The analysis of business activities in the first half of the year was drafted by the Ministry of Development and Regulations. I read it and made some revisions. In the past, the assistant of the new army made the report..."

"Of course the business department gets the data, and they can also draft the first draft. But those of us can't commit bureaucracy, especially for the problems that existed in the company in the first half of the year. We have to personally diagnose the problems that existed in the company. We can't rely entirely on the department. After all, they are consultants. I think the report should be done by Mr. Luo, the chief economist, with enough strength. That's it. "

Luo Chong was alert, "Mr. Tao, since this is the case, should I review the manuscript here? I was going to ask you to review it, but you and the secretary went to Beiyang..."

Everyone understands what Luo Chong means. If Tao Tang is not satisfied with the business diagnosis for the first half of the year provided by the Development and Regulation Department, he can bring it up at this meeting.But after reading the manuscript, it is against the rules of the game to attack at the general middle-level meeting.Song Yue was good at this job back then, and often cut the face of the deputy in front of the whole team. This is also a common method for the top leader to suppress the deputy. Of course, Luo Chong didn't want to give Tao Tang this opportunity. Tang Lai and Song Yue made the deputies very headache.

"It's time-related, no need. Go straight to the meeting." Tao Tang picked up a pen and changed a few words on Zhang Xingwu's agenda, "Mr. Li, you will preside over the meeting tomorrow morning. Due to time constraints, we will Two topics, one is Mr. Luo's business analysis, and the other is I will say a few words about the current overall situation. If there is any marketing-oriented analysis in the analysis, there is no need to talk about it. The next marketing conference will discuss it in detail. Secretary Zhao, wait for the marketing conference You can make a concluding speech at the end, okay?"

Zhang Xingwu's original host was Luo Chong. Since Luo Chong was going to be the main speaker, another host had to be chosen.Don't think these details are trivial matters. Anyone who understands the rules of the Red Star "official field" game will understand that this is not a trivial matter.

"That's not okay, you have to tell the summary." Zhao Qingmin waved his hand.

"Let's talk about it. Things need to be done one by one." Tao Tang took a few sips of water, "Today we have to study and confirm a few things. The first thing is to clean up the tail of the post. The special investigation by the Commission for Discipline Inspection has ended. This matter It's time to put an end to it. Chairman Guo, let's talk."

"Okay. According to the arrangement of the main leaders of the company, the Commission for Discipline Inspection took the lead in investigating the units involved in withholding the wages of off-duty personnel, and basically found out the amount and whereabouts of the withholding. The situation is like this. There are 13 units involved in the retention. There are 9 factories, 2 business centers, and 2 management departments. A total of more than 239.5 million yuan of wages has been withheld. This part of the money has been privately divided by the unit, and it has been spent as bonuses and overtime pay... Among them, 7 units have More detailed accounts, with the signature of the recipient, the remaining 6 units will not be able to produce the accounts... According to the implementation situation - we asked the parties concerned, that is, the recipients reported by the unit, and they all admitted to have received the payment. There has also been a signature for similar money, but it has been a long time, the amount can not be remembered clearly, and the basis for the distribution of the unit can not be found. The current situation is that the 13 withholding units all have the problem of private distribution of funds, but there are differences. It is clear that for the 7 units, this part of the money was distributed to all employees, not only the leaders took it, but ordinary employees also took it, and it was basically used as a bonus. But the other 6 units cannot be determined, it is just a one-sided statement.”

Guo Tao stopped here.The hall fell into silence. If 239.5 million is in the business field, it is not worth mentioning, but it looks very eye-catching here.

Tao Tang tapped the table lightly, "Everyone heard it, 240 million is not a small number. If you just take it over like this, you can't explain it to the employees." Tao Tang turned cold, "The problem is There are still many units that abide by the rules. As far as I know, the leaders of some units have been under great pressure because they refused to leave their posts. If you live in it, the result will be very different. Red Star is a small society, and I was born and raised here, so I understand Red Star’s culture. If you don’t deal with violators, you’re punishing comrades who abide by the rules. Who will abide by the rules in the future? This is first. Second, is this phenomenon harmful to the interests of employees? I think so. The beneficiaries are only a few people. Third, we must establish rules and regulations Get up. If the lower levels act on their own, and the management department doesn’t do anything, it’s just chanting slogans to deceive themselves and others. No one would believe that the company will be successful if such messy things flood around. So it is necessary to deal with it. Chairman Guo, what are the specific suggestions? ?”

"We have studied an opinion. To distinguish the situation, for those withholding but clear accounts, we suggest admonishing and talking with the main party and government leaders of the responsible units, and punishing them with one month's salary. Disciplining the party and government officials of the 7 units whose accounts are unclear 20% of this year’s performance salary will be deducted.”

"Okay, since Chairman Guo and the others have put forward opinions on how to deal with it, let's express our opinions on it." Tao Tang said.

"I think it's okay." Qiu Lin was the first to speak, "It's not too big, but considering the actual situation, firstly, it takes a long time, and secondly, the company should take some responsibility. Everyone is comparing this kind of thing, If the top doesn’t stop it in time, the bottom will naturally be chaotic. I agree with the Discipline Inspection Commission’s opinion.”

"I also agree. Chairman Guo's opinion is very appropriate." Liu Xiuyun continued.She is most worried that Tao Tang will kill like he did with Liao Junwei. Now it is just a party discipline punishment and a fine. She firmly believes that as long as the middle-level cadres at the grassroots level don't pick their black yarn, they will not make trouble.

"Well, isn't it a bit harsh to deduct 20% of the performance?" Ma Guangming said, "I understand the situation of the branch factory better. As President Qiu said, the responsibility cannot be entirely borne by the comrades at the grassroots level. People, the work will naturally fall on other people. Branch factories and workshops have to give some compensation. Mistakes must be mistakes. I am not protecting them, but the actual situation. I suggest a little less punishment. 10% is almost ten thousand."

"A lot? I don't see much." Han Zhiyong raised his hand, "Personally, I think this opinion is less important than the handling of the 2nd branch factory. The directors of the branch factory are all princes, especially Units that have the ability to take on external tasks, their ways are going wild, why do they care about 2 to [-] yuan?"

Han Zhiyong's speech surprised everyone.Because he directly refuted Ma Guangming, his "strategic" ally, this is a very rare phenomenon, and it has never appeared in a formal meeting before.

"I think the intensity is moderate, and I agree with the Disciplinary Committee's opinion." Zhou Bing followed Han Zhiyong's speech, "The company's treatment of Comrade Liao Junwei cannot be said seriously, because the two are not comparable. As for the accusations that the law does not blame the public It’s impossible to get the countertop. If there is such a large-scale safety problem? As for Liao Junwei, the company did not say that it cannot be used in the future. I am in charge of safety. The consequences are very positive, the routine inspection at the end of June is the best in the first half of the year, the grassroots has been mobilized, and many potential safety hazards have been proactively found and rectified, this is the effect.”

"That's what I mean too." Chang Wenhai answered, "I agree with Mr. Zhou's opinion."

Tao Tang nodded to Zhou Bing, expressing his agreement with Zhou Bing's opinion.He looked at Luo Chong who had been flipping through his notebook, but Luo Chong had no intention of speaking.

 Recently, public and private affairs have been intertwined, and I have not been able to update stably, sorry!
(End of this chapter)

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