Revival Road

Chapter 144 Marketing 6

Chapter 144 Marketing Six

"Comrades, this marketing conference was proposed by me. Regarding the analysis of the situation in the first half of the year and the key tasks in the second half of the year, I have already talked a lot at the conference yesterday morning. I have said everything that should be said. I should be the one to sum it up, and I wasn’t going to make a speech. But in view of some situations in the marketing conference, I still think it’s good to say a few words.” After Zhao Qingmin gave a brief speech, the host Li Luo asked Tao Tang to make a concluding speech for the conference. So began the Don.

"It should be said that the marketing meeting that took up a day and a half of everyone's rest time this time was held well. Mr. Li and the leaders of the marketing department made full preparations because they wanted to meet the salesmen stationed abroad, and also because of other reasons. Due to various reasons, the meeting has been postponed until now... Yesterday Mr. Li's report analyzed the company's marketing situation, made a relatively good summary of the marketing work, found out the existing problems, and also determined the direction of rectification and reform. I agree with the goal of the struggle. After the meeting entered into group discussions according to the scheduled procedures, the comrades participating in the meeting, especially those engaged in front-line marketing, put forward many valuable suggestions, which I think are very good. It is mentioned from the standpoint of the master, out of a high sense of responsibility for the survival and development of the company, and it will definitely play a positive role in marketing management."

Zuo Yun, who had been doused with a ladle of cold water last night, was gloomy today, with a feeling of imminent disaster.She didn't care about Li Luo, let alone Liu Shulin and Lian Fuyu, anyway, it was impossible for her to get together with them, but Tao Tang got angry and scared her.The "trouble" between her and Lei Yun and others this time was indeed premeditated, and the purpose was to draw Tao Tang's attention to the internal problems of the marketing department.But they misjudged the situation. After receiving Lu Qi's warning, Zuo Yun was really frightened. Only by being in it can he understand the difficulties of Zuo Yun and the others.Only in a situation like the Ministry of Mobile, they, the oppressed opponents, have a future. Struggle has become the only hope to get out of the predicament. I originally thought it would be safe to lift some covers on legal occasions, not to mention that Tao Tang had previously reported to them in private. She has learned about the marketing department.Unexpectedly, they offended the backer they believed, and flattered them.Zuo Yun suddenly felt the thunderbolt, and now the mouse had entered the bellows, and both ends were irritated.Especially after Li Luo's speech today, Zuo Yun was in despair.She knew Li Luo's method of punishing people. He didn't use tricks off stage to punish people, but used his power to smash people to death with a stick.Li Luo defines himself as someone with "ulterior motives",
But what Tao Tang said just now gave Zuo Yun hope.Tao Tang didn't stand with Li Luo...that's fine.

Of course Li Luo noticed the words in Tao Tang's opening remarks.Since Tao Tang had said that he was going to speak at the team meeting held at two o'clock, it was risky for him to set the tone for the "rebels" at the discussion meeting before Tao Tang.But it's about your own prestige, so it's okay not to say it.He just wanted to gamble, or force Tao Tang, the leader, to make a choice.But Tao Tang's speech just now clearly expressed his disapproval of the tone he set. He already said "in view of some situations that may arise in marketing", and then said that he "proposed some good suggestions" and said that these suggestions are "site It is mentioned at the height of the company's survival and development, and it will definitely play a positive role in marketing management." What the hell does this mean?Are you really going to publicly support messing up the marketing department?

Li Luo, who has rich leadership experience, understands the meaning of "setting the tone".In any meeting, big or small, setting the tone is key.Since Tao Tang said that his opinion was positive and he raised it from the perspective of the company's development, he denied his own definition of "ulterior motives".What to do next?Li Luo also became nervous.If Tao Tang really went all out to make this year's indicators mess up, he would have misjudged the situation. He was sure that there must be something wrong with the marketing department, and it would not stand up to investigation.Having said that, which of the current real power departments can stand the verification?Even if he is fine (Li Luo is confident about this), as long as he gets rid of Liu Shulin, he will lose a lot.

"Secretary Zhao fully affirmed the marketing work, and put forward requirements for the marketing work from the height of the company's development, and I agree. Now, I would like to make three opinions on the marketing work..."

Tao Tang, as always, did not have a speech script or even an outline, "First, in the increasingly perfect market economy, marketing has replaced planning and has become the leader of all corporate management. Marketing is becoming more and more important in corporate management and is decisive. .At the same time, with the increasingly fierce market competition, marketing becomes more and more difficult...Although I have never done marketing, I understand the difficulties of marketing. After the formation of the buyer's market, the taste of the user god is becoming more and more It’s getting thicker, what’s the hardest thing now? I think it’s the hardest to grab the market and grab orders, and it’s the hardest to ask for money. And many of our comrades here are engaged in the most difficult work in the enterprise, especially the front-line salesmen, who have overcome the separation of husband and wife , It is difficult to take care of the family and many difficulties. It is not easy to stick to the front line. In recent years, especially since the second quarter of this year, the Marketing Department has achieved outstanding results under the leadership of Mr. Li. It can be said that without the hard work and dedication of everyone here, Red Star Company will not be able to maintain its current status! Therefore, on behalf of the company’s party and government, I would like to express my highest respect and sincere thanks to the salesmen who are fighting on the front line of marketing, as well as the comrades engaged in marketing management!”

Zhao Qingmin took the lead in applauding, and there was warm applause in the venue.

"Comrades, don't applaud. I am completely worthless, but I am sincere. In order to express my gratitude to everyone, I asked the guest house to prepare a banquet tonight. After the meeting, comrades engaged in marketing can go crazy One meal, but don’t go to other departments. We will drink the celebration bar when the main indicators for this year are completed. The company leaders are going to toast a glass of wine to the salesmen. A series of policies on rectifying business reception have been issued, but this meal still has to be eaten. I asked Chairman Guo Tao, who is in charge of discipline, for instructions. He said that it is okay to eat, and it does not violate discipline. If you don’t believe me, Chairman Guo is here, and he can prove it. "

Cheerful laughter resounded at the venue. Many of the salesmen who were ordered to come back met the company's new boss for the first time. They felt that Tao Tang was reasonable and approachable, not the cold and unsympathetic rumors.

"Secondly, the marketing work is related to the life and death of the company, and the comrades engaged in marketing shoulder heavy historical responsibilities." Tao Tang drank a few sips of water, "Why do you say that? Because the market is in your hands, and orders are related to jobs. Without orders, all production and operations of the company will come to a standstill, and Red Star, a large state-owned enterprise with a history of 60 years, will face extinction. This is not alarmist talk, but an indisputable fact.”

Li Luo and Liu Shulin, who was sitting in the first row under the stage, exchanged a look that they understood.

"I have not been in the factory for a long time, and I have only been to a few markets. My understanding of marketing is still superficial and one-sided. Recently, I have heard some discussions about marketing, both positive and negative... There is a kind of discussion that says, The current products of our Red Star are seriously lacking in market competitiveness in terms of price and technical content. It is recommended to change the course. This issue is very important, involving the company's development strategy, and it is worth thinking about by everyone, especially today's participants. My basic attitude Yes, as far as our current product line is concerned, there is still a lot to be done. Changing the course means giving up, which is a bit like marriage. What should we do if there are conflicts between husband and wife? Divorce and break up or calm down to resolve conflicts and live on? I think the vast majority Most people will choose the latter option. Because the latter option is more reliable, less costly, and more beneficial..."

There was a chuckle in the hall.

"Everyone, don't laugh. It makes sense to use marriage as a metaphor for business operations, especially markets, although it is not so appropriate. You can think about it, whether it is vehicle parts, agricultural machinery or mining machinery, has it come to an end? There is no future for development ?Obviously not. The reason why some comrades feel hopeless is because there is a problem with our products, not a problem with the market. Whether it is technology, or quality, or price, or service, it must be one of them You can think about it, is it easier to correct the current problems? Or is it easier to enter a new field? For example, the furniture industry. Some time ago, I saw a report suggesting that the company enter the home improvement industry. I personally disagree with such a change. Why? Do you think we can gain a foothold in the home improvement industry and create a more prosperous situation than it is now? I don't really believe it. On the contrary, we base ourselves on the current products and the current market, and start from the aspects of technology, cost, and quality, and practice hard , It is completely achievable to achieve what others do not have, to be cheap when others have it, and to be cheap when others are good! Because we have relatively complete software and hardware resources, with the current pile of factory equipment, this pile of people will do! But if we Entering a new field rashly, not to mention other things, investment is a big problem. A questionnaire survey was conducted some time ago, and the answers about the company's development direction were basically two types. , new products. The second category advocates seeking development based on current products and markets. I personally agree with the second opinion.

"Comrades, when I say this, I don't mean to deny the development of new products and new markets. At present, there are hundreds of new products under research in the research institute. Most of them, according to my statistics, 91% of the products under research are existing three products. The extension of the large series, the formation of this situation is not only promoted by objective factors, but also in line with the actual situation of the company. In fact, it is the "two expansions" mentioned by Mr. Li. The first expansion is called market expansion. What does it mean? Expand the existing market. For example, in Donghu, the original share was 30%, and now it has reached 40 or 50%. The second is called expanding the market, which has the taste of entering a new field, but I still advocate limited expansion. For example, vehicle parts. We used to make gearboxes, dashboards, and various pipe fittings. Now, can we develop a few more, such as seats. Originally, our focus was on heavy vehicles and medium-duty and light-duty trucks. Now we are trying to enter The family car market. But we cannot enter the aviation field because that market is too unfamiliar. So I agree that the direction of marketing is to pay close attention to two expansions, the focus is on market expansion, and the second is to expand the market. The first step is to manage the existing We will never quit the market lightly. The second step is to expand the market and develop new markets and new products based on old markets and old products. This is actually what Mr. Li’s report means, and I completely agree.”

"The third talk about marketing management. Just now Mr. Li summarized several types of problems in marketing management, including the management of people. I think it is very accurate and in place. Mr. Li has more say in these issues than I do. I don’t know the specific situation, so it’s not easy to talk nonsense. Mr. Li also talked about how to strengthen marketing management in the next step, and I basically agree. After all, the core is how to manage our marketing team well, and the key point is to manage us well. These salesmen. Don’t feel disgusted when you hear that strengthening management, especially personnel management, is a headache. In fact, all successful people are managed by others. What is the situation when no one cares? Unemployed, laid-off people, no I was very distressed when someone took care of me. I cried and called for someone to take care of me. You are a salesman, so you must accept the leadership of the marketing department, and the marketing department must also be led by the company. I, the chairman and general manager, are a red star in everyone’s eyes Is the biggest official of the company unattended? No, there are party committees and group companies at the top, and employees at the bottom. Public opinion is also a binding force. If I don’t go to work for a day, no one will talk. If I disappear for a week, I can’t find my shadow. If someone talks, Secretary Zhao should talk to me. Comrades, don’t laugh, it’s completely true. The salesman works outside and may not have direct leadership, but the indicators are in charge of you, the responsibility letter is in charge of you, and orders cannot be obtained. , If you can’t get the payment back, someone must talk to you. Mr. Li has already talked a lot about this, I don’t want to talk about it, the core is one sentence, salesmen must have constraints, must strengthen the assessment, and the indicators must be quantified! Those who fail to meet the targets must step down and change positions! This is not to make things difficult for everyone, as I have said just now, the marketing team shoulders heavy responsibilities, and must do so without ambiguity.

"Some people reported that the company does not pay attention to marketing. I heard some after I came to the factory and received written materials. Comrades, I think this is not true. There are many indicators to measure the importance of a position, the most important of which is salary. Everyone may despise cleaners. If we increase the salary of cleaners by three times, five times or even ten times, then this position will be the most popular and people will flock to it. I asked the human resources department to calculate the salaries of various personnel in the company. The average employee is the highest. Last year, the average was 5.85, which is almost double the average salary of the company! It exceeds the average salary of the technical staff. This cannot be said that the company does not pay attention to marketing. Of course, the average number often conceals unfairness. Is there an internal The phenomenon of unreasonable assessment is difficult to assert due to the lack of sufficient investigation and research, but from the perspective of salary levels, it can be proved that the company attaches great importance to marketing! We say that salary cannot be divorced from reality and the big environment of Red Star. When the company's average salary is just over 3 yuan, the average salary of the marketing staff is nearly 6 yuan, which is quite a lot! In this regard, it is hoped that the leaders at all levels under the sales staff from Mr. Li should strengthen ideological education and correctly guide the salesmen Doubt. I don’t understand what to do? I think there is only one way, and that is to fire each other. You can fire the company, and the company can fire you. If someone thinks that you have the market in your hand and blackmails the company Da Cuote is wrong, try it if you don’t believe me, whether it’s the market or users, what matters is our Red Star Company, not you! Without Red Star, you are nothing, but Red Star is still Red Star, and will continue to survive and will Getting better and better!"

These words are a bit serious, and the atmosphere of the venue has changed unknowingly.

"There were some discordant voices at the just-concluded discussion meeting. Mr. Li has already pointed out that the reason for the disharmony is that some opinions on marketing management are not so upright and not so timely, and they are disregarding the overall situation. Some Opinions can be raised, and you have this right, but how to raise opinions, to whom, and on what occasions are not arbitrary. What is the purpose of our marketing conference? It is to unify the understanding of marketing work in the largest range, and Carefully analyze the difficulties faced by marketing indicators, find ways to solve them, and strive to achieve the minimum goal of the company's revenue exceeding [-] billion. This is the overall situation. Whether it is personnel management, salary assessment, or others, it must not impact this overall situation. There are problems in the marketing department It can be investigated, but it cannot be solved at the cost of sacrificing the overall situation like in the chaotic era of the last century. Let me tell you clearly, the organization sent me to Red Star for only one purpose, and that is to work with everyone to improve the management of Red Star! This is my fundamental mission. Whoever interferes with the overall situation is the sinner of Red Star! Therefore, I agree with Mr. Li’s attitude. Don’t worry about messing up marketing and ruining this year’s targets, and focus on completing the [-] billion goal. Come up...Let’s put it this way, no one in the organization will hinder the realization of the goal, and whoever makes fun of the company’s overall situation, I will make fun of his future!”

Tao Tang stopped and stared at the silent venue with piercing eyes.

"The marketing department undertakes a very important mission and has played an important and irreplaceable role in the survival and development of the company. This is a fact, and the company fully recognizes it. But the marketing department is not an independent kingdom, and the company's rules and regulations apply to marketing as well. Department, after I took office, I heard and saw some uncomfortable phenomena, which are probably unique to marketing personnel. He is playing mahjong in a mahjong parlor. What’s going on? Some salesmen don’t obey the orders of their units and frequently threaten their leaders with market customers. What’s going on? Who will support him? Some financial expenses cannot be reimbursed strictly. According to the implementation of the system, the phenomenon of private use of public vehicles is very serious. This is what I have seen with my own eyes. On Sundays, driving the car of the unit to run around in the living area is also running business? In addition, is the commission used by the marketing department reasonable? It is the next step Issues that need to be studied and rectified. You can think that I am beating the marketing department, yes, I want to be beating and beating. The marketing department should strengthen internal management and assessment, and the supervision department, regulatory department and other departments should also strengthen the assessment of the marketing department! I Warn everyone, in Red Star, no one can be a special employee, including me! That’s all I’ve said, if there’s something wrong, comrades are welcome to criticize.”

The company leaders sitting on the stage did not expect Tao Tang to criticize the marketing department so severely after criticizing Zuo Yun and others.What does Tao Tang really mean?The mid-level executives who were thinking about the company's situation at the meeting were all thinking nervously.

Li Luo, who presided over the meeting, stayed there and forgot the following procedures.It wasn't until Qiu Lin who was next to him reminded him that he asked the leaders on stage if they still had something to say, and the rest of the leaders waved their hands to say no more.So the meeting was declared adjourned.

(End of this chapter)

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