Revival Road

Chapter 41 Fund Balance Meeting 1

Chapter 41
When he was about to leave work that morning, Gu Meijun, accompanied by the president of the City Industrial and Commercial Bank Lu, made a surprise visit to Red Star.At that time, Tao Tang was studying the capital demand plan for May sent by Han Zhiyong, so Han Zhiyong led Gu and Lu to come, "Boss Tao, do you see who is here?"

"Oh, what a rare visitor." Tao Tang hurriedly got up to greet him.

"Very diligent. You are so dedicated when you are about to get off work? This is the governor of the city, Lu, who has long wanted to visit you, the big boss. I just came back today, so I dragged me here... Didn't bother you?"

"It's too late to welcome, so I can't be bothered." Tao Tang and President Lu warmly shook hands, and Li Zhibin quickly brought tea.

Banks cannot be neglected, especially ICBC. Red Star's loan from ICBC is as high as more than [-] million yuan.

Looking at his watch, Tao Tang ordered Li Zhibin to arrange a banquet in Xiaozhao, and said to Gu Meijun and Vice President Lu: "It's getting late, let's chat while eating."

"Okay, this is the best. I've been thinking about coming to see you for a long time. Oh, let's call Lu Qi." Gu Meijun said.

"No need. The company has a rule that you can't drink at noon. It's not appropriate to call Lu Qi alone. She is not the only one who works in Hongxing in our class. Moreover, it is not convenient to talk about things."

When it came to business, Gu Meijun stopped insisting.

Tao Tang is clear about Gu Meijun's reason for coming, but the change of the company's basic account is not a one-sentence matter.So, after arriving at Xiaozhao's private room, Tao Tang said to Gu Meijun: "I know the reason for your visit. I don't want to follow you. It takes a lot of work to change the basic account, and the procedures for customers are not so easy. Yanjing You also need to say hello there. If it doesn’t affect the overall situation, I personally have no objection. ICBC has supported Red Star a lot over the years, and Mr. Han has told me more than once.”

"Lao Lu told me about the situation, don't worry about CCB, they won't impose any restrictions on you. I'll give you as much as you need! I've already asked the bank for instructions before I came here." Gu Meijun seemed confident , "For companies like Red Star, there are special policies in the industry."

Tao Tang glanced at Han Zhiyong, and seemed to blame Han Zhiyong for not saying a word, "Old classmate, you have your difficulties, and I have mine. You can't offend old friends because of new friends."

Tao Tang's impression of Gu Meijun is very ordinary, and he doesn't have much friendship.When it comes to classmates in middle school, Sun Dunquan is the only one who really maintains friendship, and Lu Qi is just a dream in his heart.Because of Shengdong's experience of more than three years, Tao Tang has a relatively good understanding of the relationship between banks and enterprises. In a sense, banks are more dependent on large state-owned enterprises.This is especially true for the company department in charge of Gu Meijun, who must have been under heavy pressure from the indicators.Winning over big customers like Red Star will increase turnover by tens of billions every year, which will bring very considerable profits.

Gu Meijun is determined to win, "Didn't Hongyou tell you? Lao Tao, I have indeed encountered difficulties, and we will not talk about what is on the table. You must help me with this favor. This is not what the CCB can give you when old Lu is here. There will be no shortage of ICBC. You can rest assured." Gu Meijun made a double entender.

"Mr. Han, I think so. As for this matter, don't say anything about it. Mr. Gu is the leader of the provincial bank and my classmate. Mr. Gu always wants to give face. The situation at the bank is better than mine. Clearly, you should think about it first, and after discussing it, give President Gu and President Lu a responsible answer."

"Success, follow your instructions." Han Zhiyong readily agreed.Before that, ICBC has been doing his work on the condition that it will increase the current loan by 1.5 to 2 million.In view of the extremely difficult business situation at that time, Song Yue even organized a small-scale meeting to study the matter in order to ease the pressure on funds, but in the end no decision was made because of Li Luo's opposition.In addition, when Red Star's account opening bank, China Construction Bank, heard the news and stepped up its work on Red Star, Han Zhiyong also felt very embarrassed.Then Yang Wenhuan and Song Yue had accidents one after another, and the matter was let go.

That's all for business, and we won't talk about it at the dinner table. Gu Meijun insisted on having a few drinks, and Tao Tang couldn't stick to the rules.The prohibition of drinking at noon is aimed at the subordinates, and no one can control the company-level leaders. Guests like Gu Meijun and President Lu come to the door, and no one will say anything to accompany them for a few drinks.

During the dinner, Gu Meijun learned from Han Zhiyong that Tao Tang's wife passed away a few years ago, and she was shocked, "Oh, Tao Tang, you kept it a secret from Tang Yikun last time."

Tao Tang was a little dissatisfied with Han Zhiyong, but it was hard to express it, "This is not a good thing, am I crazy? Tell it everywhere?"

"It's been a few years. It's time to start a family. Don't worry, this matter is on me. I will help you find one!" She glanced at President Lu, "A person like Mr. Tao is a diamond king. ? I see that there are quite a few beautiful girls in your profession."

"That's true. I'm afraid Mr. Tao's vision is too high." President Lu smiled.

"Please, let's not talk about this, shall we?" Tao Tang immediately changed the subject.

Because talking about this, the topic was a bit heavy, so he drank a lot less wine. Tao Tang emphasized that there was an important meeting in the afternoon, so Gu Meijun stopped insisting.When she was leaving after dinner, she pulled Tao Tang aside and stuffed a bank card into Tao Tang's palm.

Tao Tang stuffed the card into Gu Meijun's jacket pocket calmly, "Squad Leader Gu, I will take care of that matter. Because there will be a fund balance meeting in the afternoon, I won't keep you. If you want to see the factory You are old, I will let Lu Qi accompany you."

"No need, I have to rush back to Beiyang to report." In front of Han Zhiyong, Gu Meijun also had some scruples, "Goodbye, you are single, take care. Be sure to call me when you come to Beiyang."


"This cigarette and alcohol is a wish of President Lu. You have to keep it, or you won't give me face." She took an orange paper bag with the words Hiraizumi Sub-branch printed on it from President Lu's driver, and stuffed it into Tao Tang's hand. .Of course Han Zhiyong also had the same gift.

This time Tao Tang did not refuse and accepted.

The fund balance meeting in the afternoon was held on time. The scale of the meeting was larger than Tao Tang thought. The "input" end of funds was the marketing family, and there were more "output" ends. There was a large black crowd.Due to the large number of participants, the meeting room in Building No. [-] could not fit, so it was temporarily relocated to Building No. [-] where the Marketing Department was located.

All the leaders of the company at home participated. There was no such thing as party-mass talk, but Tao Tang let them know.Seeing so many departments spending money, Li Luo, who was sitting on the left of Tao Tang, couldn't help but feel proud, and he got a little more courage out of thin air, can you leave me?

The meeting was supposed to be presided over by Han Zhiyong, but Tao Tang wanted to talk about his own rules first.

In fact, this is Tao Tang's first official appearance since he took office at the cadre meeting. There have been several meetings before, but the scope was very small.Zhao Qingmin noticed that almost all the units participating in the meeting today were top executives, full of energy and focused.

Tao Tang said: "Comrades, today's meeting is the capital balance meeting in May. Because I arranged it late and did not seek the opinions of more leaders and departments, it may be a bit hasty, but it does not matter. If some items are omitted, You can report to the Finance Department in writing on the first day of work after the holiday. I discussed with Mr. Han, and we will hold a fund balance meeting at least once a month, and the time will be around the 25th of the last ten days. The situation is generally clearer. It is more beneficial to ensure the implementation rate of the budget. The convener of the meeting is Mr. Han. Since today is the first time, I will say a few more words.

"Why do we need to restore the balance of funds system? It is because it is essential. Let alone a tens of billions of companies like ours, even if it is ten times or a hundred times smaller in size, I think it needs to be budgeted. Otherwise, it will be chaos. So I was surprised when I learned that the company hadn’t made a capital budget for a long time. This is absolutely not possible. During the time I came to the factory, I encountered some strange things, which also confirmed the necessity of the capital balance meeting. The note of thousands of yuan Wouldn't it be absurd to ask me for approval?

"The meaning of the capital balance meeting is to do a good job in the capital budget. Its purpose is threefold: first, to improve the efficiency of capital use and to use the money wisely. Especially in the current situation where our business is difficult, we must rationally control the use of funds Direction and strength. The second is to increase the transparency of the use of funds. All the key cadres here are the company's main cadres. How much money is returned, where and how much money is spent, should be clear to everyone. This way the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, and at least it can reduce Complaints to each other, especially to the financial department. The third is to limit the power of leaders. Yes, I think so. The fund balance meeting has been held, and my power is first restricted. The projects approved at the meeting are Don't ask me for approval. The same is true for other leaders. Only emergencies need to be reported for approval, which will improve work efficiency... However, this requires our departments to accurately calculate their own work, and the implementation rate of the budget must be included in the responsibility System assessment, please take a look at this matter from the Department of Regulations. It will be tried for a month in May, and will be officially included in the assessment in June. Comrades, is it okay to change the existing method of using funds? I think it is good, and it can free up company leaders. more energy to focus on more important tasks... Also, the risk of corruption can be reduced from the system! Therefore, this meeting must be determined from the system, and the relevant systems are drafted or reiterated by the Finance Department, and issued after review by the Development and Regulation Department. The whole factory. Well, that’s all for the opening remarks, and the marketing department will report on the payment collection plan for May.”

Liu Shulin cleared his throat, "Leaders, due to the rush of time, there may be some errors in the repayment plan we have drawn up, but it will not be big..." He subconsciously glanced at Tao Tang, and saw that he was jotting down something in his notebook , So starting from the gearbox market, I reported the payment plans of each major market item by item, "... This is the situation, and the cumulative payment is about 3.75 million."

Tao Tang glanced at Li Luo.

Li Luo nodded, "I would like to add a few words. One is the auto parts sector. Since the two major markets of passenger cars and heavy trucks that we support are declining, the other party's operation is showing a difficult trend, and the payment has become abnormal. But Liu The number of assistants is a bit conservative. The marketing department needs to work harder to get back the payment according to the contract. In this way, there is an estimated increase of 1900 million. The second is the gearbox. The situation is similar. If the contract is strictly implemented, there should be An increase of about 2500 million. My opinion is to make a compromise. The marketing department should put pressure on itself and strive to achieve a 4 million payment in May. Mr. Tao, I will add these.”

"Okay, the marketing port has opened a market of 4 million yuan. Now let's listen to the items that cost money. Mr. Han, I think this is the case. You will host the next one. It is recommended to talk about what must be spent first, such as salary. , energy, and production and others.” Tao Tang actually presided over the meeting.

"Okay, then please report the wages and salary expenses to the Planning Department and the Human Resources Department first. Let's do it one by one." Han Zhiyong glanced at Liu Xinjun and Pan Chenggui who were sitting across from each other.

"Let me report the results of the responsibility system assessment first... The total salary payable is 6889 million. Salary expenses are not included." For some reason, Liu Xinjun did not bring Lu Qi here. Tao Tang noticed just now that Lu Qi, who was in charge of the responsibility system assessment, did not attend the meeting .

Pan Chenggui then reported to Liu Xinjun, "Because we reached an agreement with the Municipal Bureau to pay social insurance, medical insurance and other expenses on a quarterly basis. Originally, May was not the payment month, but due to the shortage of funds in April, we only paid two-thirds of the first quarter, which is still a month in arrears. The cost is 990 million yuan..."

Tao Tang wrote down these two numbers.

"Energy consumption?" Han Zhiyong continued to host.

Energy consumption for production is the responsibility of the power company, while energy consumption for daily use is managed by the property management company.The two add up to a total of 1420 million yuan.

"Wait, why do you have to include the electricity and gas used for living?" Tao Tang interrupted the report, "Isn't it reasonable?"

"It's like this. The fee is paid by the company, and the property fee is transferred to the company's account." Li Jianguohui reported.

"That's not right." Tao Tang closed his notebook, "How much can the property management company charge?"

"About 85%..." Wang Jingfu lacked confidence.

"Around? I just said that your piece is 480 million, including natural gas. According to what you said, wouldn't the company have to pay 70 million per month? Assistant Liu, how does the Department of Regulations evaluate the kinetic energy management of property companies?"

"This, I can't remember... I need to check..."

This question stopped Liu Xinjun.Because he felt that Lu Qi was valued by Tao Tang, Liu Xinjun left Lu Qi to attend the meeting alone today, but unexpectedly something went wrong.

"Call Lu Qi." Tao Tang frowned, "Go on, I'll talk about the kinetic energy management of the living area later."

Next is the financial expenses (bank interest) and taxes of the Finance Department. The bank interest must be paid 3200 million this month.Han Zhiyong explained that it was caused by a 1.8 million bad loan.The total amount of various taxes is about 3000 million. Li Jianguo explained that this is the minimum.

Next is the research funding. Li Meng read the list he made long-windedly, but was interrupted by Han Zhiyong, "Don't read it item by item. I have read the items. Give the total to Mr. Tao."

The scientific research budget is not too much, only 1100 million.

Now 1.7 million has been spent.

"Secretary An, it's your turn." Finally it was the turn to purchase, and this was the boss.

"Mr. Tao, leaders," An Zhongliang, the acting director of the procurement department with a handsome face, seemed a little nervous, "According to the monthly operation order of the production and manufacturing department, the funds required for the procurement of main materials in May are 2.1 million yuan, and 0.95 million yuan for auxiliary materials. The total is 3.05 million. Do you want to expand?"

"Let me ask, what is your plan based on the output value?"

"4.95 billion."

"Mr. Ma, aren't we going to adjust the plan in May?"

"Yes, the addition has not been notified to the procurement department."

Tao Tang was a little dissatisfied, "Why is it so slow? The increased products are mainly in the East Lake market, right? Director An, can you estimate how much money will be needed to add a Yidong Lake product?"

"At least 7000 million." An Zhongconscience calculated for a while, "Mr. Tao, it will not be less than 7000 million. The marginal interest rate in the East Lake market is relatively low."

"This is more troublesome...Okay, let's continue." Tao Tang waved his hand.

Jiang Yansheng's outsourcing funds for production and export, including cutting tools, tooling, measuring tools, etc., need at least 1.5 million yuan, office expenses, arrears paid in judicial procedures, freight, three guarantees and other quality compensation, all add up to tens of millions... Participate Everyone in the meeting looked at Tao Tang, wondering how he would deal with the [-] million hole.

(End of this chapter)

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