Revival Road

Chapter 35

Chapter 35
After returning to the factory and already off work, Lu Qi, who was thinking about Han Ruilin and Shuijiao's couple, was dragged by Zuo Yun to talk, and the topic was naturally Tao Tang's attitude towards salesmen.Zuo Yun sensed Tao Tang's dissatisfaction with Li Luo's marketing channel, and really wanted to get some news from Lu Qi.Lu Qi saw that Zuo Yun was a little hot-hearted, and she was glad that she didn't tell her about recommending Tao Tang to her, so she asked Zuo Yun how he knew Tao's thoughts? "Even if we used to be classmates, do you think he will report to me his plan on personnel adjustment? If he is so shallow, can he sit in that chair? Zuo Yun, instead of thinking about the leader's mind, it is better to do it down-to-earth Take care of your own business."

"Lu Qi, I'm wondering why Boss Tao chose me." Zuo Yun was thoughtful and could easily figure out the key point, "Don't look at me like that, that bastard Liu Shulin told me, you and Boss Tao this afternoon We went to Donghu Machinery, and we stayed to sign the contract. Liu Shulin told me personally that it was Secretary Li who asked me to go. Mr. Tao didn’t say anything, and a small secretary dared to make decisions without authorization? Impossible? Don’t talk about a young guy, it’s Zhang Xingwu Don't you dare? Except you, who would mention me in front of Mr. Tao? Lu Qi, we are friends, and it's too late for me to be grateful for this kind of thing. Why are you shouting outside? Do you think I'm a fool? But, You know Li Luo's wrists and connections. A powerful person like Song Yue can't shake him. Mr. Tao just came, don't beat a snake and get bitten by a snake...I won't hide it from you, I have been looking forward to the factory for a long time. If the marketing is rectified, if Liu Shulin does not fall, the marketing department will not be good."

"Okay, let me confess, I mentioned you in front of him. He asked me about the responsibility system assessment and wage arrears yesterday morning. By the way, I mentioned you when I mentioned Donghu. He probably remembered it. ..." Lu Qi couldn't tell Tao Tang's exact words, so she lied.

In fact, this passage does not stand up to scrutiny.What does going to East Lake have to do with Zuo Yun?The marketing department is the largest department in the company's management department, with a total of more than 200 people. Zuo Yun is just a deputy director who has no specific division of labor and ranks last. Except for Liu Shulin, there are secretary and three deputy directors above her, no Under special circumstances, how could Tao Tang order her general?But Zuo Yun is also a smart person, no matter what hidden feelings are in it, Lu Qi steadfastly helped her, so Zuo Yun said: "I will write down this love, thank you."

Red Star is a society, and one of the most distinctive features of Chinese society is human feelings.Letting others owe you money is equivalent to depositing money in the bank, and you can't tell how high the interest rate is.Lu Qi is a cadre who grew up in Red Star, how can she not understand the pros and cons?What Zuo Yun said was that I would repay the favor.

But Zuo Yun can't be the head of the marketing department.That position is too important, it requires both ability and qualifications.Otherwise, it would be impossible to suppress those foreign salesmen and brother departments, especially the finance department.Lu Qi felt a little regretful again, and after thinking about it, it was what she said just now, if Tao Tang couldn't figure out the relationship, he wouldn't be able to sit firmly in that chair.

"Okay, stop talking. Aren't we friends?"

"Liu Shulin is going to turn the rudder, I have a hunch. You are not here this afternoon, and you haven't seen Liu Shulin's face. Li Luo is very dissatisfied with his attitude."

"There's nothing wrong with him obeying the top leader." Lu Qi still couldn't hold back, "If Song Yue lives hard on her own, what's the point of Li Luo? Mr. Tao is new, and they don't have any leverage in their hands."

"That's right. That's why Mr. Tao must be cautious in the first battle."

"It's really not for us to think about it, I have to go home." Lu Qi stopped chatting with Zuo Yun and left in a hurry.

It was seven o'clock when I got home, and the opening song of the news network had just played. Lu Qigang changed her slippers at the entrance, and saw Shui Jiao sitting in the living room at a glance.

"Sister-in-law, you are back..."

"Hey, you should persuade her. You women..." Fan Yongcheng patted his buttocks and hid in the kitchen, leaving his cousin to Lu Qi.

"What's going on? You're not afraid of being laughed at by others..."

"Sister-in-law, he gave all the family's money to that slut, I want to divorce him..."

Shuijiao's eyes are swollen, probably from crying.Lu Qi thinks that the most beautiful thing about Shuijiao is her eyes, which are big and energetic, but now they are ugly, "What's going on?"

Shuijiao started to cry again, and while crying, she told about the fact that the money in the passbook at home was missing [-] yuan, and the time for withdrawal was yesterday morning.

"Aren't you in charge of the money? How can he get it without your hands?" Lu Qi was a little puzzled.

"Last year's performance that he cashed in has been left there... You know, I can't be on guard against thieves. He must have used money to gag Mu Jianhua. Mu Jianhua is taking drugs, and everyone in the factory knows , if he took the money, he would naturally cover up the scandal between him and his sister..."

Lu Qi understood, the first one Shui Jiao said meant Han Ruilin, and the second he meant Mu Jianhua.Lu Qi immediately believed Shui Jiao's inference, she hated Han Ruilin in her heart, and felt that this power-loving guy was extremely hateful.But persuading reconciliation but not breaking up, even if Shui Jiao is her own sister, it's not easy to just say that you two left.

"Pour me a glass of water!" Lu Qi shouted to the kitchen, "Is the meal ready? I'm going to starve to death."

Fan Yongcheng, who was wearing an apron, came out with water, "Eh? Didn't eat?"


"How come? Your old classmate is too picky..."

Lu Qi ignored Fan Yongcheng, took a few sips from the water glass, "Let's eat when the meal is ready, Jiaojiao must not have eaten yet? Where is Taotao? Where is it?"

Taotao is Han Jiangtao, the son of Han Ruilin and Shuijiao.And Fan Yue usually went back to Lu Qi's parents for dinner.

"I don't eat, I don't care, I want to divorce him..." Shui Jiao cried again.

Lu Qi thought, divorce is actually very easy, just go to the Civil Affairs Bureau, it's not difficult at all.Since Shuijiao came to the house, she still didn't want to leave.

"Shuijiao, don't cry. Since you trust me, just listen to my advice. First, the matter between Han Ruilin and Mu Guihua may not be true. Han Ruilin used to want to get along with Cao Wendong. I know this. It is reasonable for him to help Mu Guihua... ..."

"No! It's definitely not like that." Shui Jiao screamed.

"Second, even if Han Ruilin and Mu Guihua are not clean, you have to think about how difficult it is for your family, the elderly and children. Divorce is easy, what about Taotao? Do you take it with you? He is in junior high school. Considering your future, economically, are you okay?"

Shuijiao stopped crying and was in a daze.

"Men are mostly animals that think with their lower body..." Lu Qi glared at Fan Yongcheng, "Don't look at me, you are not a good bird. Jiaojiao, if you listen to me, stop making trouble. Me and your brother Talk to him, let him correct his mistakes, admit his mistakes and make a promise. Jiaojiao, think about it, your husband and wife have been together for almost 20 years, it is not easy. Let’s not talk about Taotao’s victimization, let’s talk about you two, this matter If it breaks out, not only will he be finished, but you will also be implicated."

"What am I implicated?"

"Boss Tao took a group of us to East Lake to learn Buddhist scriptures today." Lu Qi started to make up nonsense again, "It is said that Donghu Industrial has a big stall, and there are only one hundred and ten people in the headquarters. The organization of our factory is too bloated Yes, there are three office buildings alone. I think Mr. Tao is going to streamline the organization...Jiaojiao, others don’t know, but I don’t know? Do you need so many people in your confidential room?”

Shui Jiao was startled.She works in the confidential room of the general manager's office, and she doesn't get along with almost all her colleagues. She just hangs around at work, and it's normal to be late and leave early. When Han Ruilin is in office, whether it's Zhang Xingwu or Zhu Ning, you have to give Han Ruilin some face. But Han Ruilin is finished. If the factory really streamlines the organization, she will probably be kicked out of the factory.

"Sister-in-law, is what you said true?"

"Why should I lie to you? Mr. Tao has a drastic style in Shengdong. If you don't believe me, ask your brother, we have learned from Shengdong's experience. The higher-ups transferred Mr. Tao to be in charge, and asked him to vigorously rectify Red Star. How to rectify it? ? The easiest thing to do is to take the surplus personnel of the agency, and it will calm people down at once..."

Shui Jiao bit her lip and remained silent.

Fan Yongcheng secretly gave Lu Qi a thumbs up, "The meal is ready, let's eat."

After the meal, Shui Jiao went back and refused Lu Qi to send her back. She seemed to have forgotten that Lu Qi assured Han Ruilin that Han Ruilin had been wronged at her home the night before yesterday.Lu Qi assured her that Han Ruilin would be severely punished, that he would admit his mistakes, and that he would make a written promise that he would never associate with that bastard Mu Guihua again.

"I'm so exhausted..." Closing the door, Lu Qi complained, "I can't take care of serious business. Han Ruilin is a bastard. Hey, the rest is yours, I don't care. She is you cousin."

"President Tao really wants to streamline the organization?"

"You lied to her. However, Mr. Tao did lament the capability of the East Lake headquarters."

"Tell me, tell me in detail." Fan Yongcheng really became interested.

"Just said that. Hey, can you fix your problem? Like a woman."

"I want to report to Mr. Tao for work, I wonder if it's suitable?"

"What to report? What is there to report? There are a lot of quality problems. Hey, I really should let you listen to it, even though it has nothing to do with me. I blush when I heard it, as if I was going to court."

"Donghu filed a complaint?"

"What is a complaint? Now we are begging others! You should clarify the relationship between each other first."

"Chen Yongliang has been disciplined?"

"Would Tao Tang not be that good? Let me tell you, let's pay attention to what you are in charge of. I think Tao Tang must rectify the quality."

"If I'm in charge of the quality department, it's definitely not my virtue..."

"Bragging, you." Lu Qi gave her husband a white look.Fan Yongcheng's theory is acceptable. Hongxing Factory's current quality system documents consist of three thick volumes, half of which were drafted by Fan Yongcheng, but Chen Yongliang might not be as good as Chen Yongliang if he were to manage the quality department.

"Hey, you don't know, right? A group of debtors came this afternoon, and they went straight to Building No. [-] to see Mr. Tao. They threatened to see him in court if they didn't pay the money."

"What's so rare about this? To use a buzzword to describe it, it's the new normal."

"No, I suspect someone tipped off the news. Those people said that Mr. Han asked for the money back from Yanjing..."

"What old debt? Is it a material payment?" Lu Qi thought, just after Tao Tang decided to make up the owed wages, the creditors came after hearing the news?
"No, it's coal money. Mr. Tao is not here today. The office building is very lively. A group of people came from the home of the person who committed suicide. They are all farmers. They must say that the factory forced people to death. They want to see Mr. Tao. Jia Jianxin Hiding and not showing up, Zhu Ning was devastated..."

"Hey, you always want to be promoted to power, do you know it's troublesome?"

"What's the trouble? The more difficult it is, the easier it is for an official to make money. Isn't Song Yue like this? Every old debt needs to be commissioned...I'm not talking about Mr. Tao, your classmate has a good reputation , The following are all boasting, it’s not easy for the top leader to eat in the big cafeteria. Hey, I’m so confused, tell me, should I report to Mr. Tao?”

"Forget it. Naturally, someone will report. You are not the director of the legal office, and the report is also Zhao Zhenghong's business."

"I won't even sit on the broken chair given by the law. It's just this mess, and I'm the defendant anyway, and it's annoying me to death." Fan Yongcheng sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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