Revival Road

Chapter 229 Housework

Chapter 229 Housework
After Tao Tang's parents returned to Pingquan from Binjiang, they lived in the eldest Tao Jin's house for a while, and then moved to the new house Tao Tang bought in Golden Olive, and lived with Tao Youdao and his wife.This matter was arranged by Tao Tang, because the heating in the bungalow area is not very good, and the maximum temperature rarely exceeds 18°
Infrastructure owes too much.When Tao Tang first arrived at Red Star, he conducted a survey on the whole factory, among which the most concentrated one was the heating problem in the family area.For this reason, Tao Tang once heard a report from the property company that if he wanted to completely solve the problem, he needed to invest at least 2000 million yuan (not just adding new boilers, but mainly updating pipelines), so the matter was dropped.Firstly, funds are extremely scarce, and secondly, Tao Tang believes that the requirements for environmental protection are becoming increasingly stringent, and it is not suitable to install traditional hot water boilers. Moreover, the current heating layout of the Red Star family area is seriously unreasonable, and the family area relies on one large and one small two A boiler room (managed by the property company) has the problem of too long pipe network and low thermal efficiency. He proposed a topic for relevant units to study, that is, to reconsider the heating layout under the premise of using natural gas boilers. The plan jointly submitted by the Ministry of Power and Mobility is to build four new boiler rooms in the four corners of the family area. The total cost exceeds 4000 million (including new pipelines), and the construction period is long and involves demolition.Tao Tang suppressed this plan and only approved 280 million yuan to repair the severely damaged original pipe network, resulting in many problems with heating in winter.

Now that there is an opportunity and the relocation of the production area, this issue has been put on the agenda again. This is also one of the motivations for Tao Tang to insist on asking the city for compensation funds. To build a natural gas boiler room in the southeast, Tao Tang told the political research office responsible for drafting the annual work report that this point can be written into the report and formally make a promise to the employees.

His parents moved to Golden Olive, and Tao Tang didn't visit much, just making occasional phone calls.On Sunday, Tao Tang spared no time and took a taxi to Golden Olive to visit his parents. He found that besides Tao Youdao and his wife, Wu Shian and Tao Meiling's family were also there, and they also came to visit the elderly.

Wu Shi'an said to Tao Tang, "If I knew you were coming, I would pick you up. Did you come by taxi? Second brother, I'm not talking about you, you are too self-disciplined, you don't need a special car..."

Tao Tang ignored the topic, and said to his nephew, who looked a little restless, "Go and buy a bigger grass carp. I will cook at noon and make a boiled fish. I will let you learn my skills."

Tao Youdao agreed, and hurriedly put on his clothes and prepared to go to the vegetable market. Wu Shi'an said, "Forget it, I'll go. I'm afraid you are not very good at buying."

"Then I'll go with you..." Tao Youdao said.

"In this case, you don't have to go." Tao Tang said coldly to his nephew, "I want to talk to you later." After that, he got up and went to his parents' bedroom, and Tao Meiling came in after him.

Youdao and his wife are not bad, they gave up the master bedroom with bathroom for grandparents to use.When Tao Tang came in, the old couple were watching TV, and their ears were deaf because they were old. Tao Tang came to the house and talked with Wu Shian and Tao Youdao in the living room, but they didn't hear them.

"Ah, it's the second child... why come here when you have time?" The old man picked up the remote control and turned down the volume of the TV, and the old lady simply grabbed the remote control and turned off the TV.

"I'm free today, so I'll come over to see is it? Are you used to it here?" Tao Tang sat beside his mother, "The heating here is really good, much better than in the factory..."

"Have it, get used to it!" the old lady said with a smile, "Xiaojuan treats us well, and cooks for us in different ways every night, how can we eat? You have to tell them..."

The young couple didn't go back to Golden Olive at noon after their wedding, either at Tao Jin's place, or at Wang's house, but they always ate at the new house in the evening.

"That's good, Xiaojuan is good... You can eat a little if you are light, and you can eat a little greasy one. Dad, I brought you two bottles of good wine. Don't worry, I bought them myself and put them outside... Tao Tang observed his father carefully, and felt that the old man seemed to be a little fatter.

Tao Meiling poured her second brother a glass of water from her mother's cup, and said to herself, how dare she treat the old man badly?Are you entitled to treat the elderly badly?But she dared not speak out what was in her heart.

"I'm not worried about you... well, since you're here, I'll tell you... a few days ago, you had someone dismantle Youdao's garage, well, I know you're in trouble, but that matter No wonder Youdao, it was your brother who made it, so don’t mention him. The young couple mentioned this more than once in the past few days, and they are a little afraid of you. "

"Why are you afraid of me? This matter is over...Dad, it's still you who understand the righteousness." Tao Tang said with a smile.

"What kind of sense of righteousness, bullshit! If it wasn't for fear of affecting you, I would still say you... We have you in our family, which is considered promising, but what you should care about, you still have to care about the next family members, especially those who have Dao! Anyway, I am just such a grandson at present!"

Tao Meiling answered immediately, "Dad, you are patriarchal! Aren't Xiaowei and Xiaohe your grandsons?"

"Xiao He is, but she is a girl, and she will go out in the future! Xiaowei is a grandson, not a grandson. Don't tell me those big truths. I'm almost eighty, and I can't change it. Lah. Don’t roll your eyes either, Xiao Wei is going to college, I will try to live until Xiao Wei goes to college, we will pay the tuition fees, but you can only support the old Tao’s family!" The old man immediately fought back.

"You are biased! You let the second brother care about Youdao, I have no objection, why don't you let the second brother care about Shi'an in the future? Dad, let me be fair, who is more filial to you than Shi'an?"

Tao Tang glanced at his sister, but said nothing.

"Shi'an is good. I didn't say that my son-in-law is bad. Your eldest brother is like that. He will retire soon and will be a grandfather soon. I don't bother to care about it. Can Shi'an compare with Youdao? What do you have to say? , Tell your second brother directly!"

"Then let me tell you, second brother, the factory is clamoring for a change of the team. Shi'an has always been the backup reported by the third branch factory. Recently, you asked the organization department to report to the middle-level backup. Director Chen still reported Shi'an, and still Talked to Shi'an once, he said he told Mr. Ma, and Mr. Ma agreed. Shi'an is over forty, and the chances are running out, second brother, you must help this!"

Tao Tang coughed and picked up the cup to drink water.

"Second brother, Shi'an and I both know what kind of person you are. Shi'an didn't let me say these things, but I think I should say them anyway. Except for those who were transferred from outside the factory director in the past, who didn't promote their own family members? You Can I ask, is Shi'an qualified? Second brother, you don't want me to do purchasing business. I'll listen to you, but you must take care of Shi'an's affairs. I know that as long as you don't object, Shi'an's affairs will be settled ..."

Seeing that Tao Tang was silent, the old lady smoothed things over and said, "Meiling, don't worry, why does your second brother ignore Shi'an's affairs? You have told me about your second brother's embarrassment more than once, just say what you say, your second brother Brother knows."

"Mom, you don't know. There are rumors in the factory that the second brother will go back to work in the city, because it's a gossip, and I didn't tell anyone. If it's true, who will take care of Shi'an once the second brother leaves? Second brother, Don't be angry, everyone has to live, right?"

Tao Tang laughed, "Why am I angry? At home, you can say whatever you want. It's fine not to spread rumors..."

The old couple stuttered, "What? You want to work in the city? Is it true?"

"It's fake!" Tao Tang said with a smile, "I don't even know about it, thanks to them they can make it up. Don't believe me, I'm a cadre of a state-owned enterprise, how can I work for the government? Don't believe it."

"Where there is no wind, there are no waves..." The old man stared at his son, "Your boy has been the master who can keep things in his heart since he was a child... Well, that Secretary Lu is your friend. I went to Binjiang to see you and brought me Maotai. Is it him? If it's true, you can't hide it from your family!"

"Why should I hide it from my family? The organization is mobilizing cadres, how can there be a lot of noise everywhere? When I came to Red Star from Binjiang, wasn't it so sudden? I didn't even know it. I moved as soon as I said it... This matter It’s just nonsense, probably someone in the factory expects me to leave.”

"That's true." Father Tao nodded. Tao Tang's transfer to Hiraizumi was really sudden. The old man remembered it clearly, but he said, "You can't control what the people in the factory say, and I can't control it. But There are indeed many people who say that you have done a good job. As a factory manager, how can you not offend others? Just follow your own path. As for Shi'an and Youdao, you really have to help, there is no way, how many do you have? loved ones?"

Tao Tang had a headache.I really want to stay with my family quietly for a while, but the atmosphere is always spoiled for various reasons. There are many kinds of truths, ranging from big to small, and from distant and close. The real truth that can be universally applicable is really hard to find. Not to mention a few, as far as Tao Tang is concerned, the truth he pursues is the truth that Confucius said, "Do not do to others what you do not want yourself to do to yourself", but it is also difficult to implement.After thinking about it, he said to his sister, "Call the Youdao couple in."

Tao Youdao and Wang Xiaojuan came in and stood at the door like suspects awaiting trial.

"Sit down, this is at home, not in the factory." Tao Tang said gently to the young couple, "Let's talk about two things with you, this opportunity is rare. The first is to take care of grandparents." I heard from them that you have done a good job. You have done your filial piety for me and the three of us. Son, "I have something to do with Xiaojuan, so let's talk to you. Regarding the garage, whether it is your idea or not, I will criticize you. Why criticize you? Because you have no brains. I won't tell you the truth If you can’t figure it out, I won’t work for you. Remember, I’ll tell you this sentence again at the end. As long as I work in the factory, you can only do things according to the factory’s rules. You can’t compare with others. The reason is very simple, you are my nephew. Don’t be wronged. You have more advantages. What can you be wronged? It’s like the organization department asks the grassroots to recommend according to the procedure The middle-level backup, you are included in the list reported by the No. [-] Branch Factory, think about it, with your length of service, your position, and your contribution, is it possible without me?"

Tao Youdao said nothing.

"Hey, I'm asking you something, why don't you say anything?"

Wang Xiaojuan poked Tao Youdao, and Tao Youdao said in a low voice, "Maybe not qualified..."

"What's possible? It's definitely not qualified!" Tao Tang said with a smile, "There is a way, people have self-knowledge, and those who can truly understand themselves are difficult even if they are not developed. So, this time, don't even think about it. Far. It’s right to want to make progress, but you have to step out step by step. I’ll change your position, but I won’t promote you now. Moreover, it doesn’t count if I say this alone. If your grandfather just now Don't talk about this matter, I didn't plan to tell you these things, or what I said just now, I can figure it out, but I can't help it if I don't."

"Second uncle, I can figure it out." Tao Youdao replied sullenly.

"You have to really figure it out. Let me teach you a way. When the answer is revealed, you can compare with the newly promoted comrades one by one, calmly, and compare with relatives and friends behind the scenes, so that you can feel at ease in your heart." It's gone..." Hearing the sound of the anti-theft door, "ah, Shi'an is back, that's it, I'm going to cook, and I'll be the chef at noon today." After finishing speaking, he got up and went out.

(End of this chapter)

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