Revival Road

Chapter 215 Division of Labor 1

Chapter 215 Division One
Ma Guangming pushed open the door of Han Zhiyong's office and locked it behind his back.

"What made it so mysterious?" Han Zhiyong's eyes were dazzled, he put down the report in his hand, and took off his glasses.

It is said that South Korea and horses are one, but in fact, the two of them don't have much face-to-face communication.More of a phone call.

"Just talked to me... He asked me to help him with the relocation. He put up a name and left the specific affairs to me..." Ma Guangming sat opposite Han Zhiyong, grabbed the hard box of Zhonghua on the table and took out a The fulcrum is on, "Does it feel good to you?"

"It seems that he chose Jiang Yansheng to pick you up now...Old Ma, didn't he say anything about the next arrangement for you?"

"No. I think the same as you. In fact, I want to change jobs. If you let me take over as the chief economist, I am willing."

"You can't do it if you don't want to... Didn't you think about Mr. Qin's closing statement yesterday? His roots are too strong. Of course he is good in management, but I suspect he has another candidate."

Yesterday Qin Haitao talked about the basic situation of this investigation at the team meeting, and fully affirmed Red Star Company. Of course, he also pointed out some problems in terms of work style construction and cadre management, but the participants were all good people. Heard the above conclusion.Li Yaodong, the head of the discipline inspection team of the group, praised Red Star Company for its achievements in strengthening system construction, using systems to manage power and people, and praised Tao Tang's role model by name.

In his final speech, Qi Jianmin not only affirmed the completion of Red Star Company's indicators so far, but also put forward requirements for the next work, especially the relocation and the use of relocation to realize the adjustment of industrial product structure, and praised Red Star Company for its work in Pingquan New City A proactive approach to building opportunities as they arise.Everyone knows that the credit for receiving 8.45 million financial subsidies should be attributed to Tao Tang.The speeches of the three leaders of the group set the tone, at least showing that the group was satisfied with Tao Tang's work.

"Who? Liu Shulin?" Ma Guangming would rather let his old subordinate Jiang Yansheng take over than let a general from the opponent's camp emerge.

"Sheng Guangyun. That guy did a good job in Anhong." Han Zhiyong named a candidate that Ma Guangming did not expect.

"Improbable..." Ma Guangming expressed doubts, "Send Guangyun directly to pick up the chief economist? Impossible."

"According to common sense, it is impossible. But he does value Sheng Guangyun very much. You are not as clear as I am. In this regard, you still don't study much. From ancient times to the present, from big to small, what a qualified leader is best at is balance. He It is unlikely to break the current pattern of Red Star."

Ma Guangming understood Han Zhiyong's words. One of the most important features of Red Star's power structure is the long-term feud between Li Luo and Han Ma. Elevating Jiang Yansheng to the team will undoubtedly break this pattern.

"Sheng Guangyun is just a pen, what kind of business does he know?" Ma Guangming questioned.

"You can't underestimate people. No one is born knowing it. However, I don't think he will offend you. If Jiang Yansheng comes up to pick you up, he will always give you a decent seat." Han Zhiyong looked at the other party, "I I think he still cares about you."

"I think so too. Lao Han, in fact, I admire him quite a lot. For nothing else, I just want to show that he is a decent man and pretends to be a factory in his heart. Just like this relocation, if it weren't for him, I wouldn't have gotten 8.5 million back from the city. .At least he is wholeheartedly for the factory... I know you have a lump in your heart, it’s nothing if you think about it carefully. Think about it carefully, you have the final say when you are serving Song Yue, right? The monthly budget is basically not yours? You also said just now Well, he has roots in the top, so he won't stay to the end! Comparing the members of the team, you have the most advantage. I don't think Li Luo can make it, let's say three years, and he will pass the line after three years , and you can do it one more time."

"Forget it. There has never been a general manager who will take over as the general manager. If I hadn't worked hard, the capital chain would have been broken long ago! I offended ICBC because of the problem of opening an account. Gu Meijun is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Forget it, you don't know about it. Mr. Ma, I basically admit what you said, this time I made a lot of money for the factory, at least this year's Chinese New Year will not worry about funds."

"He will have a meeting for half a day to study and confirm the list of working groups to report. Tell me, should I do it?"

"Do it, why not? I think this is an opportunity for you. You should seize it."

Han Zhiyong first received the notice of the general manager's office meeting, and then Ma Guangming's cell phone rang.Han Zhiyong said to Ma Guangming, "Let's have a meeting first, and I can say a few words for you."

Ma Guangming returned to his office, thought for a few minutes, and called Jiang Yansheng.

"Yansheng, sit down. Mr. Tao talked to me about something just now. He hoped that I would assist him in the relocation work... This is a long job, 20 months or longer... I may not care about the daily production management Come on, I recommend you, do you understand?"

Of course Jiang Yansheng understood what Ma Guangming was talking about.People who get into Jiang Yansheng's position will not have their own news channels, and when Yang Wenhuan collapses, Jiang Yansheng will make preparations.The production and operation of Red Star has "improved by leaps and bounds" within half a year, thanks to the contributions of Li Luo and Liu Shulin, as well as the efforts of Jiang Yansheng.

"President Ma, I've been with you for many years, so I won't say thank you. Aren't you still in charge of production? Don't worry, what happened in the past will be the same in the future. I won't embarrass you."

"No, it's not the same. The relocation is more than just moving a few branches, it will definitely change the current management system. Although I have done research before, I think that the vehicle parts should be moved there! From the perspective of market, cost and management, we should Do it like this... If it is decided, I may not be able to take care of the daily production management. There will be a meeting soon, and I will probably let you attend, so you must be prepared to make a speech!"

"This..." Jiang Yansheng pondered, "Am I overstepping a bit?"

"Override what?! You have the most right to speak about production issues! If you don't talk about when you will wait at this time? You should stand taller! Yansheng, you are already almost 45? If you don't argue at this time, when will you wait?!"

This is not an indisputable issue.Leaping over the middle level is actually determined by comprehensive factors. Education, qualifications, and ability are all indispensable. The most important thing is someone to support you.Jiang Yansheng, who has worked in the middle-level position of Red Star for 16 years, of course knows that even if he has the "three powers (calendar)", it is useless without a recommendation from a top leader.Conversely, even if the "Three Forces (Calendar)" is worse, such as Liu Xiuyun, they can still go up.Jiang Yansheng, who thinks he has read the scriptures, is very eager for the change of the Red Star. He joined the factory for one year, and later obtained a master's degree from the Party School through self-study. He was promoted to a middle-level job at the age of 28, which is early enough, which shows that he is excellent.From the chief of the quality department, the deputy director, the deputy director of the branch, the factory director, the director of the production management department to the assistant to the general manager, there is no problem in terms of qualifications.The last thing is ability, but the most powerful evaluation of a cadre's ability is not the masses (Jiang Yansheng himself believes that the masses recognize him), but the leaders, especially the top leaders of the company.But he and Song Yue couldn't get along. To be precise, Song Yue didn't like him very much. Although Song Yue gave him his assistant to the general manager, he thought it was because of Liu Shulin's favor.When Song Yue fought Li Luo back then, she wanted to win over Liu Shulin to completely subdue Li Luo, but for the sake of balance, it was not good to mention only Liu Shulin, so he got the favor.The production department is at the same level as the marketing department, and there is no problem in promoting the director of the production department to the assistant to the general manager.

However, Song Yue's "devotion" did not get what he deserved, Liu Shulin was still "loyal" to Li Luo, and Jiang Yansheng was not very grateful, because he believed that he was more of a foil for the main leadership power struggle.This example is very typical, and it is a typical case of the failure of the top leader.From this, Jiang Yansheng came to the conclusion that if he is not reliable, it will be difficult to establish party members.Li Luo loves to play with power, but Li Luo has one advantage that Song Yue doesn't have, that is honesty.That's why Liu Shulin was able to ignore the leader's gestures and not "betray" Li Luo.


As soon as I got to work in the afternoon, Red Star Company held an enlarged general manager office meeting.In addition to company leaders, employee directors, general manager assistants, deputy chief engineers, and regulatory, finance, production, human resources, political research office, supervision work department (disciplinary committee), power company, infrastructure department, mobile department, publicity department, and trade unions The chief executive officer attended the meeting.

The meeting was presided over by Zhao Qingmin, "Comrades, today's meeting will report two matters and study one matter. The general manager's office will make a summary. The first thing is that the group's routine inspection of our company has ended. The specifications are relatively high, and three group leaders came here, which is enough to prove the importance they attach to Red Star. After the inspection, the three leaders spoke at the team meeting, and I will briefly convey it here. Regarding the problems pointed out by the inspection team, we It will be researched and implemented one by one and reported to the group within the specified time. This work will be led by me, assisted by Chairman Guo, and specific arrangements will be made, and then relevant meetings will be organized or written notices will be issued by the party committee or the board of supervisors. With the principle of attaching great importance to the principle of high responsibility, the rectification will be completed carefully. This work will be included in the key tasks of each unit this year, and the supervision work department will conduct inspection and assessment. The assessment results will be linked to the performance salary of relevant company leaders and middle-level leaders of responsible units... OK , due to time constraints, I will not talk about specific things, but I still want to take this opportunity to say a few words, as the secretary of the party committee!"

This kind of meeting is not to study party affairs, and Zhao Qingmin's presidency has already made some more sensitive leaders daydream.And Zhao Qingmin's next speech is even rarer.

"Every inspection is a good opportunity for the scum to emerge. I have no right to deprive some cadres and workers of the supervision of the company's leaders, especially the main leaders, and report to the group the problems existing in the company's thinking, work, and style. Due rights. No one has the right to deprive them. But it is wrong to fabricate things out of thin air and wanton fabrications. If such fabrications come from the two-level team, it is even more abhorrent! Comrades, Red Star has been very unstable in the past two years. First of all, it is the management situation Severe decline. At the beginning of the year, we predicted that the annual revenue would be no more than 80 billion yuan, which was almost the lowest point in ten years! There was even a phenomenon of wage arrears. Secondly, corruption problems occurred in the team continuously, and a leader and two vice presidents were killed. Manager. Violations of discipline and law are one's own fault, but the team is responsible, and I, the secretary, are even more responsible! Fortunately, Comrade Tao Tang has come. In the past six months, everyone has seen the changes in Red Star. First of all, the business situation has bucked the trend. Yes, it is a foregone conclusion that our main business income will exceed [-] billion this year. Although there is still a gap from the targets issued by the group, most of the other kpI indicators except revenue indicators are expected to be completed. This achievement has been fully affirmed by the leaders of the group, although The achievement is the result of the hard work of all employees in the factory, but I still want to say that without the efforts of Comrade Tao Tang, we would not be able to hand over this report card. Secondly, the company has achieved great victories on the **** front, This is fully recognized by the employees. In terms of business entertainment expenses, it has dropped by more than half year-on-year! Some rules that have not been established for many years have been established, and the two-level leadership, especially the middle-level leadership, has revered. I think Comrade Tao Tang should also be credited with this credit! Don’t look at me like that, I just think so, and Chairman Guo’s view is exactly the same as mine. However, there are still people who falsely accuse Comrade Tao Tang out of nothing and report to the inspection team It reflects a lot of problems that do not exist at all. What does this mean? Is it because Mr. Tao has restricted him from enjoying the dividends of corruption? Tao always disagrees with what I said, but I think it is better to talk about it. At least it is beneficial to talk about it within our scope. While the party committee takes the lead in seriously rectifying the problems existing in the two-level leadership, it should also take the lead in solving the problems of some cadres. This is what I want to talk about today. Okay, the second thing It is the relocation issue that everyone is concerned about. The general manager of the group, Qi Jianmin, led the negotiation with the Hiraizumi City Government, and the agreement has been formally signed. The specific situation and the next work arrangement will be discussed by Mr. Tao.”

(End of this chapter)

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