Revival Road

Chapter 232 Organization and Personnel 3

Chapter 232 Organization and Personnel Part Three
After the meal, Tao Tang politely declined Director Lu's proposal to go upstairs to rest, bid farewell to Ma Desheng and Tang Yiwei, and accompanied the slightly drunk Zhao Qingmin to the steel pipe branch factory he had taken over from Donghu, accompanied by Ma Guangming and Liao Junwei.

Their work and rest system is different from that of the headquarters. There is only one hour of lunch and rest time at noon, and they go to work at one o'clock in the afternoon.When Tao Tang and others passed by, they heard the familiar noise of the workshop from a long distance away.This is a sound that makes Tao Tang infinitely happy. The hum of the lathe, the click of the punch and the sound of the workpiece falling to the ground are so familiar.He loved the noise, and felt guilty whenever he couldn't hear it.

This is a habit developed in Binjiang, and cadres who have not served in the front line cannot understand it.

The car stopped directly at the entrance of the main workshop. Both Ma Guangming and Liao Junwei knew Tao Tang's habits. He preferred to listen to reports in the workshop rather than in the office.

But Tao Tang stood still at the door, "Forget it, it smells like alcohol, it's not good for the workers to see... let's go to your office."

The steel pipe branch factory does not have an independent office building. Liao Junwei's office is on the second floor of the main workshop, but there are independent stairs to go up.

When a group of people came to Liao Junwei's office, Tao Tang immediately frowned, "Old Liao, look at your mess, it's not much better than a pigsty. Mr. Ma, lean management can't have dead ends..."

"Actually, his production site is pretty good...Old Liao is just a little too lazy, and I don't know how to find someone to clean it for you." Ma Guangming excused Liao Junwei.

"There is still a blind spot..." Tao Tang sat down on the dirty sofa, "Okay, don't worry about it, just pour us a glass of water... just boiled water, I guess you don't have any good tea."

Liao Junwei was a little embarrassed, "I don't spend much time in the office. This has become everyone's rest room. I come here to read newspapers and drink water... The place is too cramped. I've been thinking about getting a rest room for everyone, but I can't find it. place……"

"The main reason is that your old habits are not good..." Tao Tang didn't mean to criticize, "The on-site management of the headquarters has reached a big level in the past few months. The mountains are high and the emperor is far away. You are lagging behind here..."

"President Tao's criticism is that I will rectify it immediately...President Tao, do you want us to report to you and Secretary Zhao?"

"No need... I basically understand the situation, unless your report is fake. Generally speaking, the steel pipe branch factory is not bad. As for the shortcomings, I personally think that the personnel management is too soft and too lenient. Someone told me It reflects that the labor discipline here is not good, and there is even a phenomenon of empty pay, right?"

Liao Junwei immediately became anxious, "Mr. Tao, I accept criticism that I am not serious about labor discipline, but there is absolutely no empty pay! If there is, you will dismiss me immediately!"

"I've already said it's a reflection, why are you panicking?! It's fine if you don't. Well, go ahead, the secretary and I want to use your office to discuss something..."

When Ma Guangming heard the words, he immediately stood up and tried to evade, but was stopped by Tao Tang, "Don't go, old horse, let's talk together... You have to be idle all day in the factory, but here is clean... What are you talking about?" Tang asked himself and answered, "I asked Lu Qi a question the day before yesterday - as the leader of the company's development and planning department, what is the biggest problem restricting the development of our Red Star Factory? I didn't ask her to hand in the paper right away, but gave her time to fully consider it. ... Now I'm throwing this question to you two. Due to your different identities, I won't give you two time to think about it. As company leaders, I think you two will think about similar issues every day. Ma, you first explain!"

Ma Guangming was thinking of Lu Qi.Because Tao Tang mentioned Lu Qi just now.He was thinking, if he insisted on looking for Tao Tang's flaws - he and Han Zhiyong had discussed this topic more than once, it was not planning to "seek the court to usurp the throne", but to find the flaws of the superiors, this was Han Zhiyong's thinking, and it was also his The essentials of self-defense.The conclusion is that Lu Qi is probably Tao Tang's only weakness.The reason for adding "probably" is because he and Han Zhiyong are not sure that Tao Tang and Lu Qi have an affair.This is an extremely boring topic, at least Ma Guangming thinks it is simply embarrassing.Now that Tao Tang mentioned Lu Qi, his attitude was open and frank, which confirmed Ma Guangming's premonition once again. Sufficiently, yes, as a company leader, it is incompetent not to consider the problems that restrict the company's development.

Leaders at any level are unwilling to give the impression of being "incompetent" to those who can determine their own future. How can Ma Guangming be an exception? "Mr. Tao, this is a sudden attack. Well, let me tell you what's wrong, and the leader will criticize and correct me in person."

Ma Guangming quickly sorted out his thoughts, "There are many problems restricting the development of Red Star, but I think the most important thing is the system and mechanism... The system is like the hardware of a computer, and the mechanism is of course software. If you compare the factory to An old computer, this computer should be upgraded from the inside to the outside, the system needs to be changed, and the mechanism must be changed accordingly, otherwise it will not be enough to support the company's new round of development..." His thoughts became more and more Shun, the conversation will stop stuttering.

Zhao Qingmin smoked a cigarette and listened quietly to Ma Guangming's talk about the necessity of system and mechanism reform.I thought, these are clichés, nothing new.You can talk about it for half an hour if you just pull out a middle-level leader... We have talked about the system and mechanism for decades, starting from the early 90s when we "broke the three irons" (that is, broke the iron wages, iron rice bowls, and iron positions), I have been talking about the system and mechanism for more than 20 years. Is there any unified conclusion?The higher authorities continue to introduce reform propositions, including policy-related bankruptcy and debt-to-equity swaps. Have the shortcomings of the system and mechanisms been completely resolved?No!This guy was a little tricky, probably heard that Tao Tang was going to make a fuss about the organization, so he chose such a topic that he would never fail...

Ma Guangming talked for a quarter of an hour and finished, "What you said may not be right. Please criticize and correct the two leaders."

"Well, Lao Ma thinks it's mainly about the system and mechanism, and we should start with the system first. Right? What do you think, Lao Zhao?"

"I don't quite agree with Lao Ma's views. Of course, what Lao Ma said is also true. There are indeed problems in this regard. The problem now is that starting from the system and mechanism, we can't be the master if the action is too big. Quench your thirst..." Zhao Qingmin stubbed out the cigarette butt, "Let me tell you my opinion... First of all, it's rare to have such an opportunity, so I suggest, Mr. Tao, you should use more methods like this..."

"Haha, the secretary is criticizing me. We don't lack such opportunities, right? I just feel continue."

"I think the key to Red Star lies in the party. What is the party? It is the cadres, the two-level team of Red Star, mainly the middle-level director-level officers and a dozen of us." Zhao Qingmin said seriously, "I have been thinking about this issue for a long time. After thinking about it from Luo Chong and Liu Xinjun, our management of personnel has failed these years, and the problem at the company level is especially serious. But we can’t dominate, this is a matter of the group. The problem of the middle management is rooted in the company team Just like Ji Liqiang, if there is no Yang Wenhuan, Ji Liqiang is a fart?! Liu Xinjun is the same, if Song Yue is not standing behind him, he would not be where he is today... So, I lead the team under Qi When I came to inspect Red Star, I made a deep self-criticism with Mr. Qin, and I, the secretary of the party committee, cannot absolve myself of the blame for so many problems..."

"Old Zhao, I'm digressing. Today is not a democratic life meeting." Tao Tang reminded, "However, you said that the biggest problem is personnel issues, and I completely agree. You continue to talk, and we will listen attentively."

"The core of the team problem is the issue of the leader. To be fair, you Tao Tang is the best leader of the Red Star in the past 20 years, at least for now. The improvement of the situation of the Red Star should be mainly attributed to you. That's what I think."

"Totally agree with the secretary's opinion."

"I'm overwhelmed, but I'm digressing." Tao Tang shook his head.

"It's neither embellishing nor digressing. But this is not the fundamental solution to the problem. Why? Because it is still within the scope of the rule of man. Of course, the macro situation is also an important factor. The higher authorities have strict requirements, and the eight regulations have been issued. To rectify the "four winds". But I still feel that the fundamental problem has not been solved. If you, Tao Tang, want to mess around, I can't control it, and Lao Ma and the others can't control it. I discouraged Lao Song at the beginning, privately , It was also mentioned at the life meeting, and the old horse can testify."

"Yes, the secretary criticized Song Yue at the life meeting."

"I don't dare to criticize. Because Song Yue is narrow-minded, and if he speaks seriously, the party and government will be separated. I can't bear that responsibility. But the opinion was mentioned before, and it is useless. In the end, party discipline and state law were used to solve the problem. In my opinion, it is the biggest failure. Well, let’s not talk about the team now, because the decision-making power belongs to the group, not to us. It’s you,” Zhao Qingmin looked at Tao Tang, “You’re just making suggestions.”

"You also have this power."

"But you count, I don't count." Zhao Qingmin took a sip of plain water and lit a cigarette again, "Now I want to talk about the middle level. In fact, in a sense, the key to Red Star lies in the middle level, not the dozen or so of us. .Because they are at the executive level, just like Lao Liao. Since he came here, the mountains are high and the emperor is far away. What is it? I think it is self-cultivation and personal morality. He obeys the law, respects the system, and handles everything according to the rules. The steel pipe branch factory is like that. Even if there is a problem, it is not a big problem. If Lao Liao is like Yang Kaihe Like Li Qiang, here is another mobile department. You may not believe it, but I believe it."

"Secretary Zhao, you mean we lack a monitoring system?"

"We don't lack a supervision system, what we lack is real supervision. Whether it is the Disciplinary Committee, the Supervision Department, or the Audit Department, when did we not conduct supervision and audit? Have you never been to the Mobility Department or the Purchasing Department? Why can't you find the problem? ?”

"Don't talk about it. If you say it, you will wrong Lao Guo and the others. The higher-ups don't take it seriously."

"That's right, that's the problem. This time Mr. Tao suggested merging some departments of the Dang-qunkou. Was it out of consideration for their overstaffing? We didn't have an in-depth discussion and communication, but I agree. The Dang-qunkou is indeed full of institutions. One trade union has seven ministries, women workers, competitions, production, all kinds of tricks, what role they play, God knows. I think it should be merged. But the merged organization can't solve the fundamental problems of the middle class. That's what I'm going to say today."

"It's over?" Tao Tang asked.

"It's over."

"Why do I feel like you haven't finished? Hey, Comrade Zhao, I think you've done a good job. Finish your speech."

"It's over."

"You are only asking questions, not answering them. You are only a referee and not off the court." Tao Tang said with a smile, "Okay, then let me say a few words. First of all, I basically agree with the Secretary's opinion that the main factor affecting the company's development is not the market. It's not technology, let alone equipment, but people. And it's a two-level team in the company. The secretary narrowed the scope to the middle-level department-level principals and the company team, which is completely correct. In other words, this group of people is only a hundred or ten. Once this group of people is caught, Red Star’s other problems will be easily solved!”

(End of this chapter)

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