Revival Road

Chapter 16 Sun Dunquan

Chapter 16 Sun Dunquan

On Friday night, Sun Dunquan, who was tinkering with fishing tackle at home, did not expect Tao Tang to come without saying hello.

"What? Not welcome? Madam?"

"Hey! I also think you must be very busy these two days. You have endless meetings during the day and endless drinks at night... Yutao hasn't left work yet. Don't fucking change your shoes, my poor family How about a change of shoes?"

Sun Dunquan's wife, Yin Yutao, teaches geography at Hongxing No. 2005 Middle School. Hongxing's three middle schools and seven elementary schools were handed over to the Municipal Education Bureau in 80.But the couple still live in a house in the factory. These unit buildings were built in the early 90s, and they bought a set of 80 square meters at a very low price in the mid-[-]s.

"What are you messing around with?" Tao Tang walked around the entrance, and there was a pile of messy things in the middle of the small living room.

"Make yourself a parasol. The old one is broken. Sit, sit, and I'll make you some tea."

"Still fishing on Sunday? Is there any fish in the Yue River?" Tao Tang handed the paper bag in his hand to Sun Dunquan, "Here I am, I guess you don't have any good tea."

"There is no Sunday for me, every day is Sunday. The water quality of the Yuehe River is much better than before, but I still can't catch fish. I went to Feiyuan Reservoir... Hey, Tao Tang, you look good, much better than the last time I saw you." It’s still comfortable at the headquarters.” Sun Dunquan took the bag, opened it, and saw two cans of tea, “Tao Tang also knows me. Ever since I drank the tea you gave me, the taste has changed. Ha ha."

Tao Tang smiled, "Of course the office is more comfortable than the lower ones, especially departments like the Political Research Office, which gave me the conditions to recuperate."

"Hey, you shouldn't have come back at all... just wait a moment." Sun Dunquan went to the kitchen to boil water.

Tao Tang looked around, it was ten years since he visited the door last time.The furnishings have hardly changed, there are books, newspapers and magazines everywhere in the house, and there is almost no place to stay.

Sun Dunquan quickly returned with two teacups, "Is this really the legendary Dahongpao?"

"It is said to be. I don't know the authenticity. It was given by a friend in Fujian."

"Sit down, um, it's interesting. Not bad, not bad." Sun Dunquan sniffed the tea leaves vigorously.

"I'm really sorry to say that last time you two went to Binjiang, I didn't have time to accompany you. I will apologize to my sister-in-law when I see you later. When does she get off work?"

"It's usually seven o'clock. Why do you apologize? Really. She still wants to thank you, and the food, drink, and entertainment are all included, what else? Bystanders, she said more than once, if you were the leader of Red Star, the factory would definitely not be the same as it is now. Hey, when I heard about you the other day, I told her, look at your crow's mouth, is it true? Red Star is already rotten, so what if Tao Tang is here?"

"Do your best, follow the destiny. Oh, are you studying the history of the Republic of China recently?" Tao Tang picked up the new set of "Historical History of Warlords in the Beiyang Period" written by the famous reporter Tao Juyin during the Republic of China period.

"I'm not afraid of your jokes. I'm writing an online novel set in the educational circles of the Republic of China. I'm cheating some money to support my family."

"Is there anyone watching this kind of theme?"

"Love. Do you understand? Love is an eternal theme. And love in the intellectual world is more well-written, such as the story of Liang Sicheng and Lin Huiyin. For this book, I worked hard to read Qiong Yao, and the fans said that the green is the best." Sun Dunquan shook his head.

"You, you can also deceive ignorant girls. By the way, my Xiaohe read your book and said it is really good."

"Don't talk about my scandal. Do you want to hear the staff's evaluation of the Red Star team?"

"I want to hear it, but I don't want to." Tao Tang dropped the book in his hand.

"After Song Yue's accident, there were talks about birth, old age, sickness, death, and suffering for the team..."

"Oh?" Tao Tang became interested, "Tell me?"

"The dead, the generation of Song and Yang, are to blame, so let's not talk about it. The old, Zhou, Jiang Ye, the living, Li, Ma, and Han, the sick, Zhao, Guo, Luo, the suffering, the ears of Chang, Liu, and Qiu. .However, no one seems to have expected you to be parachuted here, so this classification is beyond count.”

"Is Luo also trapped?" Tao Tang was taken aback.

"There are many rumors."

"Old Sun, let's talk about something interesting. I know you like to study modern history. In terms of strength, before 1948, most of the time, on most battlefields, our party was at an absolute disadvantage. Tell me, why did the Communist Party Victory and defeat?"

"Hey, it was only after we had a long talk last time that I realized that you are more sophisticated than me in reading, and I don't play tricks on others."

"No, I want to hear your opinion, the real opinion."

"Really want to hear it?"

"of course."

"First, our party is well-organized and goes down to the lowest level. The smallest cadre of the Kuomintang is the county party secretary in a black Chinese tunic suit with a briefcase under his ribs on TV. You can't find it any further. But our party is different. Wherever there are party members, there are organizations, forming a tight spider web. I think that since Pangu opened the world, running through ancient and modern times, and looking at things horizontally, there has been no organization more powerful than our party organization. Deep down to the grassroots and tighter."

"I totally agree with that. What else?"

"Since the rectification movement in Yan'an, the party's thinking has been highly unified. However, until Jiang was transferred to Taiwan, he never unified the internal affairs. Each department had different ambitions and each maintained its strength. , Andy is undefeated?"

" there any more?"

"Guangji is stricter than the opponent."

"anything else?"

"If you insist on asking, it's a cliché, ideals and beliefs, and the 'follow me' style of cadres..."

"Yes, yes. It seems to me that your last point is of particular importance."

"This is your factory management strategy?"

"It's so ridiculous to talk about strategy now! A company, even a factory like Red Star, is placed on the national economic chessboard, and even small pawns can't reach it. What qualifications do you have to talk about strategy? A company is an economic organization that pursues profits. Whether it is state-owned or private, there is no difference in essence. It is just the three elements of market, technology, and cost. And the market is hidden behind technology and cost. Those with technology fight for technology, and those without technology can only fight for cost. Behind the cost is Actual management, that’s all.”

"Is this the so-called Shengdong experience?"

"Do you believe it or not? The employees of Shengdong are willing to work overtime without overtime pay..."

"Shengdong is not a red star."

"The market is different, the products are different, and the difficulties are also different, but how much difference can the employees make? Think back then, how could the Red Army on the Long March compare with its opponents in terms of equipment and numbers? But the iron flow is 1935 miles, and the military flag does not fall , the army's spirit is not scattered, how strong it is. If you want me to say, the victory or defeat was decided in [-]."

"An orthodox like you is already at the level of an antique. Brother, I advise you not to work as hard as you did in Shengdong."

"Bitterness and happiness are two sides of the same coin."

"You, are you going to stay for a long time this time?"

"It's beyond my control."

"Then, what about my daughter, will you pick it up?"

"No. Binjiang still has many advantages. It's a pity not to use them."

"So, Fang Lan's sister, is there any progress? This is what Yutao is most concerned about, saying that you are too hard-hearted."

"It's not a question of soft-heartedness...the gap is too big...can you not talk about this? My son runs away from home or lives in school?"

"Live on campus. The environment at home is not good. It just so happens that Yutao's classmate from the teacher's college is his class teacher. But my bald boy is still doing well. Last semester, his grades improved by more than 20 compared with the enrollment."

"Old Sun, you are really happy, at least you are much better than me. Don't be ignorant of your blessings." Tao Tang sighed.

"Of course I am content. It is indeed better than you, except for the salary. Haha, what you said is that those who are greedy for both are either ignorant or crazy. Unfortunately, few people can see through. By the way, come back for a few days, see you How many classmates do you have?"

"I only saw Lu Qi."

"If you had done it earlier, I can guarantee that Lu Qi's child is now named Tao. Over the years, she has asked me a lot about you. The news of your return was revealed to her by me. Hey, tell me, why are you like that? Know how to maintain? Stand with my family, at least ten years younger! What a you regret it?"

"I regret it, tell Lu Qi to let her divorce." Tao Tang laughed.

"I really said it."

"Go ahead."

"Don't tell me, Lu Qi is really not that kind of person. She is capable and decent. If she is a little more easy-going, Liu Xiuyun's generation will be worthless."

"Don't talk about her, what about the other students?"

"There weren't many Class 58 left in Red Star back then. Han Ruilin, Bao Xianbing, Liu Lin... are there just a few left? Yes, there is also Li Suyi, I'm afraid you don't remember."

"I heard about it. Something happened to her family recently." Tao Tang remembered what Lu Qi said, and didn't bother to ask about it.

"There is also Cao Wendong, who was hit and killed while drinking and riding a motorcycle, and the perpetrator was never found..." Sun Dunquan thought of the rumors about Han Ruilin and Cao Wendong's widow, and felt that this topic was meaningless.

"Cao Wendong? I remember, it was the one who broke his nose after falling off the window. He died? What a pity." Tao Tang really remembered that classmate who was always smiling, and this happened to him.

"It's quite pitiful. People die like a lamp goes out, and nothing is left."

"Where's Xu Deguang? I mean how are his parents? Are they in the factory?"

"Forget it, it's gone."

"Why? He's not too old. He's the eldest son..." Tao Tang estimated the ages of Xu Deguang's parents in his heart.

"Father died long ago from liver cancer. My mother passed away last year. She fell and failed to be rescued. It must have been caused by cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases."

"I remember he had a sister?"

"He's in the factory. He's also a poor man. He was dumped by his husband because he was barren. He works in the Propaganda Department. His name is Xu Deyu."

"Oh..." Tao Tang recalled Xu Deguang's innocent smile back then.If it weren't for his impulsiveness after drinking, Deguang's current achievements should not be inferior to his own...

"The most beautiful one is of course Tang Yikun. It is said that his personal assets have exceeded [-] million. A billionaire, but he caused Li Suyi's personal misfortune. I heard that the perpetrator was a temporary worker of a demolition company, and he has nothing to do with Donghu Group. anything, right?"

"I don't know the specific situation...I'm not a policeman, so I can only trust the conclusions of the judicial department's investigation. By the way, Tang Yikun and Zhang Luo's reunion tomorrow night, have you informed everyone?"

"It's a notice, but not many people went. Tang Yikun's class reunion must be aimed at you! It must be so. There have been rumors that Red Star will move, and this land will be the location of Hiraizumi New City. He is also engaged in real estate. ...How could Tang Yikun, who has become a guest of the dignitaries, remember us little shrimps? Everyone understands. Bao Xianbing and I are poker friends, and Lao Bao made it clear that he would not go."

"Just get together."

"To be honest, I don't want to go either. Why should I be angry with myself after seeing someone come back?"

"Go, we must go! He is the host, we eat and play for free, why don't you go? Lu Qi has already agreed, and you can contact me again. Just say I will go, and everyone will go. Classmates , It’s rare to get together and be happy.”

"Okay then, I'll listen to you." Sun Dunquan didn't realize that he was being used by Tao Tang.

"Get in your car and don't feel bad about that little gas."

At this moment, the door opened, and Yin Yutao came back. Seeing Tao Tang, he was pleasantly surprised and said, "Oh, Mr. Tao is here? Last night, Lao Sun was going to see you. I said he just came back. How could he have time to see you, who is so poor and boring?" idler?"

"Haha, come here to make a living. You won't drive me away, will you?" Tao Tang smiled and stood up, holding Yin Yutao's outstretched hand.

"Look at what you said. I'm afraid our small temple can't accommodate a big Bodhisattva like you. Tell me, what do you want to eat? I don't have delicacies from mountains and seas, and I don't know how to cook them. Daily meals are fine."

"Potluck is my favorite. Haha."

"That's ok! Sit down, wait a moment, it'll be over soon. Oh, why don't you have a few drinks? I'll go buy some appetizers. Old Sun, you are a real person, and you won't call me."

Before Lao Sun could speak, Tao Tang hurriedly stopped him, "Don't, I never drink at home. I can't even socialize, how can I have that kind of interest?"

"Then I'm really rude."

"Don't be polite, you can do whatever you usually eat."

(End of this chapter)

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