Revival Road

Chapter 15 Report

Chapter 15 Report
Regular cleaning on Fridays.Each department in the office building has its own sanitation area, and the factory is the closest, in an open space behind Building No. [-].

Chen Yan was surprised to see Mr. Tao appearing in the sanitary area of ​​the office with a broom.Probably because of Mr. Tao's appearance, Secretary Zhao, Chairman Guo, Deputy Secretary Chang, and several vice-presidents such as Han, Luo, Ma, Liu, and Qiu also appeared in the sanitation area.But they didn't see Jiang Shangyun, Li Luo and Zhou Bing.

This is a rarity.In the past, it should be said that since Chen Yan came to the factory office, I haven't seen the company leaders clean the sanitation area yet.

"Xiao Chen, do you want to think about it again?" Liu Xiuyun stopped her hands and took out a tissue to wipe her sweat.

"What are you thinking about?" Chen Yan and Vice President Liu are familiar with each other.But Chen Yan didn't understand Liu Xiuyun's words for a while.

"Little Mao. Actually, he's really good..." Liu Xiuyun threw away the tissue and lowered her voice, "Every aspect is good, really. I think it's a good match."

Liu Xiuyun was entrusted by someone to introduce a boyfriend to her secretary. She didn't want to quit after seeing Chen Yan twice, but the young man fell in love with Chen Yan and couldn't let go.

"Thank you, Mr. Liu." Chen Yan looked at Mr. Tao who was squatting and pulling weeds, "I've thought about it. We are not suitable."

"Hey, you little Chen, can I still harm you?"

"Mr. Liu, Mr. Tao called you." Chen Yan reminded Liu Xiuyun.

"Yeah, Mr. Tao called me?" Liu Xiuyun hurriedly dropped the broom and ran over.

It was the first time that Tao Tang "watched" the only female leader of the company so closely.It must be admitted that if Liu Xiuyun's plump figure is not considered, she is considered a beauty, with fair skin and handsome features. She looks only 35 or [-] years old.

Tao Tang lifted up the skirt of his overalls, wiped his glasses, put them on, and said, "Mr. Liu, how many units are there in terms of wage arrears? What's the reason? Are there any violent reactions from below? Will it affect production?"

"This... there are about seven or eight branch factories, and there are several transactional centers, such as the quality inspection center and the physical and chemical measurement center, all of which are owed to varying degrees. The longest workshop has been in arrears for three months. Of course, there are some opinions. There is no way, the results of the assessment are like that. In fact, there were also some who were underpaid, and I don’t think it will affect the overall situation.”

"Well, the results of the assessment..."

"Yes, Mr. Luo is in charge of this. The Human Resources Department calculates the wages that each unit should pay according to the assessment notice issued by the Regulations Department. Because of funding problems, the whole factory generally owes wages by one month..."

Tao Tang nodded, "Okay, I understand. One more thing, I have received some feedback about college students entering the factory..."

"I'm sorry, it's because we didn't do a good job...the factory office has already reported me," Liu Xiuyun said with apology on her face, "Mr. Tao, the company implements a strict personnel system. I explained it to them myself, but I just didn’t listen. They are two thorns, state-owned enterprises, they always have nothing to do with these people, as if the company owes them..."

"You can't say that. The employment of your children is a big matter, and no one will take it lightly. I promise to give you two thorny answers within a week. So, you talk to the human resources department and ask them to The company’s relevant regulations on the recruitment of college graduates, as well as the actual recruitment situation in the past three years and other materials are prepared, and they will be given to me at work on Monday. Okay?”

"Okay, follow your instructions." Liu Xiuyun was a little reluctant.

Back in the office, Tao Tang washed his face and asked Li Zhibin to call Chief Economist Luo Chong and the personnel in charge of internal performance appraisal from the Development and Regulation Department.

After a while, Luo Chong, who was short and fat and wearing a pair of deep myopia glasses, led Lu Qi to Tao Tang's office, "President Tao, do you want to hear the report on the performance appraisal?"

"Please take a seat, both of you." Tao Tang turned around from behind the executive desk and took a seat on the single sofa. Luo Chong sat down on the three-seater sofa against Tao Tang's end, and Lu Qi stood there, holding his hand. Black leather notebook and blue plastic clip.

"Because Mr. Han talked about wage arrears yesterday and wanted to know about the situation. Sit down, why is Director Lu standing?" Tao Tang joked.

Lu Qi sat down on the other end of the couch.This was the first time she entered Tao Tang's office.She had been to this office before, and the owner at that time was Song Yue.But today she was a little nervous, and Tao Tang's joke didn't make her relax.

"What are the main indicators for the assessment of the internal responsibility system?" Tao Tang asked the first question.

It seems to be an expert.Seeing Luo Chong looking at her, Lu Qi replied: "The assessment system is like this. The salary is determined based on the salary content of [-] yuan income, and then the index system is used to correct it."

"What is the most important indicator in the auxiliary indicator system?"


"How much of the current wage arrears is theoretical underpayment?"

Lu Qi was completely relaxed, and it was easy to report to the experts, "The lack of hair is the actual lack of hair. The theory of short hair is not called short hair."

"That is to say, all 9830 million should be distributed?"


"How is the salary of the agency determined?"

"Take the average value of the branch factory."

"Is the agency classified?"


"Is the internal responsibility system passed by the workers' congress?"

"Yes. Passed before the Spring Festival."

"So, if you count the wages owed, what is the year-on-year wage level like?"

"Increased by 12%." Lu Qi blurted out.

"Well, what about income metrics?"

"A year-on-year decrease of 19%. As of the end of April, the company expects sales revenue of 19.4 billion, only 16.2% of the annual target, but wages are 27% of the control line..."

"What's going on? Is it reasonable?"

"Because the salary base was adjusted in the second half of last year, the average capital increase was 350 yuan per person. Secondly, the orders of several branch factories were seriously insufficient, but in order to ensure stability, we had to break the assessment results...I don't think it will be overpaid, because the wages of subsequent months The actual distribution should come down..."

"Not necessarily. Didn't the method be destroyed in the first four months?"

"That's impossible..." Lu Qi realized that what she said just now was wrong.And Tao Tang was right, if the situation didn't improve, the outcome he was worried about would definitely happen.

"President Luo," Tao Tang turned his gaze to Luo Chong who had been silent all this time, "Do you think the responsibility system assessment method needs to be adjusted?"

"Well, I don't think it's necessary..."

"If the production continues to be so sluggish, there is no need? It will be May [-]st soon. How much is expected to be completed in the first half of the year?"

"The revenue of 32 billion should be assured. If it is done well, it will be 35 billion. Five or six months are the traditional high-yield months...the profit will be about 6000 million."

"The annual revenue target is 120 billion, and the profit is 2 million... Boss Feng's order to me is to keep the target unchanged. President Luo, let's not talk about profit, can we make 85 billion in the second half of the year?"

"No. According to the operation of the first four months, I'm afraid that 70 billion yuan will not be guaranteed for the whole year. Mr. Tao, you have to report to the headquarters..."

"Song Yue signed this military order, didn't she communicate with the team? Why is there such a big disparity?"

"At the beginning of the year, Li Luo's market capacity was only 75 billion. But Song Yue didn't do it because the headquarters had a request for a 10% increase. I voted against it at the time, and there are meeting records to check. In recent years, our main Market share has been shrinking."

"The topic is off topic... Mr. Luo, Director Lu, what do you think should be done with the unpaid wages?"

This topic is not easy to pick up.Logically, it must be distributed, but the general manager's butt may not sit on the same stool as the employees.Moreover, this is a problem left over from his predecessor, and Tao Tang may not be willing to pay the bill immediately.

"My opinion may not be right..." Seeing Luo Chong silent, Lu Qi couldn't help but said, "Neither can I not say it, nor should I say it all."

"Oh? Can you be more specific?"

"Let's distinguish the situation. For the branch factory that is undertaking the main production task, it should be reissued. The rest will be owed first."

"Grow first and then live?"

"That's what I mean."

Tao Tang did not comment on Lu Qi's suggestion, but said to Luo Chong: "Mr. Luo, today is Friday, anyway, this week, I can't send it any more. Would you like to organize a meeting? Invite the main leaders of each unit to come. , especially the leaders of those units with insufficient orders must be called to listen to their opinions? The employee representative team leader also participated. See if you have any good suggestions? In addition, Director Lu, your department studies the rationality of the responsibility system assessment Let’s go on like this, I dare say that by the end of the year, the indicators will be a big difference, but the wages will be a lot more. Not to mention the profit.”

"Mr. Tao, the average salary of our factory has already lagged behind the local..." Luo Chong said.

"I know. But we are an enterprise, not a state agency, and we don't have financial allocations. Every penny must be earned from the market! Do you think I am going to deduct everyone's income to ensure the completion of efficiency targets?"

"No, I didn't mean that..."

"Okay, thank you both. Let's do this first."

"Then, will you attend the meeting? I'm going to leave, let's have it in the afternoon."

"Go ahead. I'm going to the branch factory." Tao Tang looked at his watch, "Hey, it's past nine o'clock."

Lu Qi returned to her office, found a copy of the internal responsibility system assessment document from the file box and began to read it.Because it was formulated by myself, except for a few more professional attachments, most of them are familiar, and I can recall the content without reading the file.She thought she understood what Tao Tang meant, and he overpaid his salary when he was worried that the target would not be fulfilled.Judging from now, the signs have already appeared, but apart from him, no one in the leadership cares about this matter. They are scared by Yang Wenhuan and Song Yue, so they can't care about it.What's more serious is that if the assessment continues in the current form, serious internal debts will be formed. As Tao Tang said, we are an enterprise, and all the money must be earned from the market, and the state will not allocate a penny. of.

If the assessment method is strictly followed, the wages will not be overpaid, but you can't stop the wages of the units with insufficient tasks, right?What about staff life?Do you want stability?What Tao Tang wants is definitely not to strictly follow the responsibility system assessment, otherwise why would he ask if there is a problem with the responsibility system running for a few months?Obviously, he wants to revise the responsibility system, find another way, and find a way to get the best of both worlds.

Lu Qi's head started to hurt.She thought she had to report to Liu Xinjun first.Even if he doesn't care and still kicks the ball back, he can't say that he doesn't respect him.

Lu Qi got up to make tea, and the electric kettle was placed on the window sill. When she was pouring water, she happened to see Tao Tang riding a bicycle towards the factory area. He was the only one without a secretary.

Tao Tang's behavior after the meeting yesterday made her famous in the office building.Han Ruilin called to ask what happened, and he didn't know how he got the news so quickly.Yan Shuzhen, the head of the female labor union who works in the No. [-] building, simply ran over and insisted on her explaining her relationship with Tao Tang.

"Is it really just a classmate?"

"Then what are you talking about?"

"No matter what your relationship was in the past, you have to cover me in the future."

It would be great if there was a relationship beyond that of classmates... Lu Qi thought, but there wasn't.Just like just now, except for the joke at the beginning, they are all serious business inquiries, which are completely the attitude of superiors to subordinates.

Of course, he is very expert, at least very expert in the internal assessment system.

I really want to tell him that Luo Chong's opinion is actually right, this year's target has nothing to do with you, next year is your key.In this case, it is better to expose the hidden losses, and just get rid of the burden and move forward lightly.Yes, I should find a chance to talk to him, yes, isn't there a class reunion tomorrow night?That should be a good opportunity.

(End of this chapter)

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