Revival Road

Chapter 216 Division of Labor 2

Chapter 216 Division of Labor II

"Before talking about the relocation issue, I will follow up on what the secretary said just now, because it has nothing to do with today's topic, so please don't remember it." Tao Tang glanced at everyone, "I agree with most of the secretary's speech, and a small part disagrees. Agree. Secretary Zhao praised me too much. I am not being hypocritical, but speaking from the heart. The progress the company has made in operation this year cannot be remembered on my head. To put it bluntly, it is the result of the joint efforts of all employees in the factory. , speaking on a small scale, the credit should mainly be credited to marketing, production, and finance. When I came in April, the marketing department gave me a pessimistic forecast, but they withstood the production to promote production. The pressure has forced the expansion of the market, especially the gearbox market, which has not caused an increase in inventory. The production of dry mouth is also very good, not only the increase in output, but the main thing is to improve the quality of the product. I asked Chen Yongliang to make a statistic According to the analysis, the quality loss of 32 yuan output value, internal loss and external loss are calculated together, and it has decreased by 849% year-on-year. Converted into absolute value, it is [-] million yuan. This achievement should be mainly recorded at the production port rather than the inspection port, because the quality It is produced. And the achievements of the production port are inseparable from the support of material supply, especially funds. Therefore, the finances have made great contributions. Around June and July, Mr. Han told me that the flow of funds would be cut off, and we must I got the loan. I agreed. But due to some external reasons, the loan was not received, but the finance company overcame the difficulties, tried its best to ensure production, and basically did not affect life, which is very remarkable. In fact, there is nothing more The special trick is to increase the speed of capital turnover and strengthen budget management. Of course, there is also the cooperation of production and marketing. In fact, the method is also simple, but it is to reduce inventory and return funds faster..."

The desks in the conference room are double-layered. The inner circle is for company leaders, directors, and members of the board of supervisors, and the outer circle is for those who attend the meeting.Of course, Lu Qi was sitting in the second row, and she kept peeking at the expressions of the leaders that she could see.This is more interesting.Then she thought that the top leaders of the three people that Tao Tang praised were precisely the three people Tao Tang was most difficult to control at present.I don't know if it was intentional, but she thinks what Tao Tang said is basically the truth.

Holding a teacup, Tao Tang looked out of the window, where the first snow of this winter was floating outside. "I have always believed that there is no mystery in corporate management. The predecessors thought of a good way 100 years ago, and we will follow suit. So I am basically not interested in management innovation. You haven't even learned how to walk. How can you run? Sensational! The lean management vigorously promoted by the group, if you take it apart, it is actually the continuous consolidation of various basic management around reducing costs and eliminating waste... It’s a bit far away. As the chairman and general manager, I give my own evaluation I did what I was supposed to do. I tried my best in my work, but there were countless flaws and deficiencies. But on the issue of integrity, I have not violated discipline, and I am worthy of my own party spirit and conscience, and I can also stand the review of the organization. Therefore, I said that I partly agree with the secretary’s speech. Regarding the irresponsible remarks of some leading cadres, I agree to take some measures. This is not revenge, but to create an environment that makes the people in charge feel comfortable doing things. I can’t control the common people talking nonsense below. , but leading cadres can’t talk irresponsibly! Of course, I’m referring to rumors that are fabricated out of nothing. Well, regarding the construction of the cadre team, I’ll talk about some suggestions at the end, and now let’s get back to business.”

This is also a typical Tao Tang style.How can anyone publicly say the whole person's words in front?But the guy just said it.Lu Qi looked at Tao Tang and saw him open his notebook in a rare way.

"Comrades, after the agreement is signed, Red Star has no room for bargaining. The rest is to implement the agreement satisfactorily. My attitude is that before the agreement is signed, you can speak loudly, and then you will be a gentleman. The relevant obligations must be performed in an exemplary manner. .First of all, we must calibrate our hour hand to the time of Secretary Lu and Mayor Shangguan, obey the timetable of the city, and never violate any contract. In this way, we have to make a good total. First, we must strengthen the organization and leadership. It's not a cliché, but a must. The group also requires us to report to the relevant leading agencies as soon as possible. In this matter, the group must be held accountable!

"This is how I think about it. Relocation must be the company's top priority in the next two years. The team members will be involved in it, and they must do their own work according to the division of labor. However, there must be a leader to take care of it. I have repeated this matter. After thinking about it, part-time jobs are not enough, there will definitely be one thing at the expense of another, so you have to be full-time. Today's meeting, we must first determine this role. Who is suitable, please express your opinions. Not only team members, but everyone who is here today can speak. Okay, Who will speak first? Mao Sui’s self-recommendation is fine too. This is not a fight for power, but a courageous shouldering of heavy responsibilities.”

Ma Guangming was taken aback for a moment.He thought Tao Tang would arrange for him directly.After thinking about it all afternoon, the more I thought about it, the more I felt that this was a good opportunity.Just expanding one's network in Hiraizumi City will bring enough benefits.So he tried his best to think about how to talk about the principled consideration of relocation at the meeting at noon. He didn't expect Tao Tang to come to this hand. Did he regret choosing himself?Ma Guangming immediately became nervous.

"Since Mr. Tao said that you can recommend yourself," said Qiu Lin, "then I will recommend myself once. I don't think deeply about the product layout and structural adjustment brought about by the relocation, but I am willing to pay attention to this matter. I There are not many businesses in charge, and the transfer will have little impact. I am confident that under the leadership of the company's party and government, the relocation work will be organized according to the approved plan. Please Mr. Tao consider it."

******, I was only thinking about myself, but I didn't expect that someone would have been eyeing this piece of fat a long time ago!Ma Guangming scolded himself for being stupid in his heart, how could he forget that Qiu Lin was from Tao Tang, and he followed Tao Tang closely since he came to the factory.

Sure enough, Tao Tang spoke, "Okay, Mr. Qiu's spirit of picking heavy plays is commendable! What do you think about Mr. Qiu's arrest?"

Ma Guangming was even more anxious. It would be a little inappropriate for him to jump out to grab it now, so he cast a look at Han Zhiyong for help.

"Let me say a few words," Han Zhiyong raised his hand, "I'm not saying that Mr. Qiu is inappropriate. I think it's more appropriate for Mr. Ma to handle this matter. My reasons are, first, relocation must first take into account production. We It is necessary to stock up on as many products as possible before the official start of the relocation, so as to ensure that the market share will not be lost. Second, the relocation will inevitably involve personnel issues. In a sense, the human issue is the most complicated and difficult to control. The equipment has no life, you put it You can move anywhere, as long as you don’t break it, you can still produce products. But people are different. It can be foreseen that in the spring of next year, organizational and personnel issues will face us seriously. Mr. Qiu’s burden is not light, I still suggest that Mr. Ma should assist Tao Tang in the specific relocation. As for the issue that is difficult to balance both sides, I think Mr. Ma has a substitute, and Assistant Jiang can fully handle the current production."

"Well, Mr. Han recommended Mr. Ma from the perspective of production management... what are the opinions of other comrades?" Tao Tang asked gently, "Mr. Li, the relocation will definitely put pressure on the supply. What's your opinion?"

It has been since Tao Tang took office to get close to the top leader.Lu Qi found that in the past few months, she had made great "improvement" in thinking about the leaders' speeches.She noticed that Tao Tang used an attribute to frame Han Zhiyong's motivation for recommending Ma Guangming.This is very interesting...

"It will indeed bring pressure on sales..." Li Luo smiled, "To be honest, I didn't expect it to be so fast. Before, I always doubted whether Hiraizumi could raise a huge amount of funds. It seems that the government will never be short of money. It’s more than [-] million yuan! I think we can’t just consider relocation, but we should also consider the production layout and equipment upgrades. In short, this is a big game. From this point of view, Mr. Tao still personally It’s good to be in command. I don’t mean to be named, but to be in command. It’s best to set up a matrix organization, because there will be many leaders and units involved...such as technology and scientific research departments.”

Whatever Han Zhiyong approves, Li Luo will definitely oppose.This can be regarded as the normal state of the Red Star executives.

"I agree with Mr. Li's opinion." The increasingly marginalized Liu Xiuyun said.

"Well, what's President Jiang's opinion? Tell me about it." Tao Tang smiled and looked at Jiang Shangyun who was thinking about something with his head down.

"Mr. Tao, I was very happy when I learned the specific compensation figures yesterday. I think Mr. Tao gave us a big cake. Li Meng called me last night and told me about his calculations for the transformation. I calculated it, and this amount of money is really not much..."

"Old Jiang, now you are talking about the relocation agency and the person in charge, why did you get involved in the cost? Besides, the scientific research and technology department should not be in charge of the cost calculation?" Li Luo interrupted Jiang Shangyun.

"Why don't you want to manage scientific research and technology? Can they figure out the financial regulations without the technology? As for the leadership organization, I don't think it is necessary to take it too seriously. Now many things are formalistic. What's the use of setting up a leadership group at every turn? Anyway? It’s our group of people. Mr. Tao is always necessary, I think Mr. Tao must have deeper considerations than us... There is no need to appoint a specific leader, right?"

Mr. Jiang, a good old man, has also learned how to shoot?Lu Qi was not used to it.

"Well. Mr. Zhou, Secretary Chang, you two should talk too."

Zhou Bing agreed with Ma Guangming.Chang Wenhai agreed with Li Luo's opinion.

Lu Qi wondered about the attitude of the leaders.I found that people are indeed deeper than I thought.No wonder Tao Tang wanted to bring up this issue that in her opinion did not even need to be studied seriously.It turned out that this candidate had a deep meaning.What exactly it is, she hasn't figured it out yet.However, Li Luo, Jiang Shangyun, and Chang Wenhai clearly opposed Ma Guangming, and they definitely did not say it casually.

"In the end, it's you, Ma, what can you tell me?"

"President Tao, I am willing to assist you in handling this matter." Ma Guangming replied simply.

"Okay, let me talk about my opinion. I agree with Mr. Han's opinion. Comrade Ma Guangming will assist me in relocation. Just now Mr. Jiang criticized our leadership team flying all over the sky, which is formalism. This criticism is correct. But this time Different from the past, it is necessary to determine a leader to be in charge of and grasp it. Why not me? Because once the project starts, I cannot be separated! It is impossible for me to devote all my energy to the relocation. There are many more... That's it! Set up a leading group, I will be the team leader, and Comrade Ma Guangming will be the executive deputy team leader. The company leaders and the department heads present are all members. After the meeting, the general manager's office will draft a file."

Ma Guangming's heart fell in his stomach.Immediately afterwards, he felt intense anxiety again, was it because of Jiang Shangyun's and Chang Wenhai's opposition?It does not seem.What it was, he couldn't tell right away.It seems that he still needs to ask Han Zhiyong for advice.

"Mr. Ma, after the meeting, you should quickly enter the role. Zeng Guofan said, 'Finding a replacement is the first priority when doing major things'. I think you need to find a replacement first. I'm afraid you can't take care of daily production and relocation. Secondly. , we need to set up an office to focus on the organization and coordination of the relocation. Is it better to rely on the existing organization for this organization, or to set up a new one, you think about it, and come up with opinions as soon as possible and study it." Tao Tang looked at the contemplative Ma Guangming, "The issue of product layout that I just talked about is left to you. As soon as possible! I will give you a week to organize, decide which leader you need, and which department to participate in. For relevant meetings, as long as I am here, and I will participate."


"Secondly, we will use the months of this winter and next spring to produce at full capacity, and strive to minimize the impact on the market. The marketing department must carefully study and make a list. The market is indeed changing, but we still need to make a Instructive things, otherwise we will not be able to put into production. This is the first priority. Mr. Li, this matter is up to you."

"All right……"

"The agreement has been signed, and the scheduling of production in advance involves financial issues. It is almost the end of the year, and there will be a lot of places to spend money. The funds can only be obtained from the city. This matter is led by Mr. Han. I will give you an assistant, Lu Qi. There is a relationship that needs to be used. Lu Qi’s younger brother, Comrade Lu Wei, is the secretary of the Municipal Party Committee Secretary Lu. Secretary Lu personally takes care of the construction of the new city. In general, you organize the relevant departments to calculate an amount first, and at least get back the material costs that must be invested in advance. This amount should not be less than 2 million! The agreement did not specify the time when the funds will be in place, but it was mentioned during the meeting. The market Will support it."

"Okay..." Han Zhiyong glanced at Lu Qi.

"Of course the funds are managed in a special account. The financial funds are not easy to spend, and the audit will follow. Mr. Han, you have to take this matter into consideration."

"Understood." Han Zhiyong nodded.

"I just talked about the source of funds. There may not be that much money in the city. We have to deal with old friends. Donghu Real Estate will lead the development of the new city. However, we cannot hand over all the projects. The reason why we called the Ministry of Infrastructure and Construction today Jianan Company came here to share a piece of the cake. In addition, the idle personnel caused by the suspension of production will fall here. Mr. Qiu, this matter is entrusted to you. You are in charge of personnel, infrastructure and Jianan Company are also in charge of you. Do the best you can with this article."

"Yes." Qiu Lin replied.

"In the end, it's about stability and publicity. This is the responsibility of the secretary. Let's ask the secretary to arrange it." Tao Tang returned the right to host the meeting to Zhao Qingmin.

"Regarding stability and publicity, I don't think we should study it at this meeting. Let's come down and make specific arrangements."

"That's fine." Tao Tang nodded, "In short, we must explain the matter clearly to the family members of the employees, and obtain the understanding and support of the family members of the employees to the greatest extent. Comrades, I won't talk about the significance of this work, but I will Let me just say a few words. This is a job where only success is allowed and no failure is allowed. We have no time to make mistakes. Take a good look at the company's organizational structure. Now the proportion of management and auxiliary personnel is too high, the organization is too bloated, and the number of middle-level positions is too high. This time, Mr. Qi led a team assessment. I talked to Mr. Qi about the company's organization and personnel Streamlining, he agrees in principle, the group also has a plan in this regard, and may list our company as a pilot. Whether it is okay or not, we will not know until the group studies it. But it is beneficial to list it as a pilot. Reform has a law, go first There will always be more benefits. In addition to institutions and personnel, salary reform should also be raised on the agenda. Single-handed advances in personnel and institutions often fail, and it must be considered comprehensively. This is a big article that involves thousands of households We must be cautious about our vital interests, but we cannot procrastinate. I will blow the air here first, and the members of the team, as well as the political research office, the development and regulation department, the human resources department and other departments, will start to study this matter. It will take a month to come up with a plan. .Let’s leave this matter to Mr. Qiu. Other leaders should also consider it, but don’t let it go down for now. Well, if there is no opinion, today’s meeting will end here, Mr. Ma will stay for a while, and the meeting will be adjourned.”

The leaders present at the meeting did not expect Tao Tang to raise such a big topic.Reminiscent of Zhao Qingmin and Tao Tang's speeches on the group inspection at the beginning of the meeting, they all knew that Tao Tang was going to attack the middle management.

(End of this chapter)

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