Revival Road

Chapter 76 The Aftermath of the Robbery 2

Chapter 76 The Aftermath of the Robbery II

In the afternoon, Tao Tang felt much better, went to the workshop, and received a call from Tang Yikun around four o'clock, saying that he had come to the factory and asked Tao Tang where he was now.

"You go to the small guest house and wait, I'll be back right away." Tao Tang was surprised, "You are a factory boy, so you don't know the location of Xiao Zhao."

Tao Tang didn't expect that the young woman who was robbed in the morning and the police inspector from the police station were also there, and after just one glance, he immediately understood the relationship between Tang Yikun and the young woman.

The young woman changed into a dark cheongsam, but Tao Tang recognized it at a glance, because the young woman was indeed too beautiful, and beauties of this level could never forget it with their photographs.

"Hey, Lao Tao, I didn't expect to meet you." Tang Yikun took Tao Tang's hand and carefully inspected Tao Tang's injuries. "Tianxiang is very sorry! Lao Tao, do I think we are destined? Reply this time." ?”

"Let's talk inside," Tao Tang let the guest in.

"You just wait here." Tang Yikun said to his bodyguard, and he took the fruit basket himself, "Old Tao, this is Lao Deng, Deng Lumin, the deputy director of criminal investigation at the Western Suburb Bureau. Old Deng, no Do you think that it is the big boss of Red Star who is brave enough to do what is right?"

"President Tao is really a role model for us to follow. I neglected you this morning." Deng Lumin held Tao Tang's hand, "I want to report to you that two of the three guys who robbed this morning have been arrested, and the remaining one will be brought to justice soon." .”

"The efficiency of the police station is very high." Tao Tang said with a smile, "This way we have a sense of security." Tao Tang thought to himself, if Tang Yikun's face wasn't there, the police station might not have acted so vigorously, right?
When he came to Tao Tang's room, Deng Lumin said, "Both of them are drug addicts. These guys can break the glass for tens of dollars in change in the car. They are the scum of society. The case is basically clear. They saw Miss Dai in the car. Withdraw money from the teller machine, so I felt malicious. Fortunately, I was met by Mr. Tao..."

"Tianxiang personally chose it for you," Tang Yikun interrupted Deng Lumin, and handed a suit to Tao Tang, "It's definitely not a thank you, I have to keep it. You don't know Tianxiang's temperament, she is really sorry. Haha, she You told me your name and described your appearance, and I said it was a coincidence. I told her that it was not an outsider, but my old classmate and old friend. No, she insisted on dragging me to be Thank you to you."

"Actually, there is not much money in the bag. The main reason is that it is troublesome to reissue the ID card... I was yelling and shouting in a hurry, and it even made Mr. Tao tired... Thank you." Dai with a distinct Jiangsu and Zhejiang accent Tianxiang bowed deeply to Tao Tang in front of Deng Lumin.

"It can't be done, it's just a matter of raising your hand. You are too polite. Anyone who sees such a thing will reach out."

"That's not necessarily true. In the morning, except for you and your driver, everyone else was a spectator. By the way, Mr. Tao, where is the gentleman who was with you this morning? Is he your friend?"

"It's my brother-in-law. Everyone, please sit down, don't stand around," Tao Tang remembered that he should make tea for the guests, and hurriedly searched for water cups and tea leaves.

"Farewell, Lao Deng, go and do your work. I'll talk to my old classmates. Lao Tao, Lao Deng is my old friend. I heard about our relationship, and because of your status, I insisted on coming. Take a look, report the case to you in person..."

"Director Deng is too polite..."

"I'll take my leave if it's all right. Mr. Tao, my jurisdiction includes our Red Star Factory. If there is anything I need to do, please tell me." Deng Lumin took out a business card and handed it to Tao Tang with both hands.

"Haha, it's hard to say that he won't disturb Director Deng..." Tao Tang went back to the back room, found out his business card and gave it back to Deng Lumin, "If there's nothing urgent, can we have dinner together tonight?"

"Don't bother Mr. Tao and Mr. Tang today, let's do it later. Mr. Tao will show Xiao Deng some face if there is a chance, and let me treat you to a drink in the city."

"Definitely. In the future, I hope Director Deng will come to guide the work..."

"Don't be polite to him. They are all on your own. If anyone in the factory makes trouble with you, if it is difficult to deal with it, leave it to Xiao Deng." Tang Yikun said.

After Deng Lumin left, Tang Yikun asked, "What's the matter? I just ran into you? Tianxiang said you took a Jetta, what's the matter."

"Hey, it's all a coincidence." So Tao Tang told Tang Yikun the ins and outs of the matter.

"Oh, Xiaohe is gone, that kid is really nice. By the way, you said you bought a house in Golden Olive? Why did you buy it there? My brother really doesn't regard me as a friend, have you forgotten what I do? Emerald Garden is definitely better than Golden Olive in terms of hardware and software! Refund, refund! I know the boss of Golden Olive very well, so I’ll say hello to him. You, I’ll accompany you to the Emerald Garden to choose a house tomorrow. With that said, Tang Yikun took out his phone.

"No, please don't." Tao Tang hastily stopped him, "The reason why I chose this place is because it's close to the factory. The house is nice, really. It's not for me, it's for my parents. I'm going to pick them up from Binjiang. Come back. The Golden Olive is closer to the factory, so it’s more convenient in all aspects. Old Tang, don’t worry about it..." Tao Tang said, using an electric kettle to boil water, found two teacups and washed them in the bathroom, ready to soak Tea,
"Then, are you looking for someone to help Mr. Tao decorate the house?" Dai Tianxiang said to Tang Yikun.

"If you're thinking about the location... well, I'll arrange for someone to do the renovations. Just leave this matter alone, as long as you're satisfied."

"I've accepted it, but I really don't need it. In fact, I don't care, I leave it to my nephew. Old Tang, let's not talk about the house..."

"Tao Tang, you can't live in a guest house all the time, can you? Why don't you just get one in Jade Garden! Don't worry, I won't give it to you for nothing! At most, I'll give you a discount. It's more appropriate to buy a house now, really."

"I'm a bachelor, why buy so many houses?" Tao Tang waved his hand, "Besides, my salary is much higher than that of Red Star's employees, but I can't compare with you. You should buy a house and buy toys Same?"

"President Tao, I didn't expect you to be so self-disciplined...the big boss of Red Star..." Dai Tianxiang shook his head.

"State-owned enterprises are different from private enterprises. Old Tang is the real boss, and I'm just a wage earner. Please drink tea, don't think tea is bad."

"Don't say that," Tang Yikun said with a smile, "I can see that Miss Fang has a deep affection for you. Yes, I think it's quite good. Tianxiang, I was thinking of finding someone for Lao Tao, but I was always afraid of being a match." Not Lao Tao. I didn’t expect there to be one beside him.”

"Stop talking about these useless things, Old Tang, it's better for you to help me with the order."

"This is completely fine. Haven't all the contracts on hold been signed? I have told Yiwei and Shegang that you will be at the helm of Red Star, so it will be different from before. If you need them to do something, just ask. They won't do it. , you can find me." As he spoke, Tang Yikun touched the cigarette subconsciously.

"It's fine with your words. Hey, I forgot that you smoke..." Tao Tang got up to look for a cigarette, but the cigarette was not on him.

"You don't want to smoke." Dai Tianxiang gave Tang Yikun a white look, "Look how nice Mr. Tao is."

"It doesn't matter, there are always people coming, I can't help smoking." Tao Tang handed Tang Yikun a pack of soft China.

"Old Tao, let's be serious." Tang Yikun tore open the package and ordered one, "Is there anyone sure about the steel pipe factory?"

"Should be fine. I happened to report to the higher-ups in Yanjing the day before yesterday, and I basically agreed. The problem in the factory is not big...the state-owned enterprises are like this, and the procedures are very troublesome. Please understand. Old Tang, I don't understand. Factory, can you solve the problem of Donghu Machinery?"

"I can't hide anything from you. I have been thinking about the third child for a long time. After much deliberation, it is impossible to maintain the current situation, and it will only get worse. I will not hide it from you. Since last year, I have been giving blood transfusions to the third child. Well... Diversified management is definitely not working, the stall is too big. A group of experts were invited to help diagnose, and the plan they came up with was very mysterious. In fact, it was bankruptcy and reorganization. What should be broken, what should be given away, leaving some promising The factory, energy and funds have been taken care of. The steel pipe factory is scheduled to go bankrupt, and the youngest thought of you, saying that Red Star is also engaged in pipe fittings, so why not give it to you, haha.”

"I don't appreciate it. Your tricks can only deceive children. Anyone with a little common sense knows that when you merged and acquired a lot of small factories in the city, it was all for their land! Right? Now change hands and throw away the burden Go out..." Tao Tang shook his head.

"Haha, don't say that. I'm still quite responsible. I haven't lost money in the past few years... One more thing, what kind of regulations do you have regarding the demolition of Red Star?"

That's probably why he came here... Tao Tang smiled slightly, "Although I've been here for almost a month, I don't have time to ask about this matter at all. You don't know, I'm worried to death just because of the funding problem. "

"What are you worried about funds? You are talking. I can tell She Gang to pay you back in advance. Besides, I can also take out a loan. I don't believe it. I'm afraid that I won't be able to get a loan with the brand of Red Star? Gu Meijun came to you Right? The bank belongs to the state, and Red Star also belongs to the state. What’s in your left pocket goes into your right pocket. I dare not say too much. With Red Star’s scale and assets, it’s not a problem to get two or three hundred million from Lao Gu. You want a loan If you do, leave it to me, and I can even provide you with a guarantee."

"That's the difference between the two of us." Tao Tang said with a smile, "You are explaining to the shareholders' meeting, and I am explaining to the superior. Now that the indicator system is becoming more and more strict, the loan has to pay interest."

"You didn't consider going public?" Tang Yikun mused, "If the whole is not easy to handle, split it up and marry the beautiful girls first. As far as I know, Red Star's gearbox product is not bad, and it can be dug out and packaged for the market. Don't you The higher authorities don’t even allow this? Impossible? If you dig money from the stock market, you don’t have to consider the interest. But if I were you, I would not consider the interest. The situation is often the opposite. The more you borrow, the more the bank will I'm in your hands. I have money in my hand, why not do it? I may be wrong. If I were you, I would stop wandering in the current circle and jump out to the sea and the sky! What is the biggest resource of Red Star? In my opinion, It’s not the product or the technology, but the land under your feet! Revitalize it! All problems will be solved.”

This guy still has some vision, and he actually thought of marrying a pretty girl first!Tao Tang recalled his conversation with Sheng Guangyun, the so-called hero sees the same thing, that's exactly what happened.

"Old Tang, you and I have different positions. You are thinking about development, and I have to think about the survival of the [-] to [-] workers and family members of the Red Star Factory. It's not easy to move this big mess!"

"Of course you will not let you pay for the move! Who is the richest in China now, the government. I am all looking at the government. You are a state-owned enterprise, how can you not be close to this God of Wealth? Well done, all your burdens are thrown away ...If I had no plan, I would do my best to help them come up with a plan! What's more, Hiraizumi already has a plan? What's more, Hiraizumi's leader is your classmate for four years in college? It's an idiot not to take advantage of such an opportunity! "

Dai Tianxiang interjected hastily, "Mr. Tao, please don't be angry, he always speaks too bluntly..."

Tang Yikun realized that his words were a little too much, "Old Tao, don't think I'm being straightforward. If I wasn't a good friend, I wouldn't say that."

"Just now I talked about my position, but you probably didn't really understand. Old Tang, from the perspective of the city, the construction of the new city has its own reasons. But from my position, I must consider the interests of the tens of thousands of Red Star employees' families. First Not to mention the living problems of the employees, think about it, it will take at least two or three years to move such a large stall? I think two or three years is less time. What about the market? Which supporting factory will wait for me Moving? You can’t wait for the factory to move and lose all the market and products, right?”

Tang Yikun couldn't laugh or cry, "Old Tao! Why do you have to worry about this? Since your group agrees, there is naturally a way to deal with it. Red Star's relocation, how can you implement it if your superiors don't agree? If you agree, then it's not something you consider. You just need to successfully achieve the intention of the superior."

Tang Yikun still didn't say a word: this matter is done, you have earned all the money in your next life, so why worry about it!
"Let's not discuss this matter first...Of course, if the above decision is made, I will be happy to implement it."

"That's right. Lao Zhou talked to you, right? Now it depends on Hiraizumi's new boss's intentions. I guess it will be soon. Remember what I begged you to take me to see Secretary Lu when you have time."

"I remember." Tao Tang looked at his watch, "You two are distinguished guests, don't go, let's try Red Star's food."

"There is a small restaurant on Jianguo Road that does a good job of boiled fish. It's very unique. Tianxiang likes it the most. Let's go out to eat?"

"Why? Do you think my food is bad? Don't forget, you grew up here."

"Okay then, you have the final say here. Oh, it's just the three of us. Tianxiang likes to be quiet and afraid of chaos, so it's better to be simple."

Tao Tang understood that Tang Yikun didn't want to expose Dai Tianxiang to the public, so he called Ye Mei who was on duty and asked her to go to the small restaurant to explain.

(End of this chapter)

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