Revival Road

Chapter 160 Personnel Adjustment

Chapter 160 Personnel Adjustment
"The reason is very simple. Two. The first is to consider the capital. Withdrawing capital is not easy. If you don't grit your teeth and complete the project, the hundreds of millions will be thrown into the water. There is no way to explain it to the top and bottom. The second Considering our scale expansion, with the existing product structure, 100 billion is a big hurdle. Even if we cross this level, it will be more difficult to continue to expand. Moreover, according to my observations and statistics, the mining machine sector I'm afraid it's going to be a cold winter. The main market for our mining machines is in this province, and you know the situation of coal mines. The marketing department once reported a market analysis data, which has shown very bad signs. , the situation of sluggish growth has formed, among the three sectors, the only hopeful one is vehicle accessories, the factory places its hopes on the gearbox, and outside the factory is Anzhou..."

"I agree with you. But, do you know how much follow-up funds will be invested in the Anhong project?"

"It is estimated that it will not be less than 2 million..."

"Yes. This time the focus is on the issue of follow-up construction. The differences between the two parties are relatively large. The problem of 50% each came out at the beginning. Anzhou Automobile is actually not in a hurry because the project falls on other people's territory. Antwerp The suggestion was to invest an additional 2.4 million yuan each, but I disagree. In fact, their life is not easy, perhaps worse than ours. It is impossible to raise 2.4 million yuan, and it is not appropriate for us to seek loans. Therefore, I make a suggestion... ..."

"Adjust the project content and reduce the construction scale"

"Correct! After two days of intense debate, they basically accepted my opinion. The question now is how to revise the target? Leaving aside Yanjing, the key point is that our position with Anqi is inconsistent. Anqi's plan is capabilities, but our goal is not to marry people, but to turn it into a new growth point of scale and profit..."

"I totally agree with your opinion." Li Luo nodded repeatedly.Xin said that after arguing for so long before, it was actually such a small matter.I'm afraid this is not a matter of ability, but of selfishness.

"So, we have to come up with a plan to take care of the interests of both parties to the greatest extent. In addition, this time we talked with Anqi about Anhong's management team. In the past, we only sent one person in charge of finance, and it was almost out of control. This will not work. So it was agreed that we would send two more people there, one of whom is the executive vice president to join the board of directors, and the other is the deputy general manager. With the addition of the chief financial officer, we will have three seats in the management team, and five seats in the board of directors. Our side is also the third seat. I consider sending Sheng Guangyun to Anzhou, where he will work with Anqi to complete the preparation of the plan. Lao Sheng has fully understood my thinking, but the disadvantage is that he does not understand technology and the market. Need to choose again An assistant, this candidate, you help me think about it."

"Okay... I understand what you mean, let me think about it... Mr. Tao, this trip has been very rewarding." Li Luo didn't expect Tao Tang to achieve his goal of controlling Anhong's board of directors.

"Because Anqi's mood is the same as ours. They also eagerly hope that the Anhong project will be completed and effective. Now that the big differences are gone, the role of the board of directors is not important. The key is the management, so they made a big step. In fact It’s not a concession, it’s because we didn’t fight for our due rights in the past. Regarding the candidate to be stationed in Anhong, I would like to communicate with you first. Comrade Sheng Guangyun has confirmed that his position is director and executive vice president. I am dissatisfied with the director, so I need to replace him. I need to choose another capable comrade. My initial idea for this candidate is to transfer Comrade Jianguo. , I want to send Comrade Liu Xinjun over there, what do you think?"

Li Luo was taken aback, Sheng Guangyun needless to say, this person has no party or affiliation, his personality is a little withdrawn, his ability is hard to say, at least Li Luo didn't find any special strengths in him, and now he obviously fell into Tao Tang's eyes, It's been reused.Transferring Liu Xinjun is tantamount to taking away Luo Chong who is in the center of the vortex. No need to ask, Tao Tang will definitely use Lu Qi to take over Liu Xinjun's squad.Recently, I have been hearing gossip about Lu Qi and Tao Tang, but Li Luo doesn't care about it.But Li Jianguo is an important chess piece that restricts Han Zhiyong, how can he move lightly?
"How will Yu Weiguo (formerly stationed in Anhong as the chief financial officer) make arrangements?" Li Luo asked.

"I initially considered letting him take Sheng Guangyun's post," Tao Tang said, "I have talked with Yu Weiguo a few times this time. This person is fairly knowledgeable and somewhat bookish. He may be qualified for the work of the Political Research Office..."

Li Luoxin said that as long as you know Yu Weiguo's past, you will know that he is one of the most famous nerds in Red Star. He graduated from the accounting major of the Provincial Institute of Finance and Economics. In the past, Han Zhiyong took advantage of the Anhong project and kicked him to Anzhou... "Then we must first consider the candidate for the director of the finance department... that position is very important..."

"Yes, I'm going to ask Mr. Han for his opinion first. After all, it needs to be affordable in business." Tao Tang pondered for a moment, "The success or failure of An Hong is related to the future development of Red Star. Your opinion is right, An Hong Not only should it become a new economic growth point for Red Star, but it should also become a new engine... Therefore, the strongest cadres must be sent there... Tomorrow is Sunday, and I will report on the issue of Anhong at the meeting in the afternoon, just in time for you to come , let me talk to you first."

Li Luo originally wanted to talk about Zuo Yun.His original intention was to get rid of Zuo Yun, and he had already discussed his idea with Zhao Qingmin. It seems that the old slicker has not disclosed his request to Tao Tang, so it is obviously inappropriate to propose to get rid of Zuo Yun now... Tao Tang has already made it clear that he He even said the words "we have to be tolerant of others", and it seemed petty to be angry for a deputy director.

Li Luo didn't believe that what Tao Tang just said was true.Just now, he must have gotten through the adjustment of personnel with Zhao Qingmin and Guo Tao. With the current situation, it is impossible for Tao Tang to vent with himself first.I had been thinking about when Tao Tang would start the necessary personnel adjustments, but I didn't expect to start with An Hong.One emperor and one courtier are no exception to Red Star. Everyone is waiting for Tao Tang to unveil the curtain of personnel adjustment. The adjustment is certain and necessary. Compared with Song Yue, Tao Tang is very calm. ...Tao Tang has been in the factory for almost four months. Before that, he also adjusted a few cadres sporadically. Some were dismissed, but not promoted. A round of cadre adjustment is considered, because it involves three important positions, especially the change of the director of the development and regulation department and the director of the finance department, which marks the opening of the personnel layout of the Red Star Taotang era. Wonderful... Replacing Liu Xinjun can be understood as further uncovering Luo Chong's cover, but replacing Li Jianguo is not a good idea. If he is replaced by someone from Han Zhiyong, not to mention the pressure on himself, it will not be a good result for Tao Tang. , "Mr. Tao, I don't know if I should say something..." Seeing Tao Tang's encouraging eyes, "Mr. Han has opinions on me, but I don't think I have any selfish intentions. On the contrary, this person Han Zhiyong How should I put it? You always want to keep your finances in your hands, so it is very important to be in charge of the finance department. I hope you choose carefully..."

"Now that I'm talking about this, let me tell you a few words. In terms of age, you are an elder brother. In terms of understanding of all aspects of Red Star, especially personnel, you can be my teacher...but you should pay attention to your relationship with Mr. Han. , you are both important figures in the company's top management. If you cooperate, you will benefit, and if you divide, you will lose. I don't need to explain this truth? Someone has told me the story of the two of you, and even the leaders of the headquarters have heard of it. , This is not a good thing. Let me tell you something from the bottom of my heart, if you two can't handle it, I, the general manager, will be embarrassed...Of course, I haven't found anything that affects my work, but since you said it, I will continue Let’s talk a few words, as far as your abilities and qualifications are concerned, as far as Red Star’s status in the group is concerned, unite and cooperate, and work together to make Red Star a success. Everyone has a bright future, but it’s not worthwhile to bear a reputation for disunity...”

"Mr. Tao, what should I say about this matter? I'm afraid I can't explain it clearly in one or two sentences, and it's not fair to listen to my one-sided words. You should have a chance to understand it. I have a clear conscience... You have a lot of things to do, so I don't care about it." I wasted your time..." Li Luo unconsciously used honorifics to Tao Tang.

"Wait, what do you think about Wang Zhao's matter?" Tao Tang saw that Li Luo was about to leave, and asked another question.

"The nature of this matter is very bad. It must be thoroughly investigated. The truth has never been found in the history of Red Star. It is not only for Comrade Wang Zhao, but also for all of us, for the stability and harmony of Red Star. As for the murderer. Who, I don't think that Wang Zhao is an enemy of the underworld, let alone an accidental injury. It must be that Wang Zhao touched some people's sensitive parts... Now that the city bureau has intervened, we will cooperate fully. I believe the murderer will be caught soon Yes, once the murderer is brought to justice, everything will come to light... However, the Ministry of Mobile has a heavy burden recently. I heard that Comrade Wang Zhao has some new ideas for the follow-up equipment procurement of the B12 project. I am afraid that Wang Zhao's recuperation will delay the project. Progress……"

"What you said is very true... I think Wang Zhao's opinion is correct, and Mr. Jiang also supports it. It can't be said that it is a troubled time, but it is a critical moment! It is necessary for our team members to unite as one. Regarding the follow-up equipment of the B12 project Procurement should support the correct opinions of the business department. Fortunately, Wang Zhao’s brain is not bad, and he can still call to direct. Okay, that’s it, thank you for your understanding and support, the marketing in the second half of the year is the key, the meeting in the afternoon, This is a major topic, and it is more important than An Hong in a certain sense. You can talk about it at the meeting, and you should spare some energy to ask about the internal management of the marketing department... Mr. Li, you are an old organization, you How about recommending me a candidate for the finance department? It’s just a recommendation, I still have many considerations..."

Li Luo is waiting for Tao Tang's words, and must not let that position fall into Han Zhiyong's pocket, "From a professional point of view, Dai Dapeng of the 11th branch factory can be considered. This comrade has worked as a deputy in the finance department and is no stranger to business. On the contrary He is a bit incompetent in his current position, but fortunately he has a capable deputy. From a reliable point of view, Zhang Xingwu is good. He studied finance in college, but he has no financial practice... Actually, I think that laymen lead experts It's not a bad thing..."

"Dai Dapeng? Zhang Xingwu? Okay, let me think about it. Thank you again"

"Has Tao Tang out of touch? I'm your executive vice president, so of course I should advise you."

"Haha, that's right." Tao Tang stood up and sent Li Luo outside the door.After Li Luo went out, Tao Tang said to Li Zhibin, "Go and see if Mr. Luo is there? Please ask him to come over."

(End of this chapter)

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