Revival Road

Chapter 230 Organization and Personnel 1

Chapter 230 Organization and Personnel I
In the last few days before the New Year's Day in 2014, the employees of the Red Star Factory were most concerned about the adjustment of the central stem.

It is customary for Red Star Factory to adjust a group of cadres around New Year's Day every year. Because of the change of the big boss and the company's recent series of actions, this habitual work has been pushed to a new platform.

Of course the focus is on Tao Tang.Chen Yan, who replaced Li Zhibin as Tao Tang's secretary temporarily, found that Tao Tang did not leave the workshop every morning as Li Zhibin said, but basically stayed in the office, looking for people to talk to, and meeting with some company leaders. Of course, it was Chen Yan who informed me, but the company leader called me personally, because when leaders such as Qiu Lin, Ma Guangming, Han Zhiyong came in, they would all use different tones and methods to deliver the same message to Chen Yan—President Tao called me Come.

Chen Yan realized that Tao Tang's actions were a precursor to the adjustment of the cadre team.So, Chen Yan imitated the practice of the secretary in an official novel recommended by Li Zhibin to her, and began to "secretly" register the people who were summoned and the time when they entered Tao Tang's office.Every night, she would "report" the findings of the day to Li Zhibin, and listen to Li Zhibin's analysis.

That night, Chen Yan said straight away, "President Tao summoned a person this afternoon and talked for three hours. I blocked several groups of middle-level officials who asked for instructions, because President Tao said that if he didn't show up Burn the house, don't disturb him..."

"It's Director Lu, right?"

"Huh? How do you know?"

"It must be an organizational issue. The Department of Regulations is in charge of the organization and responsibilities. I saw two organizational charts when I cleaned Mr. Tao's desk a few days ago. It must have been reported by Director Lu..."


"Yes, the organization. Mr. Tao's operation is not small, he may start with the organization. Because he called a team meeting a week ago, asked the leaders for opinions and suggestions on organization adjustment, and asked them to consider it in conjunction with the relocation... "

"how do you know?"

"How fresh. I'm in charge of keeping the records."

"Then, according to what you said, Director Lu is reporting the final plan today?"

"It's possible. The temple must be built before the abbot is appointed, right? Well, apart from Director Lu, President Tao didn't summon anyone else today?"

"I found it. In the morning, it was Yan Xiaodong, Zhang Yu, and Gao Xiaobo. Among them, Vice President Yan talked for about 10 minutes, and the other two talked for about 10 minutes. In the afternoon, when I got off work, I found Zhu Yu from the 6th branch factory. We talked for about 10 minutes... Oh, I forgot one person, Director Peng of the Organization Department, he went in the morning and in the afternoon to deliver materials, because the materials he brought were left behind and left empty-handed..."

"Anyone who is interviewed will have a part in this adjustment..." Li Zhibin murmured, "You must especially respect Director Lu, she is truly trusted by President Tao..."

"You also believe those rumors? Mr. Tao is decent in his bones, he is definitely not Song Yue!" Chen Yan said, "I also heard that Mr. Tao went to visit Xu Deyu, do you believe he will fall in love with Xu Deyu? I really hate this smelly problem in the factory!"

"I don't believe it. But the relationship between Director Lu and Mr. Tao is absolutely extraordinary, there is nothing wrong with that. I guess Director Lu will be promoted this time..."

When Li Zhibin and Chen Yan were talking about the Red Star officialdom, Lu Qi and Fan Yongcheng were also talking about similar topics.But the couple were discussing institutions, not personnel.Indeed, Lu Qi stayed in Tao Tang's office for a long time in the afternoon. Neither of them seemed to notice the passage of time. Stopping the topic, he drove Lu Qi out.

But Lu Qi will not tell Fan Yongcheng that apart from organizational adjustments, she and Mr. Tao have more and more in-depth discussions.

Lu Qi was worried about Fan Yongcheng's mouth.

"Look, I guessed it right?" After hearing his wife's "report", Fan Yongcheng was elated, but then he became worried, because the Political Research Office was destined to be abolished and merged into the General Manager's Office. He took a post in the general manager's office, which was something he didn't want.

"It's just a blind cat meeting a dead mouse, what's there to be proud of?" Lu Qi stabbed at her husband.But she still had some admiration for Lao Fan in her heart, because he correctly guessed Mr. Tao's thinking on organizational adjustment.

Three weeks ago, shortly after the group inspection team left the factory, Mr. Tao assigned Lu Qi a task-to draw up a plan for the organizational reform of Red Star Company.

This is a huge topic. Even if Lu Qidang asked Mr. Tao for his specific ideas on organizational adjustments, Mr. Tao did not say, "The Development and Regulation Department is in charge of organizational setup and function allocation. You should have your own opinions. You should first Think about it, but keep it absolutely confidential, and if you let the wind leak, I only ask you."

Of course, Lu Qi couldn't do this kind of plan alone.There are three departments in the Department of Regulations, and the organization and responsibilities are in the business management department. Lu Qi handed over the task given by Tao Tang to the chief of the department, Shi Hongjuan, and told her not to tell other comrades, and we will finish this matter.

Xiao Shi asked what the chairman's intention was, and Lu Qi said that he didn't say anything, but let us come up with a plan.Xiao Shi was in a dilemma, "This is difficult, how could Boss Tao not tell you of his intentions? We are not his independent roundworms."

Lu Qi said, "I think the overall intention must be to streamline the organization, and it will not increase the number of organizations, right? Let's start with the responsibilities first, and see if there is any overlap in the business of each department and branch factory? Find out this first. , and then consider mergers. In addition, the company is facing relocation, and this factor must also be taken into consideration.”

Shi Hongjuan completely agreed with Lu Qi's opinion.So, the two worked overtime for several nights in a row (since it must be kept absolutely confidential, it is not easy to discuss it openly), and came up with the first draft (with text explanation), and Lu Qi reported it to Tao Tang.But Tao Tang threw the plan back to Lu Qi the next day, with two words approved on it: Conservative!

That said he will have a big stride.Lu Qi studied with Shi Hongjuan again, and further reduced the organization on the basis of the first draft, reducing the current 32 management departments to 26, and streamlining 6 of them, including the political research office directly managed by Tao Tang and Fan Yongcheng. manuscript added.Shi Hongjuan also joked that now your backyard is going to catch fire.While reducing the management department, Lu Qi also reduced two branch factories in consideration of the relocation to the development zone next year.

The second draft was put on hold.Tao Tang neither said yes nor no.He didn't even talk to Lu Qi about the organization until this afternoon, when Tao Tang called Lu Qi to recruit him.

"Let's talk about the organization first... First of all, let me ask you, do you know why I don't talk to you about my vision?"

Lu Qi is one of the few people who can communicate with Tao Tang casually, "Are you evaluating me?"

"Yes! It's evaluating you. I always think that excellent cadres always think at a higher level. If an ordinary employee can think about work at the height of the middle level, then he has a better chance of entering the middle level." It’s too big. Similarly, as the leader of the main management department, of course you have to consider the issue from my standpoint. Let’s talk about the results. The plan you proposed is basically feasible. During this period, I exchanged opinions with Secretary Zhao and others several times. A consensus has basically been reached. Several special meetings will be held during the New Year’s Day holiday. One of them is the adjustment of research institutions. Not enough. I think the current production system should be changed, and an organization similar to a business department should be established. I have written all the specific opinions on it, and you can take it back and modify the plan accordingly. At the meeting, you will explain the plan.” Tao Tang Pointing to the folder that Lu Qi submitted.

"Okay, I'll go back and finish it right now." Lu Qi reached out to get the folder, but was blocked by Tao Tang, "Don't worry, I haven't finished yet. What are you in a hurry? I have time, so don't you accompany me?" My time?"

"Aren't I afraid of delaying the leadership's work?"

"The main job of the main leaders of state-owned enterprises is to think about the company's development, especially the development of the next five to ten years, rather than being busy solving specific problems...but I can't do it because I am not a qualified leader... ... Lu Qi, do you think you have what it takes to be promoted? For example, to be a deputy chief engineer or an assistant."

Lu Qi's heart skipped a beat.It’s not that she hasn’t considered getting promoted. She has been tortured by that desire since she was promoted to the director of the Development and Regulations Department. Almost all Red Star’s previous directors of the Development and Regulations Department were deputy chief economists or assistants to the general manager. There are real benefits behind it.In terms of salary, the difference is almost [-], and it is impossible for her not to think about it.Fan Yongcheng, as well as her friends and family members have raised the same question. Since Tao Tang can help you to the administrative position, he has the ability to promote you to another step!Why don't you come forward?But she didn't mention it, she understood Tao Tang's difficulties, and she was even more embarrassed to ask for an official!The appointment of a woman as the director of the development and regulation department has created the history of Red Star, and she also knows that gossip with Tao Tang is circulating in the factory, so how can she add trouble to him?But now that Tao Tang proposed it, of course her heart beat faster, but she calmed down immediately, "I don't think I'm qualified enough."

"Oh?" Tao Tang became interested, "Why?"

"Well," Lu Qi calmed down completely, "First of all, qualifications. The deputy chief teacher or the chief assistant are all senior administrative positions, and I have been in the position for less than half a year. Secondly, it is not suitable for you and me. "

"What you said makes sense. Qualifications do exist, but a deputy chief engineer or assistant is not based on qualifications, but on ability and needs. The reason for setting up this position between the deputy general manager and the middle-level principal is mainly It is for the convenience of coordination. The ancients said that the position is to grant ability, and honor is rewarded for merit. The establishment of a deputy chief engineer in an enterprise is definitely not for reward. I have paid attention to your work in the past few months, especially the one proposed in the organization adjustment plan. The cancellation of the political research office is enough to show your ability. I think it is still qualified to be a deputy chief engineer. As for gossip, you don't have to care about it, and I don't care. If you are afraid of gossip, then don't do anything... "

"I advise you to be more cautious." Lu Qi said sincerely, "Now the members of the team will not raise objections, but it does not mean that they agree in their hearts. I will try my best to do my job well whether I am the deputy chief teacher or not."

"because I?"

"No. It doesn't matter who's sitting in your chair."

"Okay! I'm going to learn this from you..."

"Not so sarcastic."

"It's true. If you really do it, it's pretty amazing. But I guess you're bragging. Well, let's not talk about that, and now I will ask you a new question, which is actually a few questions, as a development The planning department, whose function is mainly to study the company's development direction, is an institution with a macro-management nature. Then the question arises. As the head of the development and planning department, what do you think are the main development obstacles that Red Star faces? No, don't Hurry up to answer, it’s best to give me your consideration in writing, let’s do it in a week, hand in the paper next week, it’s about the same?”

"Okay. However, I am not as tall as you. If I fail the answer sheet, I hope you will not deduct my salary."

"Haha, I agree."

(End of this chapter)

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