Revival Road

Chapter 59 Process

Chapter 59 Process
So far, Tao Tang's airborne red star, the most pressure on the team members is not Li Luo, nor Han Zhiyong, nor Zhao Qingmin, but Ma Guangming, who is in charge of production.Without him, it is because Tao Tang goes to the grassroots level almost every day.

Red Star Company has 23 production branches in total, most of which have different numbers of production workshops, together with transactional institutions such as service production quality inspection center, physical and chemical measurement center, logistics distribution center, etc., constitute the company's huge production system .Ma Guangming discovered that in less than half a month, Tao Tang had left more than half of the production branch.

There are several ways to go down to the grassroots. Accompanying the leader to inspect is the most common one, such as Tao Tang's predecessor.Song Yue went to the grassroots to accompany the leaders and guests more, and he rarely went to the workshop alone to inspect.Looking at flowers on horseback is another kind. In Ma Guangming's view, Jiang's lower-level employees are just looking at flowers on horseback. The fart problem can't be solved, it's more like killing time.The last one is like Tao Tang, which means that he has a solid understanding of the situation.That day he met Tao Tang in the third branch factory and asked Chen Jianping, the director of the branch factory. He asked all the way from production capacity, process, cost, and key quality control points, and Chen Jianping was sweating all the way.

The third branch factory is the general sub-factory of agricultural machinery and one of the largest branches of Red Star. Chen Jianping is one of the best branch managers in Ma Guangming's eyes.If Chen Jianping is like this, others may be even worse.Asking questions actually requires level. Ma Guangming was deeply impressed by Tao Tang's relentless pursuit of Chen Jianping, and at the same time felt great pressure.Because that day, when Chen Jianping answered why the monthly operation order of the production department was not completed this month, he answered that there were two reasons: one was that the accessories arrived at the branch factory late, and the other was insufficient production capacity.

Tao Tang followed up on two issues. He called the deputy factory director, planner, and dispatcher in charge of production in the branch factory, and the dispatcher in charge of the assembly of the third branch factory in the production department, to understand in depth and detail: How many kinds of accessories are there in the third branch?How many did not come in according to the schedule?How many days late?What measures have been taken?Where is the lack of production capacity reflected?The branch factory is currently operating on one shift. If it is changed to two shifts, what difficulties will there be?How many people are missing?

Chen Jianping's answer alone is different from that of a group of people, because the answers sometimes contradict themselves.For example, Chen Jianping said that one-third of the accessories did not enter the factory on time. Tao Tang asked the dispatcher of the production department to bring the relevant records. The result was that only 11 kinds of accessories did not enter the factory on time, and there were not enough outsourcing parts. One tenth, the latest is four days, not a week as Chen Jianping said.

Afraid of being serious about anything, Chen Jianping was sweating right then.

As for the lack of production capacity, it is even more absurd. The third branch factory can assemble more than 300 agricultural machines per month when it is running at full capacity, while the production plan for the month is 160 units.It is a fact that some accessories enter the factory late, but overtime can be used to catch up the time.However, various conditions for overtime work are available, and the failure to complete the assembly plan for the current month is entirely due to the organization of the branch factory.In this way, the main responsible unit for the inability to complete the task is the third branch factory, not the production department, nor the accessory supply branch factory.

Chen Jianping saw the opportunity quickly, and immediately made a sincere self-criticism to Tao Tang.But at the end of the self-criticism, I talked about cost and quality control, saying that the branch factory hopes to achieve balanced production, and everyone is unwilling to work overtime, which not only increases overtime wages, but also makes it difficult to control quality.

Generally speaking, working overtime would lead to an increase in expenses, but Chen Jianping seemed to be justifying himself at this moment, so Ma Guangming glared at Chen Jianping a few times.

Sure enough, Tao Tang's criticism came, "Director Chen, it's common to make mistakes in work, and it's not a big problem. But it's a big problem if the guiding ideology deviates from the right path. I just analyzed the factors that caused you to fail to complete the plan. The reason, I think the responsibility is mainly on you. Moreover, I think you are not convinced by this conclusion in your heart, so there are a lot of reasons such as cost, quality and balanced production. When we engage in enterprise management, we must be tense at any time The string of cost, that's right. Will overtime work increase the working hours? Not necessarily. If you are convinced that the attachment is delaying assembly, why don't you apply for a replacement? This is what the [-]th branch factory does, and I think it's reasonable. The attachment won't come, workers What’s the point of taking a break in the workshop, huh? Also, who said that working overtime will lead to a decline in quality? Does the operation of the quality system still divide the time? It is valid within eight hours, and it will be invalid after eight hours? Besides, don’t talk about balanced production It’s an old tune, the market economy is like this, you can supply as much as the user wants, and you can supply it when the user wants it. The planned economy can talk about balanced production, but what about the market economy? The situation of the third branch reflects the existence of your team. The problem with the team, the problem with the team, is mainly your problem! You have to conduct a deep self-reflection, I will not allow similar mistakes to be made again. Especially don’t excuse your own mistakes, otherwise you won’t really correct them. Mr. Ma, Ben Pay attention to the third branch factory in the monthly assessment of the mandatory tasks."

This is the case with the deputy, who immediately becomes short of breath when confronted by a shrewd principal.So when Tao Tang said to Ma Guangming that he would review and assess the completion of this month's production plan before the festival, Ma Guangming immediately made self-criticism and apologized for the failure of part of the production plan in April to be completed as planned. Make up for the arrears in April.

He insisted on working at the grassroots level during the day, and some desk work could only be left at night. Fortunately, Tao Tang did not have a family to drag him down. In this way, people are looking for it every day, even for trivial matters, which annoys him immensely.Therefore, after the walk after dinner, he usually goes to the office for an hour or two to deal with the daily documents, requests for instructions and reports, as well as the complaint letters that have begun to increase, so as to free up time for the grassroots during the day.The situation of the guards in the office building improved a lot after he rectified them, and it was relatively quiet in the office.

On the evening of the 29th, Tao Tang came to the office around [-]:[-] as usual, and began to review documents and ask for instructions.He found a bad phenomenon. Some problems that should have been solved by the department or vice presidents were pushed into his own hands.For example, I encountered two more today. One was repairing the overhead crane of the No. [-] branch factory. Duan Hui, the deputy director of the planning department, gave this instruction in the report of the branch factory: Please make a decision after on-site inspection by the planning department and the mobile department.This is no problem, of course, it needs to be verified by the professional department on site.Two days later, it was Duan Hui again: The situation is true, I intend to agree, and I ask Mr. Luo for instructions.Two days later, Luo Chong commented on the report and agreed, and asked Mr. Tao to read it.

In Tao Tang's view, there are big problems in the process.The first is whether the crane repair of the branch plant is included in the annual or quarterly plan?If it is included in the plan, why should he be in charge of the vice president's instructions?The relevant departments will follow the plan.It seems that the crane repair of the No. [-] branch factory is not included in the plan, so what is the reason?The crane is an important safety facility. If there is a safety hazard, it must be repaired in time, and it must not be sloppy.The characteristics of its use are generally not unexpected. If there is a problem, it should be reported to the Technical Safety Department at the end of last year.The second is that the Ministry of Development and Regulations' request to Luo Chong for instructions is a little redundant. This must be done. Why should they be in charge of the leadership's instructions?It is even more unreasonable for Luo Chong to ask him to "read the instructions". If such matters are to be taken care of by the general manager, don't do anything every day. Just criticizing the word "agree" will exhaust him to death.

The second is the report of the Human Resources Department on the recruitment of college students into the factory.Liu Xiuyun above also signed an opinion similar to that of Luo Chong, and he had to review it by himself.Approval of what?The principles have been explained to them, why should they be pushed to their side?This is probably the question brought up by the two petitioners from the power company.From the good side, Liu Xiuyun is cautious; from the bad side, it is to shirk responsibility and even make things difficult for herself.

Of course, these two things are not enough to make things difficult, at least they are much simpler than funding arrangements.But Tao Tang didn't think that way...

With more than 20 years of work experience, Tao Tang has a deeper understanding of human nature than most people.Don't maliciously speculate on colleagues, let alone trust colleagues in good faith.All problems should focus on the disadvantages and proceed from the advantages...

An enterprise is a relatively rigorous economic organization, and its rigor is manifested in its complete rules and regulations and work procedures, and large state-owned enterprises have this feature even more.If the process stipulates that these matters need to be reported to the general manager for approval, then speculation about the deputy is groundless suspicion.But Tao Tang didn't believe that Red Star would set up such an absurd workflow—a repair of a piece of equipment that wasn't considered the most important had to be reported to the general manager for approval?He wants to see the process, and he believes there must be a compilation of the process, even though it may be worthless.

The lead management department for rules and regulations is the Ministry of Development and Planning.He thought of Lu Qi, and it seemed that Lu Qi was in charge of this... Tao Tang found out the internal address book and was about to call Lu Qi. He looked at his watch, and it was already 09:30, so he gave up his idea.Make a mark on the desk calendar and remind yourself to come and have a look at the process tomorrow.

He started to read newspapers, "People's Daily", "G Provincial Daily", "Economic Daily", "Reference News", "China Sports Daily", "Brilliant Daily" and "Red Star People", a total of seven copies, the first five are The factory office transferred it to him according to his request. He has subscribed for several years and is used to it.The latter two belong to this system, and each office has them.Newspapers are one of the main channels for him to obtain information. Everyone reads in different ways and focuses. Except for his favorite sports newspaper, Tao Tang generally only reads the headlines and finds the content he cares about. Read carefully.Many leaders scoff at national-level newspapers, thinking that the whole article is worthless nonsense. Tao Tang's party secretary in Shengdong did not understand Tao Tang's insistence on reading party newspapers.But Tao Tang will not tell his partner what he has learned. He can always find out what he needs and the direction of work.To be the main leader of a state-owned enterprise must have the qualities of a politician. This is a bit exaggerated, but the real situation is like this.It’s not enough to pull a car without looking at the road, and it’s even more nonsense to just look at the road without pulling a car.There are always people who pin their promotion on relationships. Tao Tang has always looked down on that kind of people, and he doesn't think they will go far.What a leader needs is subordinates who can solve his problems, just like Red Star now, Feng Shizhao must trust and support him, but if he can't bring Red Star out of the quagmire of corruption and reverse the declining business situation, Feng Shizhao's trust will fade.On the contrary, Feng Shizhao would pay attention to him even though he often did not go to see Feng Shizhao.Because the fate of the red star is related to Feng Shizhao's future.

There was a knock on the door of the office, "Come in..." Tao Tang didn't look up, he was still carefully reading an article on industrial restructuring. This article was published on the front page of "G Provincial Daily" on April 4. He believed that The main leaders in the province will definitely see it, and maybe even review and modify it in person.

The reason why he studied this article was because he found that it was different from the previous tone...

"Oh, what good article do you want to read?"

"It's you..." The person who came was actually Lu Qi, wearing a light gray casual outfit with sneakers on her feet, looking sharp and neat.

Tao Tang put down the newspaper, "Hey, I wanted to call just now, but I was afraid that your husband would be unhappy."

This is a bit ambiguous.

"What do you need from me?" Lu Qi suppressed the panic in her heart.

"Let's talk about you first, do you have something to do with me?"

"No... I came out for a walk and saw the light on in your office, so I came up... Didn't bother you?"

"No, no...please sit down."

Lu Qi didn't come up by accident when she saw Tao Tang in the office.She accidentally heard that Tao Tang came to the office almost every night, and she came on purpose.Because Yan Shuzhen, the head of the female labor union of the trade union, happened to come to the house, which delayed her for half an hour and came a bit late.But it was so hard to hold back the aroused thoughts, so she came anyway.Fortunately, the opportunity is good, Tao Tang is here, and he is the only one.

"What about you, what do you want from me?" Lu Qi looked expectantly at the tired Tao Tang.

"Oh," Tao Tang's calm face disappointed Lu Qi, "That's right, I want to see the company's work process, right?"

"What did the leader find wrong? You can ask, the process is all in my hands, so I should be able to explain it clearly."

"Excellent. Do I need my approval for personnel to enter the facility?"

"Need. The human resources department will propose a plan, report it to the supervisor for review and approval, and finally report it to the general manager for approval." Lu Qi described the process and explained, "Personnel issues have always been the responsibility of the top leader, so such regulations have been made."

"Oh. What about the overhaul of the equipment? I don't need to approve this, do I?"

"No, the overhaul plan at the beginning of the year will be held at the general manager's office meeting. Anything that is included in the plan can be arranged and implemented by the Planning and Development Department. Temporary additions in the middle of the year can only be approved by the leaders in charge."


"There is a special case, that is, the original value of the equipment is 3000 million or more, and the general manager's office meeting is required. There is only one such equipment factory, that is, the precision casting machine imported from Germany."

"The one in the Seventh Branch Factory?"

"Yes. Any questions?"

"There is no problem with the process, but there are actual problems. They always push some trivial matters to me." Tao Tang picked up the folder and shook it.

"Maybe you should be careful..."

"I hope. But it won't work. I don't have enough energy..."

"I've been wanting to tell you, I think you're too tired. Pay attention to your body..."

"Thank you. I'm fine, at least for now."

"By the way, I want to ask about the matter you arranged. Liu Shulin left it to me. I'm afraid I haven't understood the spirit of the leader."

"What's the matter? Oh, you mean the steel pipe factory of Donghu Machinery?"


"What would you like to drink? I have imported Jamaican coffee here..."

"If you don't drink it, you will suffer from insomnia."

"Okay, let's have a cup of tea... let's talk about this steel pipe factory."

(End of this chapter)

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