Revival Road

Chapter 43 Fund Balance Meeting 3

Chapter 43
Lu Qi, who was dizzy from the confrontation between the vice presidents, stared at Tao Tang.She felt that what Boss Jiang said just now was quite correct, and that Boss Han and Boss Luo's speeches were quite reasonable. Even Li Luo couldn't be said to be disregarding the overall situation. She would review all the contracts of the marketing department, exactly as Li Luo said , Is it so easy to increase the rebate?Listening to these numbers, it is simply hopeless and hopeless.What can Tao Tang do?In her opinion, the only options are to reduce expenses or increase loans.She looked at Tao Tang, not knowing what clever tricks he had to come up with, but she vaguely felt that today's meeting was a severe test for Tao Tang. big resistance.

Tao Tang twirled the pencil in his hand and began to speak.

"First of all, I would like to say that several company leaders look at the problem from the perspective of the overall situation. Whether it is emphasizing the long-term or overcoming the immediate difficulties, the solutions proposed are all feasible. The contradiction lies in the imbalance of the budget. Just now Mr. Jiang also mentioned that there are basically no unreasonable items in the budgets proposed by various departments, and all the money should be spent, and some of them are rigid expenditures, such as wages, power costs, taxes and financial costs... Some comrades told me , the wages that are owed should not be repaid, at least not all at once. I understand that these comrades are completely out of good intentions. From a small point of view, they are understanding of my difficulties. To a large point of view, they proceed from the reality of the company. But I don't regret the decision we made, we have no right to default on the wages of our employees! If those of us with performance-based annual salaries talk big and say that it's okay to delay for a month or two, then we have no conscience and lose our party spirit. Salary not only cannot It is our responsibility to find a way to raise wages and to find a way to establish a wage increase mechanism. The power fee must be paid, right? Needless to say, it is interest and taxes. Why do we have any reason to complain? Occupying the country Shouldn't such a huge asset contribute to the country? What's wrong with it?
"However, we have been seriously unable to make ends meet. It is unreasonable to blame the marketing department for the repayment policy. We cannot change the payment habit of certain industries. We are players but the rule-makers of the game. If you don't want to play, you can You are out, no one begged you to stay in this industry. So what should you do? In fact, everyone has said it, and it is quite clear, but it is just increasing income and reducing expenditure. Mr. Jiang is right, but not completely right. Yes The most important thing is that open source is always the first, just like a leaking faucet that needs to be repaired, this is throttling, but the premise is that there is water in the faucet, otherwise throttling is meaningless. What is wrong? You can’t ignore throttling at any time, otherwise it’s useless for you to open up a lot of resources. Open source is to expand our income scale. Just now everyone must have an intuitive impression of the company’s fixed expenses. Considering the rigid increase in wages, history is old. As well as the company’s follow-up development, it is absolutely impossible for this fund to not have 98.8 million yuan per month. I think [-] million yuan is food finance rather than construction finance. Just calculate according to the [-] million yuan fixed cost, how much sales revenue do we need? Can we take it away? According to the financial statement in March, our cost and expense ratio is [-]%, which should be this figure. You can do the math... So, I agree with Mr. Jiang's opinion, we can't just focus on the immediate and ignore the long-term The long-term is the investment in technology, equipment and market, so Mr. Jiang, you organize to re-report your budget, don’t be tied up, I am satisfied! And I believe that other leaders also fully understand the meaning of R&D investment. This, I will say no more.

"However, it's not enough to patronize the long-term and ignore the immediate. It's like a person who is about to die of starvation. You tell him, let's get through it, and you'll be fine after this time. You still have a bright future. But what he wants now is not the future, It’s just a bowl of porridge. Red Star Company is a bit like the guy who is dying of starvation. The key is to survive the present. As I said just now, Mr. Jiang’s 1100 million is not only not less, but also more. This is the case The salary should not be ambiguous, this is the second piece, but the 990 million social security funds have to be negotiated with the government, and strive to be paid at the end of the second quarter. Next, I am afraid that taxes and interest cannot be reduced, this is the third piece. The four yuan is the technical transformation fund. It is related to the development of the company, and it is also related to the reputation of the company. The delay of the project will inevitably lead to more difficulties in obtaining projects in the future, which is not worthwhile. Moreover, every project is related to the development of the company. I can't do immoral things that cut off children and grandchildren. I also insure this money, including the security fund that Liu Xinjun ignored. The fifth dollar is the power cost, and I don't think it can be saved. However, living expenses and production expenses should be separated , can’t be mixed together! Lu Qi—”

"Yes." Tao Tang tapped himself suddenly, and Lu Qi was startled.

"I called you here to ask, what specific regulations does the company have on the performance appraisal of property companies?"

"It's like this, we mainly assess the meter reading rate of the property..."

"How many?"

"90% of the electricity bill, 85% of the heating bill..."

"Isn't this unreasonable? Mr. Luo, is it enough to reach 90% and 85%? The company will bear the loss? This is not acceptable. If the property is to realize market-oriented operation, the loss must also be lost by the property! Such a situation What kind of pressure can indicators put on them? This is absolutely impossible. We need to re-study and adjust the policy! Because this is not the topic of today’s meeting, don’t waste everyone’s time. I don’t have a brilliant idea. Everyone has already talked about the method, so I will do it according to everyone’s ideas. Mr. Li, you should carefully study the increase in the return payment. An increase of 100 million is also a contribution to production funds. Mr. Ma, Mr. Qiu, you two All of you have made very good comments, and I completely agree. Especially the issue of reducing inventory must be put on the agenda... I have only one request, the production plan must be completed! The output value of [-] million must be achieved! Everyone wait for me Make a decision, I will make a decision like this!"

Tao Tang stopped to drink tea, and the venue was silent.

Tao Tang continued, "Comrades, I think today's meeting went well. It not only revealed our family background, exposed difficulties, but also found some ways to solve the problem. Under such circumstances, we should not only unite as one to spend time It is difficult, but we must see hope and confidence. The difficulty in May is that there are orders and it is difficult to complete. What kind of difficulty is this? It is much easier than no market and no orders! Didn’t the city and city leaders just come to the door? But Mr. Jiang’s opinion is correct. Loans are not the fundamental solution to the problem, and there is a price to pay. Buying on credit is also not a good way. What Mr. Qiu said is completely true. If you buy from others on credit, there is no room for bargaining. Therefore, we should use less of these methods.

"Is everyone aware of the company's difficulties? I don't think so. What confuses me now is that on the one hand, the company is facing such a difficult situation. On the other hand, the actions of some departments and some leaders are not consistent with the situation. They are very different. Let me give you a few examples. When you go to the guest house, there is a lot of traffic every day, and the cups and plates are messy. How many of them are necessary receptions? Do any of them violate the company’s reception regulations? I can’t tell. An engineer from the research institute, It cost 4500 yuan to entertain people outside for a meal. What is the standard? A department-level cadre in a certain department posted 1080 yuan for a taxi ticket to Yanjing, and the department director even signed it. The small motorcade is said to be There are nearly 275 cars, not enough! Many units apply late and may not be able to use it, it depends on the relationship. I understand that this is still the case when many units have cars, such as the financial department, such as the production department, For example, the regulatory department has cars. Not to mention the marketing department, it is said that there are seven small cars alone! Jian'an company also has a BMW 1.9 series, which is more advanced than my chairman's car... I checked the financials in January Account, the cost of gifts alone is as high as [-] million... This is a bigger place, let's go to the novel," Tao Tang raised a few sheets of printing paper in his hand, "As you can see, they are all printed on one side. I have received a lot of requests for instructions, and it is rare to see double-sided printing, because it saves trouble, because the printing paper does not need to be paid for by myself. Comrades, is this the behavior of a difficult company? Is this a shortage of funds? This time The office expense budget listed by the factory office and other units must be redone! What a mess! If these problems cannot be overcome, the scale of Red Star will be doubled, and the situation of tight funds will not be reversed. Also, accountability must be in place As I said just now, the loss of the three guarantees remains high, and the amount starts at one million yuan. What about the result of the quality assessment? How much is the quality fine in April? [-]! It’s just a joke. Comrades, there are many problems, I just listed a few at random. The existence of these problems has intensified the pressure on the company's funds. On the surface, it is a management problem, but at a deeper level, it is the two levels The ideological question of the main leaders, whose company is our Red Star Company? How should Red Star operate, please think about it carefully. I personally think that the management level of the company cannot be really improved without a radical change in thinking. If the management level does not improve, it will be nonsense to double the company’s operating scale! The money is still not enough! I don’t know how everyone here feels after hearing the big numbers just now. Pressure? Motivation? If you feel pressure, it means there is At least conscience and sense of responsibility. Those who feel motivated will be more reliable, because behind every problem is an economic growth point. Solving a problem will improve the company's operating conditions. If there is neither pressure nor No motivation, that is serious incompetence! If you are gloating in the face of such a situation, I think your position will be in danger... The company does not need referees, but athletes. I seriously remind everyone. "

Lu Qi desperately recorded Tao Tang's speech. She noticed that the surrounding cadres were all recording, and the meeting place was silent.

"Now I request that all departments, including the marketing department, take back the budget for May according to the principles I just set up and do it again! After the holiday, report to Mr. Han and copy me. The plan should be drawn up in detail , to be accurate to the week. If you have guaranteed the use of funds, don’t be too happy, because I will keep an eye on you. When the money is in hand, I will spend it. If the money is spent, I will get results! If the money is not enough, think first There is no other way. Tell Mr. Han that Mr. Han has no choice but to find me. But tell me clearly what measures you have taken. If I have a solution and you can’t think of it , I’m going to ask you if you are competent. Why can’t you think of a trick that I, a layman, can come up with? Hmm? Some people may say, you are unreasonable, so I am so unreasonable! As the Red Star Company’s Chairman, my duty is to set targets and assess the completion of the targets, so as to assess whether the two-level team is competent or not, and put the right people in the right positions. This is my main responsibility! The specific work, that is It's your business! Otherwise, why do you need so many leaders? Are they all here to raise difficulties? I will leave my words here, and it must complete [-] million in May! If any link is broken, I will hold that link accountable!"

Domineering.Guo Tao, who has not spoken all this time, thinks that Song Yue has never made such a domineering speech in the later period, because he can no longer control the scene, but Tao Tang can, at least he can now.

Tao Tang sought Zhao Qingmin's opinion with his eyes, and seeing that the secretary had no intention of speaking, he announced the adjournment of the meeting.

(End of this chapter)

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