Revival Road

Chapter 91 Environmental Events 1

Chapter 91
Ren Dao first learned from the finance department that the payment to him this month was only 20 yuan for the project, and the hotel didn't pay any money, so he was in a hurry.A phone call brought Shi Cheng, chief of the General Section of the Finance Department, to his "office".

Ren Dao, who was a worker, was deeply envious of the way of life of the leaders in the process of dealing with the Red Star leaders. One of them is that they all have a spacious and luxurious office.He thought it was a status symbol.Therefore, after the completion of the Loncin Hotel, he disregarded his wife's objection and arranged a suite for himself on the third floor. All business, big or small, came to his "office" to discuss.

Shi Cheng's attitude annoyed him even more, and he even reminded him three times to keep quiet—if I revealed the budget of Lite-In Company, I would be finished!
"The matter of Quan Jianhe scares you like this?" Ren Dao sneered, "Chief Shi, didn't you report 30 yuan? Which link gave you another 10 yuan?"

"I really don't know about this. Old Ren, we have been friends for many years. If possible, can I help you?"

"Old Shi, it's better to say help you than to help me." Ren Dao sneered.

"Old Ren, this month's budget is too tight. You need to overcome it first, and then figure out a solution later. Can Red Star give you money? You have to take a long-term view."

"Budget? Haven't you lived a good life without a budget for many years? Besides, how big is Red Star's family, would he care about my little money? Is it Li Jianguo or Mr. Han? It can't be Mr. Tao, right? Such a big leader will stare at me. My little money?"

"Don't ask, the situation is different. Mr. Tao has just arrived, and the new official has three fires, so he has to avoid the limelight. Isn't Quan Jianhe unlucky because he doesn't know the current affairs?"

Ren Dao suppressed his anger, he hadn't been so aggrieved for a long time, Shi Cheng is Han Zhiyong's man, so he had to show some face, "Chief Shi, you can't just give up the meal money, right? Isn't it a bit too much? "The finance department is the largest customer of Loncin, and Loncin is almost designated for external reception.

"It's not just your Loncin, no one has given it to you. Old Ren, let me tell you something, don't hurt me!" He took Lan Fu from Ren Dao and clicked on it, "Just started In the office meeting, Mr. Tao decided to rectify the reception, and in the future, he is not allowed to dine in other places except the guest house."

"What did you say?!" Ren Dao was taken aback.

"The document will be issued immediately. Hey, the power is in the hands of others, and it is Mr. Han who can only obey orders." Seeing Ren Dao's expression, Shi Cheng felt pleased for some reason.

"What you said is true?" Ren Dao was shocked by this news. The reason why he spent a lot of money to build Loncin was to focus on the huge market of Red Star's public consumption. If there is no official consumption, his Loncin Hotel is destined to be huge. deficit!

"How could I lie to you? Li Jianguo has already conveyed the spirit of the General Manager's Office meeting, and ordered the Finance Department's reception in the factory to go to the guest house in the future... The factory office has already drafted the document, and the document will be down tomorrow at the latest. "

"This is killing me! Isn't someone surnamed Tao afraid of being untenable in Red Star? This is troublesome! Chief Shi, you suggested me to build a high-end hotel at the beginning, what should I do?" Ren Dao really panicked.

"Didn't I just say that when Mr. Tao took office, he always had to burn several fires. Wasn't Mr. Song the same? You have to learn to be patient." Shi Cheng put out the cigarette he had smoked twice in the ashtray.

"Patience? I'm not the same as you guys who eat public food. I earn hard money, and Tao is cutting off people's money... No, I have to go to Mr. Han."

"What's the use of looking for Boss Han? You're all on your own. Don't make trouble for Boss Han. It's good to enjoy the shade under the big tree. With Boss Han around, there's always a chance for you to make a fortune. If you listen to your brother, don't look for anyone. Wait." This gust of wind has passed, is everything going on as usual? Just relying on your skill as the boss, are you afraid that you will not have a chance to make a fortune?"

"Hey, Chief Shi, can't you give more? The first key to the budget is in your hands."

"Old Ren, how long have we been dating? Can you help me if I have a chance? No, I have another meeting, so I have to go." Shi Cheng left Ren Dao and slipped away.

Ren Dao sat in the private room, smoking cigarettes one after another, sorting out his thoughts.These years of business experience told him that no matter how many friends he has for the following, the level of being the leader of Red Star must be cleared, so he has been looking for opportunities to establish friendship with Tao Tang. He has no friendship with Tao Jin and Tao Meiling, and Tao Meiling Jin was even a bit festive, because Tao Jin's nephew was celebrating his 12th birthday and contacted his restaurant because he couldn't agree on the price, so he made a mockery of it.At that time, he certainly never thought that Tao Tang would become the top leader of Red Star.After Tao Tang took office, he approached Wu Shi'an through his friends, and wanted Wu Shi'an to invite Tao Tang to have a meal for him, but Wu Shi'an refused and did not give him face.Now the Tao family has achieved Taoism and ascended to heaven, and each of them is pulling like two hundred and five.He could only find other channels, but he didn't expect Tao Tang to act so fast. He reached out to the finance office within a few days of taking office, grabbed the budget and the rope, and tied many people's hands.So he had no choice but to go directly to Tao Tang, and secretly left 3 yuan for Tao Tang, which could be regarded as a stepping stone.What puzzled him was that Tao Tang took his money with one hand, but he still didn't relax with the other hand and didn't give him any face at all. Not only did he block his project funds, but he also directly cut off one of his main sources of income—— The hotel's profits are astonishing, and it is one of his main incomes, but without the public, the hotel he invested more than four million yuan to build has become a burden instead.

Tao Tang is so dark?Ren Dao didn't quite believe it.He was wondering if there was a problem with that link.According to his experience, the so-called leaders are all dogs. If you throw a few bones, even if you don't look after your home, your tail will always wag.There was some kind of coincidence in the time when he came to seek to establish a relationship with Red Star and cut off the relationship with the private hotel. Intuitively, this result was caused by his visit that alarmed Tao Tang.But this is illogical, and there is no way to explain it. Could it be that Tao Tang didn't see the UnionPay card in the book?It seems that the old book with a green cover is what he is reading?Possibly, it would be much more arty to place a book in the living room.This is how to do?If he doesn't see the card, the logic will work. This is beating me. Why ask for money if there is no benefit?Yes, that might be it.

How to do it?The first feeling is to go to the small trick again and find a way to send that card out.He didn't know that Tao Tang had brought a group of people on a business trip. He went to Xiaozhao again at night, but he didn't see the seductive girl, but was blocked on the first floor by the hotel manager Wang Dabin with a bitter face, "Look for Mr. Tao." , not here, on a business trip."

"Going on a business trip? You didn't lie to me, did you?" Ren Dao didn't believe it.

He knew Wang Dabin, Wang Dabin must know him.When Song Yue was in charge of the family, he often came to Xiaozhao to see him.

"If you don't believe me, just wait." Wang Dabin entered the kitchen.

Son of a bitch!Ren Dao cursed in a low voice at Wang Dabin's back.How dare he treat Lao Tzu with this attitude back then?This incident stimulated Ren Dao, and he felt more and more the changes brought about by Tao Tang and the importance of establishing a relationship with Tao Tang.

Ren Dao can be regarded as a legend of Red Star.It only took ten years from an unknown painter to Ren's family, which is well-known in Hongxing.Back then, Ren Dao felt that he could not support his family with that little salary, so he resolutely bought out his seniority and resigned. At first, he planned to start a serious business.At first, he listened to the advice of his brother-in-law who was the director of the office of the Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Bureau, and engaged in the sale of seeds and fertilizers for a period of time, earning some money.But my brother-in-law was reported because of an internal struggle, and it took a lot of effort to settle the matter, but he still lost his post as the director of the Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Bureau.When his brother-in-law resigned, Ren Dao's business immediately failed, which caused him to suffer a little loss on his last transaction.

This incident educated Ren Dao, made him understand an important truth, and realized the trick of doing business.He gave up his original business and turned his attention to Red Star. Starting from the No. 10 branch factory where he worked, he only spent four cigarettes and four bottles of wine to win the branch director at that time, and obtained sporadic purchases for the No. 100 branch factory. that power.This was the beginning of his self-reliance.The branch factory has sporadic purchasing rights. From low-value consumables to various electrical components, there is always a monthly turnover of 200 to 800. He reached an agreement with the head of the ninth branch factory to allocate 1000% of the turnover to do Rebates, and then the green light all the way, he can invoice [-] yuan for [-] yuan, no one cares, let alone care.Then his heart became big, and he used the money he earned from Red Star to bribe Red Star's leaders, and continued to expand his business circle, selecting projects while extending, until he locked in waste recycling and sporadic repairs—he thought they were the best. Where the money comes.The purpose of running a hotel was to reduce his expenses. There were always leaders who invited him to dinner. When he went, he was always the one who paid the bill.In order to maintain the network, he must pay the money.My brother-in-law did some calculations for him, saying that you might as well build a hotel yourself, at least you can earn back the expenses.He took it for granted.So he spent almost all of his accumulated funds to buy several adjacent shops in the commercial street, and opened up the relationship with the property company to build the most luxurious Loncin Hotel at that time. Even now, as far as the hardware environment is concerned, his Loncin is in Red Star It is also a leader among the private hotels in the family area.What he didn't expect, the hotel became a cash cow, and it was very easy to bring in the relationship households he had established over the years. It was so pleasant to eat and drink with public funds, and it didn't matter if the food was expensive. No one noticed, and the drunken leaders didn't even look at it, signed and left with a swipe of a pen.The price he paid was to give some cigarettes and alcohol shopping cards to the leaders of related units during the holidays. Compared with the profits of the hotel, it was nothing worth mentioning.

In this way, while rapidly accumulating wealth, Ren Dao also established a formidable network of relationships, from the chairman of the Red Star to the real power section chief and staff member of the real power unit, all became his friends.With this network, his son who graduated from college was promoted from technician, deputy director of the workshop to deputy director of the branch factory in only six years. He also married a member of the party committee and the head of propaganda.Not only that, but with the funds he provided, he once helped his brother-in-law revive his official career (this point his brother-in-law seems to deny it), jumped out of the Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Bureau and joined the Environmental Protection Bureau, and was quickly promoted to the deputy director.

Relying on his brother-in-law's power, he further consolidated Red Star's network of relationships. Every time his brother-in-law led a team to inspect Red Star's environmental protection issues, it was an opportunity to strengthen Ren Dao's special status in Red Star.Even Zhou Bing begged him more than once to settle the "difficulties" of the Environmental Protection Agency.

Tao Tang is now going to cut off his important source of income, so how can it be?Ren Dao would never agree.He believed that not only him, but also the leaders who established relationships with him would not agree.

In the evening, Ren Lijuan, the daughter who works in the company's trade union, came back from her husband's house and told him the bad news that Tao Tang had given Guo Tao the bank card he had given him.

"Are you sure?" Ren Dao was taken aback.

"His father told me himself, can it still be fake? Dad, how much did you give Mr. Tao? Do people think you gave too little?"

"3. Isn't that too little? Why is he not on the road like this? What does it mean to give it to Guo Tao?"

"My father-in-law told you to be careful, this person is not easy to deal with..."

"Nonsense! What is difficult to deal with? I think he is shameless!" Ren Dao suddenly became angry, feeling that Tao Tang had insulted him.You said you don't want to return it, why did you hand it over to the Commission for Discipline Inspection?Is it good to spread the word?Grandma, are you sacrificing Lao Tzu for fame?

Ren Dao immediately called his brother-in-law.

(End of this chapter)

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