Revival Road

Chapter 163 Team Leaders

Chapter 163 Team Leaders

For important meetings, Dai Dapeng is always used to arrive fifteen minutes in advance.Today he entered the large conference room on the third floor of Building 10 even earlier, [-] minutes earlier. There were few people in the room, but the seat sign had already been placed. He quickly found an inconspicuous seat for himself and sat down. Put the notebook on, take out the phone to watch the news.

"Old Dai, I'm sorry for you this time."

Without turning his head to look, Dai Dapeng knew that it must be Zhu Yu, the director of the 6th branch factory. This guy's voice was very special and highly recognizable.

"What do you mean?"

"Go to the next door and smoke's still fucking early." Without any explanation, Zhu Ning picked up Dai Dapeng.

Next door is the office of Xue Huimin, deputy head of the Propaganda Department. You can smoke, but the owner is not there, but the door is open.

Zhu Ning put Dai Dapeng on Zhiruanyun, "Old Dai, you almost went to the finance department to get a job. Someone ruined your business, you know?"

Red Star's mid-level executives are basically smokers, and generally only smoke two types of cigarettes, one is called Huangfu and the other is called Ruanyun, which has almost become "standard equipment", while deputy employees usually smoke some kind of Yellow Crane Tower cigarettes. So much so that when a certain deputy becomes a full-time employee, people will definitely remind him that it is time to change his brand.

"Where can I do that errand? Just kidding..." After the party-government joint meeting the day before yesterday, Dai Dapeng heard reliable news that Tao Tang originally nominated himself to take over Li Jianguo's class in the Finance Department, and Han Zhiyong did not object. However, Li Luo hit the crossfire. Li Luo thought that his character was weak, his principles were poor, and he was not suitable.Li Luo's opinion was echoed by several leaders, which influenced Tao Tang. In the end, Zhang Xingwu sat on the highly anticipated chair...Zhu Yu's younger brother is the second in command in the office. His news may come from the factory office. However, Zhu Ning did not accept Zhang Xingwu's seal, which shows that Zhu Ning has not really gained Tao Tang's trust...

"Old Dai, we are old brothers now, don't think I'm talking, you're just too old and kind, otherwise your business will become..."

"You're right. Leaving aside the business, my character is really not suitable for that... Now it's fine, I'm familiar with the road, saving worry and effort..."

"Hey, you... By the way, what do you mean by the factory's plan? Wang Jingfu is so nonsense, how much money can this save? It's so boring..." Zhu Yu returned to the topic , they are all the team leaders of the employee representative group, and the topic of today's meeting has long been known, "Old Dai, I have to say a few words later, why do this kind of reform? They always stare at the few pockets in the employees' pockets. What do you mean by money?"

"Oh, where are you two? It's time, let's go..." Xue Huimin came in to get his notebook, and said to Zhu and Dai.Dai Dapeng stubbed out the cigarette butt in the ashtray, turned around and went out.

Chang Wenhai and Zhou Bing were already in place, and the printed plan was placed in front of every participant, but Tao Tang, Zhao Qingmin and other company leaders hadn't arrived yet, and the room was almost full, chattering, talking about this A plan that made the middle management not so satisfied, and didn't care about Chang Wenhai's presence at all.

"Old Wang, you guys are quite dark. Let me figure it out. If the plan is implemented, I will have to pay more than 1000 yuan a year..." Mao Xiaobin, the manager of the power company sitting next to Dai Dapeng, said to Wang Jingfu, the manager of the property company diagonally opposite.

"You can't just look at yourself. In this way, the company can save 2000 million yuan a year..."

"This is called competing for profit with the people, understand? I don't feel sorry for the little money, but I don't agree with this plan," Mao Xiaobin shouted.

The conference room fell silent because Tao Tang and others came in.

"Is everyone here?" Zhao Qingmin asked Chang Wenhai.

"There are only one or two left..."

"Don't wait, let's have a meeting," Tao Tang said softly.

"Comrades, today we are holding a meeting of the team leaders of the Workers' Representative Conference. There should be 36 people, and two people will ask for leave..." Chang Wenhai, who presided over the meeting, said, "On one topic, we will discuss and review the property fee reform plan in everyone's hands. Vote, now let Comrade Wang Jingfu explain the plan..."

"Wait," Tao Tang said, "This meeting is not the middle-level administrative meeting, but the team leader meeting of the Workers' Congress. Those workers, masters, please sit at the front!"

It was only then that everyone noticed that on this side of the oval conference table, there were only five company leaders, Tao Tang, Zhao Qingmin, Zhou Bing, Chang Wenhai, and Qiu Lin, plus a Wang Jingfu sitting on Zhou Bing's side, and on the opposite side There were a dozen or so middle-level full-time positions, and the rest of the people sat on the chairs against the wall behind.

"Come on, sit in the front." Tao Tang shouted again to the group leaders who were obviously ordinary workers, "You are the protagonists in today's meeting. We are attending as nonvoting attendees. I just want to hear what you have to say. Suggestions, sit in the front! All of you," Tao Tang said to Mao Xiaobin and others, "give them some seats."

The middle-level cadres got up to give up their seats, and the workers were a little shy, but they obediently sat down opposite the leaders.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know the names of some people. Secretary Chang, did you name them?" Tao Tang turned to Chang Wenhai.

"Okay." Chang Wenhai then began to roll the roll.

"Oh, you are Master Yuwenkui? I have heard that you are an old model worker of Red Star, right?" Tao Tang stood up and extended his hand to Yuwenkui across the table, "Nice to meet you."

Yu Wenkui held Tao Tang's hand in a little panic.

Next, Tao Tang shook hands with the worker representatives he did not know one by one.

"Zhang Xing? The winner of the May [-]st Labor Medal?" Tao Tang held the hand of the little worker with gray hair, "You are the pride of Red Star, and I am lucky to know you. Here I am going to criticize myself. You are a recipient of the May [-]st Medal, I should have visited you long ago and listened to your opinions on the company's business development, I apologize to you, I'm sorry..."

"You're too busy... Besides, I'm just a worker, so I don't have any opinions..." Zhang Xing said lightly.

"No, this is my mistake. Being busy is not an excuse...Okay, Secretary Chang, you continue..."

Xu Deyu, who was sitting behind Tao Tang to record, did not expect this scene to happen in the meeting...

"Before Comrade Wang Jingfu gives a formal explanation of the plan, let me say a few words first." Tao Tang interrupted the meeting agenda, "two meanings, the first is why we need to reform the company's property charging method. Everyone has already realized it , the starting point of this plan is to solve the problem of charging fees for the increasingly large immigrant population. Due to historical reasons, there is a huge phenomenon of hidden compensation in Red Star. Our property fees, especially heating in winter, are not in line with society. According to property statistics , the company has to subsidize more than 8000 million yuan a year, and the highest point, that is, the few years before the high coal price, even exceeded 36 million yuan! The subsidy is formed in history, and there are reasonable factors, but there are two injustices now, the first is It is unfair to subsidize the migrant population, because they have not made any contribution to the Red Star. The second is that the subsidy method is unfair and does not take into account the difference in income and housing area. So the company researched and introduced this plan... The second is employment The issue of the representative meeting and employee representatives. According to regulations, reforms that involve the vital interests of employees must be discussed and approved by the employee representative meeting. Also according to the regulations, such a plan can go through the procedure of the group leader meeting. All those present at the meeting today are from the employee representative group The team leader and deputy team leaders, a total of [-] people, you will decide whether this plan is approved or not. And we are just listening to everyone's opinions... So, all team leaders, please stand on the overall height of the company, carefully review this plan and Express your valuable opinions. Just now I asked the workers' representatives to sit in the front row because I want to hear the opinions from the front line and ordinary workers... What are you unclear about the plan? What do you think about the plan? Good suggestions and opinions must be put forward without reservation. I will just say this, Secretary Chang, please continue.”

Xu Deyu noticed just now that among the 36 representative groups, 28 are middle-level cadres, 15 of whom are executive officers.There are only 8 ordinary workers, and one of them has yet to ask for leave. These 8 are well-known model workers and advanced elements.This is really interesting...

The meeting turned to the topic.Wang Jingfu of the property company read the plan first, and then gave a supplementary explanation to the plan.Xu Deyu wrote down several figures, the most important of which are the following two: after the implementation of the plan, the company’s subsidy for property will be reduced by about 1800 million per year, and dual-career families with a living area of ​​less than 100 square meters will all be beneficiaries...

But most of the representatives who participated in the meeting were not the beneficiaries!This is probably because Mr. Tao personally sits in town.Before the meeting started, she heard some discussions among the central cadres, many of whom were seriously dissatisfied with the plan...

After Wang Jingfu's speech, Chang Wenhai asked the representatives present to express their opinions.But no one spoke for a long time, so Tao Tang called the roll call.

"Comrade Zhang Xing, can you tell me?"

"To be honest, I was touched by Mr. Tao just now... Since Mr. Tao named me, I will talk about it. I agree with this plan in principle, even though it is not good for me. I just calculated it. If If it is implemented, I will have to pay an extra 1200 yuan a year. But this plan is to take care of ordinary people! Our Red Star has not had a plan to take care of ordinary people in this way for a long time. But I still have some opinions. Please forgive my straightforwardness...First, I object Set up parking areas and charge fees. The most important thing for Red Star is land. Yes, there are more private cars now, and random parking is becoming more and more serious. However, this is a management problem and cannot be solved by charging fees. Second, It’s okay to charge additional sanitation fees, and now the monthly sanitation fee of 3 yuan is really not high, but the increase in the fee standard must bring about an improvement in the environment. If the property management company can’t do it, then don’t raise the standard, so as not to be scolded..."

"Well, Master Zhang's opinion is very good." Tao Tang turned to Wang Jingfu and said, "Manager Wang, do you have any specific plans for community health management?"

"Yes..." Wang Jingfu then talked about the property plan.

"That's good, I agree," Zhang Xing said.

"Master Yuwen, can you tell me?"

"What Lao Zhang said is what I want to say. I want to say that this method is good! After Mr. Tao came, the company has changed a lot, the biggest one is the property, at least the single canteen has improved a lot. I want to thank Mr. Tao, As Lao Zhang said, this plan is to take care of ordinary people, and I agree!"

Tao Tang rolled the roll one by one, and Xu Deyu was surprised to find that Tao Tang had memorized the names of seven worker representatives, and as expected, all seven of them agreed with the reform plan.

It's different when it's the turn of the central cadres.

As Xu Deyu expected, representatives of middle-level cadres did not directly object, but put forward opinions from other angles. For example, Zhang Quqiang, the director of the No. [-] Branch Factory, said that the plan was unfair to single-employee families; Zhu Ning believed that in the Internet age , foreign relations are getting closer and closer, is it inappropriate to reform the immigrant population?They live in the Red Star factory area, which in a sense stimulates Red Star consumption; Mao Xiaobin thinks that head subsidies may not be appropriate, is he considering some special policies for model workers and technical backbones?In short, don't make a one-size-fits-all policy... There are basically opposing views on setting aside public parking areas to charge parking fees.The sharpest opinion came from Chen Jianping, the director of the No. [-] branch factory. He believed that the top priority of property reform was not to reform heating and other charges, but to curb the phenomenon of disorderly building and building in the family area. They built and built things indiscriminately, making the bungalow area a mess, and the property management company should take good care of it...

After all the representatives spoke, Zhou Bing, the vice president in charge of the property, made a speech.Zhou Bing pointed out that this plan has been brewing for a long time, and opinions from various parties have been solicited during the period, and the company's leadership team has also held special discussions.It should be pointed out that this plan is a transitional one. Taking heating charges as an example, it does not fully integrate with the society, nor does it completely solve the problem of huge subsidies in the company. It only eases the financial pressure.In addition, behind the reform of property charges has put forward new requirements for property management, that is, to continuously improve the level of property management and improve the quality of life of employees and family members. The next step will continue to introduce property reform plans, which will be carried out steadily in light of the company's actual situation...

Chang Wenhai, who presided over the meeting, followed Zhou Bing to make a speech. He believed that the representatives at the meeting had put forward good opinions, such as Comrade Chen Jianping’s opinions. .

After Chang Wenhai finished speaking, he asked Secretary Zhao if he had anything to say. Zhao Qingmin waved his hand, which meant that he didn't want to say anything.So Chang Wenhai asked Tao Tang to speak.

"I've said a lot just now... I thank the representatives for their understanding and support for the company's implementation of property reform. After coming down, the property company and other relevant departments will further improve the plan according to the opinions of the representatives. Opinions, such as the issue of parking fees, I think it’s time to put it on hold, and respect the opinions of the representatives. I want to emphasize that, first, the company will continue to promote reforms, not only in property management, but also in other aspects. The purpose of the reform is only one, which is to bring more benefits to the employees and families of Red Star, that is, to revitalize our company! Besides, there is no other purpose. But the essence of the reform is the redistribution of benefits, just like heating charges, Some people will benefit, but some people will spend more money. Most of them are good methods, so they should be implemented unswervingly. Second, all reforms involving the vital interests of employees must be approved by the Workers Congress and some organizations of the Workers Congress, and cannot be decided by administrative means. One must be adhered to, and it must be vigorously publicized to allow employees to participate in the reform. Third, I suggest that the trade union adjust the team leaders of the workers' congress. Everyone has noticed that the proportion of middle-level cadres in the team leader is too high. This is definitely inappropriate! Re-election is required, so that the proportion of representatives of front-line workers accounts for one-third or more. Let me just talk about these three things.”

Chang Wenhai led the applause.Tao Tang said coldly, "Just applaud. I think that sometimes the opinions of the central government may not be consistent with the common people. Maybe because Secretary Zhao and I are here, some people can't expressly oppose this plan. Tell everyone clearly that I am There is no way to speak on behalf of the majority of employees, I must be the chairman of the majority of employees, otherwise I will be incompetent!"

This sentence made the venue a little cold.Zhao Qingmin seemed to feel that something was inappropriate, but he didn't know what to say for a while.

Chang Wenhai then proposed that everyone vote on this plan, and without any surprise, the plan was approved by all representatives.

(End of this chapter)

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