Revival Road

Chapter 159 Tao Tang and Li Luo

Chapter 159 Tao Tang and Li Luo

The most indispensable thing for Red Star Company in July is news.The attack on Wang Zhao added the last firewood for this scorching month.

The incident of Wang Zhao's attack was quickly linked by the employee's family and the incident of Yang Kaihe's disappearance, and then he was hooked up with Tao Tang.It is no secret that the Tao and Wang families are married, and it is inevitable to hook up.

Let’s put aside how ordinary people talk about it, and this rare case of vicious injury in the history of Red Star, in official language, means that the company’s party and government attach great importance to it.Secretary Zhao Qingmin rushed to the scene immediately, and the company leaders including Li Luo arrived at the scene within half an hour.In addition to giving instructions such as protecting the scene to Fan Yong who arrived earlier (actually unnecessary), the team members rushed to the staff hospital to visit the injured Wang Zhao. After learning about Wang Zhao's injury, Zhao Qingmin instructed You The president of the club transferred Wang Zhao to the No. 110 Hospital for surgery, and then collectively listened to Gao Hui and others' descriptions of the crime scene. Then Zhao Qingmin called Tao Tang who was on his way back to the factory. According to Tao Tang's opinion, The security department reported to [-].After the police officers arrived, Zhao Qingmin ignored the other company leaders and had a private conversation with the police officer Shan who led the team for a few minutes, which brought a sense of mystery to the incident.

According to Gao Hui and others, there were at least two murderers, both of whom were men (although the light was dim at the time, but Gao Hui was absolutely sure of this), and the murder weapon was a stick (the security department found two welded steel pipes about one meter nearby ), fled towards the family area after being frightened away, suspecting that the murderer was in the factory.

The victim, Wang Zhao, suffered a broken leg and a fractured shoulder, which was considered a serious injury.With the medical level of the staff hospital, there is basically no risk in dealing with such trauma, but Zhao Qingmin arranged for President You Hui to personally lead someone to send Wang Zhao to the city's No. [-] hospital with the best conditions.

The next day, Deng Lumin, the deputy director of the Western Suburbs Branch, came to Red Star in person to inspect the scene of the incident again.Then Deng Lumin met Tao Tang who had just returned to the factory in the early morning, and rushed to the city's first hospital with Tao Tang, Zhao Qingmin and Chang Wenhai, met Wang Zhao who had undergone surgery, and heard Wang Zhao personally describe the incident.

Wang Zhao, who was slightly in shock, believed that those two people were going to kill him. If the first stick hit him on the head, he would become a vegetable without dying.If it weren't for Gao Hui's yelling, the murderer would not have left him and escaped, and would have continued to kill him.

Deng Lumin asked Wang Zhaoyou if he had any personal grievances, "In order to solve this case as soon as possible, please don't worry about it. The information you provided will help solve the case the most..."

Wang Zhao emphasized that he has no personal grievances, and he has no enmity with anyone.The police can learn more about this point, and the organization can also testify.

Wang Zhao's relatives, including Wang Xiaojuan and Tao Youdao, were also present at the time. Wang's wife swore that Wang Zhao, who had joined Red Star since graduation, had absolutely no personal grudges.Chang Wenhai also said something similar, "Ju Deng, Comrade Wang Zhao entered the factory in the same year as me. As far as I know, this comrade has a decent style of work. I have never heard of him making enemies with others because of personal affairs."

Tao Tang said to Deng Lumin with a gloomy face, "Director Deng, this case has seriously violated the criminal law and exceeded the authority of the company's security department. It is up to you. I hope your bureau can solve it as soon as possible and stabilize the hearts of Red Star."

"President Tao, don't worry," Deng Lumin said, "The handsome mayor has given instructions on the phone, and we will do our best... We have obtained the surveillance video of each intersection in the factory. Now it is different. I guess the murderer ran away. soon as there is news, I will report to you immediately."

Deng Lumin once accompanied Tang Yikun to visit Tao Tang, and he was very polite to Tao Tang.

"Deng Bureau, as you may know, one of our middle-level officials, oh, named Yang Kaihe, has been dismissed because of alleged economic problems. This person has lost contact. The factory reported the case to the Municipal Bureau according to procedures. Comrade Wang Zhao once It is his deputy, I suspect that this matter has something to do with him. Please refer to the situation.”

"I know about this matter. The Municipal Bureau has issued a notice. Last night," Deng Lumin glanced at Chang Wenhai, "Secretary Zhao already talked about his views last night. We will pay attention to the connection."

After Deng Lumin left, Tao Tang asked Wang Zhao's family members out of the single ward, and asked Wang Zhao several questions in front of Zhao Qingmin and Chang Wenhai, including Wang Zhao's recent work, the reason and detailed process of working overtime last night.Then he told Wang Zhao to recover from his injuries and not to have any worries, "The organization will make decisions for you," Tao Tang finally said.

Li Luo heard the news and went to the scene last night. He was the last one to arrive. At that time, Wang Zhao had already been sent to the hospital.The incident disrupted his steps.Originally, he planned to have a talk with Tao Tang after Tao Tang returned to the factory. Since the turmoil of the marketing conference, Li Luo has been thinking about his relationship with Tao Tang. I lost my own support, feeling a little hot on my cold ass, which made countless cadres who followed me feel hesitant.Because of this, Li Luo became disappointed with Tao Tang, thinking that this young man was still a little tender. As the leader, how could he not know who was the real ally?Do you really think that you can control Red Star by wooing "talkers" like Zhao Qingmin?For a while, Li Luo had the idea of ​​breaking with Tao Tang, calmly and comprehensively analyzed and compared the strengths of both sides, Li Luo thought that he still couldn't tear himself apart with Tao Tang, but it was related to his own prestige, Lei Yun and Zuo Yun should have a problem Just say it.But the Wang Zhao incident happened suddenly. Based on his experience, he immediately judged a series of tricks behind it, and further concluded that this incident will inevitably lead to the reorganization of the highest power structure of Red Star.In the face of such an opportunity, it is very important to stand on the right side. Compared with the problems caused by the Wang Zhao incident, the problems of the marketing department will not be on the table. It must be him, not Tao Tang.Li Luo knew that his roots were in Red Star, and when Red Star collapsed, everything about him would be over.Therefore, in this situation, I am afraid I have to take care of the overall situation.

From Li Luo's point of view, the person who planned the Wang Zhao case has lost his head!This move is so stupid!Absolutely in line with the Western proverb: Whoever God wants to perish must first make him crazy.Seeing Zhao Qingmin's performance at the scene of the incident, Li Luo was a little worried that this recently photogenic guy would do something bad, but fortunately Tao Tang came back in time.Based on Li Luo's understanding of Tao Tang, he thought that after Tao Tang returned to the factory, he would immediately hold a team meeting to inform him of his trip to Anzhou. In addition, regarding the Wang Zhao incident, Tao Tang would not fail to take action.If Tao Tang's decision-making goes astray, Li Luo will advise in time, and then discuss the issue of "two clouds" in private. Under the current circumstances, the company must not transfer Leiyun, this person is definitely not available, and his EQ is too low Well, everything is going to be bad, but the transfer of Leiyun now will definitely bring a series of negative effects on the marketing department, which is harmful to the overall situation.

But Tao Tang didn't move after going to work.Li Luo couldn't sit still anymore. Instead of asking Jia Jianxin to be a spy like in the past, he called Li Zhibin himself and asked Tao Tang if he had any guests. Li Zhibin said that Mr. Tao was studying with Secretary Zhao and Chairman Guo. If you are in a hurry, I will report to Mr. Tao immediately.Li Luo said forget it, let's talk about it later.After putting down the phone, Li Luo felt a little emotional. Don't ask, Tao Tang is discussing the Wang Zhao incident with Zhao and Guo.This is the difference in status. He does not have this treatment. The key is that Tao Tang is understandable for doing so. According to the current system, the chairman, general manager, party secretary and chairman of the board of supervisors are the four pillars of the company, forming the power base of Red Star. .So Li Luo thought, as the executive vice president, he was still close, so he had to find a way to go further.

After waiting for four or ten minutes, Li Luo felt that the time was almost up, so he set off to Tao Tang's office and asked Li Zhibin who stood up to greet him, "Are Secretary Zhao and Chairman Guo still there?"

"Oh, they're gone, Director Lu of the Regulations Department is..."

"Oh, then I'll wait, don't report..." Li Luo actually sat down on the sofa in the reception room.

Li Zhibin, who has been with Song Yue, of course knows the importance of Li Luo. When Song Yue was in power, Li Luo never had to inform this office by himself, but now he is waiting for a deputy director. This is not a good thing, so Li Zhibin knocked on the door. Tao Tang's door, "Mr. Tao, Mr. Li is here..."

Lu Qi came to hand over the letter of complaint sent back by Lu Yaozu. She was going to talk to Tao Tang about it, but when she heard Li Luo came, Lu Qi left immediately. Li Luo smiled and said to Lu Qi, "The report is over? This little Li , I told you not to disturb..."

"I'm just submitting a document to Mr. Tao. I'm sorry to keep Mr. Li waiting..." Lu Qi nodded at Li Luo and left in a hurry.

"Mr. Li is here, please sit down, and I'm going to your place..." Tao Tang greeted Li Luo with a smile, "I'm going to have a meeting, there are two main things, one is of course the situation of Anhong Company, which is better than I imagined. The more complicated ones are more complicated, and I want to hear your opinion before the meeting. In addition," Tao Tang picked up the letter, "Secretary Lu of the Municipal Party Committee forwarded me a letter written by Lei Yun. I had time to communicate with Chairman Guo, and you just came, so you can take a look first..." Tao Tang handed over the letter as he said.

In an instant, Li Luo understood the relationship. He knew that Lu Qi's younger brother became Lu Yaozu's secretary. This Lu Qi should not be underestimated. "Since it was written by Lei Yun to the city, it must be Sue me for breaking the law and discipline, I am not suitable to watch it..."

"I'm really not suing you, take a look." Tao Tang stuffed the letter into Li Luo's hand.

In just 3 minutes, Li Luo finished reading the letter and handed it back to Tao Tang.

"tell me your opinion?"

"It's basically a false accusation. I dare not say that none of the problems he listed exists, but I can assure you that they are definitely not that serious," Li Luo said seriously.Now that Tao Tang gave him the letter, it meant he had made his attitude clear, and he had to give Tao Tang a step up, "But since Secretary Lu returned the letter, it means you have to deal with it. Under the current situation, it is inappropriate to keep it in your hands." , you can let the Commission for Discipline Inspection investigate, and you can explain it to the city."

"I've been on a business trip for the past few days without stopping...Investigate? How to investigate? Announce to everyone that Liu Shulin is suspected of serious violation of discipline? This year's target, I still count on him to give me a lot of effort. This Leiyun is really amazing. I'm disappointed. Mr. Li, please tell me the rules."

Li Luo pondered for a while, "Lei Yun is a bit extreme. He and Liu Shulin have some conflicts, which happened at work. But it is not necessary to expose the conflicts to the city. Isn't this your army? He will transfer out of the marketing department recently. For this reason, I even had a quarrel with Qiu Lin, which had a bad influence... Objectively speaking, Liu Shulin should also take some responsibility..." Now Tao Tang extended an olive branch to himself, and of course he wanted to take it.

"You agree with him leaving?"

"I disagree"

"I don't agree either. I want to cool off this matter first. What about you, take the time to talk to Lei Yun, and I will talk to him too. This person is not good, he is too immature, but we have to be tolerant You can’t let people talk about it, can’t you? Point out his shortcomings seriously. You know him better than me. In short, it can’t affect the work in the second half of the year. Everything should be based on this overall situation.”

"I understand and agree with you. Don't worry."

"Let's talk to Liu Shulin too. But don't mention this letter to him. This is the principle. I think you still have to worry about the internal management of the marketing department. The mistakes of the mobility department and the procurement department cannot be repeated. This That's it, for Anhong Company, talk about your opinion! Open up! Lao Li, I know you have a way, you must give me an idea, this matter is a big deal! No more mistakes can be made !"

"The Anhong project itself was a mistake..." Li Luo considered his words, "In the current situation, some people may suggest that you withdraw. My basic opinion is that it is a mistake to get on the horse, and it is even more wrong to get off the horse. Go on!"

"Oh? Tell me why..."

(End of this chapter)

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