Revival Road

Chapter 154 Chen Yan's Progress

Chapter 154 Chen Yan's Progress

Because Li Zhibin went to Anzhou with Tao Tang, Chen Yan's planned plan was disrupted.Originally, this Sunday, I planned to go to Beiyang with Li Zhibin to take wedding photos.

However, within three months, Chen Yan, who seemed proud when she was single, was "taken down" by Li Zhibin without others noticing. "The land" was captured without a fight.

After quietly meeting the parents of both parties, the two received their marriage certificates in early July.

The progress of her relationship with Li Zhibin was not only hidden from the friends in the single building, but also the colleagues in the general manager's office, which is enough to prove that there was no "vigorous" move between them.When Meng Fan learned from his girlfriend You Benling that Li Zhibin and Chen Yan had "quietly" received their marriage certificate, he was very surprised, and ran to Chen Yan's dormitory and said to Chen Yan, "Just like that, Li Zhibin coaxed him away? Are you too cheap? At the very least, let him put 999 roses downstairs and propose marriage on one knee, right? No, I will make the decision for you and make up for it. He must make up for the necessary procedures. Just go up!"

Chen Yan didn't speak, just laughed.

"I can't help it, it seems that I have to worship Li Zhibin as my teacher." Meng Fan kept sighing.

Chen Yan has already discovered that her personality has indeed changed a lot this year.Meng Fan said that he wanted to worship Li Zhibin as a teacher was a joke, but Chen Yan willingly worshiped Li Zhibin as a teacher after Tao Tang took office and assigned the first job (questionnaire survey) as the general manager.Whenever encountering difficult problems at work, Chen Yan would always quietly ask Li Zhibin what to do, and Li Zhibin could always come up with a clear answer, not just empty words that are universally applicable, but real ideas.Although some ideas sounded a bit unreliable, it turned out to be the best choice.After going back and forth, Chen Yan trusted Li Zhibin more and more, and the image of Li Zhibin in her eyes also changed quietly.When Li Zhibin officially proposed to establish a relationship, everything fell into place.

All of this is of course based on the change of Chen Yan's own mentality.After being in close contact with Li Zhibin, Chen Yan figured out a lot of reasons. If she is not ready to "jump job" and leave, then she must make achievements in Red Star, which is of course the sign of entering the division level.As long as you enter the division level, your life can enter a well-off life.It's as simple as that.As a woman, it doesn't matter if she can't be a director, as long as her husband can be.Red Star has a husband and wife who are both at the division level, but very few. Chen Yan has long believed that even if Li Zhibin is not Mr. Tao's secretary, with that guy's ability, it is certain to enter the middle level.And Li Zhibin told her that as long as you work according to the method I taught you, no one can stop your progress.

Every pair of lovers has a unique way of love, which is one of the charms of love.The relationship between Chen Yan and Li Zhibin did not have more flowery days and months, but was established at work.Li Zhibin taught her a lot of things. Chen Yan scoffed at these "knowledge" at first, but later she persisted.The two most important ones are the attitude towards work. Li Zhibin told her, pay attention to those successful people in their careers. Most of them do not regard work as a means of making a living, but regard work as the most important content of life. .When you think about the difference, you can see why they are successful.

The second is to try to get into the inner world of leaders, especially your immediate boss.Only when you understand their inner world, can you be in tune with them in thought and action; only when you are in tune with them from thought to action can you gain their approval; only if you get their inner approval can you gain their appreciation.Once you do this, your progress will be unstoppable.

Chen Yan admitted that compared to other secretaries, Li Zhibin was quite successful in this aspect.She didn't know how Tao Tang really felt about Li Zhibin, but following Tao Tang almost inseparably from Li Zhibin's working hours was enough to prove that Tao Tang was satisfied with him.Chen Yan knew that the three heads of the general manager's office, including Jia Jianxin, who was the least reliable but had kept a low profile recently, were very satisfied with Li Zhibin, especially Director Zhang.In the general manager's office, Li Zhibin has almost surpassed the status of an ordinary employee and became the fourth in command of the general manager's office. Zhang Xingwu often said, "Xiao Li, let me discuss something with you... No wonder Wang Zhiping is so jealous of Li Zhibin. It means that following the leader is awesome.But Chen Yan knew that it was Li Zhibin's ability.If I were myself, I would definitely not have the "treatment" of Li Zhibin.

Chen Yan once asked Li Zhibin how to enter the inner world of a leader?Li Zhibin told her that you must not regard them as unattainable leaders, but as ordinary people who have the same emotions as you, and they also have desires.Only in this way can you read their inner world.You have to believe that leaders are also human beings, don't listen to the big truths they often say, that is what they have to say in their position.Behind the great principles, they are also real people, they are also greedy for money, lustful, and hope to be continuously promoted.To use a common saying, what they pursue is no different from us.The difference is that some leaders are better at hiding their true feelings because of years of practice.

Chen Yan continued to ask, "Then tell me, what is Jia Jianxin's secret?"

"He has many desires, the most important of which is the desire to be respected. You only need to show enough respect in front of him, enough to get him to support your work"

Chen Yan thought about it, and it was true.We all know that Jia Jianxin climbed up by relying on his uncle Li Luo, so few people think highly of him.His inadvertent hysteria is precisely the lack of respect.

"Then, where is Director Zhang?"

"He is more complicated. This person is not very ambitious. Maybe he thinks his career is over. He was under the control of the former general manager, so he was particularly afraid of making mistakes at work. With Director Zhang, there must be a plan for everything, especially It is forward-looking. You must do the work that he is going to arrange in advance, so that you can easily gain his trust and appreciation. In addition, because he has been evaded by his deputy, he particularly hates the deception of his subordinates. So you should always report, even if It is an inconspicuous little matter, and it must be reported.

Chen Yan thought for a while, and thought what Li Zhibin said was very accurate.

But Li Zhibin continued to remind, "But you can't report everything to the director. For example, you can't tell the private affairs that Vice President Liu told you to do, and it's better not to tell me. You have to understand that in our line of work, the leader What should be said and what should not be said in front of you is a university question. It is definitely not good to speak contemptuously, but it is a loss to hold back what should be reflected to the leader. Think about it, what the leader is most worried about is that the situation is not clear. You can tell him in time He will definitely be happy if you reflect what you want to know. Even if you don’t praise you in person, you will praise you in your heart. Be careful, you must reflect the real situation, and you must not take it for granted, that is the most taboo.”

Chen Yan nodded.After the division of labor between Liu Xiuyun and Qiu Lin was adjusted, she did reflect to Liu Xiuyun some of the following discussions about her work adjustment, which she heard from the secretary group and the single building. Vice President Liu listened very seriously, and immediately told her Thank you.

But Chen Yan finally proposed a person, Tao Tang.

"I think Mr. Tao is not what you said. You have been with Mr. Tao for several months. Tell me, what is Mr. Tao's desire? Greed for money or lust? Or seeking promotion?"

"Of course I know everything about you now. Of course Mr. Tao has a passion, it's not what you see. If you say Mr. Tao is good at disguising, it's a slander to others. Mr. Tao is actually a very open-minded person. Daozhizhi Jane, not everyone can realize it. From my point of view, Mr. Tao’s ambition is to revitalize Red Star, not to make superficial articles, but to change the appearance of Red Star from bottom to top, so that the company can truly revive.”

"This is slapping one's own mouth. Can this be called **? This is called ideal, called sentiment!"

"Of course this is also **. Everyone's pursuit is different. Mr. Tao's pursuit is different from his colleagues because he stands at a higher level. Do you know Maslow's five-level theory? The highest level of pursuit It’s called realizing self-worth. Of course, everyone’s purpose and method of realizing self-worth is different, and most people will never reach that step in their lifetime. What Mr. Tao is doing is realizing his self-worth. In fact, it’s hard to say that there is no other For example, continue to be promoted. Red Star is one of the largest enterprises in the group's assets and personnel. You know the status of Red Star in the group. If Mr. Tao revitalizes Red Star, do you think Mr. Tao can not be promoted? Given his level And qualifications, entering the leadership of the group is not a myth, right?"

"I think you are indeed a philistine. Do you dare to say that to Mr. Tao face to face?"

"Of course I don't dare. But you can't deny that what I said is true. But it doesn't damage Mr. Tao's image. He is following the right path, not crooked. Officials in the Qing Dynasty all wear different colored tops. The above is red, so Hu Xueyan was called a red-capped businessman after he was awarded the title of chief minister. The red-capped businessman is different. I know that those who are obtained by military exploits are called Zhenghong. Since there are Zhenghongs, it means that they are still There are other crooked 'reds'. It's the same now, a state-owned enterprise group, relying on business performance to be promoted, that's an honor. I've always been fortunate to follow a leader who walks the right path..."

"I always think you're a bit of a philistine"

"Those who stick to their ideals have died long ago, and were shot to death by the system. What we have to do is to protect ourselves without losing our conscience. A philistine is a philistine..." Li Zhibin sighed again and again.

Chen Yan then worked hard to learn Li Zhibin's way of thinking, and tried to deal with the leaders according to the method Li Zhibin instructed.The harvest was huge. She felt the leadership's affirmation of her changes. At the regular work meeting held by the general manager, she was no longer the object of criticism and criticism from the leaders. On the contrary, she was continuously praised by Zhang Xingwu and Zhu Ning...

Li Zhibin told Chen Yan before going to Anzhou, if you hear any news about Yang Kaihe, you must tell me immediately.If it is inconvenient to call, please use text message to notify.In addition, the news about Li Luo must also be told to me.

Chen Yan understood the pros and cons of the previous one.Now the whole company is paying attention to the progress of Yang Kaihe's case, Mr. Tao will definitely pay special attention.But I didn't understand the second article, and it was too late to ask.

Now, Chen Yan has heard two pieces of news about the marketing department from Wang Zhiping. The first one is that the organization department is planning to inspect the marketing team for the purpose of repairing Zuo Yun, and the second one is that Lei Yun and Liu Shulin had a big quarrel. One, Liu Shulin had already ordered Lei Yun's work to be terminated, and the report was called to the Human Resources Department, who then handed Lei Yun over to the Human Resources Department.

So, she took a chance and ran outside the office building to call Li Zhibin.The phone was cut off as soon as he got through, probably he was in a meeting.Sure enough, Li Zhibin called back immediately, "Tell me in detail, is the information accurate?" Li Zhibin asked.

Chen Yan explained the source of the news in detail.

"Very well, you can find a way to verify it again, especially from the labor side, but don't attract other people's attention, let alone I asked. I will contact you at night and keep the phone unblocked"

At around seven o'clock in the evening, Li Zhibin verified the two pieces of information again.

(End of this chapter)

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