Revival Road

Chapter 162 Long Talk

Chapter 162 Long Talk
"How's the lunch?"

"Your brother-in-law is a good you really have something to do?"

"Of course. A few cadres were adjusted in the morning, and some of them needed to be talked about. It's too late..."

"I think you're really tired. Look, you haven't shaved your beard for a few days..."

"Don't've been here for half a month, right?"

"Less than ten days. The exact calculation is nine days. Do you think I'm annoying? By the way, I just heard that I have to pay for the room I live in this afternoon?"

"Why not hand it in?"

"Isn't this your own guest house? Aren't you the leader of Red Star?"

"Who told you that your hostel will not pay? Who told you that the top leader can get it for free?"

"Hey! What can I say about you? If you care about money, I'll move into your house..."

"Nonsense again. I won't evict you. You can live here if you want. I can still afford the room fee of 300 a day. It's just that I don't have time to accompany you. If you need it, I'll lend you a car. It's easier to go out. Don’t stay in the house every day, go out for a walk.”

"Well, it's rare that you care about others so much. Today, I'm going to go shopping with Ye Mei, and she's taking turns off...Brother-in-law, do you think you can run the Red Star Factory well? I heard Xiaoye mentioned her salary, I thought it was a temporary worker That's why I found out that your salary is so low after chatting with your brother-in-law at noon..."

"It should be asked like this, can the Red Star Factory be run well? The answer is yes. But I can't do it if I am busy alone or a few people get angry. Then again, if I, the chairman of the board, are happy and happy every day, the company will definitely be ruined ..."

"Idealist. Do you know? You have always been an idealist. My sister has commented on you more than once in private..."

"Some people say that work is for life, but life is not for work. For me, this sentence is not entirely correct. Work is first to meet the needs of life, but there are other things besides life. Just now you mentioned Red Star's Salary. In fact, many state-owned enterprises are not as good as Red Star. The reason why employees don’t leave the factory is because they can’t survive except relying on the factory. Not everyone has the conditions to be a freelancer like you, right? Because I feel a lot of pressure. Do you know what it means to have a salary increase of one hundred yuan per person per month? 4000 million! Including social security payment, it will cost almost 6000 million! That is not sales revenue, but profit! Forget it, tell you that you don’t understand. But I Recognize that employees have the right to ask for a salary increase, and they should also raise their salaries... This year is down, next year, I will definitely give the employees a long salary..."

"There's something I've been wanting to ask you..."

"you say"

"I heard that there is a new city plan in Hiraizumi City, and you have taken a fancy to the land of Red Star?"

"Huh? How did you get involved with this?"

"Hee hee, it's said that reselling land is the most profitable, why don't you take advantage of it to make a fortune? Oh, I'm not talking about you making money personally, it's your company"

"Even if the city really implements the new city plan, Hongxing can't make money. Because Hiraizumi's finances can't afford such a huge sum of money. Even if the city pays the money, I don't necessarily agree. It is difficult for individuals to move. , not to mention such a large enterprise?"

"Why? Why don't you move if you can make money? If I were there, I would definitely make it happen"

"Haha, if you regard Red Star as your own home, you don't necessarily think so. It's like living a life, you must think deeply about it. If your relatives give you a sum of money, will you quit? income job?"

"That depends on how much he paid me... Don't get too far, brother-in-law, what do you mean you don't agree with Hongxing's relocation?"

"I can't say that I disagree. Let's look at the specific plan of the government. I am the chairman of Red Star, and my duty is to be responsible for this company... Hey, why do you ask this?"

"I heard your family chatting at noon. Then can't you influence his decision-making?"

"Speaking of a child. If he is easily swayed by others, he will not be able to sit in that seat... The development of Red Star must not rely on the government's one-time policy. It must rely on its own strength, products and markets, especially those like Red Star. The big factory..."

"Oh, I'm just asking casually. I also think that the Red Star Factory shouldn't be moved. How nice is the environment here? Do you know? I even drew a picture. I didn't expect that there is a beautiful garden in your family area... ..."

"Relocation is not a child's play. The government also has difficulties. It is said that Hiraizumi's government debt is very high, and the downward pressure on the macro economy is increasing. The funds needed for the construction of the new city are astronomical. I guess...forget it, why are we talking about this? ?I'm exhausted, I'm going to take a shower and rest"

"Don't, there is one more thing, you must promise..."

"Well, what's the matter? Didn't my family want you to fool me?"

"No. It's Xiaoye's business. I heard from Xiaoye that temporary workers are going to be cut in the factory?"


"Can you keep her?"

"What do you say?"

"Don't be bureaucratic! I know how you behave. But Xiaoye has served you for a long time, and this request is not too much... She is quite afraid of you, so please ask me to beg, you will not refute my face? I am in Hong Xing is just such a friend..."

"What do you mean I've been serving me for a long time? It sounds awful. The reduction of temporary workers has been confirmed, but it's not a one-size-fits-all job. Some of the company's needs still need to be retained. I'm referring to skilled jobs, and logistics jobs may be a one-size-fits-all job. Xiaoye that The child is good, and it’s not impossible to stay in the factory to work, it’s good to learn some skills at the front can tell her like this.”

"But she doesn't want to leave here..."

"Why? What's so good here? Idiot thinking! Young man, why don't you learn some real skills? Let's leave it at that..."

"You, you are so unreasonable! No wonder your family has opinions on you! You must help with Xiaoye's matter! By the way, I heard that your nephew is getting married, should I follow the gift?"

"Is there a fixed date? Why don't I know?"

"Where do you have time for this?"

"Actually, I shouldn't be in charge, right? What kind of gift are you giving? You're being silly...Wang Zhaogang was injured on business, and it's inappropriate for them to be in a hurry to have a wedding... Take some time to ask me, but I should bring my parents back Yes, I still want Youdao to go to Binjiang..."

"I'll take care of this matter! I discussed it with Sister Meiling at noon today, and she will go with me."

"Is there something wrong with you hanging around like this all the time? I seriously doubt you can support yourself"

"Isn't there still you..."

"Stop! I'm not obligated to support you...what to do, I'm going to rest"

"I haven't said anything yet, what time is it going to go to bed?"

"My work and rest schedule is different from yours. As I said earlier, I am not of the same generation as you"

"Why do you want to take advantage of me? I really have something serious to tell you"

"What serious talk do you have?"

"Speaking of what happened in your factory at noon, I didn't expect it to be really scary... They are worried that the uncle you are targeting is targeting you behind the scenes. I think it is possible, no, definitely. You have to be careful..."

"Who told you this?"

"Wu Shi'an. In fact, we talked about this when we were having dinner at Brother Sun's house that day. At that time, there was no such thing as a Taoist uncle. Brother Sun said that you are too righteous, and you want to reveal the dark side of Hongxing. Cutting people's fortunes is like killing their parents. He also told me the story of Chao Cuo in the Western Han Dynasty. I don't like history, and I didn't remember it after hearing it. What I mean is that being the top leader makes yourself unsafe. Success?"

"Oh? Then what do you think is success?"

"I don't know...I'm just worried about you..."

"Thanks. You know my ex, right?"


"He's definitely not successful, is he?"

"You will definitely not be like your ex. I am 1 assured. I have known you for not a day or two, and I have never heard of you making money... I mean, there are often such things in life, Oh, it happened in our college back then, a deputy dean, um, a bit like you, reported the party secretary, and in the end, both sides suffered, the secretary collapsed, and he himself was transferred..."


"I can't stay any longer. In fact, the secretary has done a lot of practical things, and it's the school that has changed the most during his tenure... The teachers really miss him... What's this called?"

"It's really weird. Many things are weird now. But I'm not your vice president, don't worry..."

"I'm worried. Has the murderer been caught?"

"It seems not yet"

"I think they are here for you! The uncle who is the target of Taoism..."

"His name is Wang Zhao"

"Wang Zhao was promoted by you, right? If it wasn't because of the Tao, would you promote him?"

"Of course. I didn't promote him because he has a relationship with Youdao. Don't you believe it?"

"Don't ask me, no one believes what you said! Today you promoted Sister Lu, isn't it because she and you are classmates?"

"of course not!"

"I can't do it! You may not be nepotism, but because she and you are classmates, so you get to know her more, and you can understand her ability after more contact, right? And her husband, and your office Director, you don't worry about finances, so you send cadres you trust to go...their changes, dare you say that's not the case?"

"Hey, what did Wu Shi'an tell you..."

"Can you deny what I said? Can't you?"

"Let me tell you, it's not what you said. I've been the leader for a long time, and I consider myself a meritocracy, so I don't care about distance or closeness. Now that I'm talking about this, let me explain to you, Lu Qi is a rule The first deputy director of the department, the director has been transferred, she took it for granted, the key is that I think she is capable. As for her husband... Fan Yongcheng has a high degree of education, a wide range of knowledge, and likes to do macroeconomic research. It is a mistake to do quality management. Once you get to the place, you can use his strengths in the Political Research Office. Zhang Xingwu studied finance and has enough qualifications. What's the problem with being transferred to be the director of the finance department? Hey, you little girl, it's the first time I see you like this... Don't worry about it Okay, okay? Your brother-in-law won't mess around!"

"I know you won't mess around. I'm worried about you. You think you're out of public interest, but others may not see it that way. So they will resent you, and they will say that Tao Tang is the same. The world is as black as crows, and it will always be once. The emperor is a courtier. Am I wrong?"

"You're right...but it's not right. Whether it's okay or not depends on practice...the ancients still practiced internally and didn't avoid relatives..." This kind of explanation is pale.He did not expect that Fang Ke, who in his eyes willful and simple and ignorant of world affairs, would reveal a cruel fact, a fact that cannot be understood under the current system.

"Actually, fools don't need their own people. I mean..."

"I understand what you mean. You are just worried that I will not please you, right? Don't worry, your brother-in-law is not a fool, I have a sense of proportion. It takes time, and time will prove that what I do is right..."

(End of this chapter)

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