Revival Road

Chapter 231 Organization and Personnel 2

Chapter 231 Organization and Personnel II
On the second day after Tao Tang gave Lu Qi the task of finding the biggest development obstacle of Red Star, he went to the development zone with Zhao Qingmin and Ma Guangming.The area for the red star in the city has already been demarcated, and Ma Guangming has taken the infrastructure, mobile, and Jianan companies to visit several times, but Tao Tang and Zhao Qingmin have not seen it in person, but have only listened to the reports of the relevant units on the map.

The head of the party and government of the management committee of the development zone warmly received the head of the party and government of Hongxing Company, accompanied Tao and Zhao to visit the area assigned to Hongxing that has achieved three links, and introduced the overall situation of the development zone.

Seeing that it was getting late, director Lu of the management committee said, "The three leaders have already arranged a light meal. Shall we eat first?"

Zhao Qingmin looked at Tao Tang, "Isn't it necessary to eat? We also want to visit the steel pipe factory..."

"Mayor Ma called just now. He is attending a meeting and will come over right away. Tell us to entertain the two big leaders well, so don't make things difficult for us..."

The Mayor Ma that Director Lu is talking about is of course the Deputy Mayor Ma Desheng who is in charge of industry in Hiraizumi.

"Why did you disturb Mayor Ma? You see, what happened to this matter... Well, it's up to you, let's bother Secretary Xing and Director Lu." Tao Tang said with a smile, "However, we can It's not a leader, you and Secretary Xing are. From now on, we will be the people under the rule of you two."

"You're not right," Xing Jianzhong, secretary of the Party Working Committee of the Development Zone, said with a smile. "The level of the Red Star is there, of course it is the leader. Please rest assured that we will serve the Red Star well, eat and drink, and let go of all logistics. Leave everything to us."

The atmosphere is quite good.

Ma Guangming thought, since the relationship between Tao Tang and Lu Yaozu was exposed, Red Star has almost been given the green light all the way in Pingquan official circles. The attitude of these two in the development zone is a clear proof. The parts owner, as the deputy general manager of Hongxing tube production, has the deepest emotion.

Lunch was held at the most luxurious four-star Oasis Hotel in the development zone. Before the dinner, Tang Yiwei and Liao Junwei came one after the other, and I don't know who passed the news.Tang Yiwei complained to Tao Tang when he saw it, "Brother Tao, you are not mean enough. You don't say hello when you come to my place. If it wasn't for my friend who tipped me off, I would still be in the dark."

Tang Yiwei's Donghu Machinery is the largest company in the development zone, accounting for one-third of the development zone's territory, but it is qualified to say "my territory".

Tang Yiwei brought two full boxes of Wuliangye, so he replaced the original Hiraizumi special wine (one of the designated wines for Hiraizumi's official banquets).

Deputy Mayor Ma Desheng smiled and said, "Haha, it's good to come here for my brother! Otherwise, there will be no good wine to drink. Secretary Lu is strict with discipline, but drinking Mr. Tang's wine will be fine... Mr. Tao, I listen Having said that, you are huge, and it is rare to meet in the development zone, so you have to let go of your drink."

"It can't be done," Tao Tang said with a smile, "A hero doesn't mention his bravery back then. It's really not possible now."

"Where, Secretary Lu revealed that this is what you are drinking!" Ma Desheng was the host. He stood up and said a few opening remarks, and the banquet started.

After drinking for three rounds, Ma Desheng, who was next to Tao Tang, said, "President Tao, don't worry, the city has held more than one special meeting on the relocation of Red Star, and issued a death order to the development zone. There is only one requirement, that Red Star must be served well." For the relocation company, there is no need to worry about water, electricity, wind, and road traffic. You have also seen that the conditions are basically met. But the design work must be paid close attention to, and we will strive to enter the construction stage as soon as spring begins.”

"Yes, except that the area is a bit tight, everything else is fine. Thank you, Mayor Ma, Secretary Xing and Director Lu. The design of the workshop and related work have already started. As long as the funds are in place, everything will be fine."

"Although I am not in charge of the funds, I know that there will be no delay in appropriation. This is a project that Secretary Lu personally grasped, and Mayor Zheng wouldn't dare to delay it..."

Finance is in charge of executive deputy mayor Zheng Xingmao, who is said to be at odds with Ma Desheng.Ma Desheng's words confirmed this rumor.

"I completely believe it." Tao Tang smiled. "Mayor Ma, actually, Secretary Zhao and I are here just to have a look around. We will also go to the steel pipe branch in the afternoon. Let's not talk about business, shall we?"

"Okay, drink!" Ma Desheng laughed.

"Brother Tao, are you sure you have moved all the vehicle parts parts here?" Tang Yiwei was worried about his business, and Dongdonghu Machinery urgently needed orders. For this reason, he had approached Tao Tang many times, and even asked Tang Yikun to negotiate the project on his behalf, but At first, Red Star planned to move out of the agricultural machinery sector, because the branch factories involved in the relocation belonged to the most agricultural machinery series. After several rounds of argumentation, it was finally decided to move out the vehicle parts sector, which gave Tang Yiwei more hope, because Donghu Enterprises under the machinery are more likely to match with Hongxing vehicle accessories.

"Yes, it's been decided." Tao Tang said, "We are going to set up a branch of vehicle accessories, and the headquarters will be located in the development zone."

"Brother Tao, I'm your younger brother, you have to take care of me this time!"

"Haha, I don't care about the specifics. But strengthening the cooperation with the development zone is not only the requirement of the city, but also the principle we have established. In theory, it is possible. Donghu is the closest partner of Red Star. In addition, vehicle accessories After the establishment of the branch company, it will have greater independent management rights in production, supply and marketing, next step you can talk to the branch company, as long as they agree to support, I will not interfere."

"Okay, as long as your words are enough. Thank you Brother Tao," Tang Yiwei stood up and poured himself a glass of wine. "I'll finish this glass of wine to express my gratitude to Brother Tao."

Zhao Qingmin was ignored.Although he and Tao Tang are equal in theory, their actual status is really different.It can be seen from the attitude of the officials of the Hiraizumi government.He didn't care about this, but he and Tao Tang had disagreements on the organizational and personnel issues that had been repeatedly discussed recently.One of the differences is the establishment of branch companies similar to business units.According to Tao Tang's vision, four branches of vehicle parts, gearboxes, agricultural machinery and mining machinery will be established, which will be operated in an independent accounting manner and will be granted considerable power in the supply and marketing of personnel, property and property.In particular, the reform of sales rights directly touched Li Luo's cake and caused a strong reaction from Li Luo.For the sake of team stability, Zhao Qingmin suggested that Tao Tang proceed step by step, that is, start with the vehicle parts sector that was confirmed to be moved into the development zone, and leave the rest behind. Intense, Ma Guangming and Han Zhiyong supported the establishment of a branch company with relatively independent management rights, but Li Luo, Jiang Shangyun and Qiu Lin opposed it, and no final decision has been made so far.

However, the news of the establishment of the four major branches still leaked out.This is impossible.The team has never been able to maintain absolute secrecy, and there is no way to pursue responsibility for leaking secrets.The reality is like this, the relationship is intertwined, and the previous one mobilized the whole body.The establishment of the four major branches is actually not only an organizational adjustment, but also a change in the design system and mechanism.In particular, the top leaders of the four major branches attracted more attention. Who should be?what level?These are issues worthy of serious study.Zhao Qingmin suggested that Tao Tang should not make a decision yet, it is best to proceed step by step, and to ask the group for instructions.But Tao Tang believed that this was entirely an internal matter of the company, and he did not need to consult his superiors for a decision. He decided to use the New Year's Day holiday to hold a few meetings to basically finalize the organization and personnel.After the news came out, there was a heated discussion below, and everyone talked about it, but Tao Tang couldn't hear it alone.

Fortunately, today Tao Tang only talked about the vehicle branch and nothing else.Zhao Qingmin accompanied Tao Tang to the development zone this time because he wanted to do Tao Tang's ideological work again.In Zhao Qingmin's view, Red Star's initial turnaround of the extremely difficult business situation was hard-won. In addition to the hard work in business, what is more important is that the team has seen an unprecedented unity. to discuss collaboration.Zhao Qingmin believes that Tao Tang is entirely responsible for the emergence of this situation. Although Tao Tang is young, he has the basic qualities of a top leader. There is no ultra vires.Although everyone's job expenses have been reduced a lot, Tao Tang is doing very well in this regard, and everyone can't say anything, especially under the current situation.Therefore, not only has the status of the team been greatly improved, but it has also led to an improvement in the atmosphere at the middle level, which has directly promoted the transformation of the relationship between the cadres and the masses.These are all very gratifying to Zhao Qingmin.Guo Tao told him more than once that now is one of the best times in the history of Red Star, and Mr. Tao has a way to solve our problems based on himself and focusing on the inside.

The biggest unstable factors among the team members are Li Luo and Han Zhiyong, but now Li Luo is very supportive of Tao Tang's work, and Han Zhiyong is not as good as it is, but it is justified.Especially in the second half of the year, Han Zhiyong made great efforts on cost control. On the one hand, he reduced production and management costs, and on the other hand, he reduced financial expenses. The loan scale not only did not increase but decreased by 4000 million.In Zhao Qingmin's view, this is a big achievement.Moreover, Han Zhiyong’s reasons for supporting the establishment of a branch company with independent accounting and self-responsibility for profit and loss are valid. He believes that it will help improve the management level and financial awareness of the grassroots business units, and can further improve the company’s business situation.

But Zhao Qingmin believes that it is not worth the loss to destroy the hard-won unity because of institutional and system reforms. He has the responsibility to persuade Tao Tang not to be too radical, and the resulting new imbalance will not be worth the loss.

As for the reduction of the management department, Zhao Qingmin agreed in principle, such as abolishing the Staff Education Department and merging it into the Human Resources Department, such as abolishing the Political Research Office and merging its operations into the General Manager Office and the Development and Regulations Department, such as abolishing the Infrastructure Department and merging its business into the Mobility Department and Jianan In theory, there is no problem with the company, but the actual operation will inevitably involve a large number of personnel arrangements, which must be done with caution.

(End of this chapter)

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