Revival Road

Chapter 34 East Lake Tour 3

Chapter 34
Lu Qi answered a phone call on the way to the East Lake staff restaurant.

The call was from Han Ruilin's wife Shuijiao. As soon as the call was connected, Shuijiao burst into tears on the phone.Lu Qi asked: "What's the matter, I'm having a meeting outside."

"Sister-in-law, I can't live with him... Plague pig, I want to find Boss Tao... I know you went out with Boss Tao..."

"What happened?" What the hell, how did she know that she was with Tao Tang?

"He didn't know where to get the family's money... Woohoo... He must have given the money to that slut."

Damn it!I thought it was over the day before yesterday.

Shui Jiao has a little relationship with Fan Yongcheng, he is Fan Yongcheng's distant cousin.Because of this, Lu Qi has always been close to the Han family.She thought that Han Ruilin had really settled the matter on Sunday, and it seemed that the trouble was gone, "Jiaojiao, I'm in a meeting outside, don't make trouble, don't let people see the joke, I'll talk about it when I go back." She saw Zhang Xingwu come out , Lu Qi pinched the phone.After thinking about it, she sent another text message to Lao Fan, asking him to persuade Shuijiao.

On Sunday night, Lu Qi and Fan Yongcheng stayed at Han Ruilin's house very late, doing Shuijiao's work all the time.In Lu Qi's opinion, Shuijiao is much better than the famous Mu Guihua, both in character and appearance, but Lu Qi is deeply puzzled why Han Ruilin hangs out with Mu Guihua.Han Ruilin insisted that it was a misunderstanding that day. He went to Mu Guihua's house to help her fix the short-circuited wires, nothing else, because Cao Wendong was a classmate.But Shui Jiao didn't believe it at all, not even Fan Yongcheng and Lu Qi.Han Ruilin is clumsy and needs help from his friends for many things at home, so instead he went to Mu Guihua to learn from Lei Feng?Coax ghosts.But Lu Qi also suspected that it was afternoon, and there were people coming and going in the compound, so they are not very good at doing that kind of thing, right?It was Mu Guihua's younger brother who caught the rape, Han Ruilin said anxiously, you can ask Mu Jianhua.

That's all right.If Mu Jianhua testifies in favor of Han Ruilin, it will be more powerful than anything else.Shuijiao really said, of course I want to ask, if you lie to me, we will never end.

When Lu Qi persuaded Shuijiao, her cheeks felt hot. She remembered the text message she had sent to Tao Tang, and felt that she was not a joke.

Monday is usually the busiest day of the week. Lu Qi has no time to ask about Han Ruilin's family affairs, but she hasn't heard any new news.Fan Yongcheng still mentioned this matter last night, and Lao Fan said that he must have misunderstood, Han Ruilin went to Mu Guihua blindly, and I would believe him when he came to you, but he would go to that woman if he didn't.

"I will fall in love with him?" Lu Qi said angrily.

"I'm just making an analogy," Fan Yongcheng said with a playful smile, "Of course my wife is the best, not only is she beautiful, but she is also absolutely loyal to me."

Am I loyal?Lu Qi tortured herself, and followed Zhang Xingwu into the restaurant on the first floor of the east auxiliary building.

Lu Qi didn't expect this to be a cafeteria.The restaurant is very large, with a thousand square meters, and light music is playing.There is a huge dining table in the middle, surrounded by a dining area, and the plastic tables and chairs fixed on the ground are colorful and dazzling.

East Lake has vacated an area to entertain Red Star's guests, and Zuo Yun has already taken the dinner plate for Lu Qi, waiting for Lu Qi who is late.

"There's a lot of variety. I think the quality of the dishes is quite good..." Zuo Yun handed the plate to Lu Qi.

Lu Qi took the plate, subconsciously looked for that person, and saw that he was talking to Zhang Xingwu.

"The little shoes are sure to wear now..." Zuo Yun muttered.

"Look how promising you are." Lu Qi put a piece of deep-fried octopus on her dinner plate, there are twenty kinds of dishes, the grade is really not low, there are three kinds of fish alone, "Actually, the buffet is pretty good, I like it. "

"I can't compare with you. We all know Mr. Tao and you are classmates, who would dare to make things difficult for you?" Zuo Yun was full of worries.

Lu Qi originally wanted to tell Zuo Yun what she said in Tao Tang's office yesterday morning, but she held back, "Just eat when you eat, don't think about those boring things." She couldn't help but pick up another chicken leg, and decided not to choose meat anymore. Turn towards the vegetable side.After she finished picking up the food, she raised her eyes to look for a seat, and saw Tao Tang occupying a table for four, looking lonely.She couldn't find where her only female companion, Zuo Yun, was, but she saw Tao Tang waving at her, so she walked over.

"Oh, that's all you eat? Are you used to banquets and can't eat common food?" Lu Qi saw that Tao Tang's dinner plate was almost full of vegetarian dishes, and the staple food was only a flower roll.

"If this is common people's food, the leaders of the central government will feel more at ease. I can even eat the food in the Red Star Canteen, how can I not get used to it? But you, aren't you afraid of getting fat?" Tao Tang glanced at Lu Qizhuang A full plate.

"It's not too bad anyway." Lu Qi smiled, sat opposite Tao Tang, and said in a low voice, "Mr. Li is not too happy." On this occasion, it seems that Li Luo should sit with Tao Tang .Strangely, not only did the host disappear, but even Zhang Xingwu did not accompany Tao Tang.

"Actually, fat and thin mainly depend on genetics. Your blood fat is not high, right?" Tao Tang didn't answer, and asked about Lu Qi's body.

"I'm in good health. There are no abnormalities in all indicators - this is the conclusion of last year's physical examination report."

"That's good. What are your hobbies?"


"Haha. Yes, housework. Housework trains people the most." Tao Tang laughed, "You are my classmate if you come here, but you are still my classmate if you come here. So just sit here. If you don't come here, I will be alone."

"They may be a little afraid of you..."

Tao Tang still didn't answer Lu Qi's topic, "I asked just now, this level of self-service only costs 20 yuan. Donghu must have subsidized it, and I'm still laughing at the private business."

"I'm afraid I can't afford 20 yuan. If a single worker eats such two meals a day, it will cost 1200 yuan a month, eating up half of his salary. But in the canteen of Red Star, 800 yuan is almost enough."

This is to criticize the low salary of Red Star, Tao Tang asked, "How much is your monthly salary?"

"3500. Normally."

"But have you counted the number of people dining in Donghu? I just asked, employees of Donghu Industrial, including Donghu Real Estate and Donghu Mining all eat here. They are just such a restaurant. No need to count, there are less than 300 people. How many people are there in our agency?"

This Lu Qi couldn't answer.

"I only see the strengths of others, but I can't see my own weaknesses. The body is in the market, but the head is still in the plan. This is the problem of state-owned enterprises, especially large state-owned enterprises..." Seeing Wei Shegang and Tang Yiwei coming over, Tao Tang stood up.

"I'm sorry, there's something just now... for neglecting Chairman Tao." Wei Shegang apologized, his eyes glanced at the dining room, and he found the young man——Dai Xuedong, eating in the corner.He knew Tang Yikun's purpose for keeping Dai Xuedong, but he would not tell anyone.

"Haha, the buffet is just for cleanliness." Tao Tang smiled, "It's pretty good, really good."

"Ha, Brother Tao, I can't live without wine for every meal, I'll have a drink with Brother Tao." Tang Yiwei raised the oil-paper bag in his hand, "Li's Roasted Chicken is one of the few time-honored brands in Hiraizumi, and it tastes really good. Not bad." He put the greased paper bag on the table, took out a pair of thin plastic gloves apparently given by the restaurant, and tore apart the roast chicken.

Two waiters came over and put two plates on the table, Wei Shegang was a bowl of rice, and Tang Yiwei was a bowl of noodles with marinade.

"Don't go," Tao Tang called to stop Lu Qi, "One is my brother, she is also a child of Red Star, your brother and I are in the same class, and your brother was entertaining guests at the East Lake Club a few days ago, and she was also present." Tao Tang stopped After seeing Lu Qi's departure, "Lu Qi, deputy director of the Red Star Development and Regulations Department."

"Hello, Sister Lu, this is my own person. Have a drink. Alcohol is rare, and the old Baifen wine that I have kept privately is thirty years old."

"Don't move," Tao Tang stopped Tang Yiwei, "Listen to me, stop drinking. We have a lot of opportunities. The company has discipline, no drinking at noon."

"The rules are set for the subordinates, and East Lake also has rules. But I don't care about that. Wine is the essence of food, and the more you drink, the younger you will be."

"Listen to me. Don't open it. I want to see your site this afternoon." Tao Tang grabbed the glass wine bottle.

"What? Afraid that the following will say that you took the lead in violating the rules? Nonsense! Are you the boss or are they the boss? Are you going to rebel against me? Brother Tao, don't worry, some things have not been handled well in the past, and things will be different in the future. I'm angry, I will definitely support you, don't worry." Tang Yiwei reached out to snatch the bottle back.

"Forget about the third one, let's just listen to Director Tao." Wei Shegang smiled, "The third one is too drunk and happy. In fact, my brother-in-law often criticizes him. Since Director Lu is not an outsider, let me tell you, we discussed it. Heji will definitely support you, even the price, it is not impossible to negotiate. Only the quality, I hope Director Tao will personally intervene, especially some safety parts, in this situation, we have to be stricter.”

"President Wei, don't worry, I'll take care of it. There will be an obvious improvement." Tao Tang raised the cup filled with boiled water, "We will replace wine with water, and enter a new stage of cooperation."

"I wish Director Tao the best of luck." Wei Shegang responded immediately with a toast.

"Oh, you two are too simple." Tao Tang pointed to the food of Wei and Tang.

"Haha, the third child seldom eats here. He is used to roast chicken and noodles for lunch. Of course, there is half a catty of wine. As for me, to be honest, I don't eat here many times, and there are always entertainments. I also have today. It's because you came and turned it down... It's not that I can't afford it, it's that I don't have an appetite. Haha."

"I'm curious about the billionaire's recipes, aren't you?" Tao Tang glanced at Lu Qi who was a little embarrassed, "Just now my old classmate said that I am simple, but I didn't expect the two of you to be even simpler. The road is simple, unbreakable truth."

"Chairman Tao, I won't be with you this afternoon, please forgive me..." Wei Shegang said apologetically.

"Busy you. The principles are settled."

"This is my phone number," Wei Shegang took out a business card, "Director Tao can instruct me at any time."

"You're welcome. Director Zhang?"

Zhang Xingwu, who had been observing, hurried over and offered Tao Tang's two business cards with both hands. He was glad that the business cards were printed, because the specifications and styles were all uniform, and Tao Tang did not need to review them.

"My brother, I heard that your machinery company has been integrated and established not long ago. Can you tell me about the situation? I have a hunch that Donghu Machinery under the leadership of my brother has something I can do."

"Yes, yes, the year before last, my brother decided to integrate all the things under Donghu except mines and real estate, so he established Donghu Machinery. There are dozens of factories in a mess, most of them are in other places, ranging from textiles , machinery, pharmaceuticals to logistics, hotels, spanning several industries, it is not easy to do. I thought this would not work, diversification can not be done well, who can expand several industries at the same time? I have heard others say When I tell the story of Welch, I am definitely not comparable to others. There is only one GE in the world. But it is not easy to determine the direction of rectification, and we are still groping. As for the benefits, it is barely equal. It can be regarded as solving the employment problem for the government. For Donghu But it didn’t do much good. Brother Tao, you are the one I admire the most, and it happens that you give me some advice, and I know you must have a good idea.”

These words changed Lu Qi's perception of Tang Yiwei drastically.She didn't know Tang Yiwei, but she had heard of him. Before Tang Yikun made his fortune, Tang Yiwei was a well-known figure among the Red Star disciples. He was once involved in intentional wounding and was detained. Just now, Tang Yiwei gave Lu Qi the same impression. What a bastard, now he's not anymore. He even studied the case of Welch running GE. No wonder Tang Yikun handed over such a big deal to him.

"I'm not as good as you, let alone your brother. You are heroes who came out of the market, but I am not. But what you said is right, you must have a center of gravity. In fact, Red Star also faces the same problem, the difficulty of adjustment I'm afraid it's even bigger... I feel that the cooperation between Red Star and Donghu Machinery can be carried out on a deeper level, but I really don't have any specific ideas. By the way, where is your second child? I remember his appearance, he and you Different personalities."

"My second brother died... of bone cancer. It's been five years." Tang Yiwei looked sad.

"It's a pity... I'm sorry."

"It's all life. I went to Switzerland for an operation, but I still couldn't save it. Let's not talk about it. Come to my place in the afternoon and help me as a staff officer. Give me a golden idea, and I thank Brother Tao for a big red envelope." Tang Yiwei added The hippie smiling face is restored.

(End of this chapter)

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