Revival Road

Chapter 27 Marketing Report and Office Meeting 3

Chapter 27 Marketing Report and Office Meeting III

finally come.Li Luo didn't look at Tao Tang, nor did he look at the other members of the team.He knew that everyone's eyes were on him now.

Li Luo opened the notebook slowly, "Mr. Tao, I read the report of the marketing department and realized some problems, so I didn't ask them to report to you directly. I am responsible for not reporting in time. What's the problem? Just report As far as the content of the content is concerned, what the marketing department said are all facts, and there is no concealment. It is an unavoidable fact that the share of orders is declining. The main reason is that several major markets we operate are in recession. Mr. Tao, everyone here is clear. Where is the problem? I think the marketing department’s subjective efforts are not enough. I have already criticized them. See if this is the case, let me give you a detailed report on the marketing problems in another time?"

Li Luo's attitude surprised Liu Shulin.He thought that Li Luo would fight hard at this meeting, just like before.But Li Luo actually flinched, and put the label of insufficient subjective effort on his own head.

"Alright. Then, can you make a basic judgment on the annual income target?" Tao Tang said.

"75~80 billion. Not more than 80 billion."

"That is to say, the income target must be at least 40 billion yuan short. Right?"


"So, President Han, based on the annual scale judged by Vice President Li, what are the main financial indicators? Which ones can be completed? Which ones will definitely not be completed?"

"Basically it can't be completed." Han Zhiyong, some big-tongued chief accountant, said vaguely, "If there is a scale of 100 billion, I can guarantee the profit, EVA and other indicators, and I can also strive to complete the labor productivity and added value, but 80 If the scale is [-] million, then there is no need to talk about it." He has been squeezed by Li Luo, and he finally has a chance to fight back, so he will not let it go.

"Understood. Comrades, not to mention that the failure to meet the targets will affect the salary of everyone present here. The key is how to ensure the livelihood of the company's [-] to [-] employees. Furthermore, it is how the company survives. This is not bragging, but It’s a cold reality. Let’s be honest. The organization puts us where we are now. We need to solve problems, not just raise them. I think that before the product structure changes fundamentally, scale determines our survival. The key factor. Do you agree with my judgment?"

"I completely agree with Mr. Tao's judgment. The relevant indicators are based on the scale of 120 billion. There is no way to make a difference of 40 billion." Han Zhiyong responded immediately.

"Mr. Tao, I have to explain that I disagree with the 120 billion year-end target, which is well-documented. But the main leaders at the time insisted on this, what can I do?" Li Luo immediately counterattacked Han Zhiyong's approach.

"The situation is indeed as Comrade Li Luo said. At that time, some subjective assumptions were made, and the judgment of the situation was too optimistic. And the main person in charge at that time could not listen to different opinions. The headquarters had the requirement of increasing scale and efficiency, but we The situation is quite special... Mr. Tao, I suggest to make a formal report to the headquarters, it’s not that everyone doesn’t work hard, we must always seek truth from facts.” Chairman Guo Tao answered.

"Well, who wants to talk?" Tao Tang looked around at the company leaders sitting in the front row, but did not look at the assistants and deputy chief engineers.

"I agree with Mr. Tao's opinion. Income indicators are the most important. The labor productivity rate is linked to me. But without income, there is no value added, and the labor productivity rate is also difficult to achieve." Liu Xiuyun spoke, but it was nonsense.Tao Tang noticed Li Luo's contemptuous eyes.

Tao Tang cleared his throat, "Then, the key is the income index. Some leaders once suggested to report to the group to adjust the index, I understand. After all, it is related to everyone's salary. But I was very embarrassed. A report that requires adjustment of indicators is inappropriate. And there are still two-thirds of the time. But the principle of seeking truth from facts should always be followed. If the situation is still the same by the end of September, we will consider reporting issues. Here Before, the indicators did not change, and the assessment was carried out in any way, do you agree?"

"Agreed." Everyone had no reason to object to Tao Tang's decision.

"Sit and wait is not enough. We still have to talk about subjective efforts. I'm going to talk about the report of the marketing department again. This is entirely a matter of attitude. If our cadres lose the belief in success in the face of difficulties, the targets will not be achieved. There will never be pie in the sky, this is probably a truth. Assistant to the new army, except for the big one in the marketing department, how are the secondary indicators arranged?"

"There is a second-level plan. The total amount is 1.2 million. It is a supplement to sales revenue." Liu Xinjun, director of the Department of Regulations, replied.

"What was it last year? I'm talking about actually getting done."

"1.65 million." Liu Xinjun came up with the number right from his mouth.

"Why have the secondary indicators been lowered this year?"

"The main reason is to consider the amount of tasks..." Liu Xinjun walked into a dead end and was easily generaled by Tao Tang.Realizing that there was a problem with his report, Liu Xinjun turned to Chief Economist Luo Chong for help.

"It doesn't make sense, does it? The actual income last year was 96.5 billion." Before Luo Chong could speak, Tao Tang sharply pointed out the logical errors in Liu Xinjun's report.

"That's right," Luo Chong explained, "Because the total plate at the beginning of the year was 120 billion, the second-tier plan was lowered."

"Isn't it right? Shouldn't the second-level indicators follow the actual completion? The first quarter has passed, and the situation is becoming clearer. Why not adjust the second-level indicators? In terms of production capacity, Hiraizumi has not surpassed ours. I estimate that in terms of the number of CNC machine tools, we may account for half of the country in Hiraizumi. If we talk about casting and forging, we say that it is second. I am afraid that no one in Hiraizumi City dares to say that it is the first. Big mistake."

"President Tao's criticism is that we come down and immediately study and adjust." Luo Chong's attitude is more positive.

Li Luo didn't say a word.Tao Tang's arrangement to delay the time until the end of the third quarter made it impossible for him to raise objections.He noticed the difference between Tao Tang and Song Yue, and he actually wanted Tao Tang to fall into boring and tedious business problems.Although Tao Tang is also the general manager, he is the first person responsible for operating indicators, but as a company of Red Star's size, being caught in cumbersome affairs will inevitably affect the control of the macro situation.Song Yue never pays attention to specific figures. There are chief accountants, chief economists, and a group of deputy general managers, assistants, deputy chief engineers and department heads who specialize in business. What does the chief executive do?Actually that's not bad...

"Secretary Zhao, what instructions do you have?" Tao Tang turned to look at Zhao Qingmin.

"I agree with Mr. Tao's arrangement of the three tasks just now, especially the indicators. Comrades, under the current situation of the company, everyone must pay special attention to unity, because unity has strength. Not so familiar, but I would like to make a request, everyone must unite around Mr. Tao, must maintain the authority of the general manager in terms of management, and do our best for the completion of this year's targets."

"President Guo?"

"I don't have any other opinions." Since the beginning of the meeting, Guo Tao's face has been gloomy.

"Okay. Finally, let me talk about a few trivial things. The first is the employment of children. On the first day I came to the factory, I received a petition. Two workers reported that the company had some problems in recruiting college students into the factory..." Tao Tang Jiang Zhang Rong and Wu Guisheng The question of response was briefly mentioned, "Because I haven't investigated and studied, I can't express my opinion, let alone make a decision. However, personnel issues are related to the hearts of the people and should not be taken lightly. I have communicated with Vice President Liu about this matter last week. I My opinion is that an answer must be given to the two workers. If the company strictly implements the policy, explain it clearly to them. If the company does deviate from the implementation of the policy, it must also have the courage to admit the mistake and come up with a specific opinion as soon as possible. .I promise to give the two master workers a responsible answer before this Friday. Vice President Liu, I will ask you to organize relevant departments to study this matter. Is there any result?"

"Yes, I was supposed to report to you at work in the afternoon, but you went to the workshop."

"Okay, let's talk after the meeting. Comrades, it is an issue worthy of attention that children return to factories for employment. There are 700 million college students graduating every year in the country. Some people say that graduation means unemployment. Although it is a bit extreme, it reflects the grim employment situation. What about us? On the one hand, we recruit a large number of temporary workers, and on the other hand, we reject a large number of students of college students. Is this unreasonable? Can some old methods be changed? Can college students go to the front line? For example, CNC machine tools Operation, they must be better at learning than migrant workers, and better than technical school students, right? The key is the salary. If you don’t adjust the salary, some positions will not be attractive. This issue should be studied as soon as possible. Vice President Liu is asked to take the lead and make something as soon as possible. come out."

"I agree in principle. This is a good idea." Zhao Qingmin nodded.

"The other one is the death of a plumber in the power company due to a demolition conflict that happened last week. This incident really has nothing to do with the company's operation, and the person died outside the factory. But the deceased was a full-time employee of the company. We are in a weak position, we must care, otherwise how can we reflect the existence of the company? My opinion is that the legal office should intervene and give the widow full legal help. I met with Mr. Tang Yikun from East Lake on Saturday On the one hand, after talking about this matter, he expressed that he would pay attention to it. The legal office will send someone to contact Donghu to try to resolve it properly. If it involves judicial disputes, the legal office must actively intervene. Do you agree?"

"Mr. Tao, if this opening is opened, will there be sequelae?" Guo Tao said, "I personally sympathize with the deceased, but there are many personal cases involving property disputes. What if they all come to the company for help?"

"Secretary Zhao, what do you think?" Tao Tang looked at Zhao Qingmin.

"In principle, I agree with the legal affairs office's intervention. But what Chairman Guo said is true, we can't ignore the follow-up issues. Can the trade union come forward and give the family some subsidies at one time?" Zhao Qingmin said.

"Where are the other comrades?" Tao Tang asked.

It seemed that they felt the differences between the first and second leaders, and the vice presidents stopped expressing their views.

"I agree with Mr. Tao's opinion." Qiu Lin, who was ranked last, saw that the vice presidents didn't say a word, and said, "Only when we treat the employees as their families, will the employees regard the company as their home."

"That's it. In fact, what I'm talking about is a matter of attitude. This matter is actually more of a technical problem. The Legal Office is engaged in legal research. What we give employees can only be legal help, and we rely on the law. Well, it would be great if Donghu Industrial could appease the resentment of the family members of the deceased, then there would be no need to file a lawsuit."

"I agree with Mr. Tao's opinion." Zhao Qingmin said to Chang Wenhai, "Chairman Chang, you are in charge of the legal office, and immediately follow Mr. Tao's instructions after the meeting."

Chang Wenhai nodded.

Tao Tang coughed lightly, "Comrades, the agenda for today's meeting ends here. The General Manager's Office forms a summary and sends it down." Tao Tang turned his head and explained to Zhang Xingwu who was sitting behind him, and then said sternly, "Except for indicators Except for the more important issue, the rest of the issues, including the launch of the Ancuo Plan, are not very important issues. Comrades from the Organization Department were invited to attend as non-voting delegates today to strengthen the management assessment of middle-level cadres. According to my personal experience , in any level of organization, the middle level is very critical, especially in enterprises. Especially the top leaders of the party and government in the middle level can almost determine the success or failure of a career. Some decisions at the top level cannot be well implemented, and the problem often lies in the middle level , which is often referred to as the problem of weak execution. The situation we are facing is so severe that we must maximize execution. The day before yesterday I went to the subordinates to transfer a few overtime units, the third branch factory, the seventh branch factory, and The ninth branch and the thirteenth branch found a phenomenon that only a few units have middle-level cadres who follow their shifts to lead the team, and most of the overtime units have middle-level managers who are not on duty. How is this possible? Mr. Ma,” Tao Tang asked Ma Guangming, who was in charge of production, "Does the company allow this?"

"It is true that there are regulations on leading shifts..." Ma Guangming said in a low voice, "The implementation is not good, I will review..."

"The masses are working overtime, but the leaders slip away. How can we do a good job? This morning, I read the letter of responsibility signed with the grassroots party and government officials at the beginning of the year from the Ministry of Development and Regulations. I think there is something missing in terms of accountability. We will They are arranged in the existing posts to complete the task creatively, not to be the president of the maintenance, let alone to shout difficulties. In that case, what do we want them to do? Be a sounding board? Therefore, I suggest that the organization department should Study this issue, come up with a few items, and link the completion of the indicators with the salary of the middle level, especially the position, and it is strictly linked. Secretary Zhao, Chairman Guo, leaders, what do you think?"

"I think it's very good. Let's do it this way. It is absolutely necessary to strengthen the management of the middle-level team. Mr. Tao is very accurate in seeing the problem. However, the matter is of great importance. After the organization department forms an opinion, it will be studied and discussed at the upper meeting before it will be written. Send it." Zhao Qingmin said.

"Of course, it must be studied by the team, and it must be true to its word." Tao Tang nodded.

"Let me say a few words," Li Luo said, "I completely agree with Mr. Tao's idea of ​​strengthening the management and construction of the middle-level team, especially under the current circumstances, it is very necessary. I heard something last night , presumably other leaders have heard about it, of course, it’s just heard, and it involves the image of middle-level cadres, I think it should be mentioned here..."

"What's the matter?" Zhao Qingmin frowned.

"Han Ruilin, the deputy director of the Legal Office, messed with men and women and was blocked in the room. It was just yesterday. Many family members of the employees were there..." Li Luo said calmly, "The influence is very bad, even though the other party is a widow. This Isn’t it tarnishing the image of the middle-level team?”

"Is there such a thing?" Zhao Qingmin raised his voice and cast his eyes on Chang Wenhai.

Chang Wenhai scolded Li Luo secretly, you don't need to trouble me when you fight Tao Tang, right?I didn't mess with you again!What's more, when did such a bad thing come to a meeting?If you can't manage serious business, how can you have the energy to care about the little things in your crotch?He slandered in his heart, and he had to answer, "I heard it too, but I didn't mention it at the meeting because I didn't have time to verify it. Moreover, today is the general manager's office meeting, and the topic is different, so I didn't talk about it... "

"Let's not discuss this matter first. Deputy Secretary Chang should get the situation right first. What's going on? Then let's study how to deal with it." Tao Tang said calmly, "Vice President Li is right. If the situation is true, Just to discredit the company. If there is nothing else, the meeting will be dismissed. By the way, Vice President Liu and Director Pan will stay for a while, and we will discuss the issue of recruiting college students."

Tao Tang's first general manager office meeting lasted one hour and five ten minutes, and it finally came to an end.

(End of this chapter)

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