Revival Road

Chapter 193 Change 5

Chapter 193 Change Five

Putting aside those malicious rumors, it is already recognized that Lu Qi is Tao Tang's absolute confidant.As Dow's style is becoming more and more manifested in administrative affairs, many middle-level people are extremely envious of Lu Qi. It is the hope of all middle-level people to be able to talk "fairly" and "casually" with the top leaders. No one wants to be caught by the leaders, especially the main leaders. Mistakes come lashing out, especially if responsibility isn't so easy to ascertain.In particular, it is even more painful to be unable to express your thoughts and ideas at work.

Since August, the weekly regular business meeting has become a nightmare for the participating leaders. Tao Tang's governance style of only asking about the results and not about the process has made the leaders miserable. Didn't it finish?It’s fine to admit that it’s not finished. What does it mean to be so objective?The group does not talk to me about objectivity. The goal must be fulfilled, which is the greatest objectivity.The workers don’t talk to me about being objective. They will receive wages at the end of the day, and they will continue to increase their income... You go to show objectivity to the workers and see if the workers recognize it!The task of those of us is to solve difficulties, emphasizing objectivity is laziness, and it is to find excuses for ourselves that we cannot complete the task!

As a general rule, the mistakes made by subordinates are made without the understanding of their superiors, except for a very small number of cases of dereliction of duty.When the superior leaders can listen carefully to the difficulties and demands of the subordinates, the mistakes of the subordinates can be easily understood.For example, if the work order of the month is not completed, it may not be the responsibility of the production department. Maybe the key equipment is out of order, maybe the materials are not in place in time, maybe there is a problem with the process... I am not so convinced that I am punished for objective reasons.Therefore, the desire to let Tao Tang listen to his "voice" is even stronger...

But this wish is very legitimate, but it is not so easy to realize. Red Star Company has dozens of departments, and each department has at least two middle managers, and there are as many as six or seven, plus the deputy chief engineer, assistant and deputy general manager. , the number of people exceeds 300, even if each person communicates with the leader once a month, and the leader has to receive ten people every day, then he should stop doing other things.Therefore, there are always a small number of people who can communicate and discuss work face-to-face with the top leaders, and even fewer can talk about life and other things.

Lu Qi is one of the very few people who can have an equal dialogue with Tao Tang.Indeed, Tao Tang can listen to Lu Qi's work report at any time, including the difficulties encountered in the work.But Tao Tang seldom gives advice on Lu Qi's work, and usually does not give her specific instructions.In fact, Lu Qi is also suffering, because her work has not been going well recently.Of course, Lu Qi has not faced criticism in public places (such as high-level meetings). When Tao Tang obviously increased the management assessment of his deputy and middle management, almost all senior executives have endured severe criticism. Criticism, it seems that only Lu Qi did not enjoy this treatment, which also provides gossip material for interested people.But what many people don't know is that Lu Qi was ridiculed by Tao Tang more than once in private because of work mistakes.Perhaps this word is not so appropriate, but Lu Qi feels that way.

The chances of meeting "in private" are greatly increased.First, Lu Qi is already the director of the Regulation Department, and second, the Regulation Department is now under the direct leadership of Tao Tang.Therefore, it is normal for Tao Tang to ask Lu Qi to come to his office or for Lu Qi to ask to see Tao Tang, even if someone is interested, it is not easy to say anything.

The leader in charge is a hurdle between the top leaders of the middle level and the top leaders of the company.Generally speaking, unless the big boss summons, it is not good for middle-level managers to directly ask the big boss for instructions and report work, otherwise it may cause displeasure to the leader in charge.Maybe it’s not good to have a direct attack, but it’s unbearable to wear a small shoe for you once in a while, especially those vice presidents who have a strong desire for power, such as Han Zhiyong and Li Luo.Of course, there are also some leaders who are more magnanimous and don't care much about their subordinates fighting cattle across the mountain, such as Zhou Bing and Jiang Shangyun.

When Lu Qi was the deputy director of the regulatory department, she didn't have many opportunities to meet with the company's top leaders alone, unless the big boss summoned her by name, and then she had to report in detail to her immediate superior and the vice president in charge afterwards.Both Liu Xinjun and Luo Chong are masters of taboo at home and abroad, and they can't tolerate petty tricks at the bottom.Some things feel that the immediate boss is pure nonsense, and if you want to give advice to the big boss, you have to weigh the consequences.Again, state-owned enterprises, especially large-scale state-owned enterprises, are completely hierarchical small societies, and challenges to order often have to pay a high price.It's all right now, there is no barrier between Lu Qi and the leader, she can enter and leave Tao Tang's office at any time, but she finds that life is not so easy.

Her feeling is that Tao Tang is becoming more and more difficult to serve.He always breaks the old rules in order to establish new ones, and the Department of Regulations is just the department that "sets the rules". The construction of rules and regulations that no one took seriously before has become Lu Qi's most troublesome business.

At the end of July, shortly before Liu Xinjun’s accident, Tao Tang issued an order to the Department of Regulations and Regulations to “abolish, revise and establish” the rules and regulations. He believed that the current systems implemented by Red Star Company were too outdated, and many of them were no longer suitable for the current situation.Of course, this matter fell on Lu Qi, and the specific contractor was the Enterprise Management Division.At the end of June, the Enterprise Management Division took out the catalog of "repeal, reform and establish", and Lu Qi personally reviewed it and organized an internal discussion within the Department of Regulations.In the absence of any objection, Lu Qi found an opportunity to report to Tao Tang. Tao Tang only glanced at the comparison catalog submitted by Lu Qi and put it down. Where is the basis?

This question stopped Lu Qi.Made her realize right away that she might be underestimating the work.Faced with Tao Tang's questioning, Lu Qi had no choice but to truthfully report the process of the "abolition, reform and establishment" list.Tao Tang then sneered, "If I say that the system revision you come up with must be a piece of waste paper, you will not be convinced. But the result must be like this. Do you admit it?"

That was the first time Tao Tang laughed at Lu Qi's work.Lu Qi's fair face immediately turned red, "Don't be sarcastic, what's wrong, point it out."

"There is an unsuitable rumor called the director of the country. It means that the major policies of the country come from the directors of the ministries. The following comrades. Is that so? Your role in this work is to review, right? Excuse me, how many problems did you review?"

Lu Qi's face turned even redder.It is true that she did not examine any more issues. The work was basically done by Xiao Shi and the others, which is a common practice.Obviously, Tao Tang was not satisfied with this method.

"The middle level, especially the top manager of the middle level administration, is my main assistant in my work and plays a connecting role. The middle level cadres have two roles. The upper level is to correctly understand the company's requirements, and the lower level is to organize the implementation. The problem now lies in The second link, in fact, the first link is more problematic. I have found that many cadres do not understand what I say. How to organize and implement it? The general method is to arrange, to be a sounding board, just like you. After the task is assigned, The following comrades have completed according to your order, you make text revisions, or just check for typos, and then hand in the paper. Do you think this is okay?"

The words are harsh, but they are basically the truth.

Tao Tang ignored Lu Qi's embarrassment and continued, "What am I asking for? First, you have to think carefully about why I want to "abolish, reform and establish" the system, and what exactly exists in our current system and implementation level. The problem? Is the system not good or the implementation is not effective? If the system is not good, then the system must be revised; You talked about the process of your work, but I didn’t hear the content of your investigation and research at all. It was completely done in the office. How can this work? So I conclude that what you have spent a lot of effort to create is still useless..."

Lu Qi admitted that what Tao Tang said was right, but she was not convinced, because this is how it is used to.

"I accept your criticism. Then, I would like to ask the leader, how to conduct investigation and research?"

"I won't teach you this. If you don't know how to do this, then you are seriously incompetent. Think about it yourself. Only what you realize is knowledge... I think this is a big job. I You are not required to complete the revision of the entire system and process within a short period of time, such as one or two months. This is actually a long-term task that needs to be done every year. You can improve the most critical system first. ..."

Lu Qi really wanted to ask what the "most important system" was, but seeing Tao Tang's tense face, she flinched.I don't know when, she and him have increasingly become a working relationship...

Lu Qi has not yet found a way to solve the problem. She was promoted and became the first female director in the history of the Department of Development and Regulation.Obviously, Tao Tang trusted her, and did not have any opinion of her because of Lu Qi's mistakes in system revision.However, the problem of system revision has not been solved, and it has become more severe. Before, Liu Xinjun and Luo Chong stood in the way, but now there is no breakwater.The point is that it is difficult to find a supporter for this problem.The most reliable is my husband, even though Comrade Lao Fan is often seriously unreliable.But this time, Lao Fan gave Lu Qi a brilliant idea.

"It's actually pretty easy to determine what's most important. Aren't you able to attend most of the meetings he attends? There are some meetings you're not entitled to, and you have a way of knowing what's going on, right?"

"That's right. Just say it, don't go around in circles..." Lu Qi seemed to have caught something.

"President Tao criticizes which department the most, and which type of things criticizes the most, that is the most urgent work, and your system revision should start from there..."

Brilliant move!Lu Qi looked at her husband with admiration.Maybe this guy will make achievements in the Political Research Office.

Sure enough, Lu Qi's journey was smooth.Half a month later, Lu Qi took out the system revision list again and reported it to Tao Tang, involving personnel training, skill leader evaluation and recruitment, equipment and material procurement, waste material disposal, entertainment expenses usage, travel expenses standards, etc. binomial.The next day, Li Zhibin returned the request for instructions, with Tao Tangqiu's forceful instructions on it: Agree.It is hoped that it will be close to reality and easy to implement.

Cleared!For this reason, Lu Qi "invited" Lao Fan out for a meal, and praised Lao Fan for being accurate.Comrade Fan was triumphant, "You are living in Lushan, and the authorities are obsessed. Mr. Tao is ambitious to transform Red Star in all aspects, and this is just the beginning..."

This time, Lu Qi didn't dare to work behind closed doors. After confirming the list, she led Xiao Shi and others to visit each unit to ask for opinions, which took a lot of effort.This side has not been completed yet, and a new task has been issued.

This time, Tao Tang called Lu Qi to his office to arrange it himself.

"The general feeling is not going well," Tao Tang said slowly, "There is a bad tendency, and everyone may be afraid of me, lest they make mistakes, and ask me to criticize everything, which is really annoying. Why? What to do? We need to standardize the decision-making institutions and decision-making matters. Isn’t there a “three majors and one major” in the system compilation? Let’s start from here and pull out a new list of “three majors and one major” to determine which things need to be decided at the meeting I am the chairman and general manager. Those who belong to the board of directors or the general manager's office meeting, I will preside over and make decisions. Those that belong to the party committee will be presided over by Secretary Zhao. Except for these major issues, I will let the rest go, and I don't care. This also meets the requirements of the superior, doesn't it? This matter must be done quickly, and the list of powers must be brought out as soon as possible!"

Three important and one big is a specific term, which refers to the appointment and removal of important personnel, major project construction, major decision-making matters and the use of large amounts of funds in state-owned enterprises.The main purpose is to standardize the decision-making process of state-owned enterprises and avoid the main leaders talking about it. The essence of "three important and one big" is to control and restrict the power of the top leaders.

Lu Qi responded quickly this time, "Mr. Tao, the company's existing three-level and one-level system is basically formulated with reference to the group system. Do you mean to re-establish it according to our actual situation?"

"Yes. I saw that system, but it was copied. So I am not interested in your previous system construction. That's right, you have to re-establish it according to the actual situation. First, you can't make everything go to the council to make decisions. To implement the law, our group of people will hold meetings and stop doing anything. "Do what you write", if the above strictly checks, there are many violations of the system. In the current political atmosphere, the problem is serious. Small, you can't take it lightly. The second thing is that you can't hand over the decisions that should be made at the meeting to the main leaders. Those who should go to the meeting must go to the meeting..."

This is more difficult.Lu Qi immediately realized the seriousness of the problem, "Can I say something as a friend?"


"Do you really want to strictly enforce the 'three majors and one major' system?"

"What do you mean? Am I joking?"

"This is to limit the power of the top leader! If it is really implemented, some things will not necessarily be decided by you. What if the meeting fails? Also, what is the voting method of the decision-making body? Voting? If it is voting, You are just the host or convener, and you only have one vote!"

"Haha. Do you think it's good to be in power? If Song Yue implements the three majors and one major, I may not be able to come to Red Star... You see this as restricting me, but I regard it as an umbrella. In addition, brainstorming It’s not empty talk, you have to believe that the collective wisdom of the decision-makers is definitely better than me alone. Lu Qi, let me tell you about my short-term goals..."

"You said..." Lu Qi really wanted to hear about Tao Tang's so-called short-term goals.

"Change the current situation, let the middle management take real responsibility, let the leadership find their own positions, and let me free up more energy to consider the next step of the company's development... So, this task you lead is very important to me. The last two things you said are important.”

"Let's not talk about the last two, the mid-level cadres are exhausted and almost driven crazy by you, especially the first-line branch factories, marketing department, and finance department..." Lu Qi seized the opportunity to say what she had always wanted to say.Recently, there have been many complaints from the middle class, and fines are the next best thing. No one can stand being criticized in public and being criticized in the newspapers. They are all people who want to save face.

"The market and profits are forced out. I can't stand it now? It's far worse! Now I'm more tired than them. It shouldn't be the case. I'm more relaxed than them... But it's not enough yet "

Lu Qi was silent.The middle-level cadres have already endured tremendous pressure from the top, and the changes are obvious. Now everyone is in danger... But the operating data is encouraging Lu Qi. The third quarter is coming to an end. It can be concluded that the income from the main business will increase. Breaking through 70 billion and achieving the goal of 100 billion is no longer a myth. All of this was achieved within half a year after Tao Tang came to the factory. No one dared to explore this goal in April.

"Income is the cornerstone. How can we talk about profits without income? Do you think we are in a monopoly industry? So we must suppress it! Those who cannot adapt will be eliminated. I will never show mercy. The fourth quarter assessment will still Tighter, especially the performance of the middle management, if you want data to speak, you have to be responsible for me!" Tao Tang said viciously.

(End of this chapter)

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