Revival Road

Chapter 239 Board of Directors 2

Chapter 239 Board of Directors II
"Master Zhang, you must have never heard a word," Li Luo said as soon as the employee director Zhang Hongli finished speaking, "'Freedom, how many crimes are in your name'! Reform is the same! You can't just talk about reform. Agree. Not to mention that the original system and methods are all wrong!"

"However," Tao Tang immediately countered, "There is no hope without reform. The country is like this, and so are enterprises! Keeping pace with the times is reform. Therefore, there is no problem with Comrade Zhang Hongli's conclusion. This, the central government has already made a conclusion .”

Of course, Li Luo will not show weakness. If he shows weakness and raises the lower flag now, then he will come up with a plan for the reform of the marketing system, and the momentum of counterattack will not be formed. "This involves the definition of reform. If you think that doing something to the old Change is reform. I think there must be good and bad or bad! Now it’s not the 60s of last century, no one can pull their braids and beat a stick and wear a hat just because they said a wrong sentence! I am right about the current sentence There is a point of view, what does it mean to use the determination of a strong man to cut his wrists to reform? If the reform conforms to public opinion, does it need a strong man to cut his wrists?"

"Wait," Tao Tang cut off Li Luo's words, "The exact meaning of this sentence should be this: to make up your mind to get rid of the long-term solidified interests is to cut off your wrists for the benefit of the vast majority of people! Let’s get back to the topic, we are studying the company’s organizational reform plan today, I think it is breaking the solidification of class interests! What is the standard? Or what is the purpose of our adjustment of the organization? It is the fundamental interest of the enterprise! As long as the plan is in line with the fundamental interests of the enterprise , we should agree. On the contrary, we should oppose it without hesitation! So, what is the fundamental interest of the enterprise? What is the standard answer to this question? Some people may say that the fundamental interest of the company is the interest of the leader! No, I don't think so. From a vulgar point of view, I am the leader of Red Star Company, but is the organization compression in line with my personal interests? I don't think it is. At least compression of the organization will bring about conflicts in personnel. It is better to demolish the temple than to build it. Temple. Then, is there a standard for the fundamental interests of the enterprise? Yes, the first is the strengthening of the strength of the enterprise, which is firstly reflected in the improvement of efficiency. This sentence must be true. Only when the efficiency is improved can the benefits be improved. The second is the increase in the income of employees. I think that without these two, the others will not be enough..."

Tao Tang stopped to drink water, and the atmosphere in the venue became solemn.Lu Qi, who buried her head in the record, didn't even dare to look up to see the expressions of each leader, even though she knew that the expressions of the leaders must be very exciting at this moment.The number of meetings hosted by Tao Tang is not small, especially after she became the director of the Development and Regulations Department. She was present in almost all the meetings Tao Tang attended, but she had never seen Tao Tang refute a company leader with such sharp words. speech.Especially this person is Li Luo.She seemed to hear Li Luo's heavy breathing...

"Secretary Zhao?" Tao Tang turned his head to look at Zhao Qingmin who was sitting on his left. Zhao Qingmin shook his head, indicating that he would stop talking.

"Okay, let me say a few words. I just listened to the speeches of comrades. Regarding the company's organizational restructuring plan, some people are in favor of it, and some are against it. This is normal. If there is no opinion, it is not so normal. , the power set by the organization is in the board of directors, and the rules of procedure of the board of directors are not decided by the chairman, but the minority obeys the majority. As the chairman, I am only a convener and have the power of one vote. Since I am sitting in this seat, I will try my best to sit on this chair. My method is to be as gentle as possible and to synthesize everyone’s opinions. However, I have a bottom line. If I exceed my bottom line, I will firmly implement my method. Within the bottom line, Let's try to find a balance... Based on everyone's speeches, I will talk about my opinions. First, the establishment of the Party-mass Work Department is suspended. Everyone's concerns about the abolition of the Propaganda Department and the Organization Department are valid. Since there are concerns and reasons, then Let’s just maintain the status quo first. For several other organizations, I agree with those who propose to cancel in the plan. I also agree with those who propose to be established in the plan. Vice President Zhou’s reasons for not agreeing to the establishment of the Lean Management Department are not sufficient. The functions of the company come from the production management part, and it is necessary to focus on it in the new business year. Some comrades affirmed the achievements of the company's implementation of lean management last year, but in my opinion it is far behind! The potential of the company has not really been tapped Come out, a large amount of widespread waste has not been eliminated. Mr. Han, what is your estimate of the change in the cost rate last year? It will not be reduced by one percentage point, right? Therefore, an independent lean management department with great power of assessment and punishment must be established! Audit The department must also be established, that is, to separate the audit and be directly responsible to the board of supervisors and the board of directors. Mixing in the supervision department will dilute its functions. As for the abolished departments, I think Comrade Lu Qi’s explanation is very clear. I don't want to waste everyone's time. Next, let the directors vote, and those who agree with me please raise your hand!" After finishing speaking, he was the first to raise his right hand.

Tao Tang made it very clear that it was not Lu Qi's plan that was voted on, but his amendments!This is a bit overbearing. It is reasonable to say that everyone should vote on the plan after expressing their opinions. If it cannot be passed, it should be revised according to the opinions of the majority, and then go through the procedure again.However, Tao Tang obviously omitted this step and asked everyone to vote on his amendment without any form of discussion with anyone.

Moreover, among the participants, only six had formal voting rights.

Guo Tao, who was sitting on Tao Tang's right, was stunned.Because this has never happened before.Organizational adjustment is a major matter, and it is always discussed and decided by the team. The vice presidents, including him, the chairman of the board of supervisors, have a full say, at least formally.Many people don't even know the provisions of the company's articles of association. Now, Tao Tang has actually deprived most of the deputy general managers of their voting rights.But this is not in violation of the regulations. Indeed, the company's articles of association clearly stipulate that the adjustment of the company's organizational structure is decided by the board of directors...

When Guo Tao was stunned, Zhao Qingmin had already raised his hand.Zhang Hongli followed, and then Han Zhiyong.

In fact, up to now, two-thirds of the votes are in favor.Even if Jiang Shangyun and Li Luo objected, it was invalid.The two hesitated for a moment and raised their hands at the same time.

Li Luo had to raise his hand.Because what he spoke against just now was the merger of the four existing organizations of the party and the masses, the core of which is of course the organization department he "controlled" in disguise.Now Tao Tang's amendment respects his opinion. If he objects again, it will prove that he is not starting from work, but has an unprincipled temper.

"Well, unanimously approved. Then it's settled..." Tao Tang nodded, "Director Lu, please read the second part of the plan."

Lu Qi just now understood why Tao Tang split the plan into two unrelated parts.Obviously, he doesn't want to see the overall plan being rejected (although that possibility is not great), so he decides on the organization first.As for the Party-mass Work Department, it wasn't Tao Tang's idea in the first place... Why did Zhao Qingmin put forward that opinion, Lu Qi still hasn't fully figured it out...

The second part of the program is aimed at the grassroots, mainly the production branch.According to the current product sector, except for the three machine-adding factories (machine-plus-[-], [-], and [-]-branches) responsible for tooling and non-standard manufacturing and the power company responsible for power supply, the rest of the factories will be classified into four branches.However, in order to highlight the status of gearboxes, three component factories and one general factory responsible for gearbox products were separated from the vehicle sector, and a special gearbox branch was established.

It would not cause much controversy if only four branches were established.Because the branch factories have not been cancelled, they have just been "downgraded", and there is just an additional branch management.However, the establishment of the four major branches has brought about a huge change in the company's management system.Involving many aspects of marketing, procurement, personnel and financial management, this is the core of the dispute.According to Tao Tang's vision, after the establishment of the branch company, it will gradually transition into a profit center with independent accounting and self-responsibility for profits and losses. The branch company will have relatively independent management rights. Basically, it has been decentralized, and it is only responsible for the management of the four branches, and it is still mainly based on index management.In this way, the branch company must have its own marketing rights, which has brought about the revocation of the extremely high-ranking marketing department of Red Star Company...

The main part of Lu Qi's proposal was an explanation of the change of authority after the establishment of the branch company. She stuttered and stuttered for this part, which took a quarter of an hour.

After Lu Qi finished speaking, the venue was silent.Tao Tang, who presided over the meeting, said with a smile, "Most of the comrades here have seen this plan and have put forward a lot of opinions. I have read everyone's opinions. Four branch companies with independent management rights will be established. It was my idea, Director Lu has already explained why I did this very clearly. But I still want to say a few words."

Tao Tang drank a few sips of tea, "I have been in the factory for almost nine months. The overall judgment of our Red Star Company is, first, our Red Star can do a good job. We have strong regional advantages. As far as our current product technology In terms of equipment, there are not many in the province that surpass us. The competition mainly comes from other provinces, and it is not serious. There are some technical problems, but the situation is improving, and the investment is increasing and the speed is also accelerating. Some new products will be put on the market in the next three years, which will greatly enhance our competitiveness. We also have a good workforce. This problem can be completely controlled. Second, the company's efficiency is very poor, which does not match our status, and the salary of employees is low, which affects the recruitment of talents and the enthusiasm. The main reason is management problems. If we further subdivide There should be four reasons for the poor efficiency. One is the corruption and work style of the cadre team. This is being resolved and is changing to a better side. The second is serious waste and too many bleeding points. Through the implementation of lean management, I have already received preliminary results, but it is not enough. I still need to advance in depth and breadth. This is the reason why I insist on establishing the Lean Management Department. I have already talked about it just now, so I won’t say much. The third is that the management efficiency is not high. Or poor. In fact, there are many reasons for low efficiency. The lack of a necessary mechanism for the survival of the fittest in the workforce is also an important reason, but institutional problems cannot be avoided. Fourth, the concept of efficiency in each branch factory is too weak. For a long time, they still stay in the era of planned economy. They only have production in their minds. What they think about every day is to complete the task. They do not consider the market and users, and do not consider the cost. How can this work? According to the successful experience of other enterprises, according to the product establishment A company or a subsidiary company is an effective method. If it is done well, the following effects can be achieved, and the management path is shortened; independent accounting will transmit the operating pressure downward, and teach our middle-level managers to understand operation and management; Inferior, gradually put an end to big pot rice..."

Tao Tang stopped again, "The leaders expressed a lot of concerns in the previous feedback, I understand. Doing so will indeed bring about major changes in the management system. You may see more of the immature and unfavorable side. Lack of confidence. However, if we don’t take this step, we will suffer. We need to devote more energy to consider the company’s development... Well, that’s all I’m going to say, it’s a supplement to Director Lu’s plan .Please let us fully express your opinions..."

(End of this chapter)

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