Revival Road

Chapter 247 Yanjing

Chapter 247 Yanjing
On January 13, the annual working conference of Brilliant Group was held in Yanjing Southwest Haoshui Hot Spring Hotel.This is one of the convalescent centers under the Brilliant Group, with a first-class hardware environment, and almost all large-scale meetings within the group are held here.

The venue is much simpler than before.Tao Tang, who was sitting in the first row on the left under the stage, was thinking about his thoughts alone.A year ago, he was still working in the group's political research office, co-organizing the annual work conference with the general office, but his tasks were mainly on writing. The venue layout and conference reception were basically the affairs of the general office, but he also participated.As usual, the left wing of the venue is the representative of the enterprise, and the right wing is the leaders of various departments of the group headquarters and representatives of the research institute.

Leaders from the headquarters departments kept coming over to greet him and say a few compliments on the scene.When he was working in the headquarters, Tao Tang belonged to the type of loner, and he had no personal relationship with the directors, but he established friendship with several directors, which also belonged to the type of acquaintance of gentlemen.Therefore, it was just a small talk. Everyone unanimously expressed their admiration and appreciation for Tao Tang's achievements in governing Red Star, saying that Mr. Feng and Mr. Qi had praised Red Star at headquarters meetings many times... This is not true. If you believe the public I am afraid that the things at the meeting will be wrong year after year.

Tao Tang took out the materials that Zhao Qingmin had brought and prepared to make speeches at the meeting and read them. According to the agenda of the meeting, in the morning there was Qi Jianmin's annual work report and the speeches of the two deputy general managers. Feng Shizhao's "important speech" was placed on the It was afternoon the next day.The grassroots exchange speech is scheduled for this afternoon, and his speech is ranked second... There will be two coordination meetings tomorrow morning, and Tao Tang needs to attend one of them. This is the main agenda of the conference.

The materials are not worth looking at. This is what he worked hard to correct. One-third of the text is his own. Those are the real "dry goods" in the materials. The hands of the laboratory.

"Director Tao," another person came over. Tao Tang looked up and saw that it was his former subordinate—Guan Mengxiong, who had led a team to the Red Star as an audit of leaving office. So Tao Tang stood up and shook hands with Guan Mengxiong, "Director Tao, evening Are there any arrangements?"

"Maybe not……"

"Excellent. The few of us would like to invite you and Secretary Zhao out for a light meal, and it can be regarded as a welcome for the old leader..." He looked at Zhao Qingmin, who was sitting on the left side of Tao Tang, "You can't refute my face. .”

"Haha, thank you, Director Guan. But I still have something to do, and I already have an appointment. Mr. Tao, don't refuse, go." Zhao Qingmin knew that he didn't belong to this circle, so he declined politely first.

"Okay, as long as the big leader doesn't ask for a lecture, I will definitely go."

"Then it's settled like this. I'll contact you in the afternoon..." Guan Mengxiong cupped his hands at the two of them and returned to his seat.

Tao Tang returned to his original state again, holding the materials in his hand, but thinking about other things in his heart.

"Hello, Director Feng!" Hearing Zhao Qingmin's words, Tao Tang realized that Feng Shizhao had actually come in front of him, stood up hastily, and held the big hand covered with age spots that Zhao Qingmin had just shaken.

"I heard something happened at home? Is the old lady okay?"

"It's stable, it doesn't matter. Thank you for your concern..." It is estimated that Shengdong's company told him, Tao Tang secretly blamed Shengdong's boss for being troubled.

"If it doesn't work, I'll pick it up here. Don't be careless." Feng Shizhao held Tao Tang's hand, "It seems to be a little thinner. I read your material, don't repeat the subject according to the script, and speak out of the manuscript."

"All right……"

"Come to my room tonight, I have something to talk to you about."

"Okay..." Tao Tang thought to himself, it just so happened that he didn't need to drink...


At 08:30 in the evening, Tao Tang came to Feng Shizhao's room.

"Sit down," Feng Shizhao pointed to the sofa, "sit down and talk."

Tao Tang sat in a well-behaved manner opposite Feng Shizhao.

"It was a good afternoon."

Tao Tang didn't say a word.He spoke out of script, just introducing some practices of Red Star to promote lean management. He thinks there is nothing worth promoting.

"At the beginning when Welch from General Electric was invited to teach, everyone had great hopes and hoped to hear some secrets," Feng Shizhao said with a smile. Say, you know it, but I did it. The gap is here... In the past few months, you have done a good job in Red Star!"

Tao Tang still didn't say anything.

"Did Lu Yaozu talk to you before coming here?"

"Talk about what? I haven't seen him for a long time..."

"He wants you to work in Hiraizumi. What's your opinion?"

This rumor has been going on for a long time, but I didn't expect it to be true...

"I do not want to."


"No reason. Just don't want to."

"Haha," Feng Shizhao laughed a few times, "The communication between central enterprises and local cadres has become normal. Comrade Yaozu came to Yanjing a few days ago, and we met. He asked me to let him go. Others He is in charge of the link. You know his energy..."

"Although there is organization and obedience, you should also ask for my personal opinion? Not to mention anything else, Red Star is at a critical time, and it is not appropriate for me to leave."

"Yes. I told him that too. What everyone was talking about was actually the Hiraizumi new city. Something happened to him, and the personnel changes may be relatively large. He wants you to preside over the construction of the new city. mayor……"

"Is it already settled?"

"No. I don't want to let you go either. You know it... Besides, Hong Xing's situation is not very reassuring. I guess he wants to talk to you. How are you going to refuse?"

"There is no reason. Reluctance is the biggest reason."

"Haha, then you can reject him like this. However, Tao Tang, there is more room for development when you work in a local area. If you personally want to, I will not refuse. Comrade Yaozu is very optimistic about you. It usually only takes a year or two, and then it depends on your personal fortune."

Although Tao Tang has never worked in the local area, he knows that the heads of government departments can join the standing committee at the same level, except for the mayor, who is also the executive deputy mayor.

"Mr. Feng, you have taught me more than once that people are inherently self-aware. I don't have any experience in local work, so I can't do it well. But it might be better to stay in Red Star. I have a lot of ideas that I want to try... just report to you face to face ..."

"It's the matter of delegating power to set up a branch company? I agree with this. Mr. Qi also agrees. It can be done, but it must be safe. Don't let go of power all at once, but gradually. You tell me on the phone that the next step is to develop technology The idea of ​​putting product development in the first place is correct, but developing technology is not something that happens overnight, and it takes perseverance.”

"I am very clear about this. But it is impossible not to grasp the technology. Without technical reserves, we cannot really produce products that meet the market demand... Red Star has been living on its laurels. This is what worries me the most."

"Jiang Shangyun is approaching the end of his age, this comrade, I'm afraid he doesn't have enough vigor..."

"So I hope that the group will support Red Star. It is best to transfer a leader who understands technology management from the research institute... I wrote you a letter, but you ignored me."

"Hiraizumi is a small place, and few people are willing to transfer Hiraizumi. The current still have to stand on your own. There are more than 2 people, and there are more than [-] state-owned employees. You must be good at finding talents."


"By the way, the two people you reported, we met in a small area, we can keep one for you, and transfer the other to other companies. Red Star's leadership is seriously solidified, so it's better to communicate. Which one do you want to keep? "

"Jiang Yansheng."

"Okay," Feng Shizhao nodded, "After the meeting, the group will study the personnel issues, and it is estimated that they can be settled before the Spring Festival."

"Great." Tao Tang stood up. He was going to talk to Feng Shizhao about two important matters. Feng Shizhao had given him reassurance. He knew that Feng Shizhao would have a lot of people to meet. "Then can I go?"

"Well," Feng Shizhao thought, "before you leave, please report to Comrade Qi Jianmin."

"Understood." The subordinates who are valued by the first in command are often not tolerated by the second in command.A person who can become a confidant of the first and second leaders at the same time is not a god, but he is almost the same.Tao Tang understood what Feng Shizhao meant, and the meaning of reporting work in private was completely different from reporting in public.

"Also, your personal problems should be resolved. I heard from Comrade Yaozu that your wife and sister are very fond of you. I hope to see you get married soon..."

"He's too lenient..."

"Go," Feng Shizhao waved his hand.

Tao Tang knocked on Zhao Qingmin's room next door, and informed his partner of the main content of Feng Shizhao's conversation with him.Of course, he will not talk to Zhao Qingmin about the job changes he may face.

"So, the group plans to arrange for Liu Shulin to go to another company?" Zhao Qingmin was very excited, and he thought it was good news.


"Boss Feng didn't say which company it was from?"

"No. It's not easy for me to ask." It's not that it's not easy to ask, but it's just that I don't care too much.The reason why Liu Shulin was transferred was to solve the personnel arrangement caused by the organizational change.But this result is really considerate, and it solved a lot of trouble for Tao Tang and Zhao Qingmin.

"You are still amazing..." Zhao Qingmin sighed, "This is good news, good!"

"Then, let's move the team when we go back."

"I agree." Zhao Qingmin nodded.

The meeting lasted for two days.At the end of the meeting the next afternoon, Tao Tang unexpectedly received a call from Tang Yikun. Tang Yikun said, "I know you are in Yanjing, and today's meeting is over. I need to see you urgently. I will be outside your hotel. Please give your brother some face, come out and let's talk, at most an hour."

"Hey, I'm talking about Old Tang," Tao Tang was in a good mood at the time, "Did you plant a spy? You know my whereabouts. There is a banquet tonight, can you do it tomorrow?"

"I'm going back tomorrow... Dude, you can take a day off."

"Okay, I'll try. You wait a moment."

Every time the work meeting is over, the group will hold a banquet for the bosses from all over the world. It is easy to ask for leave. After a quarter of an hour, Tao Tang sits as the Maserati president of the Yanjing office of Donghu Group.

"Good car," Tao Tang praised.

"Looking at your happy face, I'm in a lot of trouble."

"What's the matter?"

"Well, let's talk about it somewhere. It's in my office, and I'll be there in half an hour."

The president has already driven out of the spacious parking lot of the Hot Spring Hotel, and into the colorful traffic flow of Yanjing at night.

(End of this chapter)

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