Revival Road

Chapter 61 Relationship 2

Chapter 61 Relationship II

"Why don't you talk about it? I think this is the most important thing for you. Work is for life, but life is not for work. Tao Tang, do you know? I just want you to live well..."

"I know...but my understanding of life is becoming more and more conservative. Marriage is very complicated, especially like me...I am very happy to see you living happily. I met your husband a few days ago, very good people."

What a disappointment!Why mention him?Lu Qi said: "Yes, Lao Fan is a good man. He told me that you criticized him, but he admired you..."

"As far as habits are concerned, the quality department's plan is okay, but the quality cannot be grasped like that...

Lu Qi knew that she couldn't talk about the topic she wanted to talk about, but she didn't want to end the conversation, so she changed the subject, "There's something I've always wanted to tell you, do you know if I should say it or not?"

"Aren't we friends? Say whatever you want."

"Red Star's upper-level relationship is very complicated...I want to talk to you... Am I overestimating my capabilities?"

"I know you're doing it for my own good. Don't talk nonsense, don't listen to it. Say it."

"The one who needs to be more careful is Li Luo..." Lu Qi made up her mind, "He is more cunning and has wrists, and he is very ruthless. The key is that he has people. I don't know about it above, but a large group of middle-level people below are all raised by him. It''s easy to talk."

"Huh? What's going on?" Tao Tang looked puzzled.

"He came from an organizer in the organization department, and he seems to be under 30 years old when he became the deputy director. He sat in the position of the organization director for nine years, then joined the team, two years as the deputy secretary of the party committee, and then took charge of marketing until now... …There are at least 100 mid-level managers who have been promoted by him. In those years, his head of the organization was very powerful, and he could almost make decisions with one word. Now, the marketing department is basically his. The key is that the market is controlled by him In hand."

"Oh... Interesting..." Tao Tang habitually played with the pencil.

"Han Zhiyong and Ma Guangming are allies, and they are on the wrong side of Li Luo... During the last visit to the headquarters, the two sides were at war with each other, and there were many rumors..."


Lu Qi thought that Tao Tang would ask how the Li and Han factions were fighting, but Tao Tang did not.

"Secretary Zhao has no ambitions. They say that Zhao wants to be in charge. In fact, I think he just wants to land safely. In terms of relationship, Zhao has no allies in the team, even though he has been the secretary for several years...that is, in the team. Qiu Lin, who has the lowest qualifications, should be closer to him, and the other leaders, including Liu Xiuyun, don't think much of him..."


Tao Tangyun's indifferent attitude made Lu Qi feel cold, "Looks like I'm just messing with myself..."

"No, I'm very interested in what you said. I want to hear more about the factions of the assistants and deputy chiefs... There is no party in the party, the emperor's thinking, and even the old people recognize the phenomenon. The existence of the red star is normal..."

"Liu Xinjun belonged to Song Yue. When Song Yue fell, Liu was terrified. Peng Jie and Liu Shulin belonged to Li Luo. Li Meng came alone. If you insist on a faction, he can be regarded as Han Zhiyong's... Li Jianguo is not Being trusted by Han Zhiyong, he was not good enough in business, Song Yue should have checked and balanced Han Zhiyong's promotion of the financial department from the position of the Minister of Propaganda..."

"Where's Jiang Yansheng?"

"Jiang's situation is similar to that of Li Meng. This person has been promoted step by step from the dispatch department. He has worked as a leader in two branch factories. He is prestige in the production department and is familiar with the business. I think Director Jiang is pretty good. Be tougher."

"Where's Pan Chenggui?" Tao Tang asked Pan Chenggui, director of the human resources department who left a bad impression on him.

"He can't. He climbed up by relying on Song Yue's predecessor, Mr. Liang. He used to be Liang's secretary. Pan has always wanted to be a deputy director or assistant, but he just couldn't get it..."

"Then, what about Sheng Guangyun?"

"You asked me. This man is very decent. He is very knowledgeable and of a high standard."

"Old classmate, when did you enter the middle class?" Tao Tang asked with a smile.

"I became section chief in 2005 and deputy director in 2009." Lu Qi wanted to ask Tao Tang about his resume, but he didn't say anything. In 2009, he was already the top leader of Shengdong, and at that time, he was flattered because he was promoted as the deputy director. There is no comparison between people...

"Thank you." Tao Tang got up and poured water for Lu Qi, "Actually, I don't care about these, do you know why?"

"do not know."

"Guess." Tao Tang's eyes were mischievous.

"Because you are Mr. Feng's confidant? It is said that you came here with Shang Fang's sword."

"Wrong. I'm not anyone's confidant, and I don't have Shang Fang's sword to cut off my head casually. I don't care about faction because everyone is a member of the party and a member of Red Star."

Lu Qi smiled, thinking that Tao Tang was very interesting, as if he was giving a report on a very formal occasion.

"I'm not kidding. If I was the vice president, for example, transferred here as the executive vice president, these things would be of great use to me. But I am the chairman and general manager, and it doesn't mean much. Save Partisan thoughts and partisan behavior inevitably bound my hands and feet... I don’t care what they did in the past, and I don’t care who they formed an alliance with before, I only ask for one thing, which is to perform their duties.”

Lu Qi picked up the beautiful glass water cup and took a sip, looking at Tao Tang who was sitting opposite her.

"It's from the bottom of my heart. The cause of faction is all in the top leader. If the top leader draws a circle first, it's not easy to blame the subordinates for drawing circles. I won't do that stupid thing. What Red Star needs is concerted efforts, not internal friction."

"You stand really tall." Lu Qi didn't agree with her words.I think Tao Tang is either hypocritical or stupid.Obviously it won't be the latter... Then, I am stupid.Lu Qi remembers a sentence: If you don't speak when you speak, you will lose people; if you speak inappropriately, you will lose your word.I must have made a slip of the tongue, but I am really afraid that you will suffer... Lu Qi looked at Tao Tang in front of her.

Tao Tang and Lu Qi looked at each other, "There is nothing in the world, and mediocrity is what troubles people. Most of these words are true. Lu Qi, I read your questionnaire, and you answered a question very well. It touched my heart. went……"

"Which question?" Lu Qi couldn't remember which question in her answer sheet moved him.

"It's about the direction of the company's development. That's what you said... The important thing is not to adjust the industry or products, but to do a good job of the current products and markets."

"It's just a commonplace."

"The old saying is often the truth. Not only Red Star, but also other companies. It's not that adjustments are not important, but that we don't have the conditions for adjustments. If I have more profitable industries and products, such as chips like Texas Instruments, Of course I don’t know how to make mining machines, agricultural machinery and gearboxes. Isn’t it? Conversely, if we make mining machines and gearboxes the status of Texas Instruments, we will live very well. It’s a pity that many people can’t see through this, so I'm proud of you... because there is only one answer like that. If you are not in a hurry to go home, let's talk again?" Seeing that Lu Qi was a little shy, Tao Tang said with a smile.

"I haven't slept before 12 o'clock."

"I can't. I have to rest at 11 o'clock, otherwise it will be difficult to fall asleep... Tell me, how do you evaluate me?"

"Very concerned?"

"No one doesn't care. Those who say they don't care are either absolutely powerful or hypocritical. I'm neither."

"I'll tell you that you are a good leader. Everyone said that they finally hoped for a good leader."

"You can't hear the real evaluation, I know. Because we have a relationship. What is a relationship? You and I have nothing to do with each other, because everyone knows that we are classmates. Only relationships that people don't know are relationships. For example, I It may have something to do with your colleague Duan Hui."

Lu Qi smiled, "You are really interesting. It's like a tongue twister."

"So you can't hear the real evaluation of me. Moreover, you can only get the real evaluation when I leave. Besides, a good leader is not just eating the cafeteria with the employees, nor riding a bicycle to the workshop... A good leader is to make the factory run Good. There are many standards for doing a good job, and there are two core ones. One is to improve the core competitiveness of the enterprise and make the tree of life of the enterprise evergreen. The other is to continuously increase the income of employees so that employees can live with dignity. Here Under the premise, it doesn’t matter if I drink Moutai every day or ride a Mercedes-Benz..."

"However, a factory manager who drinks Moutai and rides a Mercedes-Benz every day will not make the factory run well."

"Totally correct!" Tao Tang patted the armrest of the sofa, "I will give this answer 105 points. Lu Qi, I found a talent, do you know who it is?" Tao Tang laughed loudly.

"Fuck you, don't make fun of me."

"No, I have always believed that you are the best. Really." Tao Tang said seriously.

"Not so sarcastic. By the way, you like poetry very much?"

"It used to be mediocre. It's because my wife... She loves ancient poems, especially long and short sentences, and she forcibly instilled them a lot..."

"I'm sorry..." Lu Qi noticed that Tao Tang's expression darkened.

"It's all right. As I said, it's been six years..."

"Tao Tang, I noticed that you go to the workshop every day, work overtime every day, and screw yourself too tightly... Hongxing can't be done well in a day or two, so pay attention to your body..."

"Yes, you are right. The above always mentions the party spirit. I think the party spirit is conscience, and do things with conscience. If you get a high salary from the company, you must be worthy of the money. By the way, don't you have a younger brother? Where are you now? I still remember him coming to class to look for you, white and clean, like a girl. You all inherited your mother's genes."

"He's in Hiraizumi. He eats the emperor's food. He works at the municipal committee office. He mentioned you when he came back the day before yesterday..."

"Oh, that's good. Eating imperial food is more comfortable than us people."

"His unit is not easy to mix, and he works overtime every day, especially recently..."

"I really want to ask you something. I don't have anyone in the factory to open my heart to. Tell me, will the Song Yang case spread?"

This question is too sensitive, Lu Qi pondered for a long time, "Tao Tang, I know you trust me, but I really can't tell. There are a lot of rumors out there, and I've heard everything you say... You know, in In the eyes of the employees, my account can be regarded as someone in power..."

"I'm just chatting casually. I'm here to catch the business, not to investigate the case. It's not easy to say and forget it."

"Well, there are many rumors about Luo Chong...Luo Chong is in charge of engineering and equipment procurement, so he is more sensitive..."

"That's right. Whoever is in that position is a rumor. It's normal." Tao Tang recalled the dozen or so complaint letters he had seen recently, half of which were against Luo Chong, and the problems they responded were precisely focused on engineering projects and equipment procurement.One of them was a real-name report, and he hadn't figured out how to deal with it yet.He locked the rest of the anonymous ones in the safe, "Lu Qi, how is Mr. Luo?"

Lu Qi almost blurted out that he was too horny!But she didn't, "This, I can't say."

"Haha, in fact, you have already given me the answer. You have to believe that I will not say these words to other people, including Han Ruilin. Speaking of Han Ruilin, I received an anonymous letter about him two days ago, and I ignored it .”

Lu Qi can be sure that the anonymous letter must be for Han Ruilin and Mu Guihua.But she didn't know what to say.

"He and I are in the same class in junior high school, and we have always gotten along well. At that time, I always ate his ice cream and took advantage of him. Haha. You can talk to Lao Han and ask him to pay attention to the influence. Forget it, there is no need. Everyone is not a child anymore."

Yeah, not a kid anymore.

Tao Tang smiled and said, "It's getting late, I'll take you back. Thank you very much." He stood up, indicating that the chat could end.

"Still being polite to me?"

"No, I won't be polite. I treat you as a friend, and always have. If there is anything wrong with my work, I hope you will point it out bluntly."

"Really be my friend?"

"of course."

"Then, if it's convenient, allow me to invite you to have a meal at home."

"No problem, it's an honor."

"Are you going home on Friday?"

"Go to Yanjing first, and then go back to Binhe."

(End of this chapter)

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