Revival Road

Chapter 26 Marketing Report and Office Meeting 2

Chapter 26 Marketing Report and Office Meeting II

Li Luo listened to Liu Shulin's report with a sullen face, and waved him away without comforting the startled Liu Shulin.He smoked three cigarettes in a row and sorted out his thoughts.Unexpectedly, Tao Tang actually took the knife on himself... Sneered a few times, he said in his heart, he made a wrong calculation, I am not plasticine!

Originally, he was going to meet Tao Tang.Because of what happened just now, he gave up his thoughts.Now he can't show weakness, the head is the most noble, and it is difficult to lift it up if it is low.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the first general manager office meeting hosted by Tao Tang was held in the small meeting room on the third floor.If the team last week was more like a retreat, the atmosphere of today's meeting is much more serious.

Tao Tangduan sat at the top chair of the oval conference table, with Party Secretary Zhao Qingmin on his left and Guo Tao, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors and Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee on his right.According to the ranking of the team members, the company leaders sat in their seats undisturbed.In addition to the company's leaders, according to regulations, the assistant to the general manager, the deputy chief engineer, the director, deputy director and relevant secretaries of the political research office and the general manager's office also attended the meeting.

Seeing that it was four o'clock, Tao Tang said: "Comrades, we have a meeting. Today's general manager's office will have three agendas: the first is the implementation of the Ancuo plan, and the second is to study some logistics aspects , The third item is this year’s indicators. Finally, there are a few trivial matters to clarify. Next, the first item is to study the implementation of this year’s Ancuo plan. Vice President Zhou, who will introduce the content of the Ancuo plan?”

Li Zhibin, who was buried in taking notes, noticed that Tao Tang did not seek the opinion of Secretary Zhao Qingmin as usual.

"First, please ask the Ministry of Public Security to report on the content of security measures in the next year's plan. Assistant Liu, please tell me." Zhou Bing nodded to Liu Xinjun.

Liu Xinjun is the assistant to the general manager and the director of the development and planning department. He can be regarded as a senior executive of the company.

"Mr. Tao, this year the company has arranged a total of 19 sub-plans in terms of safety and environmental protection in the technical measures overhaul plan, with a total budget of 3170 million yuan. This plan was held at the end of last year and passed..." He began Reported item by item, including the dust removal transformation of the polishing workshop of the Ninth Branch Factory.In the annual plan, it is stipulated that there are 9 items to be launched in the first quarter.Now that 4 months have passed, only 2 projects have actually been started, namely the overhaul of the vehicle in the 7th branch factory and the 5th branch factory, and the remaining [-] projects have not been started due to funding problems.There are [-] projects that should be started in the second quarter, but none of them have been started so far because of funding problems.

"Doesn't the headquarters assess the completion rate of the plan?" Tao Tang asked.

"The items assessed by the Strategy Department do not include these..." Liu Xinjun replied.

"President Tao, the reason is as reported by Assistant Liu, it's entirely due to funds." Zhao Qingmin lit a cigarette, then extinguished it again, "Funds are driving the company crazy. Although I don't care about the operation, I know the basic situation. "

Tao Tang nodded, "I understand. Assistant Liu, the higher-ups don't evaluate our small plans, but what about internally? How are internally evaluated?"

"The general ledger is calculated at the end of the year, and the responsibility system has relevant regulations..."

"Deduct points? Whose points will be deducted? Technical Safety Department? Mobile Department? Or Finance Department? What's the use of you reassessing at the end of the year?" Tao Tang's voice was very calm, but it put great pressure on Liu Xinjun, "Comrades, I went to several workshops the day before yesterday and saw some safety and environmental issues, such as the polishing workshop of the Ninth Branch Factory, not only the operators are at risk of occupational diseases, but also the safety hazards are not small. Director Mu, have you taken any measures?" He turned his attention to Mu Qingyun, the Minister of Technology and Security sitting behind Zhou Bing.

Mu Qingyun was prepared. He did enough homework when he received Tao Tang's inquiry yesterday, "Mr. Tao, we have reported to the regulatory department more than once. March 3 this year was the last time. But It is not our right to arrange rectification, and if the plan of the Ministry of Development and Regulations is not issued, everything will be empty..."

Tao Tang's eyes sharpened, "You're prevarication! Let me ask you, is the Department of Technology and Security a business department in charge of safety and environmental protection? If hidden dangers are found, the problem can be solved after a few reports? Do you have the power to order rectification? Can you issue an order? The order to suspend production for rectification? Is there any expedient solution besides thorough rectification? Do you know the current situation of the company’s operating difficulties? What else did you do when the company was unable to raise funds for thorough rectification? I asked the branch factory, the answer No!"

The atmosphere became tense, neither Mu Qingyun nor Zhou Bing expected Tao Tang to target him.

"Comrades, I think your understanding of occupational safety is not as shallow as mine. Safety is by no means a slogan. It is a matter of feelings for grassroots workers and the status of workers in state-owned enterprises. We always say that the working class is Protagonist, is there anyone who works in that environment? No matter how tight the funds are, it’s not impossible to squeeze out the money, right? My opinion is to implement the most important safety measures first, including the ninth branch factory. Dust solution in the polishing workshop. What do you guys think?"

"I completely agree with this." Zhao Qingmin immediately stated, "Mr. Tao raised the implementation of the Ancuo plan to the level of the actual status of the working class. problems."

After Zhao Qingmin made his statement, naturally no one objected, and there was no need to object, including the chief accountant Han Zhiyong who was troubled by funds.Anyway, spending money is the power of the leader, and if it is used here, it cannot be used elsewhere.

"Since everyone agrees, then the Ministry of Development and Regulations will take the lead, with the cooperation of technical safety, mobility, technology, power and related branches, and start this work immediately. In three days, can you come up with a specific plan?" Tao Tang looked at Liu Xinjun immediately set his eyes on the face of Luo Chong, who was in charge of the regulatory department.

"Yes." Luo Chong and Liu Xinjun expressed their opinions at the same time.

"A special meeting will be arranged on Thursday to listen to the report. Regarding the problems existing in the implementation and assessment of internal plans, please study and sort them out as soon as possible. It is said that the market economy is becoming more and more perfect. I think that in order to deal with the cruel market competition, the internal must emphasize the seriousness of the plan. Responding to the complex and ever-changing market with a high degree of planning... Well, that’s it for the first agenda item. Now let’s talk about the second item. Let me briefly talk about my impressions. I admit what I saw and discovered It is very one-sided, and I have absolutely no intention of completely denying the work of the property company, but the problem does exist, and it will not work if it is not rectified..."

Tao Tang talked about the problems existing in single buildings and canteens, "If these problems are all caused by funds, it is irresponsible. I think it is more of a management problem. In fact, it is also a problem of feelings for employees. If you are here The children of all of you live in the single building and eat in the cafeteria. This may not be the case. My opinion is this. Vice President Zhou organized a few seminars as soon as possible, mainly inviting single employees to participate, and listened to their opinions on the cafeteria, The opinions of the management of the single building. Then form a rectification plan. We will do what we can, gradually change the status quo, and give single workers a comfortable living environment."

Regarding the second job, Tao Tang did not seek the opinions of the company's leaders, nor did he do research, but directly arranged it.Zhao Qingmin noticed this, and other leaders also noticed.

"Yes. I will pay close attention to the organization." Zhou Bing nodded.

"The human resources department is going to participate in the symposium." Tao Tang looked at Pan Chenggui, the director of the human resources department who was sitting on the other side of the conference table facing him, "Is that right, Director Pan? Now let me talk about personnel management. The nine branch factory polishes The workshop employs a large number of temporary workers, including retired workers, unemployed children, and migrant workers from nearby rural areas. How does the company regulate the management of temporary workers?"

"Mr. Tao, because the company can't arrange some difficult and dangerous jobs, so we have to hire temporary workers..."

"I'm asking about the rules!" Tao Tang's tone became severe.

"There is no such regulation..."

"It's absurd that you just said that special positions are not allowed to enter people! Do migrant workers and temporary workers have to be used for difficult and dangerous positions? Let me ask you a few questions, how to control the total number of people? How to control the total wages? Social security for temporary workers Do they pay for medical insurance? Have they signed a formal labor contract with the company? Is there any legal risk in personnel? Finally, let me ask you, how many temporary workers are currently employed?"

"About 1200 people..."

"Around? Do you have the exact figures at the end of last month? Have you paid attention to this issue?"

Pan Chenggui's sweat immediately came down.I never expected that the first time I officially faced the new leader, I would be misfired.He's from Song Yue's cronies circle, otherwise he wouldn't be sitting in the HR director's chair, but he really doesn't have the numbers.

"President Tao, I'm sorry, I didn't do a good job. Recently, I have been busy coordinating and solving the social security issues of the Municipal Labor Bureau, and I didn't take care of the management of temporary workers..."

"Personnel management is one of the main tasks of the human resources department. As the head of the department, you should be familiar with these figures. Even if you don't have good suggestions and opinions to the company's leadership, mastering basic figures is the minimum requirement for leading cadres. Director Pan, I think you are not proficient in business, do you have any disagreement with this conclusion?"

"I..." Pan Chenggui was angry and scared.It is said that there are three fires for a new official to take office, and it is said that one dynasty is the emperor and one courtier. It is not that he did not think that Tao Tang would "clean up" Song Yue's old department when he took office, but he did not expect that he would be the first batch of targets.

"Don't explain. This is not the topic of today's meeting. Now let's move on to the third topic, which is this year's indicators." Tao Tang took a sip of tea, "I read some materials and asked for some data. The financial department, as well as the production department, feel very pessimistic in general, especially the sales revenue indicators. When the team met last week, I asked the marketing department to give me an analysis. This morning, I asked the marketing department for an analysis. To be honest, I am very disappointed. Because the report given to me by the marketing department is a conclusion that the sales revenue indicator cannot be completed. Comrades, this indicator is a parent indicator. It has no scale, whether it is profit or cost ratio. If there are labor rates, EVA, etc., they will fail. What should I do? Vice President Li Luo, what do you have to say?" Tao Tang's eyes fell on Li Luo on the left side of Zhao Qingmin.

(End of this chapter)

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