Revival Road

Chapter 197 National Day Holiday 1

Chapter 197
Lu Wei, who was waiting in front of the villa, saw the black Audi driving up the ramp, and immediately greeted it.I had already memorized the car number, and when the car stopped, Lu Wei opened the door on the right side of the rear seat, "Mr. Tao..."

"Hmm... Hello, Section Chief Lu." Tao Tang got out of the car and held Lu Wei's outstretched hand.

"You can call me Xiao Lu, Secretary Lu is waiting for you..."

"Do you know what it is?"

"I don't know..." Lu Wei took Tao Tang's water glass from Wang Fumin, and said in a low voice, "He didn't go to the office today, he has been waiting for you all this time."

"Oh..." Tao Tang snorted, but did not enter the door that Lu Wei pushed open.This is his second visit to the villa where Lu Yaozu lives. It is not a newly built villa. The outer wall is covered with creepers and it looks very old...Tao Tang thought of Zhou Hongyou. That was the only time he went to Zhou Hongyou's house. Looking closer, "Vice Mayor Zhou seems to live here too."

"Yes, this villa was built for the city's leaders at the end of the last century." Lu Wei followed Tao Tang's gaze, "Except for a few old leaders who retired, most of the current leaders have moved away. Deputy Mayor Zhou Hongyou lives there , it is not this door..."

"Oh, the environment is really nice..." Tao Tang admired the surrounding trees, many of which he couldn't even name.

"Please Mr. Tao, Secretary Lu is waiting," Lu Wei urged.

Tao Tang entered the dimly lit living room, glanced to the left, and went straight upstairs.Hearing Lu Yaozu's thick and magnetic voice at the bend of the stairs, he didn't know who he was talking to.

"Is that you, Tao Tang?" Lu Yaozu heard footsteps.

"It's me." Tao Tang went upstairs, and saw Lu Yaozu on the curved balcony to the south of the living room and a girl in a dark green professional suit sitting opposite him.The girl just turned her head, Tao Tang was startled by her beautiful face.

"It's so beautiful..." Tao Tang nodded secretly.

"TV reporter Xiaoyao, CEO Tao of Red Star Company..." Lu Yaozu didn't get up, and raised his hand to introduce the two guests.

The female reporter surnamed Yao stood up and took a step forward. Her high-heeled shoes made a crisp sound on the light yellow wooden floor. She stretched out her jaded hand to Tao Tang, "Hello, Mr. Tao! Nice to meet you! Secretary Lu was telling me just now What about you... It is said that the benefits of Red Star Factory have improved significantly in the past six months, and Taili is going to use Red Star Company to do a special topic on the transformation of growth mode..."

Tao Tang shook the girl's cold hand, "I don't know where you got the news that the Red Star Factory is still climbing out of trouble, and there is no talk of transformation and development..."

"Ah, Secretary Lu, you are the best, and you guessed right..." The girl's voice was shrill and piercing.

Tao Tang couldn't help frowning.But he couldn't help but look at the girl's flawless and delicate face again.There are a lot of beauties in literature, but there are very few memorable beauties in life. The female reporter in front of me is definitely worthy of being stunning. Using this face as a business card, it is estimated that there will be no disadvantages.

"Don't be modest..." Lu Yaozu laughed, "I heard the comrades from the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission introduce the situation of Red Star, which is very good. They think it has the meaning of general promotion... Sit, why stand?"

Tao Tang sat down on another chair, wondering where the female reporter came from.

Lu Wei came up with tea and put Tao Tang's teacup on the small round table on the balcony.

"It's okay, little Lu, go get busy." Lu Yaozu waved to Lu Wei.Lu Wei then went downstairs.

"What does the leader want from me?" Tao Tang wondered why the female reporter didn't leave yet.

"Well, I have something to talk to you about... How many days are you off for the National Day? What are the arrangements?"

"Most units have four days. I have to catch up with the task... I was planning to go back to Binjiang, but my nephew is getting married, and my parents will not let me go... Also, I am going to hold a science and technology conference, how about you?"

"I," Lu Yaozu lit a cigarette, "go home. I thought you were going to Yanjing, so we could be companions. Oh, your parents are back, how are they? I should go and see The old man... who cares about Xiao He now?"

"Mother-in-law, who else..." Tao Tang couldn't help but looked at the girl again, this time not admiring her beauty, but guessing her relationship with Lu Yaozu.

"I haven't seen Xiaohe for many years... Is he in high school? I think you should transfer your child's school status. The admission line on Binjiang is higher than here, right? Wouldn't it kill two birds with one stone?"

"Forget it, I don't have the energy to take care of her. The key is that the environment over there is familiar, so I don't want to mess around..." Tao Tang looked at the girl again.

The girl finally stood up, "Secretary Lu, Mr. Tao, you guys talk, I'd better wait for you below..."

"Alright..." Lu Yaozu nodded.

Hearing the sound of crisp high-heeled shoes disappear, Tao Tang asked, "What's going on?"

"What's the situation?"

Tao Tang smacked his mouth at the stairs, "You're so beautiful. Are you afraid that others will gossip about you?"

"Haha" Lu Yaozu laughed loudly, "You gossip when you see a female reporter? Are you too weak?"

Tao Tang also laughed.

"The TV station made a promotional video about the construction of Hiraizumi City, show me the copy..." Lu Yaozu pointed to a stack of papers on the small table, "Xiao Yao's writing is good, can't you tell?"

"Let's get down to business." Tao Tang didn't want to talk about this topic anymore.

"Isn't this a serious matter? Two days ago, Shangguan and Shangguan went to the province to report the construction of the new city to Governor Xing, and they talked about Red Star... I'm a little uncertain, and I want to ask for your opinion. You stand on my side and talk about what to do ?”

I see.Tao Tang looked away from the pile of copy paper, picked up the teacup and unscrewed the lid and took a sip, "I've talked to you before, and my attitude hasn't changed."

"You still can't get out of the small circle of Red Star... I admit that the plan left by Wang Yi is a bit greedy, and the province also thinks the same way. But the attitude of the city is basically the same. I'm under a lot of pressure... It's even more troublesome. It's economic growth, coal prices keep falling, and Shangguan Hong can't bear it anymore. You only consider one factory, but I have to consider Hiraizumi's 400 million people." Lu Yaozu threw half of the cigarette into the ashtray, "I don't want to do something, this year's Indicators are dangerous”

"Is this the mayor's business?"

"Economic construction has been the center for decades. Who said that the secretary can't manage the economy? Enterprises are underemployed, fiscal revenue cannot be guaranteed, and stability problems follow..."

"Have you made up your mind?"

"Not yet." Lu Yaozu said solemnly, "I admit that your views are basically correct. The aftermath of investment is indeed huge, and the high government debt is also a headache. But what Tang Yikun said is not unreasonable..."

Tao Tang immediately interrupted Lu Yaozu, "I told you, don't let Tang Yikun fool you. I heard some news, including from the bank, that Donghu has encountered some problems, not small ones, but big ones. He's trying to solve an existing problem with a bigger problem, he's going to drag the government further into the East Lake mud pit, you can't pay for him"

"East Lake is no longer Tang Yikun's." Lu Yaozu stood up, "Do you know how many employees there are in East Lake? Together with their family members, it is a statistic that cannot be ignored."

"And the taxes that East Lake provides, right?"

"Of course. In terms of contribution to the local area, Red Star can't compare with Donghu Lake. Since when did it still discriminate against private enterprises? You know, Donghu Lake is considered a giant in the province. Even if Hiraizumi doesn't care about it, the province should take care of it of"

"Management and management are different. No one wants to let Donghu collapse. Lao Lu, you understand economics, and the data in your hand must be more comprehensive. Let's take a look at the newly-built real estate in Hiraizumi. How many have been liquidated? Rebuild Who is the new town sold to? How many floating populations does Hiraizumi have? Can we compare with first-tier cities? At least in Hiraizumi, it is wrong to rely on real estate to boost the economy. Lu Yaozu paced back and forth, "If you are in a hurry to grasp political achievements, I won't say anything. If you really want to do something for Hiraizumi, I think the construction of a new city is not a good way"

"The whole Hiraizumi, that's what you said to me." Lu Yaozu stared at Tao Tang, and suddenly smiled, "Zhou Hongyou is your classmate, right? What do you think of him?"

"I don't understand, really. We're just high school classmates"

"Your classmate still has some ability. The key is that he is very familiar with Red Star...According to my instructions, Zhou Hongyou made an amendment. It can be regarded as shrinking the original new city construction plan. This amendment is in line with the basic idea of ​​the province... ...For the current situation, there are two judgments in the province. One thinks that the difficulties are temporary and will pass soon. The other thinks that this is just the beginning, especially for the economic structure of our province...Which one do you agree with? A sort of?"

"I'm not in my position, I don't plan for my government. I only care about my Red Star Factory, and the amendment cannot bypass Red Star, right?"

"Of course. You're standing at a crossroads."

"What exactly is the charter?"

"The originally conceived plan for the construction of a university town was a bit aggressive... Wang Yi's attitude changed after he arrived in the province. Now the province has fully estimated the difficulties. However, several universities that block the development of Beiyang will definitely be relocated, such as School of Finance and Economics, Normal University, and School of Mining... If you don’t move to Hiraizumi, you will move to other places. Why don’t we invite those gods of wealth to come over? Isn’t it? Regarding Red Star, Zhou Hongyou thinks that there is no need to relocate as a whole, especially your family members District. To be honest, according to the estimate of the Provincial Planning Institute, the cost is too high, and all aspects are a bit unbearable. The new plan only requires you to give up about [-] mu of land, and just move a few branch factories. By the way, Mr. Did Feng Tou communicate with you?"

"Have you found our group?"

"The mayor of Shangguan went to Yanjing with the leaders of the province. It was just a preliminary contact, because the final plan has not yet been decided."

"How can you leave me alone?"

"Hey, it's not the first time we've talked about this matter. I know your attitude. What are you asking? Besides, can't I ask you to come over today?"

Tao Tang knew that there was no room for him to comment on this matter.He is the king in Hongxing, but he is not even a pawn on the big chessboard in the province.After thinking about it, Tao Tang asked in a deep voice, "What's Dong Feng's opinion?"

"There is no clear objection. But I think Red Star managed to stabilize the situation, and the results are hard-won." Lu Yaozu smiled again, "Old Feng is very optimistic about you, so it can be considered that he did not choose the wrong person. Hey, I stand on your side I've thought about it more than once, you don't have enough reasons for objecting, and careful organization won't have much impact on you. Besides, the construction of a new city might be a good opportunity for you..."

"I don't think so. Yes, this matter doesn't matter to me, but I really thought about it from your standpoint, not good!"

"Yeah, so it's hard to make decisions up and down." Lu Yaozu said, "I'm in more trouble than you."

"That is, how can I compare with you?" Tao Tang paused, "Let me remind you, Zhou Hongyou and Tang Yikun have an unusual relationship, be careful they dig holes for you."

"There are not many people who can cheat me... I have heard some feedback about them... Oh, the secretary you recommended to me is not bad..."

"If that's the case, I've said everything I need to say, and I'm leaving."

(End of this chapter)

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