Revival Road

Chapter 248 Team 1

Chapter 248 Team One
"I didn't expect you to have such an elegant private house in such an area where every inch of land is so precious." Tao Tang walked around the exquisite courtyard and returned to the authentic Chinese-style living room of the North House, and said to Tang Yikun, "I saw your Zhaizi, even I want to go to sea to do business."

"Welcome! I'm not joking, if you are willing to leave the system, East Lake will welcome you."

"What job? What about the salary?"

"As for the position, Qi Zhen can give it up. As for the salary, when McNamara and others left the U.S. Air Force and went to Ford Motor to seek jobs, Ford let them set their own salaries."

Tao Tang knew this story. A group of officers from the U.S. Air Force Statistical Control Office applied for jobs at Ford Motor after the end of World War II. Ford, who was generous but did not know how to manage, really gave these officers a blank sheet of paper—— How much are you worth? Write the number yourself.

"Enough!" Tao Tang gave Tang Yikun a thumbs up, "Speak, what are your orders?"

"I'm really in a little trouble..." Tang Yikun picked up his teacup, frowned and said, "I can't do it, but it should be easy for you, please do me a favor."

"Say it."

"Zhou Hongyou is in some trouble. Someone reported him with his real name... Didn't you hear?"

Tao Tang thought it was a matter of raising funds for East Lake. He knew that East Lake was working hard to prepare for the start-up capital of the new city construction next year. He didn't expect Tang Yikun to be for Zhou Hongyou. A visit to Zhou's residence, "I think Hongyou is very low-key?"

Tang Yikun smiled wryly, "Hongyou is really low-key. Among other things, he has never been to the East Lake clubhouse since the introduction of the eight regulations. Before that, he liked the environment of the clubhouse the most... He has been in charge of the new city planning, so it is inevitable that people will be jealous...You Really never heard of it?" He looked at Tao Tang suspiciously.

"No. You know that I have basically no contact with the city. What's going on? Is the problem serious?"

"Serious or not, it's entirely in Secretary Lu's hands. But the construction of the new city cannot be done without Hongyou! For the sake of old classmates, please be sure to speak for Lu Yaozu in front of Lu Yaozu."

Tao Tang didn't say a word.

"In my opinion, anti-corruption is another form of power struggle...Shangguan Hong thought it was his turn after Wang Yi left, but he didn't expect to parachute a Lu Yaozu. Maybe the mayor of Shangguan did something wrong? I It's just a guess. Maybe Secretary Lu regards Hongyou as a Shangguan. I can't say whether it is killing chickens and scaring monkeys. Lao Tao, you have helped Hongyou with this favor, and the favor will be remembered by brother! If there is any assignment, brother Will go all out!"

If other people in Hiraizumi's business circle heard Tang Yikun's promise, they would understand that it was a very serious promise.Tang Yikun has many advantages, among which Chong Rannuo is one of them. Therefore, after he developed, he seldom patted others' chests.

But Tao Tang didn't understand, and didn't want to understand.After thinking about it, Tao Tang said, "The Qing is self-clearing. If Hongyou is framed, I don't need my help. If something happens to him, Lu Yaozu can't save him. That's right, Lu Yaozu regards me as a friend. But you have to believe that we have always been friends of Qingshui. Therefore, this gang is probably not easy to help. As far as I know-I don’t think you are a layman. Hongyou is already the deputy mayor. How about the right to investigate? Can it be controlled in the city? Besides, if you think about it, Lu Yaozu asked me where I heard the news, what should I say? You told me? A private enterprise, what does it mean to meddle in official affairs? It may not be good for you Right? Actually, I was overthinking, with your shrewdness, how can you not understand this truth? We are in business, it’s better to stay away from the officialdom.”

Tang Yikun sneered in his heart.When did the enterprise dissociate from the officialdom?Unless it's the kind of insignificant stall!Needless to say, state-owned enterprises, well-run private enterprises, and large-scale ones, which one is not inextricably linked with officialdom?But now he is indeed in trouble at home and abroad, and he is a little desperate, so he has to go to Yanjing to beg Tao Tang!After discussing with Zhou Hongyou who was like an ant on a hot pot twice, he thought that Lu Yaozu was the only one who could save him!Looking at Hiraizumi and even the whole province, Tao Tang was the only one who could impress Lu Yaozu.After so many years of business, it's not that Tang Yikun and Zhou Hongyou have no contacts in the officialdom, but this time it's too dangerous. From the tone of those people who are begging for help, it can be concluded that Zhou Hongyou is probably in big trouble!
Of course Tang Yikun knew where Zhou Hongyou's troubles came from!East Lake alone is enough to send him to prison for a lifetime!Tang Yikun was fully aware that the attack against Zhou Hongyou this time came from Donghu, but the purpose was not to bring down Zhou Hongyou, but himself.The internal conflicts caused by the construction of the new city have reached the point of irreconcilability. When he resolves one move, the opponent's next move is even more vicious.Bringing down Zhou Hongyou will inevitably bring up the problem of Donghu Real Estate. Even if they can get away with it by chance, how can they enter the new city project?

"Old Tang, are you really going to die?" Tang Yikun said coldly.

"Don't talk to me in this tone," Tao Tang certainly didn't like Tang Yikun's tricks, "I can see Lu Yaozu, that's no problem. But you teach me, how can I tell him?" Tao Tang insisted firmly back.

"It's simple. Just start with your red star. The new city project has already implicated us, including Lu Yaozu! It's not the provincial government that approved this project, but a higher level. Secretary Lu doesn't want to put it on hold for his own sake, right? "

"Okay, I'll just say that." Tao Tang nodded, "Why didn't Hongyou come?"

"It's not convenient for him to come out..."

Tang Yikun thought to himself, now Zhou Hongyou is already frightened, and he dare not use his mobile phone to discuss countermeasures with him, and he has to be like an underground party.How dare he ask for leave to come to Yanjing...

"Okay, then take me back."

"How can I do that? My private kitchen tastes pretty good. How can I not compensate you for delaying your dinner? It's just the two of us today, let's have a good drink. By the way, when are you going back?"

"It's only a day or two... How about you?"

"I'm on the plane tomorrow morning." Tang Yikun feels almost the same as Zhou Hongyou now, he doesn't want to go back, he has to go back, "Old Tao, I have experienced a lot of storms and waves in my life. I have a motto that I have never told anyone I told you, do you want to know?"

"I would like to hear high opinions."

"The Sun Also Rises."

"Wonderful! Haha," Tao Tang laughed loudly, "This can also be my motto."


On January 17, Tao Tang and Zhao Qingmin returned to Red Star.Although he didn't want to, the first thing Tao Tang did when he came to the office was to call Lu Yaozu. Tang Yikun and Zhou Hongyou's affairs came second. He had to communicate with Lu Yaozu face to face about his own work issues.

The call was for Lu Wei, and it rang for a while before Lu Wei answered, "President Tao, what instructions do you have?"

I can probably tell from Lu Wei's voice, "I want to see Secretary Lu, can we arrange it as soon as possible?"

"Secretary Lu is in Beiyang... If it's urgent, you can come. I can arrange it. If it's not urgent, just wait for him to go back. If I can't make it today, I think I will go back tomorrow at the latest."

"No rush. Then wait for him to come back. Just say I want to see him."

"Okay." Uncharacteristically, Lu Wei and Tao Tang pinched the phone.

Why do I find a reason to reject Lu Yaozu?Tao Tang was thinking alone.Suddenly he found that the friends who used to talk about everything had become strangers.But Lu Yaozu's strong and stubborn personality will not change. Without the real intersection at work, they will be very good friends for life.But if you go to a team for business, it may not be necessary, and even the 20-year friendship will be over... However, behind the strong operation of Lu Yaozu, he left the central enterprise to work in the local area, not only for him to obtain a reliable assistant, but also for him. There must be the meaning of helping him!Tao Tang fully believed in this.

For central enterprises, even for a central enterprise of the size of Red Star, the power of the top leaders cannot be compared with that of local officials.Not to mention being a prefecture-level official, even the **** is incomparable.He fully understands this.What Feng Shizhao said to him in the hot spring hotel was not speculation, it was probably Lu Yaozu's original words.The deputy mayor, the executive deputy mayor, and even the mayor, this is the upward channel that many people dream of, and it seems to be within reach for me.I am not yet 44 years old this year, and it seems that it is not a dream to be promoted to the provincial and ministerial level before retirement...

Tao Tang rubbed his eyes, smiled wryly and shook his head.His thoughts turned to Zhou Hongyou.He had been thinking about it for a long time on the train back to Hiraizumi. How could Hiraizumi be an exception if the anti-corruption wind blows all over China?How can Hiraizumi be an unpolluted pure land?Don't say that he and Zhou Hongyou are just ordinary classmates, so what if they are blood brothers?

It is even more absurd to talk about taking on an important job!The new city project will not be transferred without Zhou Hongyou?Simply childish!It seemed that Tang Yikun was indeed in trouble, and he was definitely not the only "savior" he was looking for, but he went to Yanjing to beg him, which shows how bad Tang Yikun's situation is.So, if Donghu withdraws from the Hiraizumi New City project, what problems will it cause?What changes will it bring to Red Star?Tao Tang believes that even if Donghu Real Estate Company withdraws for some reason, the approved Hiraizumi New City will still start construction.Didn't Lu Yaozu just want to do this for himself?Perhaps it was precisely because he "stubbornly" fought for the interests of the red star in the new city project that he moved Lu Yaozu, who is deeply in the city... In his bones, he has the same thing as himself, and he likes subordinates with strong principles.

Hearing the noisy voices outside, Tao Tang withdrew his thoughts and called Li Zhibin in, "Who is the mess outside?"

Li Zhibin reported a list of names.

"Let them come in...please ask Assistant Jiang to come first." He looked at his watch, "After an hour, you will notify the members of the team to come one by one, and Secretary Zhao is unnecessary. Before that, call Minister Peng first."

Li Zhibin silently memorized Tao Tang's order, waited for half a minute without Tao Tang's reply, and then went out to make a phone call. He glanced at the group of people waiting in his office, and said to the highest-ranking Jiang Yansheng, "Assistant Jiang, Mr. Tao invites you in."

Li Zhibin knew that the team was finally going to be mobilized.

(End of this chapter)

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