Revival Road

Chapter 156 Lu Qi Fang Can Print Jade Peach

Chapter 156 Lu Qi Fang Can Print Jade Peach

Lu Qi received a call from Zuo Yun on the cruise ship in Feiyuan Reservoir.Because Fang Ke and Yin Yutao were on the side, Lu Qi didn't say much, but just said that I'm not in the factory now, let's talk about it when I go back.

Seeing Lu Qi's solemn expression, Yin Yutao asked what happened, Lu Qi said that it was nothing serious at work.But she had already scolded Lei Yun enough in her heart, she was so muddy that she couldn't support the wall, and it wasn't enough to quarrel with Liu Shulin, but she went to quarrel with Qiu Lin, is she really out of her mind?What good does it do me to openly challenge the order like this?
On this day, she asked Luo Chong to accompany her on leave before she could play.Although it is embarrassing, you still need to ask Luo Chong for leave.Sure enough, Luo Chong asked Lu Qi what was urgent.Generally, superiors will not ask subordinates this question unless they are not prepared to take leave.Lu Qi wouldn't lie, so she had to say that she had a friend from out of town, but she was going to go out with her for a day.Luo Chong directly pointed out that it was Boss Tao's sister-in-law, right?Lu Qi's heart skipped a beat, as expected, as Lao Fan said, the top leader really has no secrets, I don't know how many pairs of eyes are staring at him.Luo Chong said, well, if you are not allowed to leave because of your work, Mr. Tao should say that I am unreasonable.However, when his sister-in-law comes to the factory, it is quite a sight to use you to accompany him instead of his relatives.Apart from words, he made no secret of his opinion of Mr. Tao.This is very different from Luo Chong's usual practice in the past. In Lu Qi's memory, Luo Chong never "resisted" the leader.

Lu Qi's heart was somewhat clouded by Luo Chong's attitude.Unexpectedly, another Yin Yutao popped up and wanted to go with them.Lu Qi really wanted to withdraw by herself, but she really couldn't say it.Yin Yutao heard about Fang Ke's coming to the factory from Sun Dequan, and because she and Sun Dunquan were warmly received by Fang Ke when they went to Binjiang, she felt very sorry, so she called Lu Qi and asked for a leave of absence to accompany her before playing.The location was suggested by Yin Yutao, who said that it was better to go to the water to play in the hot weather, and Hiraizumi, a small inland city, has no better water than Feiyuan.Fang didn't care, Tao Tang wasn't there anyway, staying in the factory was boring, and he could go anywhere.

The most fun thing about Feiyuan Reservoir is of course the water park.But Fang Ke turned off his appetite when he saw those vulgar things, and asked Lu Qi if there was any place to swim, and if there was no point in boating and fishing.Lu Qi didn't know, and asked the waiter in the amusement park, there really was a bathing place, which was newly opened.They didn't bring swimsuits, but fortunately, the facilities are fairly complete, and they bought suitable swimsuits in the supermarket.

Fang Ke and Lu Qi swam for an hour, but Yin Yutao was a landlubber and could only drink cold drinks on the shore.Lu Qi's swimming skills are good, and her level of freestyle is good enough to be a coach who only knows how to breaststroke, so Lu Qi has had a hard time being a coach.Let the relationship between her and Fang Ke go further.During the rest, Lu Qi's skin and figure amazed Fang Ke, and he insisted on asking Lu Qi for the secret of maintenance.Women are born to gossip, and after swimming, the two of them have greatly shortened the distance. If we say that they met and ate barbecue by chance that day, they only consolidated their acquaintance. Not talking about girlfriends anymore.

It was a good thing that Yin Yutao came.Lu Qi happened to have time to explain to Yin Yutao about his younger brother's transfer.Lu Qi knew that Sun Dunquan was a little unhappy about this, but Tao Tang's attitude was a bit simple that day, because Lu Qi had done the same job for Zuo Yun, it was easier for Lu Qi to explain to Yin Yutao.During lunch, Lu Qi brought up this topic again, proving that Tao Tang did not transfer anyone other than Liao Junwei to the steel pipe factory, "I really didn't expect that a dilapidated factory in East Lake would become a favorite, Even the deputy director wants to go... I really don’t know what’s so good about that dilapidated factory.”

Yin Yutao was reasonable and said, "Since the company has made the decision not to transfer people to the steel pipe factory for the time being, we can't be special. In fact, his younger brother came up with this idea because he bought a house in the development zone. I My younger brother is a worker, working to earn money, it’s the same everywhere. On the contrary, Mr. Tao’s property fee reform is a bit deceitful. Teachers like us who are transferred to the government because of the policy will suffer a lot. I forget it For a moment, if you really change it, you will have to pay nearly 2000 yuan more a year. My grandson is no better than you, he is almost unemployed... Mr. Tao has not been in the factory for a long time, and this hammer will put us in a hole It's hard... I heard that the factory is studying the dismissal of temporary workers, but I don't know if it's true?"

I know something about the removal of temporary workers from Lu Qi, but I don't know how far it has gone.She knew Yin Yutao, but not that well, and she didn't know what relatives of Yin Yutao were involved.As for the property reform, Lu Qi understands that the complete plan is considered from the standpoint of the company. It is not only a plan of "killing the rich and helping the poor", but also based on taking care of ordinary employees of the company. , must have benefited.Lu Qi calculated on her own that if the new method is implemented, it will cost about 100 yuan more each year, which is not a big problem, but Yin Yutao is no longer counted as an employee of the company, and Sun Dunquan resigned, so the extra money will not be a few hundred yuan Of course not happy.

"I don't know much about temporary workers. But the real estate reform is based on the consideration of ordinary workers. They are dual-employees and the living area is not too large, so they will definitely not spend more money. The factory is also in a dilemma. The annual subsidy pressure of 8000 to [-] million is too great. , whoever becomes the general manager will not ignore..."

"I know that Tao is always a decent person, but it's a little unfair to be like me. Although we are not employees of Red Star, after all, we have worked in Red Star for more than ten years. It was handed over because of the policy. Now we are not facing Red Star every day. Children? Is it too cruel to regard us as outsiders? I said these words because I am friends. You said, why did Mr. Tao do this? Didn’t his predecessor think of this? Why is he always staring at the common people? Pockets? Besides, it’s a little unreasonable to dismiss the temporary workers without asking why they came up for nothing? Temporary workers do the heaviest and most tiring work, and earn much less than regular workers. Why bother to bully a few temporary workers? ?”

Lu Qi interrupted Yin Yutao, "Mr. Yin, do you have relatives working as temporary workers in the factory?"

"It's really a full man who doesn't know how hungry a man is hungry," Yin Yutao said, "There are two of them, they have worked in the factory for several years, and a niece has married into the factory. Boss Tao can knock them out all at once. I lost my job... After hearing the news, they came to me and wanted me to ask Boss Tao to beg for mercy, but Lao Sun refused. Tell me, should I go to Boss Tao?"

Fang Ke, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke, "How could he do this? He is so worthless that he bullies the disadvantaged? Teacher Yin, don't worry, I'll tell him." Fang Ke remembered Ye Mei's entrustment, "clean up What temporary workers?"

"You don't understand the difficulty of being the leader of a state-owned eat fish. This is the authentic Feiyuan silver carp, which is very famous in Hiraizumi. Doesn't it suit your taste?" Lu Qi asked only if she drank cold beer but rarely moved her chopsticks.Today's lunch dishes are only available to order, at a newly opened fish shop in the amusement park.

"It's okay... I feel a little sick to my stomach, it's okay"

"Then don't drink beer"

"I almost drank a lot of beer in summer... Sister Lu, I just can't figure it out. He's not a deputy. What's the problem with being the top leader? Is there someone in Red Star who disagrees with him?"

Lu Qi smiled, "You have never worked in a state-owned enterprise. If you had worked in the system, you wouldn't ask this question. Let's put it this way, it's hard to be a good leader, but it's not difficult to be a good leader. As for whether to be convinced or not, it is neither persuasive nor difficult to say..." Lu Qi glanced at Yin Yutao, who was buried in eating fish, "Mr. Yin, I'm done talking, don't tell others. "

"Do you need to remind me? In terms of our relationship with Mr. Tao, we are not necessarily shallower than you. What you said just now is correct, and it is true when you think about it. I know Mr. Tao really wants to do a good job of Red Star, but Red Star It’s not the factory in Binjiang, the situation is complicated. Lao Sun has said many times that several leaders of Red Star are not fuel-efficient lamps.”

"I still don't get it. Could it be that his deputy will fight against him?" Fang Ke asked.

"Stupid girl. How can there be such a stupid person? What I'm afraid of is that you will be so friendly on the surface, and you will be tripped up below. It seems that you are really happy. As a freelancer, you really don't need to think about these boring problems." Lu Qi smiled Removed the beer bottle, "Don't drink, eat vegetables"

"Anyone who trips me will be killed! I still don't believe it! Back then he got rid of several company leaders in Shengdong."

"He doesn't have the right to appoint and remove the company's leaders." Lu Qi patiently explained, "At most he only has the right to make suggestions. If the headquarters disagrees, he has nothing to do. But in a big factory like Red Star, you think that those who climbed to the vice president level will No background? In addition, if you want to exempt someone, there must be a reason, right? You say they don’t cooperate, and they insist on principles... In short, it’s not as simple as you imagined.” start.I'm afraid this is the only way to truly subdue them...

"Well, I can see it too. He is very tired. It's not like this in Shengdong..."

"As a general rule, the more you work, the more timid you become. That's why there is a saying that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers... Oh, don't tell your brother-in-law back, or I will be put on shoes..." Lu Qi laughed again Yes, I think Fang Ke is actually very simple.

"Why would he wear small shoes for you? In fact, he should promote a few people who are truly committed to him, like you, Sister Lu. Hey, in fact, he is really asking for trouble. What good is it to be the top leader of a state-owned enterprise? He is that person Ah, I don’t have any hobbies, so I’m afraid I’ll be hungry if I just find something to do? Really.”

"Fang Ke, what you said is that you can stand up and talk without backache... Who doesn't know that the leader is tired and offends others, so why do you want to be the leader like a crucian carp across the river?" Yin Yutao also laughed, "You know you How much does my brother-in-law earn a year? At least ten years? That’s on the surface. If you let go of your hands and feet, it’s not difficult to earn a few million a year..."

"He's not that kind of person!" Fang Ke's eyes widened, "I don't know about Red Star, you go to Shengdong to inquire, and one person said that he is not corrupt? At the beginning, the higher authorities sent people to investigate, and after two months of investigation, they still found nothing. ? The investigation team was surrounded by workers instead, saying that they wronged good people..."

"I didn't say Mr. Tao was corrupt, you misunderstood. What I said is that it's not easy to be a freelancer. Xiaofang, you are talented, of course it's not difficult. The painting cost thousands of dollars. Like my grandson, he resigned in a fit of anger. , I realized that earning money is difficult, and it is too late to regret..."

"Brother Sun, isn't it good to write a book? It's good to resign. If you want me to say, a fool would go to a state-owned enterprise..." Fang Ke still wanted to drink beer, so he looked down to find where Lu Qi hid the bottle.

Lu Qi was thinking, you are not greedy, but you have also been investigated and transferred away.If it wasn't for someone admiring you, if it wasn't for Red Star having a big problem, you might just stay in that seemingly important seat.

The phone rang, and it was from Lu Wei, "Sister, is it convenient for you to talk? I called your office and no one answered..."

"Xiaowei, what's the matter? I'm playing with my friend in Feiyuan..."

"Oh, is Mr. Tao there? I couldn't get through to him..."

"He's on a business trip, do you need to find him?"

"Well, but it's okay, you can be here. It's five o'clock in the afternoon, can you go back?"

Lu Qi glanced at the phone, "It should be fine..."

"Okay, wait for me at your house at five o'clock"

"Okay..." Lu Wei is so busy now that he can't go home once a month, there must be something wrong.

"Sister Lu, what's the matter?" Fang Ke asked.

"It doesn't matter, just go back at five o'clock..." Lu Qi glanced at the phone again.

(End of this chapter)

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