Revival Road

Chapter 249 Team 2

Chapter 249 Team Two

In this round of cadre adjustments, Lu Qi was promoted to assistant to the general manager and also director of the development and planning department.The other two deputy directors didn't move, and the nephew lit the lantern——Uncle Zhao (old).

It was Zhao Qingmin who announced the personnel changes in the Ministry of Development and Regulations, and the standards were relatively high.Just like in the system, who announces the promotion of cadres is a big issue that must not be underestimated. Generally speaking, changes in the middle level are led by the deputy general manager (deputy secretary of the party committee) and the minister or deputy minister of the organization department (or The director or deputy director of the Human Resources Department) completes this procedure, and the general manager or party secretary seldom comes forward.Therefore, in the eyes of the staff of the regulatory department who are familiar with the characteristics of the company's personnel operations, Lu Qi's face is big enough, surpassing Liu Xinjun back then.

After the meeting ended, Lu Qi was in a hurry for a while.Congratulations or congratulations from colleagues in this unit sincerely or hypocritically, and phone calls from other units with basically the same content. She suppressed the joy in her heart and said insincere polite words, feeling her throat dry.

Until she saw Xu Deyu wandering outside the door.

Lu Qi jumped up as nimbly as a little girl, pulled Xu Deyu into the office, and closed the door, "Deyu, I was about to congratulate you, why are you hanging around..."

Xu Deyu's face of the old society is by no means pretending.

"What's the matter? Such a big happy event, why do you look so sad?" Xu Deyu was also a beneficiary of this round of cadre adjustments. She was appointed as the deputy director of the General Manager's Office.

"Miss Lu..."

"Have I talked to you? In fact, I already knew," Lu Qi said in excitement, "Because the matter is so important, I refrained from telling you. I thought Tao would be promoted on the spot , I didn’t expect him to ask you to come to the factory to do writing, which is very good..."

"Sister Lu, you already knew? Why didn't you tell me the truth? How can I do it? Please help me to ask Mr. Tao for a favor, let me stay in the factory newspaper..."

"You don't want to?" Lu Qi was greatly surprised.

"I don't want to. I know my ability. Instead of making people laugh, I might as well do something I'm sure of..."

"You're stupid..." Looking at the sincere Xu Deyu, Lu Qi couldn't laugh or cry, "You didn't tell the leader, did you?"


"Say it? Who did you tell it to?"

"It was Secretary Chang who went to the Propaganda Department to announce, but Secretary Chang was unhappy and criticized me. So I went to Mr. Tao, but there was always someone in his office, so I couldn't help it, so I came to you. I know you can Talk to Boss Tao, please tell Boss Tao, please don't file the document, once the file is released, the matter will be irreversible."

"Haha, Deyu, I laughed so hard. Just now you told Deputy Secretary Chang that you quit, who else is there?"

"Our Minister Cui..."

"It's over. Tomorrow, your joke will be spread all over Red Star. Haha, I'm dying of laughter. This is the first time I've heard that someone won't be promoted...I'm dying of laughter. Deyu, I can't change it anymore, I have to change it, I’m about to go to the party committee again, do you think it’s possible? If you do this, won’t you general Tao’s army?”

"Why is it general Tao's army? I think I will discredit him if I don't do well." Xu Deyu said solemnly, "I know Tao is always good for me, but I really can't do it."

"Why can't you do it?"

"Sister Lu, you know me well. What I fear most is dealing with people. Where is the general manager's office? It's the place to deal with people. How can I do this!"

"The general manager's office needs to deal with people. But don't you also deal with people in the factory newspaper? This year's many heavy articles are not the materials you caught back from the grassroots? Didn't you do a good job? Besides, as far as I know, Mr. Tao didn't want you to greet him, but wanted you to get important written materials for him. The Political Research Office was abolished, and its functions were merged into the General Manager's Office. What did the Political Research Office do? Isn't it just for the directors? Writing big material? There will never be a problem, you were selected by Mr. Tao to do this, and he has praised your writing in front of me many times..."

"Just writing materials?"

"It's mainly this... Deyu, I don't know if you have calculated, how much more money will you earn a year with this promotion?"

"I haven't counted..."

"I did the math for you. At least [-]! Probably more than [-]!"

"So much?"

"Are you really stupid or fake stupid? That's how the system is set up. Maybe it's easier than the original job, but the income has doubled out of thin air! Why didn't you do it? Are you out of your mind?"

"I need money, but first I have to ask if I can do it? No..."

"The general manager's office has a big change this time. Zhu Ning and Jia Jianxin have all stepped down to the grassroots. The three of you are new here. Don't worry that Gao Jiming will bully you. Don't dare to lend him ten courage! Look, at the latest Tomorrow your division of labor will be announced, and Mr. Tao will determine the division of labor for you personally, and it must be the deputy director in charge of writing, this is exactly your strength..."

This round of cadre adjustment is very intensive.No one expected beforehand that Zhu Ning and Jia Jianxin were both transferred from the general manager's office. Zhu Ning went to the newly formed gearbox branch as the secretary of the party branch, and Jia Jianxin went to the sales department of the vehicle parts company as the deputy director.Gao Jiming, the former secretary of the party branch of the No. [-] Branch Factory, unexpectedly became the director of the general manager's office.When Tao Tang first arrived, an employee committed suicide in the No. [-] branch factory. Gao Jiming was severely criticized. He should be the first group of cadres to be named and criticized after Tao Tang took office.Later, I never heard that Gao Jiming and Tao Tang had any intersection...

Just as Xu Deyu was about to speak, Yan Shuzhen and Zuo Yun visited Lu Qi together. Seeing Xu Deyu, the two middle school girls immediately presented a bunch of high hats and congratulations, and Xu Deyu immediately ran away...

Xu Deyu went down to the second floor dumbly, and she decided not to go to Tao Tang.What Lu Qi said just now moved her.The prediction about the division of labor is second to none. The key is that what Lu Qi said about the change in income moved her. She is really short of money.She thought that if she could earn [-] to [-] yuan a year, her cousin’s medical treatment would not be a problem, and she would no longer hesitate about one or two favorite books, and there would be no more embarrassing places to spend money...

She didn't see Tao Tang coming out of the bathroom, but Tao Tang stopped her.

"Xiao Xu, Li Zhibin said you were looking for me? Come on, I just want to talk to you..."

Xu Deyu shrank his neck and followed Tao Tang back to the office.

"Sit down, this time you are transferred to the factory office, mainly to let you take charge of the writing work..." Tao Tang said slowly.

"President Tao, I, I'm afraid I can't do it..."

"Did you come to me to talk about this?"


"Those who are worried about not being able to do a good job will generally do a good job. On the contrary, they swear that they will be able to do a good job, but there are great hidden dangers. This is also a dialectic... You can, I believe. After work today, I will Hold a small meeting for the new team run by the factory to share your division of labor."

"President Tao, why me? Isn't Director Fan very nice?" Xu Deyu didn't understand why Tao Tang didn't choose the talented Fan Yongcheng instead of the unknown himself.

Tao Tang lowered his face, "Xiao Xu, I have always hoped that one day our red stars will be banned like the army! In the first half of this year, I will recommend a book called "Learning from the People's Liberation Army" to all middle-level managers. You can get it from Li Zhibin later. Take that book, go back and have a look, then write a manuscript and post it on the factory newspaper, asking all middle-level managers to study this book seriously, and write down their impressions after reading it carefully... This is the first thing I set up for you Work. If you have nothing to do, you can go back, complete the handover today, and report to the factory office after work."

Xu Deyu stood up, "Mr. Tao, thank you... But, I still don't understand..."

"What don't you understand? Say it, but be concise. I have a lot of things to do today."

"I'm really not made to be an official..."

"Xu Deyu, I don't want you to come to the factory office to be an official, but to do things! Please remember that we are an enterprise, including me, and we are not bureaucrats. Why do you want to come to the factory office as the deputy director? Of course it is fancy Your ability... You don't need to worry about anything, let alone make any changes. I hope you will maintain your current mentality and bring a simple wind to the factory office. Well, we will work together in the future, Li Zhibin I'm going to work at the grassroots level, and my new secretary is not yet in place, so you can take care of what he's doing first, and I've already told him... Go ahead."

Xu Deyu suddenly bowed to Tao Tang.

"Haha, what do you mean? You... go." Tao Tang waved his hand and drove Xu Deyu away.

"Director Xu," Li Zhibin saw Xu Deyu coming out, and stood up, "Director Xu, do you want to go back and explain what you have in hand? After work, Mr. Tao will hold a branch meeting for the general manager's new team. Well, the time is six At forty, don't be late. In addition, I have a lot of things to tell you here, if it's okay at night, let's work overtime after the meeting."

"No problem..." Xu Deyu wanted to say something, but didn't say anything, and dragged away.

Li Zhibin watched Xu Deyu leave, absently tidying up the documents on the table.He was also promoted in this major adjustment, and he skipped the section level and was directly promoted to the division level, and became the deputy director of the new mobility department after the merger of the Ministry of Infrastructure.It was a department with real power, and this arrangement made him very satisfied, but also a little unexpected.He thought, or he hoped to be directly promoted to the deputy director of the factory office. He was familiar with the office workflow and Tao Tang's work style.He even discussed privately with Chen Yan several times. If he became the deputy director of the general manager's office, Chen Yan would have to leave the factory office.Chen Yan chose the Department of Development and Regulations, hoping that Li Zhibin could operate and transfer her to Lu Qi's subordinates.Now everyone can see that Lu Qi is Tao Tang's true confidant. It is certain that Lu Qi is destined to be promoted again before Tao Tang leaves Red Star. There is no problem with the class level...

But Li Zhibin didn't stay, but was "assigned" to the grassroots. Although it must be a fat job, he was still a little unhappy. Chen Yan's transfer must have no reason...

"The biggest surprise was her. Who would have thought that she would be picked by Mr. Tao? Was it Lu Qi's recommendation? Then Lu Qi drove Fan Yongcheng away with her own hands? It was Lu Qi who suspected that Fan Yongcheng was staying under Mr. Tao's nose Is it in the way? What a mysterious woman..." Li Zhibin looked at the accurate quartz clock on the wall, and speeded up his work.

(End of this chapter)

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