Revival Road

Chapter 90 Investigating Steel Pipe Plants

Chapter 90 Investigating Steel Pipe Plants

After the meeting ended, Liu Xinjun, who returned to the office, thought about it for a quarter of an hour before calling Lu Qi over.

"At the office meeting just now, we were given a matter. Mr. Tao intends to annex a steel pipe factory under Donghu Machinery...Director Lu, do you know about this?" Liu Xinjun stared at Lu Qi.

Lu Qi is not qualified to attend the general manager's office meeting. Tao Tang did tell her about it. It was more like a chat at the time, but Lu Qi didn't know what Tao Tang said at the meeting just now.Her mind is not slow, since Liu Xinjun asked this, it means that he didn't know that Tao Tang had told him.So she said, "No, I don't know."

"From Mr. Tao's introduction, this is a small factory with very little net assets. The main problems are personnel and market... I think we will go to this steel pipe factory to learn about it tomorrow. You should go too."

"I'm not in charge of this matter. Do you want Duan Hui to go with you?"

"Duan Hui's recent project is too tight...he just forget it. In the end, a report to the board of directors will be formed. You are better at this, so you should go. Now you can notify the labor, finance, supervision, marketing, maneuver Several families come to us for a meeting, oh, and the Political Research Office. The meeting will be held in a quarter of an hour."

"Okay. President Luo won't participate?"

"Not participating."

"Sorry, I was talking too much." Lu Qi turned around and went out to inform the meeting.

Liu Xinjun lit a cigarette and wrote a few lines in his notebook.Thinking about the upcoming business meeting.This was the first task Tao Tang entrusted to him, and it had to be done well without any mistakes.Fortunately, he had already understood Tao Tang's meaning, and the leader had already decided to take over the steel pipe factory, so it was easy.

Liu Xinjun always felt that Tao Tang had opinions on him, but he couldn't figure out where he had offended him.Because they didn't know each other in the past, and he didn't have any unpleasantness with Tao Tang's relatives, and since Tao Tang took over Red Star, he didn't have any troubles, so he really couldn't figure out what went wrong.

But the problem is real.He knew from experience that when you feel alienated from someone, the other person feels the same way.

The only possibility is Lu Qi.Lu Qi is Tao Tang's classmate, and Tao Tang attaches great importance to and trusts Lu Qi.If Lu Qi puts her own "black words" in front of Tao Tang, it will definitely arouse Tao Tang's dislike towards him... Recently he heard a rumor that Lu Qi went to Tao Tang's office at night, at least it shows that they are have connection.This is terrible. All principals are taboo to have direct contact between their deputy and their boss, but the boss prefers to go beyond the middle-level principal to find the deputy to understand and arrange things. This has almost become a rule.

Among his three lieutenants, the only one who shouldn't have any objection to him is Lu Qi.Usually, he values ​​and respects this female assistant, and he is more relaxed about the business management she is in charge of, giving her a lot of autonomy.Of course, the mess that Lu Qi was in charge of also made him feel at ease, and basically did not cause him any trouble.If Lu Qi speaks ill of him in front of Tao Tang, why?There can only be one explanation, that is, this woman is staring at her seat.

This is troublesome!If it is another situation, he has a way to solve it.But this doesn't work.How to do it?You must not touch Lu Qi, otherwise you will die faster!

This issue has been considered for a long time. If he has a considerable seat, he can "give up" the current chair, but he does not have a suitable position.

Originally, he had hoped to go further.Company leaders have rankings, and assistants also have rankings. In formal occasions, such as red-headed documents, there is always a fixed ranking.He is currently ranked second among assistants, only behind Li Meng in the research institute, and ahead of Liu Shulin.If nothing happened to Song Yue, after Zhou Bing and Jiang Shangyun abdicated, he should have hope to join the company's leadership team.Song Yue did express this meaning, for this reason, he "put rice" in Song Yue's big pot, but it was a pity that Song Yue was finished, and for a while he was very nervous, for fear that Song Yue would shake him out.But he knew that there were quite a few people in the company who were doing Song Yue's work, and their efforts would not be weaker than him, such as Yang Kaihe, director of the mobility department.In addition, as things stand, there are very few cases where the briber is held accountable, and he should be relatively safe.However, the hope of progress has temporarily disappeared, and all those hard-earned "rice" have been lost.Not only that, but now he has to think about the stability of the chair under his buttocks, which is really unlucky.

We must face up to the real crisis.Experience told him that the law of one emperor and one courtier has not failed.If Tao Tang wanted to be in charge of Red Star, he had to move a few people, and he had to be a big shot with weight, and a small shrimp like Quan Jianhe wasn't enough.In any case, I cannot be placed on the altar set up by Tao Tang to control power. He is not yet 50 years old this year, and he is not yet old enough to abdicate voluntarily.Humans are special animals that can only go up and down. It is an extremely difficult and painful transition from prying into the avenues of higher power to considering the safety of reality. He has lamented his fate many times. won the competition, where is the trouble now?Fortunately, even if the situation improves, my age will pass the limit, and there is no hope of progress.

Whenever he thought of these, he was in great pain.

Lu Qi came back and told him that all the leaders for the meeting had arrived.He nodded, picked up his notebook, and left his office.

As he expected, Liu Shulin and Li Jianguo did not come to the meeting, but sent their deputy.But Sheng Guangyun, whose position was no lower than his own, came in person.

Liu Xinjun only nodded to Sheng Guangyun, "Director Sheng is here, okay, let's have a meeting."

The meeting was very brief. Liu Xinjun conveyed the arrangement of the general manager's office meeting. There was no need to talk about the division of labor, because the division of labor among the units participating in this group was very clear. Find out the situation accurately and provide detailed data support for leadership decision-making.

He confirmed the departure time tomorrow, 08:30 am.

He arranged two things for Lu Qi. One was to ask for a car from the general manager's office, and the Passat from the regulatory department couldn't sit down.The second is to contact Donghu Machinery and ask the other party to prepare for counterpart reception.Then he asked Sheng Guangyun what instructions he had, and Sheng Guangyun shook his head.

So the meeting was adjourned, and everyone prepared separately.Ten minutes later, Lu Qi replied to Liu Xinjun that the car was needed, and the general manager's office arranged a minibus.Liu Xinjun and Sheng Guangyun were not at the level of Coster, so they could only arrange a domestic minibus——the marketing department came back with the hard-to-collect arrears.Donghu also made contact, and Tang Yiwei received him personally.

"Very good, thanks for your hard work. Sit down." Liu Xinjun stopped Lu Qi, "Director Lu, I've wanted to chat with you for a long time... Sit down." Liu Xinjun got up and closed the office door.

Lu Qi had no choice but to sit on the sofa.

"Director Lu, we have been working as a team for several years. Except for the formal democratic life meeting, we have never talked with you. You have supported and helped me a lot in my work, and I am very grateful..."

Liu Xinjun's attitude made Lu Qi a little puzzled, "Why do you say that? That's what I should do. If there is something dissatisfied with my work, you can criticize it."

"There is no dissatisfaction. Really. Even in front of Duan Hui and Gao Jiming, I said the same thing. These years, corporate management, especially the increasingly cumbersome responsibility system assessment, has been on your head. There is no criticism from above, but only to you. The affirmation of the work is also the affirmation of our unit. In our system, it is not easy not to be criticized, especially in our department. So I am very grateful... Lu Qi, I want to ask for your support for me Opinion, sincerity, any aspect is fine, you just say it directly. As a person, I usually don’t talk to my colleagues very much, and I know this shortcoming myself...I just want to hear your opinion on me today. "

"Assistant Liu, I really have no opinion..." Lu Qi really couldn't figure out why Liu Xinjun came here. "You are usually too busy. I may not report some things in time. It is my mistake..."

"No, I've already said, you've done a very good job. I sincerely seek advice on my work, so don't keep it."

"I really have no objection. You have rich experience, and you are tolerant. Everyone says that it's not just me. It's easy to work under's really good." What Lu Qi said is basically the truth, and Liu Xinjun really He is very tolerant towards his subordinates and rarely criticizes his subordinates.

"How can there be no opinion? You don't want to say it..." Liu Xinjun smiled, "Lu Qi, I have a feeling, not necessarily a fact, but just a feeling. I think Mr. Tao seems to be a little bit sympathetic towards our department and me. Opinion... You and Tao are always classmates, and you have more contact with work recently, do you know why?"

Lu Qi finally understood what Liu Xinjun meant, "Assistant Liu, it's true that Mr. Tao and I are classmates. He has indeed learned a lot about assessment recently, but he really didn't tell me what he thinks of you. I'm a Guaranteed! As for you saying Mr. Tao may have opinions about our unit, I don't feel it..."

Liu Xinjun stared at Lu Qi's calm gaze and shook his head, "That may be because I was worrying too much. I think this way. As the main management department of the company, the prerequisite for doing a good job is to accurately grasp the working ideas of the main leaders. For example, we Tomorrow's errand... If we don't know what the leader thinks, we may make mistakes. Lu Qi, let me tell you the truth, I admire Mr. Tao very much. A role model to learn from. If Mr. Tao has any opinions on my work, I hope you will not hold back and remind me in time. Speaking of which, I have served several leaders, and now I feel that I am not able to do it..."

"Assistant Liu, if Mr. Tao talks about our lack of work, I will definitely report to you in time."

"I have an idea, I don't know if it is suitable... In order to meet the company's development needs and your future, I would like to suggest to Mr. Tao that we split up the business of the Planning Department and set up a new department in charge of corporate management. , of course you are at the helm. You know, we used to have a dedicated enterprise management department, but Mr. Liang canceled it and merged it into the planning department at that time, making it what it is now. I basically don’t care about management. In terms of corporate management, just projects and foreign investment are enough for me to toss, and I feel that I have not managed it well. After the split, it will be better for me and you. The organization and responsibilities are in our hands, so it is not out of line to raise this opinion. I I feel that Mr. Tao pays more attention to the assessment... What do you think?"

Lu Qi was taken aback.She didn't even disclose Tao Tang's idea of ​​setting up an economic operation department to Lao Fan, so Tao Tang didn't seem to talk about it with Liu Xinjun, did he?Liu Xinjun actually guessed Mr. Tao's thoughts, it's really scary...

"Assistant Liu, you think highly of me. It's already very difficult for me to do some specific work under you. How can I have the ability to be independent? Besides, the reason why the enterprise management department was merged into the planning department was because the planning department was As the leading department of the company's management, mastering the assessment power is conducive to the advancement of key tasks. So I don't think splitting is a good idea."

"One moment and another moment. It may be appropriate at that time, but it may not be now. I will find an opportunity to suggest this matter to Mr. Tao, and the decision rests with Mr. Tao... Don't tell anyone what I think... Lu Qi, I do this more for you."

"Thank you for the leadership's kindness. But as I said just now, it is already very difficult for me to be a deputy. Letting me alone can only discredit you. You should not mention this idea... lest the leadership treat you I have an idea..." Lu Qi said these words against her will.It is a big hurdle to be promoted from a deputy to an administrative position in Red Star. The difficulty is much greater than that of the department. Nine is done.But out of instinct, Lu Qi absolutely could not agree with Liu Xinjun's suggestion.

"Okay, let's not talk about this. You can't rely on them when you go to East Lake tomorrow. You have to pay attention to the relevant data, especially assets, liabilities, personnel and the market. You must personally grasp the relevant data. Among them, the estimated market capacity is the most important Yes, didn’t Zuo Yun go to marketing, you follow her and figure it out for yourself. Get a copy of the materials after you come back, of course your position is to agree with this merger. It feels like we are not at a disadvantage.”

"I understand. Do your best." Lu Qi stood up, "If there is nothing else, I will go back."

Liu Xinjun nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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