Revival Road

Chapter 81 The Ren Family 2

Chapter 81

Lu Qi thought she would receive a call from Tao Tang, but there was no movement until after get off work in the afternoon.Waiting is a torment. During the torment of waiting, Lu Qi couldn't help thinking about the Ren family. She admired Tao Tang, because Tao Tang finally found the key to break the game.She was even more worried about Tao Tang, because the Ren family was by no means easy to deal with.

Lu Qi believes that if Tao Tang "brings down" the Ren family, it will bring a violent shock to Red Star.

Lu Qi got off work on time, and Duan Hui stopped her when she passed by Duan Hui's office, "Sister Lu, wait a minute."

"What instructions do you have?" Lu Qi turned into Duan Hui's office, "Look at you, you're in such a mess, it's like a defeated national army headquarters in a movie."

Duan Hui's desk, coffee table, window sill and even the floor were all piled up with materials.

"The project funding has been guaranteed, and things have piled up... The leader lost his temper. I have to lose my skin this month, and the work that has been pulled down is too much... I don't know whether to thank you or blame you... Duan Hui scratched his messy hair.

Duan Hui is actually handsome, but he is too slovenly, ruining his excellent figure and appearance for nothing, "How many cigarettes have you smoked, look at your room, it has become a boiler room." Lu Qi exaggeratedly fanned it with her hands No smoke.

Duan Hui has a nickname called "Boiler Group".It means not turning off the fire all the year round, which is a metaphor for his excessive smoking addiction.It is customary to refer to the boiler room of the power company as the first group of boilers, and the boiler room of the property company as the second group of boilers. The boilers of the property company will be completely shut down for maintenance after the winter heating period, but the dozen boilers of the power company are not There are always open ones, because production does not stop, even in summer, there are workshops that need steam.

"What about it?" Lu Qi extinguished half of the cigarette in her hand in the ashtray, "Sister Lu, let me lend it to the two of you. Look at this pile, my people are too busy." Duan Hui There are only six people in charge of one planning department, while Lu Qi is in charge of two departments of statistics and business management, with nine people.

"You call it directly. You don't need to tell me."

"That's okay, I'm asking you for instructions, right? Thank you, let Xiao Shi and Lao Wang from the enterprise management help me for two days and make two PPTs for me."

"Criticized?" Lu Qi lowered her voice.

"Didn't you attend the budget meeting, old man?" Duan Hui glanced in the direction of the door, "You will be charged."

"That's because you're too sloppy. I'm leaving if there's nothing else to do. Just talk to the two of them directly. Hey, wait," Lu Qi's phone rang in her handbag, she took it out and took a look, and hurried away.

The phone number showed that it was Tao Tang's landline, but Lu Qi didn't answer it, and went directly to Tao Tang's office downstairs.Li Zhibin graciously opened the inner door for her, "Boss Tao is here."

"Hey, why didn't you answer the phone?"

"Is something wrong?"

"It's still the same thing in the morning." Tao Tang got up and sat on the sofa, "Xiao Li, make tea for Director Lu."

Li Zhibin quickly made tea, went out and closed the door behind him.

Lu Qi had a strange feeling, because of her job, she came to Tao Tang's office too often.

"Let's talk about that Rendao."

"Maybe I shouldn't ask, why did you focus on Ren's family?"

"He came to me and asked for money. The budget hasn't been set yet, but he will know the result... Intuition, this person is extraordinary."

"It's unusual. His brother-in-law is the deputy director of the Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau. He has great energy. You may not be clear about it. Our factory has a lot of environmental protection problems. You have to look at his face. He takes projects from the factory and opens a hotel. To a large extent, he borrowed the influence of his brother-in-law."

"What's the problem with environmental protection? Sewage treatment or boiler?"

"I'm not very clear. It should be sewage treatment..."

"Isn't there a sewage treatment station? I went to see it. The facilities are very advanced, at least better than those in Shengdong."

"You can't just look at the surface. The machine breaks down every day, and people always catch the current situation."

"This is a matter. Let me implement it. Let's talk about Ren Dao."

"That's the case with the Ren family... I can't say enough about it."

"Didn't he take over the project in the factory? There must be a company?" Tao Tang got up and took Li Jianguo's report from the table, "Do you know the name of his company?"

"Jianxing Company."

"Oh..." Tao Tang found Jianxing Company, and it was not that there was no payment budget in May, and 30 was listed.Tao Tang looked through the payment records of Jianxing Company for more than ten months. In one year and three months, the accumulated project payments to Jianxing Company exceeded 1200 million.The average monthly budget is around 80, and this month only made a budget of 30. No wonder Ren Dao was in a hurry.But Tao Tang noticed that Jianxing's accounts payable balance is not much, only less than 80. According to the past situation, it means that Jianxing has no debts. unusual relationship...

"It seems that the strength of Jianxing Company is average. What kind of projects does he take on in the factory?"

"As far as I know, the projects are not large, mostly sporadic repairs, such as pipe trench excavation, roof leak repair, and replacement of plastic steel doors and windows. Song Yue once made arrangements to replace the workshop, including the doors and windows Update all..."

"Didn't you say that he still does waste recycling?" Tao Tang obviously had a good memory, and he remembered what Lu Qi mentioned in the morning.

Lu Qi secretly hated herself for talking too much. Facing Tao Tang, the original rules of conduct were all invalidated, and she always taught him everything, "I heard it, but it may not be accurate. I'm afraid you need to ask the purchasing department for the specific situation."

"Oh..." Tao Tang threw the account book in his hand on the coffee table, "One more thing, don't make me troublesome, do you go to hotels other than the hostel for business meals?"

"Yes, not too much... Mainly because there are more planning departments. Before the public bidding, we usually contact the manufacturer to discuss technical specifications. Our department takes the lead in receiving... Are you going to get stuck on this?"

"Lu Qi..." Tao Tang stared at the other party until the other party avoided his direct gaze, "Let me tell you what I think, don't tell anyone, including your husband... Lu Qi, my first love When I arrived in Shengdong, the situation I encountered was similar to that of Red Star, and it was also very difficult. I was just thinking about money all day long. The methods everyone came up with cannot be said to be wrong, but they are not realistic. For example, increasing investment, striving for projects, and even coming up with ambitious plans Merger and reorganization plan... But I soon discovered that there were too many "bleeding points" in Shengdong Company, and there were leaks everywhere, 2000 here, 5000 there, and the money just leaked out. So I started to stop the "bleeding" Point', this word was invented by me, it is very vivid, like a person with small wounds everywhere... This block is not important, it brings out problems... I thought it was a management problem, but in fact it is mostly a corruption problem, it is intentional In short, in some links, a chain of interests that harms the public and private interests has been formed. I was very angry, so I started to rectify and removed a large number of cadres, including company-level leaders. This process is thanks to the strong support from above, otherwise I would not be able to continue. Need to say What's more, I caught a few things, and it happened to be waste disposal, which won the trust of most of the company's cadres and employees. They gave me a lot of courage and confidence, and let me see the hope of the company... Lu Qi, It is impossible to have loopholes in management, but there will be no obvious loopholes, unless he is a fool, how much difference is there in intelligence between people? Hmm? If I can find it, other people can also find it, but they don’t go there for various reasons Forget it. You participated in the pre-holiday budget meeting. Whether it’s business activity expenses or car management, it’s not a big deal for the company’s business scale, but it’s very important. It directly dampens the employees’ confidence in the company. I received 3 yuan a month, but I heard that someone ate [-] yuan for a meal. How does he feel? I didn’t say anything about the car. Don’t you have a Sagitar? I estimate that the annual cost will not be less than [-] yuan , or more, how much of this money is spent on necessary official duties? No need to ask, it is the power of the top leader, and you deputies may not necessarily use it...Eating and drinking are even more important. Are the employees eligible to go to the hotel to sign the bill? Will the leaders bargain with the hotel? I don’t believe it. Now I have to go through the road I walked in Shengdong again. Maybe the situation is more serious than Shengdong... What should I do? I pretend Confused? Or mixed up? Let me tell you, Ren Dao went to Xiaozhao to ask me for money last night, secretly slipped a card in the book, and asked someone to check it today, [-] yuan. Probably for me Tell me, what is the profit of Ren Dao’s business? Surely he didn’t give it to me alone? Does he have such a large profit in normal business? What you said seems to be normal on the surface, including Waste recycling, but it’s not the case if you look deeper, I’m sure! Don’t look at me like that, I’m not a saint, nor Jiao Yulu, I’m just an ordinary person, or a little more self-disciplined than ordinary people. My annual salary is not Less, hundreds of thousands a year, I am satisfied! My daily salary is almost a month’s salary of a worker. What is there to be dissatisfied with? My parents are ordinary workers, and I earn them a lifetime a yearmoney!Why should I embezzle?Um?Someone in Shengdong filed a complaint against me, but they still reported it with their real names. Check it out, didn’t they send me to Red Star in the end?Whether the salary structure is reasonable or not, I can’t control it to a large extent. If I propose to cancel the annual salary of the company’s executives, I guess I will step down soon, but I dare not forget the income of ordinary employees, so I have to manage it, and I must manage it.When the company's righteousness rises, the evil spirit will drop, and the company's operation will be better... When I left Shengdong, many employees who could not be named visited me and sent me off, and I shed tears... In fact, what I did , It's just the most common thing, employees think I'm a good person, a good official, what's this called?It's just ridiculous.Lu Qi, technological transformation cannot solve the fundamental problems of Red Star, and the same goes for relocation or strategic reorganization!If you don't put the company's internal management on the right path, everything is fake! "

"However, if you do... you will offend many people and receive great resistance." Lu Qi couldn't help but said.

"But those who support me will outnumber those who oppose me! I firmly believe it! Lu Qi, let me ask you, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, don't worry. I have eaten and drank, and I have received gifts, such as the Mid-Autumn Festival and New Year's Eve. The grassroots will honor a few shopping cards, but I have nothing else to do. I don't have that much power. I am in charge of corporate management. , basically has nothing to do with the supply and marketing of people, property and property.”

"That's good." Tao Tang smiled, "Let's be honest, I have always regarded you as a friend, the kind of friend who can talk to each other. If you are in financial difficulties, you can tell me that you can't get out more. Question. I often think that people don’t need more things. It’s just food, clothing, housing and transportation. What else? Children? It's smart. Look at the current situation. The so-called extremes must be reversed. Finally, someone was nervous. After working for a long time, they were finally confiscated and took the freedom of the rest of their lives. It's really not worthwhile. Thank you for your support for my work. , I actually have some problems. I always suspect that I have been cheated. I believe in you, so I always ask you to understand the situation. There is no way. Fortunately, Red Star has you..."

Lu Qi was a little moved, and this kind of emotion has not been seen for a long time.A long time ago, she thought that she was a very fragile and sentimental woman. Novels, TV dramas, and some things she encountered in her life would always move her, make her excited and even shed tears and lose sleep.But that touch gradually disappeared... I got used to despicableness, deceit, lies and shamelessness, my heart became hardened, and all I could do was have nothing to do with myself and hang up.But today she "revisited" the old touch, "You're welcome... I'm willing to help you, and that's what I should do."

"It's wasting your time, that's it, I have a meeting tonight, I have to fill my stomach first."

Lu Qi really wanted to invite Tao Tang to dinner at home, just like she invited Xu Deyu.After hesitating for a moment, Lu Qi finally didn't say anything.

(End of this chapter)

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