Revival Road

Chapter 192 Change 4

Chapter 192 Change Four

"What are you looking at?" Ye Mei finally couldn't hold back when she met the eyes of the pimple-faced kid surnamed Cao again, "Do you believe I'll pick your eyes out?"

Cao Liqun grinned, "Yes, you can support me."

"Rogue!" Ye Mei's eyes widened.

Ye Mei's master, Gu Nanhua, tried his best to hold back his laughter, "Okay, if you don't look at him, how do you know he's looking at you? Today's lean inspection, put your water glass back in its place." As he spoke, he saw a group of people coming in from the workshop gate. "Come on, put on your work hat..."

Lean management has brought a lot of unaccustomed front-line workers, everyone is tired of it, but in the face of increasingly harsh assessments, the workers can only desperately change the habits they have developed over the years, so as not to be caught by the bosses for violating the rules and be killed. deduct money.Today, the company's Lean Office came to the branch factory for inspection. According to the regulations of the branch factory, the penalty for deduction of points by the company is twice the usual amount.What Gu Nanhua was most worried about was himself, a distinguished apprentice. When he found out that Ye Mei had taken off his work hat again at some point, he hurriedly reminded him.

The group of people stopped five or six meters away from Gu Nanhua's grinding machine. They were looking at the kanban and pointing there.Gu Nanhua took a peek and saw that the branch factory director, secretary, deputy factory director in charge of production, and workshop director were all there, and then went to identify the "guests". Gu Nanhua recognized Jiang Yansheng, the director of the company's production department and director of the Lean Office. Assistant Jiang was explaining the Kanban to the gray-haired leader. When the man turned around, Gu Nanhua recognized that the man was Tao Tang, the boss of the company.She knew Mr. Tao and had spoken to him.He is different from those big bosses in the past. He often comes to the workshop, maybe half a month, and sometimes chats with workers who are resting.

Turning his head to look, he saw Ye Mei, who was holding a new work hat in her hand, was also looking at the leaders.

Gu Nanhua sighed, grabbed the hat from Ye Mei's hand, and quickly put it into the tool cabinet beside him.On-site management in lean management is the most likely to be deducted points, and inappropriate objects in inappropriate places are not allowed.

This girl with a hot figure and enchanting facial features was the last batch of temporary workers who became regular workers, and was handed over to her by Factory Manager Chen himself.For a month, Gu Nanhua devoted himself to teaching the operating procedures and his own technical experience, but this girl who came down from the guest house was not very interested in learning technology, and she was a little busy with errands.Gu Nanhua glanced at Cao Can who was opposite, that young man made no secret of his liking for Ye Mei,

Perhaps the most striking feature of the adolescent girl's mind is sensitivity.Anything in the outside world will touch their sensitive hearts, resulting in emotional fluctuations and emotional ripples.This is especially true for the opposite sex.The opposite sex she doesn't like looks at her in exchange for disgust and resentment, but the biggest complaint for a man she likes is the other party's ignorance.

In order to get Tao Tang's attention, Ye Mei had to pretend to be a tidying tool and make a lot of noise.But Tao Tang was still standing about ten meters away from her, staring intently at the signboard. The director and secretary of the branch factory stood on both sides of him, like two poor bodyguards, but Ye Mei was very concerned about it. The head of the party and government of the branch factory described it even more viciously - a pair of dog legs!

what is he looking atWhat's so good about that powder board?

Ye Mei has recently experienced another important turning point in her life. She did not choose to leave Red Star Company in the tide of irresistible liquidation of temporary workers. Instead, she followed Tao Tang's suggestion and became a skilled worker at the grassroots level. Tao Tang even chose the position. of.Since you have been trained in the skills of a grinder, be a grinder.Since I told him that my job is up to him, it doesn't matter what I do when I go there.So she left Xiaozhao, who had worked for a year and another nine months, and went to the third branch factory to "return to the old business".Of course, this time her status changed, from a temporary worker to a full-time employee of Red Star, and signed a labor contract with the company for an indefinite period.

After she reported to the third branch factory, she practiced with the master. Recently, there is a lot of work in the workshop, and there is a shortage of grinders. However, she has not operated independently until now. The reason is not that the workshop does not want to use her, but that the quality control is too strict recently. Yes, after the implementation of the quality compensation system, if there is a severe punishment for waste products, the workshop and the team dare not let her operate independently.The master is an acquaintance. When she was a temporary worker in the third branch factory two years ago, Master Gu taught her personally.This time, she was assigned to Master Gu's group again. Master Gu led her to get work clothes, labor protection gear, and necessary tools such as calipers. The technical essentials that I have passed, made her familiar with the drawings and tolerances, let her follow me for three days, and then handed over an idle grinder to her, and let her work independently.

The work is not complicated, and if you are careful, there will be no waste products.In terms of dissatisfaction, the first one is that it is dirty, and the emulsion will always be accidentally splashed on her body, which makes her a little bit unaccustomed to cleanliness.Second, she was tired, and it was too much for her to stand in front of the machine tool for several hours.When returning to the dormitory at night (she has moved into the single building), she always scalds her feet with hot water for a long time.

Ye Mei has already received half a month's salary in the third branch factory, which is indeed more than Xiaozhao, Tao Tang did not lie to her.But the number is limited, and it doesn't have much appeal to her.She looked at Master Gu's salary slip, but it was only 3640 yuan.It is impossible for her to get so much from Master Gu, because she neither has the skills of Master Gu, nor can she suffer from Master Gu.So she misses the days in Xiaozhao very much, and thinks it was really good at that time. Although the salary is low, the food is good, and the living and working environment is not picky.Compared with the past, she has a deeper understanding of Tao Tang's conversation with her that night.After she decided to become a worker of Red Star, Tao Tang talked with her for a full hour and a half. At that time, she kept sobbing and didn't understand what Tao Tang said, but now she feels a lot.

The biggest feeling is that the frontline workers think and think, and their living habits are completely different from those leaders she is familiar with.They are two groups of people living in different worlds. For example, the group sometimes goes out to eat late after working overtime, and the dishes they order are basically not her favorite dishes. They don’t know how to order delicate dishes, nor can they find a good environment Instead of restaurants, try to find cheap places and ask for some dishes with large quantities of meat.Ye Mei thought, why don't you eat some stewed vegetables and big meat with the fish and shrimp in it.For example, their speech is always so vulgar, they like to say some colorful jokes, comment on the leaders unscrupulously, and spread some scandals about the leaders for fun.The leaders of the branch factory will be happy after being trained, isn't that ridiculous?Does this have anything to do with you?They are always fussing over petty profits, fighting over tens of dollars of overtime pay and allowances. What's the point of receiving a 30 yuan bonus because a small suggestion is adopted? Is it worth being so happy?Although Ye Mei was born in a rural area, her family was not bad. Her parents never asked her to pay her wages. At most, her mother nagged her to save some money, so she basically spent the money she earned as a temporary worker in the Red Star Factory.And in the days of Xiaozhao, her knowledge has increased, and her vision has also improved.There are quite a few young people in the group, and there are two girls who are about the same age as her, and they sometimes exchange some shopping experience with each other. The two girls rarely buy cosmetics, and they always look naked, and the clothes she buys are also the same. I don't like it, because they always like to buy clothes and shoes with reduced prices in different seasons, some of which are purely street stalls.But she thinks that instead of buying cheap and low-quality clothes, it’s better to buy less and better. Buying a slightly higher-grade dress will not be out of date for a year or two, isn’t it?The favorite toy of young people is the mobile phone. The little Zhang in the group bought a Xiaomi and it was as beautiful as picking up an ingot. Is it so good?Ye Mei thought, look at the phones used by the leaders, 80.00% of them are iPhones... various phenomena, let Ye Mei feel that many workers in the Red Star Factory are not even comparable to farmers. Of course, the villagers in Yangcun also have many difficulties in life Or, it’s not all like her family, but the workers are also having a hard time...

Tao Tang finally saw himself.Ye Mei's eyes met her, she saw Tao Tang smiled, he really walked towards her, and stretched out his hand.

"How is it? Can it be operated independently?"

"Come on...I don't know..." Ye Mei wanted to cry.

"Master Gu, right?" Tao Tang turned to Gu Nanhua, "Xiaoye is following you?"

"Yes," Gu Nanhua was a little nervous, "Xiaoye is quite smart..."

"Really? Last month, you reported your rationalization proposal, did you receive the bonus?" Tao Tang asked Gu Nanhua with a smile.Grinding workers are no more leisurely than turning and milling workers, at least half an hour after the workpiece goes to bed—just stare at it, drink some water, say a few words, and go to the bathroom calmly.

"I got it..." Gu Nanhua never thought that the big boss would know about it.

"Lean management is bottom-up... The company will never begrudge rewards, I hope everyone will think about the waste in the work, and put forward the improvement measures you think are appropriate...Old Chen, your third branch has made progress, but It’s not the best yet, I’m sure I won’t be able to get the mobile red flag this month, do you know why?”

Chen Jianping was a little discouraged.The workers who heard Tao Tang's words were also a little discouraged.In August, the company launched the lean management mobile red flag evaluation system. The first-line branch factories won the top three in the assessment of the month, and each person will receive a bonus of 100 yuan. The winning units for three consecutive months will be fixed. The third branch factory I got No.2 last month, and I wanted to consolidate the results, but Tao Tang canceled all the efforts of everyone...

"Why? What did we do wrong?" Cao Can asked loudly, "Which rules did we violate?"

Gu Nanhua looked at Cao Can in astonishment, really a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers.Sure enough, Director Chen Jiansheng's sharp eyes swept over...

"Well, what's the young man's name?" Tao Tang asked pleasantly.

"My name is Cao Can"

"I ask you, what is the core essence of lean management?"

"Continuous improvement, elimination of waste," Cao Can answered neatly.

"Exactly. Comrade Xiao Cao, what have you improved this month?"

Cao Can was questioned.

"Lean management is not just about cleaning, or insisting on wiping the bed, and it is not about arranging the workpieces neatly... You are doing well... The on-site management of your branch factory is good. If you only evaluate the on-site, you can enter The top three. But this stage has passed. If you persist well, you can only deduct points, but you can’t reward points. What to do now? It is to find loopholes in production and management, reduce waste and reduce costs. However, this You don’t have much to do with it, the key is the leaders of the branch factory and the workshop. Lao Chen, your logistics has a big problem. I have been waiting for you to take the initiative to raise this issue, but you didn’t... Besides, Kanban is not just for viewing , There are two differences between the figures on your kanban and the figures reported by the Lean Office, one is energy consumption, the other is quality loss, or you are wrong, or Lean is wrong. Please implement it clearly..." Tao Tang looked again Xiang Yemei, "Xiaoye, Master Gu is the top grinder in our factory, you have to learn the technique from her well, it will be useful for life..."

I don't want to learn skills, I'd still like to serve you with a little trick... Ye Mei really wanted to say it, but she didn't dare.

(End of this chapter)

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