Revival Road

Chapter 157 Lu Qi's Thoughts

Chapter 157 Lu Qi's Thoughts

Taking time, Lu Qi rushed back to the factory before five o'clock, put Yin Yutao and Fang Ke in front of Xiaozhao's door, and Lu Qi drove her own Focus back home. As soon as she parked the car, she saw an Audi A6 turning around. In front of the building, it was Lu Wei who got out of the car.

"Oh, it's really on time. I honked the horn in the back, but you, the old man, just ignored you."
"Shaopo. What's the hurry?"

"Which fairy did you go with? Didn't you carry your brother-in-law?" Lu Wei said to Lu Qi with a smile while holding a brown leather bag in his hand.

"It's getting worse and worse." Lu Qi's face darkened, "I'm accompanying Mr. Tao's sister-in-law, what nonsense?"

"Are you business is also related to Mr. Tao." As he said, Lu Wei fumbled for something from his purse.

"Go home and talk about it." Lu Qi didn't want to be seen by her neighbors.

"No, just a letter. Pass it to Mr. Tao." Lu Wei found the envelope, "here, that's it. I just received it this morning. Secretary Lu asked me to hand it over to Mr. Tao..."

"Secretary Lu?" Lu Qi's expression became serious.

"The letter of complaint is written to Secretary Lu. Oh, don't get me wrong, it's not to sue Mr. Tao, you just give the letter to Mr. Tao. I've read the letter. It's meaningless." Lu Wei glanced at his watch, opened the car door, "Secretary Lu has an event tonight, I have to go back"

"Hey," Lu Qi called out to her younger brother, "Are you driving Secretary Lu's car?"

"No, it's run by the Municipal Party Committee. Where can I move Secretary Lu's car casually? It's business, save yourself some fuel. Let's go." Lu Wei waved his hand to his sister, "Say hello to Mr. Tao, I haven't had a chance to thank you, and I feel very sad I'm sorry, sister, help me think about it."

Lu Qi held the letter in her hand, like a ticking time bomb.Looking left and right, no one was paying attention to her, and hurried upstairs back to her home, because the envelope was open, Lu Qi impatiently took out the letter, and recognized the handwriting, it really was written by Lei Yun.

It was Liu Shulin, not Li Luo, who was reported in Lei Yun's report letter.After reading the letter, Lu Qi felt that the facts of Liu Shulin's violation of discipline listed by Lei Yun in the signed letter should exist.Lei Yun summarized Liu Shulin's three crimes of forming a party for selfish interests, favoritism and fraud, and embezzling business activities, and cited examples of time, place, and people in each case, but the first two accusations were easier to turn around, leaving Liu Shulin with a lot of room for defense. Forming a party for personal gain?I also said to discover and cultivate talents for the company.What is malpractice?Even if the marketing department had fraudulent performance, it was instigated by the superior. Before the [-]th National Congress, there were many such problems in central enterprises, and the superior department did not live in a vacuum, so it may not be able to convict Liu Shulin.Even the business activity expenses that are relatively easy to investigate may not be able to bring down Liu Shulin, because the expenses are allowed by the company. Although there are no detailed regulations, some expenses will inevitably occur in the process of expanding the market and grabbing orders. It is not necessarily in Liu Shulin's personal pocket.Even if the local discipline inspection department intervenes, the investigation result is more likely to be that the approval for use is not standardized, and it may not necessarily be classified as corruption.As for the issue of private use of public vehicles, it is even more nonsense. Given the circumstances at that time, it may not be appropriate to use the current discipline to pursue past events.

After reading the letter, Lu Qi's impression of Lei Yun became even more depreciated.I'm afraid this person is really not good, the overall situation is seriously lacking, and the specific means are even lower. I'm afraid I really made the wrong recommendation.If this letter really took effect, and the superiors really investigated it, Liu Shulin would not necessarily be unlucky because of this. Lei Yun's future in Red Star would be completely ruined, because he had completely offended all the leaders except Tao Tang.

Now, Secretary Lu has transferred the letter back to the factory.This showed Lu Yaozu's attitude.Obviously, Lu Yaozu kicked the ball to Tao Tang, and the city didn't plan to take care of it.Probably in the eyes of Secretary Lu, such trivial matters are not worth mentioning.The question is, can a signed report also do the same?Or is it because of the irreversible relationship between Lu Tao?Lei Yun obviously played the wrong game. Even if he wanted to use anti-corruption to challenge Liu Shulin head-on, he should not have sent the letter to the secretary of the municipal party committee.Now that the report letter is in the hands of Tao Tang, is Tao Tang willing to start another anti-corruption front?Lu Qi's answer was no. If Tao Tang was going to clean up the marketing outlets, he wouldn't have that kind of attitude when the "two clouds" attacked at the marketing conference, and he wouldn't call himself to imply that he warned Zuo Yun.If you think about it, you are right, even if you are the top leader of Red Star, when the Yang Kaihe case happened, you would not open up another front and mess yourself up, causing Red Star to fall into anti-corruption chaos, which would inevitably affect this year's business.

Lu Qi put the letter in the desk drawer.She knew that Tao Tang hadn't come back yet, so she had to hand it over to Tao Tang.So I won't go to work today.In less than an hour before the bell rang, Lu Qi's thoughts turned to Tao Tang.

It is certain that Tao Tang will not initiate an internal investigation of the marketing department after reading this letter.The only result is to completely "abandon" Lei Yun she recommended. Lei Yun is finished. If Tao Tang abandons this person, this person's future in Red Star will be over and there will be no hope.

Since Tao Tang became the top leader of the Red Star, Lu Qi has understood the common thinking of the top leaders.Originally, Fan Yongcheng once talked about his history reading experience. The so-called emperor's mentality seems mysterious and unpredictable, but in fact it is extremely simple. It is worthless to put it bluntly.Lu Qi once joked to her husband that you can always find vulgar reasons for noble actions.

Although it is somewhat inappropriate for the leader of an enterprise to be compared to a feudal emperor, it is not without comparison.Everyone knows that Red Star has a corruption problem. Song Yue and Yang Wenhuan, two current company leaders, have fallen into it. Who dares to say that Red Star is a piece of pure land?But the headquarters sent Tao Tang in charge of Red Star, definitely not for him to fight corruption, but for him to reverse the difficult situation of Red Star!The anti-corruption that is necessary to straighten out the management will definitely be supported by the higher-ups, but if the anti-corruption further deteriorates the business situation, it is not what the superiors want to see... and Tao Tang's actions in the past few months have also confirmed Lu Qi's Judging, he has always been working around the overall business situation, including the suppression of the Ren family, which cannot be simply regarded as a hatred of corruption, but to stop the bleeding point of the enterprise.The focus is still to improve the company's operations.That's why Tao Tang has a seemingly contradictory attitude towards the marketing department. He not only "supports" the opposition to beat the marketing department, but also does not allow the "two clouds" to mess up the work of the marketing department, because the completion of this year's major targets still depends on What about Li Luo and Liu Shulin...

But Lu Qi believes that Tao Tang's policy thinking in the past few months is problematic.Thinking back and forth, what the top managers of the enterprise have to do is just four words: increase revenue and reduce expenditure.As far as Red Star is concerned, open source has not yet seen results. After taking office, Tao Tang has come up with a lot of cost-cutting measures, from rationally dismissing employees to rectifying the management of business activity fees, from initiating property fee reforms to dismissing temporary workers , The purpose of throttling is obvious.The effect or expected effect of each reform is tens of millions, which sounds like a lot, but for a large factory like Red Star, it cannot really solve the current predicament, but only improves a little cost expenditure.Associating further, Tao Tang seems to pay more attention to throttling and ignoring open source. The lean management he spared no effort to publicize and implement can confirm Lu Qi's judgment. Tao Tang always talks about his success in Shengdong, what is the cost? How much money can be saved by reducing the rate by one point every year... However, Lu Qi, who is engaged in the macro-management of Red Star, believes that reducing expenditure is always an auxiliary means of expenditure, not the main measure.It’s like a faucet that keeps ticking and leaking if it’s not tightened tightly. This is based on the premise that there is water in the water pipe. If there is no water in the water pipe, what’s the use of tightening the faucet?For Hongxing Factory, the top priority is to expand the market and develop new products. The expansion of scale is the first priority. Only with the continuous expansion of scale can a series of cost-saving measures be meaningful.Think about the major expenses. For financial expenses alone, Red Star has to pay [-] million yuan in interest to the bank every year. Saving tens of millions of funds is nothing more than a huge amount of money for the company's huge fixed expenses. A drop in the bucket... In this regard, Song Yue's governance ideas in prison are in line with Lu Qi's ideas. Song Yue spent a lot of effort in winning projects and developing new products when he was in office!

Now Lu Qi often thinks from Tao Tang's standpoint.In Lu Qi's view, anti-corruption is relatively easier than business operations.The difficulties faced by Red Star are multifaceted. The most critical problem is that the scale of operation is not enough to support tens of thousands of employees.Mr. Tao also clearly pointed out this point at the business analysis meeting in the first half of the year. The fixed expenses of more than 10 million yuan per day must be spent. Under the premise that the product structure and profitability are relatively fixed, the only way to improve operations is to increase scale up.But for a company like Red Star, a 10% increase in scale is almost [-] billion, which is equivalent to the development of a large market similar to East Lake, and the difficulty is quite large.At the beginning, Song Yue worked hard to win the Anhong project, wasn't it just for the expansion of scale?Who knew that this was a big burden?From this perspective, Tao Tang is right to focus on cost control.But Lu Qi seriously doubts that Tao Tang can solve the predicament of Red Star by relying on the promotion of lean management...

Now, Tao Tang has taken over as the chairman of Anhong, and finally went to Anzhou to deal with this big burden. Lu Qi doesn't know what decision Tao Tang will make on the future of Anhong Company. The previous research on Anhong’s prospects was more inclined to terminate the project, because now it can be seen clearly. It is obviously a wrong judgment to hope for the rapid expansion of the heavy vehicle market. With the increasing downward pressure on the national economy, the prospect of the heavy vehicle market Worryingly, An Hong's prospects will be even more bleak.But ending the Anhong project is more difficult than continuing to invest. In the economic field, it is well known that exiting is more difficult than entering. What measures will Tao Tang take?What kind of report will he submit to headquarters?
The planning department is the top-level design department of the company. The company's long-term planning business is in the planning department. I don't know how many articles about the company's long-term development are written every year. Although Lu Qi is not in charge of planning business, the company's long-term planning is not important to her. secret. In the first year of the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan", the scale of the Red Star was just over 80 billion. Song Yue, who was so successful, made an ambitious plan. At the end of the Twelfth Five-Year Plan, the scale of the Red Star will reach 130 billion, almost every year It needs to be increased by 10%, which is an increment of 10 billion.But until now, it is still basically standing still. Even if the goal of 100 billion is achieved this year, it will not exceed 130 billion in the remaining two years anyway.This year, a mid-term evaluation of the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" has been made. The evaluation report has been submitted to Tao Tang, but it has not yet been reported to the group headquarters.The result of the mid-term evaluation presided over by Liu Xinjun is that the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" originally formulated by Red Star Company is too optimistic about the operating environment, and the 130 billion goal is difficult to achieve. According to the increasingly obvious macroeconomic situation, the most optimistic estimate It is 110 billion, it will not be higher.In the Ministry of Development and Regulations, the planning target of 110 billion is also pessimistic. Duan Hui even believes that it is not easy to enter the [-] billion club, because the growth of mining machines and vehicle accessories is severely weak, especially the mining machine sector. The situation is one of decline rather than growth.

Even if the planned goal of 110 billion is achieved, based on Red Star's current profitability, it will only increase its profit by about [-] million, and the increase in Red Star's rigid expenses is enough to offset this profit. For example, employee salary increases must be taken into account.In the end, it is still the current situation of immortality, how can we talk about reviving the Red Star?From this point of view, Tao Tang's current policy is more effective. The few things that have been implemented since the removal of posts have theoretically saved nearly [-] million in expenditure. According to the saying that what you save is what you earn, doesn't it mean that Tao Tang has achieved the adjusted five-year plan goals?Of course, there is a price. He offended a group of people, a group of vested interests.But no one will think well of him, because more employees have not benefited from it.

Of course, there is another way, which is to seize the opportunity to make a big restructuring, such as borrowing the planning of local new city construction to implement the relocation and reorganization of Red Star.Since the news of the new city construction plan in Hiraizumi City spread, Red Star executives have been paying attention to this major event that is destined to affect the company's development.However, Tao Tang's attitude is very clear, he opposes the relocation.It is believed that relocation and reorganization have no practical significance for Red Star.

Lu Qi remembered what Tao Tang said to Fan Yongcheng a few days ago. She didn't think Tao Tang was talking big, so what method would he use to revive Red Star?Until the bell rang to get off work, Lu Qi still couldn't find any solution.She admitted that she couldn't understand Tao Tang from her position, and even though Tao Tang seemed to have no reservations about her, she still couldn't understand Tao Tang's factory management strategy.

He must have his own way!Lu Qi firmly believed.But Lu Qi does not approve of what Tao Tang is doing now, and does not approve of him devoting more energy to anti-corruption.If anti-corruption is conducive to the control of power, it is okay to do it. His energy should be used more on top-level design to point out a way for Red Star to get out of trouble in the future.Should these words be said to him?Lu Qi was a little uncertain.

(End of this chapter)

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