Revival Road

Chapter 77 Breakthrough

Chapter 77 Breakthrough

On the morning of the 5th, Zuo Yun, who was about to take the children to the park, unexpectedly received a call from Tao Tang, asking her to go to the office to find out something.Zuo Yun had no idea that Tao Tang would look for her during the holiday, so he hurried to Tao Tang's office in Building No. [-], regardless of his daughter's protest.

"Director Zuo, I've delayed your rest...I want to know about the marketing department's advertising situation. I know you used to be the section chief of the advertising department."

"Yes, I used to work in the advertising department..." Zuo Yun's heart trembled, and it seemed that Mr. Tao was really going to take the marketing department to the knife, "I don't know what you want to know? I don't understand the situation in the past three years... "

"How is the approval of the advertising budget? I noticed that last year's advertising investment was as high as 4300 million. You should know the advertising investment in the past few years, right? How effective is it? Does the marketing department have any special statistical analysis?"

"Mr. Tao, although I was promoted to the deputy director of the marketing department four years ago, I don't know anything about the flow of funds and effects of advertising in the past three years, and the unit has not held a special analysis, or I have not been notified to participate... ..." Zuo Yun decided his attitude almost immediately, and he would never cover up for some people who put him in the "cold palace".

"Oh, what do you do in the marketing department?"

"Mr. Tao, I have only been in charge of cost management for one year. Oh, the marketing department also does cost analysis. Of course, it is marketing costs. For some reasons, I was criticized, and then I became an idler. I have no specific matters in charge. .”

Zuo Yun felt happy, she straightened the hair on her forehead, feeling that such an opportunity is too rare.

"Comrade Zuo Yun, what is your age?"


"You said you were criticized for some reasons, can you tell me the specific reasons?"

"The main thing is the advertising fee. I disagree with the advertising department's budget and usage plan. The second is the public relations fee..."

"Can you be more specific?"

"It is not necessary to advertise the products in charge of Yike and Sanke on TV. I rarely see advertisements for products related to mining machines and gearboxes on TV, because these products are not aimed at ordinary consumers. In fact, most of our company There is no need for the product to be on TV, and it’s a local channel.”

"Well, you think our products don't need to be advertised?"

"Publicity is still needed. The effect of advertising in some professional magazines is much better. The key is that the cost is much lower."

"It makes sense. Let's talk a little bit more now... When you were working in the advertising department, how much was the company's annual advertising investment? What is the main form? What is the advertising budget and the implementation process?"

"At that time, the annual advertising fee was less than 1000 million yuan... Mainly outdoor advertisements and newspapers... But now it has increased several times..." Zuo Yun sorted out his thoughts and answered Tao Tang's questions one by one.

"According to what you said, Liu Shulin can determine the advertising fee? Comrade Li Luo doesn't want to ask?"

"On the surface, it's not asking. Of course, he needs to sign for confirmation. What I mean is that Vice President Li did not participate in the Ministry's research on the use of advertising fees."

"The same goes for PR fees?"

"There was no public relations fee item before, and it was established after Mr. Song took office. As far as I know, this part of the expenditure was personally approved by Mr. Song."

"Comrade Zuo Yun, I have received some reports that the marketing department has opaque problems in the use of advertising fees and public relations fees, and the effect is not good. Do you think it exists? Comrade Zuo Yun, please believe that the reason why I I asked you to understand these situations based on two points: the first is trust in you, and the second is conscience. I don’t allow Red Star Company to have the phenomenon of harming the public and benefiting private interests. Oh, and also, some people reported that the marketing department distributes bonuses on a quarterly basis, and the amount is relatively large... Do you understand this situation?"

"If you mean sales commission, it has lasted for at least ten years. Since the end of the last century, the company has reformed its marketing management. In addition to the guaranteed salary, the income of front-line salesmen mainly comes from sales commission. Correspondingly, the management of the marketing department The personnel also get a little bit of light...the total amount is about [-] to [-] per year. Except for this, there is no bonus."

"How much did you take last year? I mean the commission part you said?"

"1.5. It will be issued in two installments, 7000 in the first half and 8000 in the second half."

"Oh. You haven't told me yet, do you think the marketing department is harming the public and benefiting private interests? Don't worry, I just want to find out, don't have any mental burden."

"It's hard for me to say. But Liu Shulin is rather domineering. Regarding the expenses, he has basically never attended a meeting..."

"That means you weren't involved. Right? So, audited?"

"There are routine audits every year. But the audit results have not been announced."

"Understood. Last question," Tao Tang played with a pencil in his hand, "What do you think is the main problem in the marketing department?"

"Personnel management. The salesperson is basically out of control... The credit sales problem is serious, which has caused serious bad and bad debt losses. Mr. Tao, I sincerely hope that the company will pay attention to this problem."

"Thank you very much. That's it. Sorry to bother you." Tao Tang ended the conversation.

The next day the company returned to normal.Just after work, Li Zhibin reported to Tao Tang, who was listening to Li Luo's report, and Wang Guanglin, the director of the third workshop of the sixth branch factory, asked to see him.

Seeing Tao Tang frowned, Li Zhibin also felt that something was wrong. The workshop director seldom reported directly to the big boss, and even the branch factory director seldom came.

"It's just nonsense!" Li Luo said with a sullen face, "Why are the workshop directors bothering Boss Tao? What's the matter for their factory director to come!"

"Let him wait. Mr. Li, go ahead."

Li Luo was not pleased, and he was even more annoyed, but he still had to suppress his temper and continue to report this month's fund return plan.As soon as he got to work, Tao Tang called him and asked him about the return of funds this month.Fortunately, he is not the kind who doesn't care about things, so he starts from the big market one by one and analyzes the expected return of funds.

"Well, according to your plan, the sales revenue this month will be at least 5 million, right?"

"This number should be sure."

"But it can't be done. The production port is scheduled for 6 million yuan this month, and the material plan alone is 4 million yuan. The salary plus insurance will cost more than 1 million yuan. The electricity bill will be at least 1500 million yuan, coal 600 million yuan, and natural gas 200 million yuan. 3000. The value-added tax alone is at least 7 million, and others such as financial expenses, necessary repayments caused by legal disputes, sporadic technological transformation, new product development, travel expenses, office expenses, and veteran cadres' expenses... this month's The plate needs at least 6 million yuan to stop it. And I told Ma Guangming that the order of Donghu should be placed in the front row as much as possible, and I want to get another piece from Donghu... 6.5 million production value sounds like a lot, but our target is there , It’s still a conservative plate. My order to Lao Ma is at least 7 million, and strive for 5 million. We have to rush forward. Therefore, the return of 6 million is not enough. You organize the marketing department to study , put some pressure on them, and strive to complete 2 million! I will find a solution for the rest of the gap. I read some reports, and the pressure on vehicle parts is a bit abnormal. Isn’t it N+[-]? Why are some markets delayed to five? Six months? Let the lower levels take the initiative. In addition, I plan to take a walk for the major customers other than the system and Donghu. You can think about it for me and see where it is more appropriate to go first?"

Li Luo found that Tao Tang was much better than Song Yue. What Song Yue took at least two or three months to figure out, Tao Tang figured out in less than a month.This situation is neither good nor bad for him, more is not good.Moreover, Tao Tang obviously put his hand into his territory... He was going to visit a big client, but he couldn't object, and he had no reason to object.

"Visiting customers is no problem. This is the biggest support for marketing. But the pressure of 6 million payment is too great, and it is estimated that it will not be completed. Mr. Tao, please understand that I am not evading responsibility, but the fact is that I cannot Open your eyes and talk nonsense."

"I heard some reflections on the marketing policy from the side, and there is room for strengthening the assessment of salespersons. It feels like this. Mr. Li, I asked Ren Lao to ask for the average income of various personnel last year. Marketing is the highest, absolutely No. 2 One! Beyond technology. Marketing occupies an extremely important position in modern enterprise management. It is okay for everyone to have a higher income. But it must be reasonable. Now the arrears are too high, and no one can bear it, otherwise we will become Now I have to work for the bank. Among the foreign debts, there are not many debts in the system, only a little left. After Lao Han got back 2.5 million, the current debt is only 5 million? So the focus is on the collection system Extra funds. You are an old man, and there are plenty of ways, 6 million to [-] million, an increase of only [-] million, I believe in your ability."

"Okay, I'll try my best." Li Luo got up and left Tao Tang's office.

Li Zhibin came in again and asked Tao Tang if he was meeting Wang Guanglin.Tao Tang snorted, "Let him wait a while." He knew the reason why Wang Guanglin came to find him. In fact, he didn't care about offending him in the commercial street that day. What he has to do now is to really open up a breakthrough in work.It has been 20 days since he came to Red Star. On the surface, he has taken over this huge and bloated enterprise, but he knows that he has not.What it means to be in charge of a company is not that no one will openly oppose your orders. Under the current system, as long as your superiors give you positions and powers, it is easy to do this. Everyone is a member of the system, and no one is stupid. To come forward and openly confront the top leader.There are several hallmarks of controlling an enterprise, which he discovered by himself. The most critical one is people.He must have a capable team of assistants, not only assistants, but even the most grassroots workers. Through this team of assistants, he can grasp the main problems in the operation of the enterprise from the seemingly chaotic phenomena and take targeted measures.But so far, except for Lu Qi, no one has offered him what he wants.This is enough to show that Red Star did not really accept him as the top leader, and his power still remained on the surface.If it's just for the sake of messing around, the current state is not unbearable, but he doesn't want to mess around, he wants to work in Red Star, at least like he did in Shengdong.Then he has only two ways: the first is to slowly change the red star through some small things, like the silent drizzle that moistens things.But it takes time, but he doesn't have time, and Feng Shizhao won't give him more time.Therefore, he had to take the second approach, take the initiative, and create troubles to shake this old company whose footsteps and thinking have been restricted by habits.It is ideal to create performance in an operator, but it is not easy. Let others do what is easy to do, and will not leave it to him.Although Song Yue is a big corrupt criminal, Song Yue will also try her best to make her business performance look better.Now he has no choice but to promote production regardless of efficiency. He must show his movement to those in Yanjing who care about him, but this situation cannot last long, so he must find another way...

After thinking for 10 minutes, Tao Tang got up and opened the door of the office. There were several suitors waiting outside, "Which one is Wang Guanglin? Come on."

Uneasy Wang Guanglin agreed and followed Tao Tang in.

Li Luo didn't go back to his office, but went directly to the marketing department.On the way to the marketing department, he thought of the rumors of the audit report, and didn't want to have a direct conflict with Tao Tang, who was under the protection of the headquarters.In addition, he believes that if he refuses this task, Tao Tang will definitely have someone behind him.According to this month's observation, although this boss is young, he is by no means Song Yue.The most important thing is that he has no weapon against Tao Tang!Based on his more than 30 years of work experience, it is not impossible for subordinates to counter their superiors, but the premise must be that the superiors show their flaws, otherwise don't even think about it.

There will definitely be loopholes, but he doesn't currently have one.Moreover, mistakes at work are generally not flaws, and you can't make a fuss about them.Now, Li Luo only hoped that Tao Tang was not a saint. He firmly thought that there is no saint in this world.

Thinking of this, Li Luo turned around and went back to his office in Building No. [-], dialed a number on the landline, and put it down without speaking after the call was connected.Immediately, Jia Jianxin came over.

"What's the news recently?"

"No..." Jia Jianxin saw dissatisfaction in his uncle's eyes, "It's true that there is no..."

"Anyone come to him?"

"That little goblin!" Jia Jianxin said angrily, "How dare you defy me!"

"Then fire her! Isn't she just a temporary worker?" Li Luo's eyes were cold, "You did such a bad job! Either solve her job as soon as possible, or fire her early! Do you want me to teach you these things? "

"Yes, I'll do it."

"I need to find a reason! By the way, Wang Guanglin was looking for him just now, and he should be in his office now. Go and find out what's going on?"

"Wang Guanglin?"

"The director of the third workshop of the sixth branch factory. He shouldn't have gone there directly! Got it?" He looked at his nephew's confused eyes, feeling disappointed in his heart.


"You go, go now."

Zhu Yu, the director of the No. [-] Branch Factory, is his man, and Li Luo worries that Wang Guanglin is here to sue Zhu Yu.The thousand-mile long embankment collapsed in the ant's nest, and Li Luo became a little nervous after feeling that Tao Tang was staring at him.

After Jia Jianxin left, Li Luo called Liu Shulin and asked him to call a meeting at nine o'clock to study the issue of this month's payment.

Jia Jianxin came back soon, "Uncle, Wang Guanglin seems to have come to apologize to Tao Tang... Li Zhibin asked me what's the matter, I can't tell you... That kid, you are not very obedient..."

"Apologize? What right does he have to offend others?" Li Luo felt even more confused, "You tell me the cause and effect of this matter. Besides, how many times have I taught you? The work needs to be done first! Wait until you want to hire someone." It's time to find someone, it's too late!"

After being scolded by his uncle, Jia Jianxin returned to his office unhappy.He opened the door of his office to the maximum so that he could see Wang Guanglin after he came out of Tao Tang's office.

Now his life is more difficult. After Tao Tang took office, Zhang Xingwu was completely "resurrected", and Zhang Xingwu's "resurrection" meant his own "death".The root cause lies in my uncle, but my uncle seems to be in trouble... Just now when he asked himself to quit Xiaoye, he must be worried that Xiaoye would entrust Tao Tang with the special task he gave her.Thinking of this, Jia Jianxin feels like sitting on pins and needles.How can I say it?Will she cry?If that little bastard hits Tao Tang, I'm afraid I'm going to be in bad luck... Besides, I also need to say hello to Pan Chenggui. Pan Chenggui is not his uncle, and he needs to find someone who dismissed Xiaozhao's waiter. Tenable reasons.

After waiting for half an hour, Wang Guanglin was nowhere to be seen.This is wrong, so Jia Jianxin came to Li Zhibin's office again, "Wang Guanglin is still in there?" He asked in a low voice to Li Zhibin who stood up to greet him.

"He left early..."

"Oh, it's okay, I have something to do with Wang Guanglin..." He didn't dare to ask Li Zhibin why Wang Guanglin came, and hurried away.

(End of this chapter)

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