Revival Road

Chapter 175 The Talk Between Liu Shulin and Lu Qi

Chapter 175 The Conversation between Liu Shulin and Lu Qi

During dinner, Lu Qi received a call from Lao Fan. She knew what Comrade Fan was going to say, "I'll call you later... I'm busy now."

Eating is also work, Lu Qi didn't lie.On this day, Zhang Bing hosted a dinner in Nan'an Fishing Village to see Hongxing and his party off. This kind of banquet is not just a meal.Lu Qi was "exposed" by Liu Shulin, and was "sieged" by Anzhou. Fortunately, Lu Qi performed well and cheered several times to calm the opponent down.Xu Deyu on the side clicked her tongue secretly, she really didn't know that Lu Qi was so powerful.

Xu Deyu accompanied the slightly drunk Lu Qi back to the hotel, when Lao Fan called again.

"I said, Comrade Fan, what is the urgent matter? Oh, convenient, convenient, do you want me to wash your ears?"

"It's really a big heart..."

"You know everything? Who told you?"

"Yu Weiguo. How can this kind of news be blocked... You don't know Yu Weiguo's behavior in the afternoon, it's so nasty, as if I was his boss..."

Lu Qi was still basically awake.Tao Tang once ordered the news to be blocked, but Yu Weiguo was the former financial director of An Hong, so he must have something to do with An Hong, and it is normal to learn about the changes in Anzhou from him... "Mr. Yu is flattering you? You feel too good about yourself right?"

"Boss Tao's hand is really beautiful! He brought down two giants in one fell swoop! You don't know what kind of chaos the factory has become... Song Yue never collapsed before!"

"The factory is in chaos?" Lu Qi was taken aback.

"Oh, I mean it was so sudden! I thought it was either finance or marketing. Who would have thought it was Luo Chong and Liu Xinjun? It was so surprising..."

accident?That means your level is too low!Lu Qi said to Xu Deyu who was about to escape, "It's okay, don't go, oh, thank you" She took the strong tea Xu Deyu made for her, "It's my old Fan, you watch your TV... I'm talking to Xu Deyu ...I can warn you, keep your mouth shut. Let's talk when you go back..." Lu Qi turned off her phone.

"Does the family know?"

"This kind of news can't be blocked at all. It's OK to just send a WeChat message... My old Fan has something wrong..."

There was a knock on the door.Xu Deyu got up and opened the door. It was Liu Shulin with a pink face.

"Did you bother the two ladies?"

"Assistant Liu, please come in."

"Xiao Xu, I have something to talk to Director Lu, here is my room card, you can take a rest over there..."


"What instructions does the leader have?" Lu Qi was slightly displeased with Liu Shulin's dominance.

"How dare I give you instructions. Before long, I have to accept the instructions of Leader Lu." Liu Shulin sat on the wooden armchair by the window, and took out the cigarette case, "Is it okay?"

"Of course. You are free. I dare not answer what you just said. Are you mocking me?"

"Director Lu, I mean to be serious... We have been in the factory for so many years, although we are ministers in the same palace, we don't have much contact with each other. It is rare to have this opportunity, and I want to chat with you... I have to say, Director Lu, you are really The heroine of the female school. Just this amount of alcohol, I am willing to bow down."

"Let's talk about it. If it wasn't for you, how could I be the target of public criticism? I have written down this account, and I will definitely seek justice..." Lu Qi laughed, thinking about Liu Shulin's reason for coming.

"Haha, no problem. I accept the punishment." Liu Shulin lit a cigarette, "Director Lu, to be honest, I admire you very much. In terms of ability and talent, you are all like this!" Liu Shulin raised his head Thumb, "If Luo Chong hadn't deliberately suppressed you, you would have soared into the sky long ago. However, Director Lu, now that you are in charge of the planning department, you still have to be merciful to my brother."

"If you have any comments on my work, you can criticize me. You don't need to bring such things..." Lu Qi thought to herself, although the regulatory department has the right to assess, it has never had anything to do with the marketing department, such as the completion of monthly sales revenue, inventory and payment collection Such indicators are included in the assessment of the responsibility system, but the Ministry of Development and Regulations cannot follow the regulations. Lu Qi was severely criticized by Li Luo at the beginning because of this!The reasons of the marketing department are always very good, such as production problems, financial problems, and a lot of objective factors can be found.And Luo Chong and Liu Xinjun obviously didn't want to wrestle with Li Luo. Lu Qi was angry with Li Luo and had to be criticized by the leader in charge and her immediate superior. She was wronged to the extreme.In the future, the regulatory department's assessment of the marketing department will become superficial... The story of the customer bullying the store happens anytime and anywhere, and Li Luo has already built the marketing department into an independent kingdom inside the Red Star Factory... Oh, maybe this guy is affected by it. After being stimulated by Luo Chong and Liu Xinjun, are you scared?But tell me what do you mean?
"No, I mean it. We did some things inappropriately before, which caused you to be wronged. I apologize to you. As for the assessment problem, you just deal with business! I assure you!" Liu Shulin put out most of the cigarette in the room In the ashtray, "I have communicated with Mr. Li about this issue, and Mr. Li also meant the same thing. The strict assessment by the Department of Regulations is also a boost to our work..."

"President Li also means that?"

"That's right. As you know, Mr. Tao has some opinions on the marketing department recently... I have also reflected a lot. Mr. Tao has courage and eyes like a torch. We only realized some problems after Mr. Tao pointed out... such as Zuo Yun and Regarding Lei Yun’s problem, before coming to Anzhou, President Li talked to me about Zuo Yun’s problem, and admitted that some of the problems pointed out by Zuo Yun exist, but the occasion and method may not be appropriate...I will make a review with Zuo Yun when I go back. ...Director Lu, I have been working in the marketing department for nearly 20 years. I have grown from a salesman to the head of the department. I have a deep affection for my department and cannot tolerate criticism of the department that I have put a lot of effort into. You should understand... ...I know that you have a good personal relationship with Zuo Yun, if it's convenient, I hope you can do Zuo Yun's work, I know she has some emotions recently..."

"You're being serious... Oh, I'm talking about the assessment..." Lu Qi was confused by Liu Shulin's attitude, "I know that the difficulty of marketing is not comparable to those of us who do desk work. The main reason for the improper assessment is that I didn't keep my feet on the ground. ...As for Zuo Yun, I won't talk about it, it's all for work..."

"Director Lu, I know that Tao always trusts you. You are an old classmate. If it were me, it would be the same. Red Star's situation is more complicated, so it's okay if you don't trust old friends? But the marketing department is definitely not the mobile department! My place may be There are such and other problems, as Zuo Yun and Lei Yun pointed out, but there is absolutely no Yang Kaihe! Director Lu, for the sake of our many years of working together, if it is convenient, please speak a few words in front of Mr. Tao, As for me, I will also find an opportunity to report my thoughts to Tao Tang... To be honest, coming to Anzhou this time has shocked me a lot. I really didn't expect it... You said, after self-preservation and Yang Wenhuan, we What's the matter with Red Star? I'm sure that what happened in Anzhou must have spread to the family. What do ordinary people think of Red Star's two-level leadership? Thinking about it is really depressing. You said Liu Xinjun and Mr. Luo are so shrewd people, Why can't you figure it out?"

"Assistant Liu, it's easy to talk about work. But telling Mr. Tao about the marketing's really embarrassing for me..."

"It's a bit embarrassing..." Liu Shulin stood up and stretched out his hand to Lu Qi, "In a word, now that you are the head of the planning department, I will definitely support your work with all my strength, and I hope you will support me... We have been in Red Star for most of our lives I don't have any ideas anymore, I hope Mr. Tao will lead us to do a good job in the company..."

After Xu Deyu came back, Lu Qi asked her, "Do you know what Assistant Liu wants from me?"

"You are all leaders, how do I know? Sister Lu, take a shower, you have to hurry tomorrow morning."

"Don't worry... This guy actually made a self-criticism with me, saying that the past assessment made things difficult for me..."

Xu Deyu smiled, "Boss Luo is finished, and there is room in the team. After thinking about it, there are only a few people who are qualified to join the team..."

"Ah..." Lu Qi didn't expect this, "Deyu, you mean Liu Shulin is keeping an eye on Luo Chong's seat?"

"I'm just talking. I wish you'd gone further."

"It's already a record for me to be able to sit in the current chair... I don't know how many people gossip... Deyu, if it wasn't for making a little more money, I wouldn't be spared the crime... Well, let's Take a shower and rest..."

Lu Qi guessed right.Yang Kaihe was indeed arrested a week ago.

The investigation of Yang Kaihe has not been relaxed.After initially grasping the evidence of Yang Kaihe's economic crimes, the provincial department has already secretly issued a warrant for Yang Kaihe's arrest.Relevant technical means have also been used, but Yang Kaihe's anti-reconnaissance awareness is so strong that he didn't contact his family for a long time, and he didn't even make a phone call.Not only did he not contact his family, he also cut off contact with his close friends.This has brought difficulty to the detection work of the police station.For a time, the police believed that Yang Kaihe had escaped from the provincial border, and even left the country secretly.When Wang Zhao was attacked, the biggest suspect was Yang Kaihe, because the traces of revenge and wounding were too heavy.The police station started from this line and quickly locked the suspect.The scene that Lu Qi encountered while "researching" the shanty town renovation in the compound that day was precisely the police's network closing operation.After Wei Laizi was arrested, he confessed to the instigator, but it was not Yang Kaihe, but a well-known bastard in Pingquan City.Although they don't know the name of the employer, but according to the bastard's account, the police believe that the employer is Yang Kaihe.But a long time passed, and almost at the beginning of Yang Kaihe's loss of contact, he planned a retaliatory action against Wang Zhao. The price was 5 yuan, and he demanded to break Wang Zhao's legs.Because of Yang Kaihe's instructions, and because of the cautiousness of the person who took the job, the action was not implemented until 20 days later.Because the police station could not find Yang Kaihe at that time, and had no clues, the police suspected that Yang Kaihe had left Hiraizumi before the arrest warrant was issued.

Tao Youdao and Wang Xiaojuan ran into Yang Kaihe in the provincial capital, denying the hypothesis of the police station.With the time and place, the arrest of the police station will have a direction.What needs to be explained is that with the current technical means, it is very difficult for ordinary people to escape the airtight monitoring of the police station.The western restaurant where Yang Kaihe and his friends had dinner was located in the most prosperous area of ​​the provincial capital, surrounded by surveillance probes. Starting from that western restaurant, the detection was soon "online". After the suspect vehicle was locked by the elimination method, things changed. It was easy, two days later, at a construction site in Hiraizumi Higashiyama, the police arrested Yang Kaihe who had been hiding for more than [-] days.

(End of this chapter)

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