Revival Road

Chapter 80

Chapter 80
Half an hour before work in the afternoon, Li Jianguo from the Finance Department reported the project arrears and one and a half year's payment that Tao Tang wanted. Tao Tang didn't even read it, and put it in the folder directly, "Director Li, please sit down, I want to know Tell me about the company's reimbursement regulations for meals."

Li Jianguo sorted out his thoughts, "There are three major channels, one is the factory office, the company's two hotel hospitality expenses are handled by the general manager's office, and they are collected every month and transferred to the financial account after your signature. Those belonging to the company leaders and full-time deputy general managers will be paid by the general manager’s office, and those belonging to each unit will be paid by each unit. The second is dining outside, which will be handled according to the channel in charge, and will be reimbursed after signing by the leader of the company in charge, but a formal invoice is required The third is that the leaders of each unit or company dine in a hotel other than the guest house designated by the factory, and the reimbursement channel is the same as the second one. That’s about it.”

"Well, what is a designated hotel other than a guest house?"

"It's like this. Due to the limited reception capacity, I sometimes go to other hotels in the factory area to have meals... Now there are dozens of hotels in the factory area. It is too messy and difficult to manage, so I selected a few with better software and hardware. Official receptions can only go to those few hotels..."

"How many?" Tao Tang asked.

Li Jianguo became nervous and thought for a while, "It should be five families, let me verify..."

"Director Li, don't you think this management is too messy? How to limit unnecessary banquets?"

"One is to control the approval process, and the other is the cost index..."

"So, is there any over-expense reimbursement?"

"Yes. For example, the production department overruns almost every year."

"then what should we do?"

"What can I do? Increase the fee. Mr. Tao, because of this, I'm almost a street rat."

"How much is the average monthly reception fee this year?"

"I can't remember the exact number, there are always 50 every month..."

"50? Take the time to look it up. When I talked about the budget with Mr. Han in the morning, I made a point of view. The eating and drinking style must be stopped. It's not to show off to the top, but if we continue like this, we will collapse. Section You participated in the previous budget meeting. You know the financial plan best. The non-production funds are too high... Let’s start with eating and drinking. I don’t know if Mr. Han has arranged it. You can do it. First, re-examine the reimbursement regulations on business activity expenses, and resolutely revise where it is unreasonable. Second, before the new system is discussed and introduced, the existing system must be strictly implemented, and those that do not comply with the regulations are not allowed to be posted.”

"Success. Mr. Tao, when it comes to business activity expenses, the problem is mainly in marketing. Finance can't control marketing. How much money is spent and where it is spent is completely up to them. You gave the example of the research institute at the budget balance meeting. , in my opinion, it is nothing compared to the marketing department. The employees have great opinions on this..."

"The purpose of establishing rules and regulations is to solve the chaos. This time, you should also consider it in the revision of the system."

"Mr. Tao, I think it's better to get a pen. Otherwise, I can't control it at all."

"No, no, I don't want that right. It's not a right, it's a responsibility. The red star is too big, are you going to exhaust me? Let me tell you, I don't care about those bad things, but I also want to solve the current so-called Of course the vice presidents have to take responsibility, I am only in charge of supervision, whoever does not implement the system will be criticized and punished. No need for a pen, never.”

"OK then."

"There is one more thing. Before the festival, the finance department reported me a price approval table for Donghu products. I read it and was very satisfied. But the follow-up work has to keep up. The finance department is in charge of costs. To achieve this price, cost control is The key. I don’t know what kind of work you have done. I ask you to grasp this matter yourself... What is market first and customer first? Follow up, understand?"

"Understood..." Speaking of the price list, Li Jianguo became angry, and Ming Xiaoyue performed a fairy dance behind his back, and ruthlessly knocked down his army.Rong Shangming, as the head of the cost section, has jumped more than once, but Li Jianguo can't vent his anger on Ming Xiaoyue, because the top management appreciates her works.Now that Tao Tang has once again affirmed Ming Xiaoyue's work, what can Li Jianguo say?

"By the way, I've always wanted to talk to you, but you're still determined to mention a deputy director?"

"Yes, I have reported the reason to you..." Li Jianguo's heart moved, and he suddenly became nervous. Could it be that Tao Tang has taken a fancy to Ming Xiaoyue?This time can be troublesome.

The section chiefs in the finance department are not easy-going lamps. Shi Cheng is Han Zhiyong's direct descendant, but Ming Xiaoyue leans on Zhao Qingmin's thick legs. Rumors about Ming Xiaoyue and Zhao Qingmin are no longer news.Only Lao Rong is obedient and he is his own man. After Quan Jianhe was dismissed, Li Jianguo has been planning to mention Rong Shangming as his main assistant in business. For this reason, he did not hesitate to run to Tao Tang's residence to be proud of the risk of losing points. Shang Ming lobbied, things seem to be very troublesome now...

"Okay then, I'll discuss it with Secretary Zhao and arrange an inspection in the near future." Tao Tang had already finished the conversation.

After Li Jianguo left, Tao Tang silently sorted out the current difficult issues, arranged the order of several must-do things, and asked Li Zhibin to call Liu Xinjun and Jiang Yansheng.

Soon, the heads of the two major production and development departments came to Tao Tang's office one after the other.

"Please sit down, both of you. I call you here to mention this month's production and assessment. Production and planning are the two major functional departments of the company. You two can also be said to be the right arm of the general manager of me." He stared at the two Ren, "This year's target is very difficult, and it is difficult to explain to the top and bottom. So from now on, to set off a climax of production, your task, Director Jiang, is to complete the order without compromise, and your task, Director Liu It is to strengthen the assessment of the completion of the monthly work order of the production department. The reason why you two are called together is to make it clear that the planning department (the planning department is more accustomed to being called the planning department within the company) is in charge of the assessment, yes Supervise the completion of production indicators for me. We must strengthen the assessment mercilessly."

Liu Xinjun and Jiang Yansheng looked at each other without saying a word.

"The order in May must be completed, and the output value is [-] million. And the quality must be guaranteed, and the quality must not be sloppy. If the quality department issues a production stop order, I don't care. I will have an output value of [-] million... ..." Tao Tang paused for a moment, "We need to change the assessment method and assess on a weekly basis. Doesn't the production department have a weekly plan? Director Liu, you can keep an eye on his weekly plan. If it is not completed, a notification will be issued, but there will be no penalty. Bookkeeping and cashing at the end of the month. Got it?"

"Understood," Jiang Yansheng said loudly, "Don't worry Mr. Tao, as long as the materials and external cooperation funds are in place, I am willing to issue a military order."

"No problem, we will assess on a weekly basis and report the results to you," Liu Xinjun said.

"I can just copy the report." Tao Tang smiled, "It can't just be fined but not rewarded. If you complete the homework order with quality and quantity, Director Jiang, please provide me with a list of rewards."

"President Tao, don't worry. I, Jiang Yansheng, will take down [-] million even if I don't eat or sleep!"

"Okay, I won't waste your time. I'll wait for the result I hope for."

After Jiang and Liu left, Tao Tang dialed Zhao Qingmin's phone number, "Secretary Zhao, no, let's talk over the phone just for a few words. There are a lot of things in the finance department this month, so I think it's better to give them a The deputy director. Yes, let me tell you, if you agree, let’s enter the procedure. No, other units will not consider it. Who do you think will tell the organization department? Well, let me talk about it.”

Tao Tang put down the phone and told Li Zhibin to call Organization Minister Peng Jie.

Ordinarily, the head of the organization is a very important position, and the head of the organization should maintain close contact with the leader, but Tao Tang has been in office for almost a month, and he has never had a deep conversation with this burly, kind-hearted middle-aged man.Tao Tang never made an appointment to meet Peng Jie, nor did Peng Jie take the initiative to report to Tao Tang. Except for the meeting when Tao Tang just came to ask for a roster of cadres from the Organization Department, and Peng Jie personally delivered it to Xiaozhao, the two of them were not alone. have met before.

"Comrade Peng Jie, please sit down." Tao Tang was very polite to this seemingly aged organization minister and party committee member.

"What does Boss Tao want from me?"

"Two things," Tao Tang smiled. "The first is about strengthening the management of middle-level cadres. Has the Organization Department come up with a specific opinion?"

This matter was arranged at the first general manager office meeting, and it has been half a month.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Tao, but the draft has not been finalized yet." Peng Jie, speaking with a strong West Qin accent, said slowly, "I understand Mr. Tao, you mean to combine a series of new policies since the [-]th National Congress of the Central Committee, so compare Be cautious, and proceed slowly. First of all, we sorted out the regulations on cadre management that the company has issued in the past five years. My idea is that the things to be introduced this time must not only keep up with the situation, but also conform to the current situation of the company, so the progress is a bit slow. Recently, I have been checking the implementation of the system below, in order to solve the problem Got it right..."

"The thinking of the Organization Department is correct," Tao Tang affirmed, but he did not say that Peng Jie's thinking was correct, but credited the "credit" to the Organization Department. "Policies on cadre management cannot be changed overnight. We can continue to investigate, and we are not in a hurry. Since a new policy is to be introduced, as you said, it must not only conform to the new spirit of the central government, but also fit the actual situation of the company. Just tell me, what are the problems in the middle-level team of the company? What's the problem?"

"There are many problems, and there are three big ones. First, there has been a gap in the age of middle-level cadres. Almost all important positions are carried by those born in the [-]s, few born in the [-]s, and almost none born in the [-]s. The principle of combining young people with three people. I always think that the combination of old, middle-aged and young people advocated by the chairman in the past is the best."

"Well, what about the second?"

"The second is that there is too little turnover of cadres. It has become a one-on-one match. I have raised opinions on this in the past. I always feel that it is not good for cadres, especially the main heads of major departments, to work in one position for a long time, but the company The main leaders think that proficiency in business is an advantage, but they did not adopt it..."

"Well, what about the third one?"

"The third is that the evaluation of cadres is a mere formality. In the past few years, almost no one has been passed due to incompetence in the evaluation. This seems abnormal..."

Tao Tang thought, this is asking for power from himself. Judging from the summary of all aspects, the organization department seems to have great power. Moreover, Peng Jie did not bluntly point out that the biggest problem is the work style of the cadres like Sheng Guangyun. ...Red Star has a big Yang Song case, so it can't be said that there is no problem with Red Star's middle management?Just like if there is a problem in the middle management, the root cause can usually be found at the factory level. The top leader and the deputy general manager in charge of supply have entered, so there is no problem in the middle management?
But Tao Tang did not express his real opinion on this, "Well, what you said is very reasonable. Minister Peng, the second thing is a specific matter. After Quan Jianhe was dismissed, Comrade Li Jianguo approached me twice to report his work. It was affected. I discussed with Secretary Zhao and decided to appoint a deputy director for the finance department. Recently, the work of the finance department has been very heavy. The budget system has been restored, especially because of the price and cost issues brought out by the East Lake market. Comrade Ming Xiaoyue It took a lot of effort to come up with a price analysis, and it was very difficult to implement... I personally took care of these tasks, and they all fell on the head of the finance department. It is necessary to strengthen the leadership of the finance department. Considering the Due to the characteristics of the business, it is best to select candidates from the finance department. Please arrange an assessment as soon as possible."

"Understood. Mr. Tao, what instructions do you have?"

"No more. By the way, how long have you been in this position?"

"Ten years..." Peng Jie's heart skipped a beat.

"Oh, that's not easy. I'm a veteran." Tao Tang said lightly, "That's it. After the assessment results come out, Secretary Zhao and I will listen to your report."

"Yes. If Mr. Tao has no other arrangements, I will go back."

"No more." Tao Tang stood up and saw him off, expressing his respect for the "veteran".

Tao Tang believed that Peng Jie could correctly understand the signal he sent.This person is a key pawn for him to break the situation. This matter is regarded as an assessment of him. If he is not satisfied, he can only be replaced first. Even if he risks breaking with Li Luo, he must do it.

(End of this chapter)

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