Revival Road

Chapter 176 Loans

Chapter 176 Loans
"You're back..." Zhao Qingmin, who was reading the newspaper, got up and held Tao Tang's hand.

"I'm everything normal at home?"

"It's pretty know, there are some fluctuations in everyone's thinking..."

"Apologize to my brother first, I didn't dare to communicate with you in advance, I hope you understand..."

"Understood! How can you not understand?" Zhao Qingmin said he understood, but he couldn't stop complaining, understand what a fart!If you were really worried about Lao Tzu, would you keep Lao Tzu in the dark like this?Not notifying me until an hour before launch?But he can't show any dissatisfaction now, he has been planted at the top three in a row, the dissatisfaction or resentment at the headquarters can be imagined, the amount of money involved in the case of Luo Chong and Liu Xinjun is rumored to exceed tens of millions, although he doesn't believe it, but there is a problem in the management of the cadres. With such a big problem, he really didn't have the capital to be dissatisfied with Tao Tang.

"It looks like you don't look well... You're too tired. By the way, your parents are back and living with your brother. I went to see the two old people. They seem to be in good health..."

"My brother told me on the phone, thank you...I haven't bothered to see them yet." Seeing Zhao Qingmin's dark circles, Tao Tang thought that the old man probably didn't sleep well recently because of Luo Chong and Liu Xinjun's affairs.

"You too, you should go see the old man first. By the way, what is the regulation? I guess you are taking the blame for me again?" Zhao Qingmin didn't call the secretary, and got up to make tea for Tao Tang, "The white tea given by my friend, you Try it. I see you are very particular about drinking tea."

"The group is very concerned about the situation of our factory." Tao Tang sat down on the sofa, "Mr. Feng and Mr. Qi have met, and the two leaders have given clear instructions on the issue of Luo Chong. We need to reflect deeply and earnestly learn from it." Lessons... especially to strengthen system construction, such as the construction and implementation of the "three majors and one big" decision-making system, to truly realize the management of power by the system and the management of people by the system... Now we are considered a smelly street. I met the bosses of several brother factories, They all expressed concern about our factory's anti-corruption situation. Damn, it's not so much concern as it is a joke... The leaders are most concerned about business issues, and the completion of the main indicators is overwhelming, followed by stability issues , After a while, I may come down and take a walk... Mr. Feng said that it is a good thing to dig out Luo Chong, which proves that the investment and procurement fields are indeed high-incidence areas of corruption. The problems that occurred in Red Star have a strong warning significance for the group... ...He told us to not carry the burden, but to really learn the lesson..."

Zhao Qingmin thought, of course you have no burden, but how can we, especially Lao Guo and I, have no burden?Who dares to say no to settle accounts after autumn?Now they are talking about accountability... "Well, we really need to learn a lesson. I will consider calling a meeting at an appropriate time to specifically talk about the issue of clean government..."

Tao Tang did not answer this topic, "In addition, the main leaders of the group have listened to my special report on Anhong Company." Tao Tang took the tea cup handed over by Zhao Qingmin, "I fully agree with Anhong's investment adjustment and instructed us to strengthen Anhong Company. As for the leadership, you, the party secretary, should worry more about it in the future. I suggest you go to Anzhou, where the party organization needs to be rectified and related systems should be established. Anqi has already communicated, and there is a Preliminary suggestion, prepare to formally establish the party committee, the secretary will be sent by Anqi, and the discipline inspection will be sent by us, or concurrently. You should consider this matter as a whole, in short, strengthen the strength, and similar problems will not happen again..."

"I really should hand in my resignation report if something happens again... Mr. Tao, what about Luo Chong's mess?" Zhao Qingmin pointed out a core question.

Tao Tang understood what Zhao Qingmin wanted to ask, "The division of labor in the team needs to be adjusted, mainly in the two departments of regulation and maneuver. Do you have any suggestions?"

"These two departments have become the hardest-hit areas. I thought about this issue when you were in Beijing. I suggest that you manage it directly. This is in line with the current mentality of the employees..."

Current state of mind? "I can take charge of the regulatory department for a period of time. But I am not suitable for direct management of the mobile department. In the current division of labor among the team members, the burdens of Qiu Lin and Vice President Liu are slightly lighter. I want to put Lao Zhou in charge of the fire protection Hand over one stall to Liu Xiuyun, she is only in charge of purchasing now, and she is relatively free. Lao Zhou’s age is about to arrive at the station, and now the upper management is very strict about age, and there is very little room for accommodation. Arrangements should be made early. The mobile department will be handed over to Qiu Lin Well, what do you think?"

"Is it appropriate for the security department to be handed over to Liu Xiuyun?" The division of labor for the deputy of the administrative office is the responsibility of the general manager, and in this situation, Zhao Qingmin did not want to raise objections, but felt that Liu Xiuyun seemed too soft. This is the case again.

"It's not unreasonable for you to think about it," Tao Tang pondered. "Old Zhou talked to me some time ago and expressed his responsibility for the company's recent security issues. I think Lao Zhou did a good job. After all, we are The security department within the company is not a police station, let alone a sub-bureau. Last time I told the leaders of the city that there are only 10 people in our wall, and a police station should be set up in the factory area. After all, some security or criminal activities For drug cases, the Security Department has limited authority. The deputy mayor happened to be with Secretary Lu that day, and the mayor thought it was okay. The police station is also busy recently. Secretary Lu criticized the police for not doing enough to crack down on gangsters. The mayor is under a lot of pressure Big... It's a long way off. The reason why he considered giving the security to Vice President Liu is that she is relatively free, and the other leaders, including Chang Wenhai and Qiu Lin, have heavy responsibilities. Second, Liu Xiuyun's job adjustment Afterwards, the situation is good. I learned about it from the side, and the style of work has changed a lot. I can reach the grassroots level, and the management is much stricter. "

"Haha, I just want to remind you. You can do whatever you think suits you." Zhao Qingmin chuckled, "If it's decided, let's talk to Lao Guo and other team members later. In addition, the case of Wang Zhao is also considered a draw." After the full stop, do you want to make him a regular?"

"Yes." Tao Tang put down his teacup, "The instructions of the main leaders of the group should also be conveyed to the team members. You can set a time. Before the meeting, we should talk to Liu Xiuyun and Qiu Lin first."

"Of course. Will there be a middle-level meeting after the team meeting? After the accidents of Luo Chong and Liu Xinjun, there were some repercussions in the factory, especially the old comrades in the retiring office...It would be beneficial to hold a larger one..."

"I don't think it's necessary." Tao Tang waved his hand, "We must not let the matter of Luo Chong and Liu Xinjun affect the overall situation of production and operation. This is what the leaders of the group have repeatedly emphasized. Secretary, there are some things that the more you burn incense, the more ghosts you will get. When he was cold, his ears cleared up. You can probably guess how everyone reacted. Applause for us may not necessarily be true applause. Those who scold us may not wish the company bad luck... However, I feel very sorry for Luo Chong in my heart. I feel sorry for Liu Xinjun. Over the past few months, I have gained some understanding of their working ability. It can’t be said that they climbed up by flattery. It should be said that they have strong working ability, but unfortunately fell down on economic issues. It’s a pity. I can't control how the law and party discipline deal with them, but I really don't want this kind of thing to happen again... Speaking of meetings, I want to hold separate meetings for the two departments of mobility and regulations. Your brother should also attend , cheer everyone up, don't feel ashamed just because of scum like Yang Kaihe and Liu Xinjun. But they do represent the image of the department, which is really annoying. As far as I know, both departments have similar The biggest problem is that the power operation of the top leaders is seriously irregular. Anyone who is easy to get stuck and make money is tightly grasped in his own hands. It’s no wonder that there are no problems! When I was in Anzhou, I talked with Duan Hui once. He was a little burdened, and tried to explain to me that he couldn't control this, and that he was not allowed to intervene. He may be telling the truth, but this is not right. There may be ulterior motives. Therefore, first rectify the two hardest-hit areas and rebuild a reasonable power order, we must make demands on Lu Qi and Wang Zhao. Those that should be managed must be managed well, and those that should not be managed must be resolute. Let it go. In fact, if there is a problem, you can find the problem in this area. I heard that Ji Liqiang had the final say in the procurement department. What happened? Even Yang Wenhuan fell into it! So, I want to Discuss this issue with everyone at the team meeting, and remind everyone that you and I must fully respect the rights of the deputies, and they should not stretch their hands too long or too short... In addition, An Hong's capital investment must also be Implementation, Mr. Han said on the phone that it is difficult to handle, he wants the group to come out, and the 5000 million investment needs the group to come forward? Are you kidding?"

Zhao Qingmin didn't say a word.He knew that Han Zhiyong had been holding his breath for a long time, maybe he was really in trouble with the loan, maybe not.But this is not a question for myself to consider.

The team's ventilation meeting went smoothly, but the atmosphere was somewhat gloomy.Everyone carefully recorded the group leader's instructions on the Luo Chong case conveyed by Tao Tang.Regarding the situation of Anhong Company, everyone has put forward a lot of good opinions.Regarding Tao Tang's suggestion of adjusting the division of labor, they all agreed. Luo Chong had a lot of part-time jobs. Except for the position of director, who was not yet clear who would take over, the part-time jobs of the chairman of the association on Luo Chong's head were all discussed and arranged one by one.Both Liu Xiuyun and Qiu Lin expressed that they would try their best to complete the tasks assigned by the organization.Everyone agrees with Tao Tang's idea of ​​power restraint.At the end of the meeting, Tao Tang talked about a specific matter, handing over the task of implementing a special loan of 5000 million yuan to Anhong Company to Han Zhiyong, "Old Han, I don't care which bank you go to, this loan must be implemented as soon as possible. The situation, Anqi has made a lot of concessions in the follow-up project of Anhong Company, I can't let Anqi grab our pigtails."

Han Zhiyong immediately answered, "Mr. Tao, I have already communicated with you on the phone. The loan we need is not 5000 million, but 1.2 million or more. 5000 million is from An Hong. Needless to say, I doubt that 5000 million is at all I can't stop it... There is also a big gap in the funds of the stall at home. One is the B12 project, with a gap of at least 2000 million. Now we are trying our best to make up for this hole financially. Who told us to embezzle the B12 money before? The other two small The project still needs nearly 500 million, which is related to the project. There is also a big gap in production funds. President Ma and Assistant Jiang are pressing Vice President Liu all day long, and Vice President Liu can only come to me. The plan was not completed within a month, forming a huge gap. In addition, there are various types of payments that must be paid for legal disputes. Without a loan of 1.2 million yuan, there is no way to operate. This is the minimum. ICBC can’t reach an agreement. CCB has that face again, I have told you about the situation on the phone, this time you, the big boss, have to come forward, there is really nothing I can do."

"Okay, let's discuss the loan issue in detail." Tao Tang was expressionless, "If there is nothing else, let's end the meeting."

(End of this chapter)

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