Revival Road

Chapter 196 Change 8

Chapter 196 Change Eight

"What should I do? Tell me something!" Ren Laifu, who was 1.8 meters five and as strong as a bear, was a little impatient, but Ren Dao was still circling in the living room, smoking one cigarette after another. .

"I told the fourth brother, he was very angry and decided to clean up the ****."

Ren Dao stood down, fixedly staring at his son, making Ren Laifu hairy.

"I have not let you associate with You Si'er for a long time, why are you still hanging out with him? Hmm? You don't know who You Si is? Hmm? Say, what does he have to do with our business? Also, You Si Do you want to clean up people? What kind of thing is he? How dare you boast like this? Are you out of your mind or did you eat shit in the morning?"

Facing his father's barrage of scolding, Ren Laifu was speechless, not knowing how to answer.Although he is married and has children and has become a member of the huge middle-level management team of Red Star Company, he is afraid of his father in his bones. Thanks to my father, if there is no father, with his pheasant diploma, within six years from a junior college student who just entered the factory to become the deputy director of the branch factory, I am afraid it would be impossible to dream of.

"Let me explain everything clearly! What does You Si have to do with waste recycling?" Ren Dao stared at his son fiercely.

"He just helped me with some transportation, didn't I have no energy? And I can't come out publicly..."

"Transportation? Does he have the fart capital to do transportation? Does he have a car or someone? Hmm? Why do you need this kind of rotten person? Did he threaten you? You prodigal son, you are so mad at me..."

Ren Dao was really angry.It has been a year since Ren Dao handed over the waste recycling business to his only son. Firstly, he was a bit disinterested, and secondly, considering his son’s expenses after getting married, and taking into account his face, he didn’t want him to always reach out to his family. After all, There is also a daughter-in-law who satisfies him.He has never asked how much money he has earned from scraps in the past year. Anyway, he is such a son, so what difference does it make if he pays early or late?His wife reminded him to pay attention to the accounts of waste materials, but he never asked about it. He also wanted to train his son, and he always felt that everything was smoothed out for him, including the most difficult financial department.Who knew that his son would be taken a share of the pie by swimmers?What is Yousi?It's Mu Jianhua's kind of bastard, who once got rid of him because he came to his hotel for free food, and then he didn't dare to enter the door.A gangster is a gangster, so if you find someone and you can handle it, what is there to be afraid of?Strictly speaking, You Si is easier to deal with than Mu Jianhua. Mu Jianhua is completely rotten. His wife is divorced and poisoned. Barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes.But You Si is not. He has a family and a job (although it takes three days of fishing and two days of drying the net), and he wants to blackmail the old Ren's family?He's not even close!
Ren Laifu remained silent.

"Are you fucking dumb? I'm asking you something! How do you share with him? Tell me!" Thinking of You Si's karate-like method of snatching money from his own pocket, Ren Dao became furious.Although this business looks like it's going to die.

"Dad, don't be angry," Ren Dao's daughter-in-law Xie Lihong finally couldn't bear it and came out to rescue her husband, "You know who you are, every day he runs to Laifu's office and home to grind, Laifu can't stand it, we But I can't afford it... Who is hired? I didn't pay him too much..."

Xie Lihong was an undergraduate student from outside, and she used to be a colleague of Ren Laifu's No. 12 branch factory. Ren Laifu fell in love with her and chased after her vigorously. At that time, Ren Dao's business had begun to take shape. She won the award, needless to say the diploma, higher than her son, the key is that she is also a good-looking person, and she is still an outsider, not involved in the factory at all, fully meeting Ren Dao's basic requirements for a daughter-in-law.So all the way to the green light, the marriage was facilitated with golden bullets. After getting through the door, I found that the daughter-in-law was good-natured, and I felt even more satisfied.Under Ren Dao's golden bullet offensive, Ren Laifu was exceptionally promoted by Song Yue to be the deputy director of the 12th branch. Xie Lihong had to transfer the quality department to become the quality administrator. one unit.

Now that Xie Lihong stood up to speak for her husband, Ren Dao could no longer yell at his daughter-in-law.

"Lihong, you heard it too. What did he just say? You Si actually wants to clean up the family? Huh? Who is he? Who does he think he is? You can slowly figure out a way to do business. Still working in the factory? Does he still want to work in Red Star? Huh?" Ren Dao's anger flared up again.

"Dad, Tao has cut off our family's fortune, so we can't just let it go..." Ren Laifu said in a low voice.

"You can't cut off the money! But like him," Ren Dao pointed at his son, "it's really troublesome to mess around like this without thinking! Hurry up and talk to You Si and ask him to weigh himself. Still want to clean up the house? Bah!"

The income from waste recycling is high, and it is normal for the son to get angry if the bidding fails.But the son actually wanted to solve the problem by means of violence, which made Ren Dao very disappointed in his only son.How old is You Si?Can he be considered a big brother?Besides, since Tao Tang was believed to be behind this incident, he didn't even think about who Tao Tang was?That is the emperor of the Red Star Factory!Have you forgotten what happened to Mu Jianhua?After drinking two taels of cat urine, I even went to Xiaozhao to stroke the tiger's whiskers, what happened?It's not out yet!Not to mention a few low-level gangsters from the Red Star Factory, they called Hiraizumi's most arrogant people on the road, and after clarifying Tao Tang's identity, asked if he dared to take advantage of him?Leaders are different. Ren Dao is experienced in this area. He has long discovered that Tao Tang is not timid, otherwise he would not dare to clean up the off-duty and temporary workers. fart?Yuwen's family is considered the No. [-] figure in the Red Star Factory. Didn't they shrink their necks obediently after being kicked over by others?Lu Yaozu was standing behind Tao Tang. My brother-in-law didn't blame him to death because of the EPA incident, but he also made clear the relationship between Lu Yaozu and Tao Tang. If he had known about Tao Tang's relationship with *** * With that hard relationship, even if you lend Ping Yiquan ten guts, he wouldn't dare to trouble Red Star... Now this little bastard is thinking of threatening him with a gangster, isn't that courting death?Such a simple-minded person who can't see the seriousness, what can I do in the future...

"Dad, if you don't let me do it, don't let me do it. You often read the news, this year is really different, but fortunately, Laifu and I both have jobs, and we can live the same way without business... To save yourself from making mistakes like Yang Kaihe..." Xie Lihong can think about it.

"It would be better than Yang Kaihe..." Ren Dao muttered, then he opened his eyes and yelled at his son, "Go, tell You Si right away! Pay the money owed to him, and let him go where he wants to go." Where are you going to get rich! You are not allowed to associate with him in the future! Do you hear me?"

"Okay, let's go now." Xie Lihong pulled her husband and left.They have another residence in the factory, usually run their own business, and only go back to their in-laws' house on Sundays.

"Wait, Laifu, tell me the seriousness, don't hurt us, let's not talk about it, even your uncle!"

My wife called out, "Come back early, I'll wait for you to eat"

"Mom, don't be us, we have something to do today, so we won't come back to eat." Ren Laifu left after saying a word.

After the couple left, Ren Dao tried his best to sort out his thoughts. One thing after another that was unfavorable to him recently really made him mentally and mentally exhausted and felt like the end was coming.

What the son said was right, his family's financial resources were almost cut off by Tao.

First of all, the hotel, the general manager issued a notice, which basically ruined Xinlong's business. The turnover last month (August) was terrible, and the gross income was barely enough to pay the wages of the small chefs.Under the general situation of Red Star's strong anti-corruption, middle-level cadres are silent, who dares to violate discipline?After the consumption of public funds disappeared, there were very few individual tourists, and it was impossible to sustain it.Firstly, Ren’s hotel was positioned as a relatively high-end hotel (absolutely top-notch in the Red Star Factory), and the price of the dishes could not be compared with other hotels, so ordinary consumers were forced away.Second, in the past few years, the Ren family has been going smoothly, and the official and business fields have been unimpeded. Most people don't pay attention to it. They have offended the family members of ordinary employees of Red Star, and there are not many people who come to Ren's hotel to spend at their own expense.Due to the severe situation, the wife in charge of the hotel proposed to fire the chef, cut off half of the waiters and change the management direction.Ren Dao's wife said at the family meeting, is this okay?I have to learn from those small restaurants, open a buffet breakfast, and cook local dishes, including the big bowl of noodles that ordinary workers like most.

Easier said than done.Is the business direction so easy to change?Can you make money with a breakfast buffet?Large bowls of noodles are also not easy to deal with. Since Tao Tang rectified the canteens for singles, fewer and fewer singles come to the commercial street to eat. Didn’t you see that at least the small restaurant has put up a sign for transfer?The best way to earn money from running a hotel is public meals. What kind of special dishes for the common people can’t afford public funds?Besides, how much did you invest in your own Xinlong Hotel?The decoration alone is enough to buy several small restaurants, does depreciation count?I'm afraid it won't work to take the civilian route.

Ren Dao did not agree to layoffs, he wanted to take another look.Anyway, it is not only my own Xinlong family who are unlucky, other families can't support it, but they can survive if they support it, because after all, the Red Star Factory has nearly [-] mouths, and there is a market. No matter how domineering Tao Tang is, he can't control this.But right now, I'm afraid it's going to be a hard time. Xinlong, the former cash cow, can't make money for the time being.

Xinlong Hotel encountered a cold winter, and another project of the family - the sporadic maintenance of infrastructure was also in trouble.Kuang Zuyu, director of the infrastructure department, is timid and fearful. He probably saw the bad situation and started to terminate the cooperative relationship with the Ren family. Starting in June, he only gave the Ren family a single business, only a mere 2 yuan. What is it enough for?When Yang Kaihe, Liu Xinjun, and Luo Chong had accidents, Kuang Zuyu ignored him at all, and didn't even answer the phone.The engineering team that was finally formed is not easy to support. How can we support it if there is no work?This is the second thing that causes headaches.Even his wife didn't know about this income, it was all controlled by Ren Dao.He signs the contract and pays the bill.He has earned some money in the past few years, and it's all in his small coffers.Of course, he wants to "feed back" some people, but the profit of this business is really not small, even better than that of restaurants.Public money is easy to earn, and the price is basically up to you. You can easily earn tens of thousands of yuan by repairing a roof, and no one is serious about you.But it’s no longer possible. On the one hand, the so-called process management has been strengthened. Kuang Zuyu is not alone in infrastructure maintenance, and a lot of messy units have been added.There are two things that I hate the most. The Ministry of Development and Regulation needs to establish a project, organize quality and price comparisons, and is not allowed to do independent business.This move was too ruthless, how could Ren Dao, who was used to monopoly profits, compare with those who had no way out?And the price review by the finance department has also been tightened.After Zhang Xingwu arrived in the finance department, he was careful, everything went according to the procedure, and there was no room for flexibility.Moreover, the cost control of each unit has been stricter than ever since July. Once the controllable cost exceeds, wages will be deducted. After a series of procedures, profits have been squeezed out, and the meaning is not great.

Now waste recycling is in trouble again... Does this **** let people live?
Whenever he thinks of these worrying things, Ren Dao hates Tao Tang.If it wasn't for this plague god, where would there be so many troubles?From the sewage incident, Ren Dao finally understood that Tao Tang is a more powerful existence than Song Yue, and he might not be able to do it too hard. It would be self-destruction by hitting an egg against a rock. The way those in power used to deal with Tao Tang was useless. He had actually used this method before, and it turned out to be self-inflicted humiliation.The matter of the 3 yuan has not yet been settled, and I will definitely not come back.The God of Plague didn't take his word for it, which really stumped the boss Ren who claimed that he didn't settle any injustice at Red Star.

The key is that Ren Dao is very concerned about his son's future, which makes it more difficult for him to deal with business difficulties.In fact, many businessmen have a similar psychology.If you can't go to the government to be an official, it's not bad to work in the Red Star.Of course, Ren Dao hopes that Ren Laifu will be more and more blessed, keep improving, and keep rising.He doesn't like his son's little performance every year, it's just a little pocket money for the young couple.But if his son can go up, it will definitely help his business.This is a mutual relationship.So it must not affect his son's future, that would make him lose pursuit and hope in life.

It is said that Ren Dao has earned a lot of money in Red Star over the years, don’t go to Macau, Morocco or Las Vegas to be chic, don’t buy top luxury cars like Chairman Tang of the East Lake Board of Directors, and don’t follow the news that a certain bureaucrat said in the news. Hundreds of mistresses - then his money is basically enough.He could just stop there and live another few decades with a leisurely and contented attitude.

But the problem is he still doesn't feel like it's enough.He always has the mentality of the foolish old man in the fable of Liezi. There are endless children and grandchildren, and he is responsible for the livelihood of his children and grandchildren.The business is gone, and I can't live on that little salary alone.

what to do?Ren Dao thought hard, there must be a way!

(End of this chapter)

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