Revival Road

Chapter 42 Fund Balance Meeting 2

Chapter 42
When Lu Qi came in, the report had already reached Jiang Yansheng's production entrance. She didn't hear the previous ones, but she heard the latter ones. When the report was over, she heard Han Zhiyong ask who had anything to add, so she raised her hand and said, "I don't know the project funds. Did you tell me... there are some problems with this..."

Lu Qi was talking to Duan Hui about the misappropriation of project funds before she came. They knew about today's meeting, but they were not eligible to attend.So Lu Qi proposed the project, and regretted it after she finished speaking, because she understood Liu Xinjun's gaze.

Just now Liu Xinjun did not mention the project funds.At present, Red Star Company has a lot of projects under construction. Among them, three major projects are state-funded projects, but the self-financing rate ranges from 30 to 35%. This year, a special technical transformation of the gearbox production line will pass the acceptance of the superior at the end of the year. The project has been completed. The serious delay is mainly due to funding constraints. In addition, there is a problem of misappropriation of project funds. It is estimated that the audit team at the headquarters has found out, and now the hole must be filled.In addition, there are several small projects that are self-financed by the company, including the Ancuo plan that Tao Tang decided to make up lessons after he took office.

"Let's not talk about this one for now..." Han Zhiyong glanced at Liu Xinjun, and understood that Liu Xinjun didn't know, but deliberately avoided the question.The person directly responsible for the misappropriation is Han Zhiyong, but he thinks he has a clear conscience.

Tao Tang disagreed, "Why don't you talk about it? Hmm? Before I came, Director Feng and Mr. Qi mentioned the company's project construction, which is related to the future development of Red Star, and the headquarters attaches great importance to it. They told me to pay special attention to this. I originally wanted to Those who arranged time to listen to the report of the Ministry of Regulations have never had time. Let me talk about it now, Comrade Lu Qi reminded me very well, Assistant Liu, can you explain clearly?"

"I know the general situation," Liu Xinjun was very passive, and was seriously dissatisfied with Lu Qi, but not only now, but even after he came down, he didn't dare to reveal anything... He glanced at his immediate boss Luo Chong, and saw that Luo Chong had no expression , I can only bite the bullet and say, "This part is in charge of Comrade Duan Hui. He knows better... By the end of the year, the company will need a total of 2.57 million funds for the three major and four small technical transformation projects, because the gearbox The project must meet the conditions for acceptance at the end of the year. From May to October, a total of 6500 million yuan needs to be invested, because the part of the national allocation has been spent in advance, and this part needs to be self-financed. According to the capital investment approved by our department According to the plan, it should not be less than 2000 million in May... plus the needs of several other projects, at least 3500 million will be invested in the technical transformation in May."

"At least? I hear you mean that the state-approved funds have been embezzled, right?"

"Mr. Tao, the misappropriation does exist. There are meeting minutes. The responsibility does not lie with the Department of Regulations." Han Zhiyong and Liu Xinjun have a good relationship, and he is unwilling to put Liu Xinjun under too much pressure.

"The Ministry of Development and Regulations is not responsible... Where is it? What about the Ancuo plan? Are you going to shelve it again?" Tao Tang clearly expressed his dissatisfaction with Liu Xinjun.

Perhaps because of the relatively small funds for Ancuo, Liu Xinjun actually forgot about this lump.Zhao Qingmin sighed in his heart, thinking that this was Tao Tang's first project after taking office, how could he forget it?This Liu Xinjun has been out of his mind since Song Yue's accident.

"I'm sorry, that's not what I meant..." Liu Xinjun hastily explained, "Because the amount of the Ninth Branch's Ancuo Plan is not large, so..."

"The Ninth Branch Factory is the only one who designed the Ancuo?" Tao Tang was unhappy, "During the first general manager office meeting, you told me that this year's Ancuo plan was tens of millions, and the dust removal renovation of the Ninth Branch Factory was just a piece of cake. It's just one of them. Besides, 300 million is a small amount in your eyes?"

"President Tao..." Liu Xinjun used to be the most respected cadre under Song Yue, otherwise he wouldn't be sitting in the position of director of the regulatory department, let alone being criticized by the top leader in public?I want to explain clearly, but I don't know where to start, which is extremely embarrassing.

"Okay, you don't need to explain." Tao Tang rubbed his face, "The situation is roughly clear. The import is 4 million, which is the figure after Mr. Li put a burden on the marketing department. As for the export, the total sum exceeds 7 million." Hundreds of millions! How do you live this day? Let’s all talk about it.”

This is the benefit of the fund balance meeting. The account was spread out, which also made everyone silent. None of the listed money should not be spent. Which money do you think should not be spent?Are wages not issued?Is it okay to not pay taxes?Can the materials not be bought?Projects and scientific research cannot be stopped.

Zhao Qingmin saw that the meeting was a little cold, "The situation is indeed very serious. The difficulties need to be solved by everyone, and we can't blame Mr. Tao alone. Mr. Han, you are in charge of the money, so you should talk about it first."

"To be honest, there are many missing items, such as water resource fees. The Water Conservancy Bureau has been urging for a long time, and has threatened to issue fines several times. There must be problems such as the coal payment last time. The Finance Department, the General Manager's Office, and the Legal Office reported The number is a conservative account, and the actual situation is definitely more serious than this... Mr. Tao and Secretary Zhao want me to talk, so I will talk about my opinion. First of all, I would like to thank Mr. Tao for holding such a meeting. Why? I think it is right Support for my work. Many leaders and departments blamed the finances. Now everyone has seen it. One table of meals was prepared, and two tables of guests came. .First, Mr. Li, please put more burden on the marketing department. 4 million is not enough anyway. Mr. Li, have you seen it, which one do you think you can not pay? Now the foreign debt is as high as 9 million , Excluding the more than 2 billion in the system, there are still more than 7 billion scattered in various markets... I really can’t mention the specific figures. I hope to get back all the nearly 10 billion funds in May, but That is difficult for the strong, and it cannot be done. But is it possible to use some unconventional means to increase the income by 1 million? The second is to reduce expenditure, the first is procurement, An Zhongliang, can’t you just open your mouth, you want nearly 4 million in materials The fee is unrealistic. If they owe us, why can’t we owe others? 4 million won’t work, 3 million won’t work, up to 2.5 million! It’s also necessary to ensure that production doesn’t stop! On the basis of 1 million yuan, 3000 million yuan will be reduced. Jiang Yansheng, you have to issue a military order to Mr. Tao, and you can’t lose the chain because of the lack of 3000 million yuan. As for the others, I think that except for projects and scientific research, other expenses must be greatly reduced. For example, for the money handled by the legal office, you can discuss with the creditors and the court, extend the payment period, and cut off two-thirds of the total payment in May! You can't concentrate all historical issues in Mr. Tao's hands at once Deal with it! Let me also say that the salary in May is not high, because our indicators in April were poorly completed. If the plan in May is successfully completed, the salary in June will increase by at least 500 million. Mr. Tao, I will say it first These."

"Mr. Tao, let me say a few words." Li Luo had to fight back, "Mr. Han's suggestion is correct, absolutely right. Opening up sources of income and reducing expenditure is always correct, but repayment is not something you take for granted! If allowed, I will We can talk about the contract item by item. The marketing department’s plan of 3.75 million yuan is well-founded. I pressed them to 4 million yuan, which is already the limit. That’s right, there are indeed nearly 10 billion yuan in arrears floating outside. , but the responsibility for not getting back the money is not mine, let alone the marketing department! Everyone knows that whether it is mining machines, agricultural machinery, or vehicle accessories, the reality is that there is a payment cycle. There is no way. N+2 is already normalized, Mr. Han, you don’t know? You just gave me an increase of 1 million indicators. Where is the basis? That’s right, Mr. Tao just came, and we all have the responsibility to support Mr. Tao’s work, but You can’t be so unrealistic. In addition, the reason for the shortage of funds is not only due to foreign debts, right? Why don’t you mention the inventory of more than 10 billion? There is also a high quality three guarantees. The packet loss exceeded 1500 million. This responsibility cannot be borne by the marketing department, right? Open source is right, but in reality, throttling is the kingly way.”

Lu Qi suddenly had a headache, and she had a headache for Tao Tang.It is well known that Han Zhiyong and Li Luo are not on the right track. Now that Han Zhiyong is forcing Li Luo, and Li Luo is accusing Han Zhiyong and Ma Guangming, Tao Tang must be on fire.

Fortunately, Tao Tang raised his hand to stop Han Zhiyong from speaking, but Luo Chong raised his hand, and Tao Tang nodded, "Boss Luo, tell me."

"I basically agree with Mr. Han's opinion. Of course, the specific situation needs to be studied, such as the payment from the marketing department. Mr. Li's opinion is also valid. The marketing contract has passed through my hands, and deferred payment has become an obvious rule. There is no way to get the contract. Under the current situation, the larger the company's marketing scale, the more debts will be owed. This is impossible. Because we are more supporting others. But we have downstream suppliers Yes, why can’t we press other people’s money? This is a problem. The potential of agricultural machinery is huge, and the current matching method is not suitable. The funding plan for production needs to be redone. In addition, the payment caused by legal disputes may not be so easy to coordinate. The court is not opened by our family, and they are not so easy to talk to. If we do not implement the settlement agreement, what if the court closes our account? Isn’t it worse? I’m not saying that you can’t do work, but you can’t arbitrarily set an indicator like two-thirds. As for the inventory problem mentioned by Mr. Li, it really needs to be considered. It’s all money. If it can be reduced by half, Tao It won't be difficult..." After Luo Chong finished speaking, he took off his glasses, took a tissue from the tissue box on the table, and wiped it carefully.

Han Zhiyong didn't expect Luo Chong to stand by Li Luo's side. He was very annoyed. Just as he was about to speak, Tao Tang said, "What the leaders just said was good. Mr. Ma, you are in charge of production as well as external cooperation. Yes, what did you say?"

"I basically agree with Mr. Han's opinion. In this case, this is the only way to go. Let me express my opinion. I will try my best to reduce the funds. The specific amount must be calculated carefully." Of course Ma Guangming wants Sitting with Han Zhiyong.

"President Qiu?" Tao Tang looked at Qiu Lin, "Your piece is also the big one, tell me?"

"Mr. Tao, it's not that the Purchasing Department doesn't understand the company's difficulties. It's the credit purchases over the years that have hurt us. The price is high, the quality is low, and it is easy to cause legal disputes. Since the funding gap is so large, I will express my opinion and try my best to compress it. Let’s purchase funds, you can owe them on credit, we will continue to owe them on credit... I have a suggestion, let’s do a warehouse clearance. There are a lot of backlogs in each branch factory. If they can be used, I don’t think there is any problem in saving 5000 million yuan. "

"Boss Jiang?" Tao Tang looked at Jiang Shangyun.

"I don't have anything to say. Just now several leaders have given good opinions. Under the current situation, the only article that can be done is to increase revenue and reduce expenditure. What I want to say is that this situation cannot be maintained for a long time," said Hair Jiang Shangyun, who was more than half blank, raised his voice, "If Mr. Tao hadn't brought a 1 million current loan, if Mr. Tao hadn't gotten 2 million in arrears in the system from the headquarters in advance, the wages owed to the employees would be It is impossible to solve it. It is impossible to set off the climax of the big work in May! Just now I estimated that with the arrival of the production climax, the cost of materials, wages, and power will all increase rigidly, and Mr. Li’s current payment system will inevitably lead to The increase in arrears, the most optimistic situation will take three months to reverse. What should I do in these three months? Should I continue to apply for a loan? Let alone whether the loan can be obtained, even if the loan is obtained, what about the interest? The current loan interest It’s always more than six points, right? One hundred million requires at least 600 million in interest. Can we earn back 600 million in net profit? I can’t say. Wouldn’t that be like working for a bank?”

Han Zhiyong interrupted Jiang Shangyun's speech, "Mr. Jiang, everyone understands these principles, so stop talking about them. The problem now is to come up with specific measures to solve the problem."

"Measures? Measures are primarily about increasing revenue, not reducing expenditure. Which of the sums you listed just now should not be spent? The savings now are just planting a bigger bitter fruit later." Jiang Shangyun seemed to interrupt himself to Han Zhiyong Dissatisfied with the speech.

"Then what do you think? You should come up with an opinion." Han Zhiyong was a little impatient.

"My opinion? My opinion has been rejected by you many times! The 1100 million plates that Li Meng took out just now are the result of my vigorous chopping! If the actual demand is taken into account, and the factor of debts is taken into account, that number will quadruple. Not bad! Thank you, President Tao, for understanding the meaning of scientific research and saving this piece without hesitation. If we had done this earlier, the company would not be in this situation!"

In fact, Tao Tang did not "protect" scientific research, but Jiang Shangyun put the account on Tao Tang, which is enough to see the deep resentment of the boss towards Han Zhiyong, who controls the financial power.

"Okay, let me say a few words," Tao Tang blocked Han Zhiyong's counterattack again.

(End of this chapter)

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