Revival Road

Chapter 60 Relationship 1

Chapter 60 Relationship One
"Let's talk about the functions of your regulatory department first." Tao Tang brewed a cup of Longjing for Lu Qi, and sat opposite Lu Qi. "The tea is real Mingqian tea, but the water is not good, not as good as Binjiang's. The taste It will be worse."

"I have no research on tea... It sounds like you are very good at it..." Lu Qi wanted to talk about life more than boring work, but there was no way, she couldn't lead the conversation with Tao Tang.

"I learned it from a roommate in the university. He is called Dao Xingshen. But drinking tea is one of my hobbies, I admit it."

"Aside from drinking tea, what other hobbies do you have? Reading? I remember that you often read novels secretly."

"Haha, you are the same. I remember you were reading a novel, what is the title of the book, "Bitter Struggle", right? It was confiscated by Mr. Fu..."

He still remembered... Teacher Fu was a Chinese teacher, a very knowledgeable and strict old lady, she was very partial to Tao Tang, because Tao Tang's Chinese performance was absolutely second to none in the class at that time...

"You still say... Teacher Fu is partial to you. She doesn't care if you read idle books, but I can't..." Ever since she understood Tao Tang's intentions, Lu Qi fell into an unprecedented panic and depression. The scene of Tang being at the same table became clearer in the memory, as if a mouse was biting in my heart.

"Haha, Mr. Fu is very kind to me. Let's not talk about this, let's talk about business, it's getting late." Tao Tang looked at his watch, "Whether it's the regulatory department or the planning department, it's usually the enterprise The most important management department, and it represents the head of the company, which is different from other departments. But I found, or felt, that there are some problems with the current function setting of your department. It is roughly divided into two parts, one is business management, and most It's the ones you manage... plus annual and quarterly plans. The other one is planning and projects, am I right?"

"These are the two major responsibilities of the planning department."

"But I noticed that Liu Xinjun is not familiar with business management, and he relies more on you, isn't that right?"

"Well, his energy is mainly on the planning and project side."

"Wouldn't it be better if the regulation department was split into two departments?"

"How to split it up?" Lu Qi's heart jumped, and the disappointment that Tao Tang had brought to her by changing the subject just now disappeared.

"Establish the Department of Economic Operations to take charge of indicators and assessments. That's what I did in Shengdong."

"Will it weaken the authority of the department? Especially the authority of coordination? You must know that the authority of the Ministry of Development and Regulation relies more on the authority of assessment..."

"Other departments can operate, and the Department of Development and Regulation can also operate after taking out enterprise management. I consider it from my standpoint. Indicator setting and assessment are the most important at the moment, and being suppressed under the planning project does not meet the requirements. My interests." Tao Tang smiled, "Do you think about it?"

"Maybe..." Lu Qi understood Tao Tang's thinking a little bit.

"In addition, the functions of the Political Research Office and the Development and Regulation Department also overlap. The medium and long-term planning of the Development and Regulation Department itself contains the content of macro policy research. How to formulate a medium and long-term plan without studying policy trends? In addition, the Political Research The office also took on some functions of the Department of Development and Regulations, such as the relocation issue that everyone is concerned about. For example, the problem of the steel pipe factory was handed over to your two departments this time, just to consider the actual situation, but this is definitely wrong. I I think it might be smoother if the Political Research Office is merged into the Development and Regulation Department.”

"Then a department would be abolished."

"I know that the headquarters of large-scale enterprises have set up political research offices. However, it seems that the actual operation of the political research offices of various enterprises may not be as expected by the leaders of the headquarters. I should have the right to speak. Too many institutions is not a good thing, it has always been the case.”

Lu Qi thinks that behind every organizational adjustment, there is actually a game of personnel.But if Tao Tang really decided in this way, Liu Xinjun's position would be in danger, because Sheng Guangyun's status was not below Liu Xinjun's, but his trust was still above it.What was Tao Tang's plan?
Seeing that Lu Qi was lost in thought, Tao Tang continued: "If the Ministry of Economic Operations is established, I want you to do it. Lu Qi, I am not nepotism, because you are the most suitable. Of course, this is just an idea of ​​mine. , I haven't talked to anyone... Let's go back to the real question, do you have a unified opinion on Donghu's proposal?"

Lu Qi tried to suppress her thoughts about the "Department of Economics and Transportation", "There was a meeting, which was hosted by Director Sheng, and Liu Shulin from the Marketing Department also participated. Because everyone knew nothing about the steel pipe factory, and the Marketing Department couldn't explain clearly. The potential of the market, so nothing can be settled. Yesterday, Director Sheng and two assistants Liu went to the development zone together, you should know, right?"

"I know." Of course they had to ask for instructions when they left the factory.

"Then you still ask me?"

"Haha, I want to ask your opinion on this matter." Lu Qi's demeanor when she asked back just now made Tao Tang's heart tremble, as if going back to more than 20 years ago, there was still the beautiful and charming female deskmate in front of her.

"To be honest, I don't understand. Because I don't care about it, I didn't think about it."

"A layman's intuition is sometimes very accurate. The basic situation of the steel pipe factory has been passed on from others. Have you seen it?"

"Director Sheng read it twice at the meeting, and I wrote it down."

"Based on intuition, you can talk about it now, is it good or not?"

"The key is the people..."

"Just say it's good or not."

"Do you have to say it?"

"It must be said."

"I feel good."


"You are so domineering. Don't you want me to rely on my intuition? Why do you ask why?"

"Behind intuition is logical reasoning. After a judgment is made, reasoning emerges."

"I'm not as smart as you. I can't find the corresponding logic... Wouldn't it be nice to give a factory for nothing, with a potential increase in market share?"

"When deciding on a matter, we need to think from the standpoint of the other party. Why did Donghu Machinery give us a factory? Because the steel pipe factory is difficult to operate? In fact, many enterprises of Donghu Machinery are similar to the pipe steel factory. Losing a steel pipe factory will not help to reverse the entire Donghu Machinery. I have contacted Tang Yikun twice, and I admit that he has brains. For example, he has done a good job integrating Donghu Industrial Group. You see, he has formed three independent companies. Large companies divide labor not only according to business, but also according to benefits. Especially, he uses a Donghu Machinery to integrate a lot of small companies, which is very interesting... In fact, this idea is worth learning from, our current product line is too messy It's..."

"What about you? Do you agree to accept it? After talking, why can't I understand what the leader means?" Lu Qi asked back.

"Haha, how could it be so easy for you to guess what I'm thinking?" Since Lu Qi was joking, Tao Tang also replied, "Although the other party offered a zero-word handover, it is actually a foreign investment." Seriously, "This time, the audit team at the headquarters is more detailed. Red Star has relatively serious hidden losses. It is estimated that the headquarters will have a headache... a large part of which is caused by foreign investment. Are you familiar with this?"

"I'm basically not familiar with it... As far as our department's current division of labor is concerned, Assistant Liu is in charge of foreign investment, and Duan Hui rarely manages it..."

"There are two main ones. One is in Zhizhou, a joint venture with Zhizhou Iron and Steel that intends to produce railway wagons, with an investment of 3.5 million yuan, but it has not yet officially put into production. The second is in Xiqin, a joint venture with Xiqin Automobile to produce heavy vehicles Gearbox, investment 4.2 million. Right?"

"Yes. Both projects were approved by Yanjing." Lu Qi thought, probably Liu Xinjun or Luo Chong had reported to him, or he had done some research before coming here.

It seemed to have seen through Lu Qi's mind, "I was not at the headquarters at that time...but now it seems that there are some problems with both projects. Recently, Luo Chong gave me a special report. In four years, the situation is not as predicted in the feasibility study report. First, the construction has been delayed, and it will be completed at least after 2015. Second, additional investment is required, especially the gearbox project. The third is the estimation of technology and market It is too optimistic, and now a lot of problems have been exposed, both in technology and in the market. Finally, there is a battle for control. The gearbox is okay, and Zhizhou each holds 50% of the shares. This kind of cooperation It is not without precedent, but there are not many successes... Now it seems that even if the two projects are completed and reach production capacity, the payback period is by no means the six years predicted by the feasibility report! At least it has been more than ten years, and there are many variables... In this way, the company will With a heavy burden on my back, not to mention the financial expenses, the depreciation expenses after the transfer to fixed assets in the future will be too much for me..."

"I said leader, it seems meaningless for you to tell me these things? Even you, you don't have to worry about this messy account, right? They can't hold you responsible, right?"

"Since I sit on this chair, I have to take responsibility. Little [-] million, how big is a pile of [-]-yuan bills?"

"I attended the initial demonstration meeting. At that time, Duan Hui went to Zhizhou, and I temporarily managed it for a while. In fact, I didn't do anything. Assistant Liu personally caught it...At that time, the headquarters made a request that the Red Star be in the Twelve At the end of the five-year period, the scale will reach 180 billion, and strive to break through 200 billion. It brings a lot of pressure to the company and is very exciting. So I looked for a project, and I kept calling for the liberation of the mind... To be fair, it contributed to these two The project is not Red Star, but Yanjing."

"But the thinking of the headquarters has changed, especially after Mr. Feng took over Mr. An. Scale is no longer the first indicator. He pays more attention to efficiency, cash flow and profit. I think Mr. Feng's business thinking is correct. Just like our Red Star, the scale is not important, the key is whether there is sufficient cash in hand. Otherwise, I don’t have to do other things, and the financial problem alone will tie me to death..."

"But I think you attach great importance to scale." Lu Qi looked directly into Tao Tang's eyes.She didn't have the opportunity to talk about work with the company's top leaders like friends before...

"Yes. That's because judging from our current product structure, the existing scale is not enough, and the cost cannot be taken away. But how to improve efficiency? There are different ways to go. In this regard, the thinking of Mr. Feng and I They are relatively consistent, paying more attention to the internal management of the enterprise, the elimination of waste and the improvement of efficiency. I want to hold a meeting before the holiday and focus on lean management..."

Lu Qi felt that Tao Tang's thoughts were jumping extremely fast. Starting from the pipe steel factory, he ran farther and farther...

Tao Tang continued, "Tang Yikun should have a big plan... He is going to play two games of chess at the same time, one is Hiraizumi New City, and the other is Donghu Machinery. These two games of chess involve us, I haven't figured it out yet Before Tang Yikun's chess game, it is very difficult to make decisions. It is not a big problem to add a few hundred players, but what about the follow-up? Will we be more and more trapped in the Donghu chess game?"

"Why? I don't think Tang Yikun will be your opponent."

"Haha, you overestimate me. I am in a different system from him, and I am destined to have different thinking habits. In fact, I am by no means Tang Yikun's opponent. Well, let's not talk about this. You think about the Ministry of Economics and Transport. Bar."

"I'm afraid I can't bear that burden."

"It's definitely possible. Lu Qi, I want to talk about a habit of thinking. Don't put yourself in it first, but think about the problem from the outside. First figure out whether the splitting of the compliance department is beneficial or not beneficial to the company at this stage? As for the ability , You are not a full-time job, how can you have full-time experience? It is the same for everyone. Moreover, according to my observations during this period of time, you are very good, very good, and you are the best one in our class. "

"Stop being sarcastic..."

"I'm telling the truth. By the way, Sun Dunquan and I went to Xu Deyu's house that day... I felt very sad. I didn't expect that Xu Deguang's only relative was not doing well, very badly. How should I put it? It feels a bit time-traveled, as if I have returned to 20 years ago. Did you know her well?"

"It's pretty're right. Deyu is too closed. Especially after his parents passed away, he seems to be out of touch with the current world...Why do you want to go to her house?"

"One time I was hanging out with Han Ruilin after work, and I happened to meet Xu Deyu. In fact, Sun Dunquan once mentioned her to me, but he didn't pay attention at the time. You may not know that when we had an incident at the Hiraizumi Hotel, it was actually me who provoked it. I have harmed Xu Deguang... I feel guilty all the time, seeing Xu Deyu like that makes me feel even worse..."

"Don't feel guilty. I've heard Sun Dunquan talk about that incident more than once, and I can't blame you... Besides, the older you get, the more idealistic you are, it's fate." Lu Qi thought that Tao Tang was provoking a dispute for herself, There is no taste in my heart.

"I don't believe in fate. If it's convenient, please take care of Xu Deyu. She is a woman with a hard life."

"Look, you also admitted your fate."

"By the way, I asked you to buy gifts to see Li Suyi, where's the invoice?"

"The matter has been settled. The words have been brought, the things have been bought, and no invoices have been issued. She expresses her gratitude for your concern and help."

"Let's find an invoice someday. It's not only the friendship between classmates, but also my general manager's concern for employees. It can be reimbursed. By the way, is that matter over? I haven't had time to ask."

"Don't mention it. Suyi couldn't swallow that, and insisted on severely punishing the murderer. But her family, including her husband's family, didn't care about arresting the murderer, and cared more about the compensation. The other party insisted that Li Suyi sign an 'understanding agreement'. Not small, the police have not caught the murderer, it is estimated that the other party has done their work... still froze, it is driving Su Yi crazy."

"If it is determined that the other party did not commit the murder intentionally but wounded someone by mistake, it is not a bad idea to forgive..."

"Don't talk about it, we can't help you anymore. I've always wanted to ask you, but I don't know if it's appropriate..."

"Ask, is there anything you can't say? I won't keep it secret from you." Tao Tang stared at Lu Qi's beautiful big eyes, time seemed to favor her especially, she was still so beautiful...

"It's not official business. Tao Tang, how did your wife die? I'm sorry, I just want to know."

Tao Tang sighed, "This's been six years, it doesn't was a car accident. She asked me to go with her to visit a relative of hers during the Spring Festival holiday. In the mountainous area of ​​northern Hebei, I didn't go. There is something to work overtime at home... In the end, she drove alone. It snowed and the road was slippery. After rushing up a slope, she realized that there was a car accident ahead. She couldn't stop the car and hit the rear of the car in front. It didn't matter. , after the analysis, the collision was not serious, but a heavy car behind could not stop, which was fatal. Three lives were lost in that accident... What I regret is that if I went, maybe There will be no accidents. I can take the high speed, but she took the provincial road due to her familiarity with the road..."

Seeing Tao Tang's painful expression, "I'm sorry, I made you sad..."

"It's nothing, it's been six years, Xiao He has grown into a big girl, she doesn't blame me anymore..."

"Tao Tang, you are still young, you should consider finding another one." Lu Qi finally said the words that she had held back for a long time.

"Many people have advised me like this, including my mother-in-law. But how can it be so easy? The older you are, the more practical you think about the problem. If you don't find the right one, it's better to live alone, and in my situation, I can't take care of my family." Ah, fortunately I'm used to it... Oh, let's not talk about this, shall we?"

(End of this chapter)

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